26 Butterfly

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream




Light. Light. Tipitap. Tipitap.


The sounds of her footstep hitting the pavement are like the steady beats out of a percussion box. Add a hum and it’s a beautiful tune evoking warmth of a day.


If you only listen to the footfalls and the gentle hum, the image is that of a garden in bloom. An early morning stroll in a pathway full of flowers accompanied by the warmth of the rising sun but that is far from where she is right now.


Here she is surrounded by buildings in the middle of a bustling street, not full but still busy, in the midst of people rushing in and going everywhere and nowhere– most to their home, a few to their work and some for a quick snack, just like her. 


So much unlike the image conjured by her hum and her steady footsteps, there is neither warmth nor flowery road. It’s dark and cold. Her body is warmed only by the padded coat she recently bought. It’s already November and in Korea it does feel a lot colder than how she remembers it. Count a few more days here and there and first snow will probably graced them by. Nonetheless, she still walks with that light footstep like the world is light and bright.


For each step she takes it reminds one of the slow fluttering wings of a butterfly.   


She stop a few blocks in and look up to the sign, trying her best to breathe through the mask, checking if she has come to the right place. She was about to step inside when she felt something or more like someone lunging to her, short of getting tackled.


Would have been quite scary experience if not for the fact the hug and the warmth is something very familiar. If she could describe it in simple terms, this is more like your dog saw you and decided to jump full steam ahead to you.


“NAKO-UNNIE!!!”, the much taller girl energetically muttered, hugging her and almost lifting her off the ground. She reminds you of a dog, a big one at that. Nako ruffled her hair which she barely reach with their height difference.


Such a good kid she said to herself. Sometimes it’s hard not to treat Ahn Yujin like a giant pup, when she acts exactly like one. Complete with the closed eyes, dimple showing, happy content smile that is plastered on her face.  


“Unnie, I’m hungry let’s go.” The big pup of a kid whined putting her chin over her head. Nako always find this very cute; no wonder their resident 99’rs treasure the kid with all their heart.


The girl is wearing a similar brand padded coat, opened, over her white practice shirt and school issued training pants. In contrast to Nako, who is clad in same padded coat but is wrapped like a burrito with her hands inside its pocket, reeling in from the cold. The additional facemask does not help her state.


Seeing how cold the much smaller but older girl is, Yujin rummage her pocket for something.


“Here, unnie. heheheh.”  She said. She pulls her unnie’s hand out of the pocket of the padded coat and giving her, her pocket warmer.


The older look to it, confuse at first, but very thankful. She forgot to buy one for herself. The younger girl took her other arm, holding her by the wrist and guiding her to the place they are set to eat.


Nako is fascinated by this gap. At a blink of an eye the seemingly hyper puppy in need of attention is now a cool and chic girl – very much growing before their eyes. Too bad the kid put her heart in a place that can hardly be returned. It was one of the reasons she took it upon herself to take care of her but at this moment it seems like the other way around. Her face is exactly that sweatdrop emoji upon the realization of what is happening.


The warmth coming from the place is a welcome change, it’s not warm that is annoying – it’s the kind of heat you expect out of a restaurant catered for grilling.


“Yas!!! Gopchang.” The hyper puppy shout, making Nako giggle at again another sudden switch.


The younger pat the seat on her right side, Nako heed and sat comfortably. Gopchang have been a hot topic since she arrive in Korea though she have tasted it a few times at the apartment courtesy of Chayeon, she have not truly immersed in the experience of eating one, the way she saw on screen.


Today though, she gets to eat grilled gopchang with her friends…if she can call them that at this point. The combination to say the least is odd, adds the fact that she is the eldest and Yujin was not even the youngest. Yes odd, she said to herself nodding.


“Should we order now?” The young pup.. Ahn Yujin, the tall cute kid beside her innocently asks. She opens her eyes, to see the younger girl with her head slump over the table looking to her pleadingly. There is definitely an “I’m really hungry” look paired with pleading eyes that could battle that of the orange cat in Shrek.


She gestured a thumbs up and ok sign to her, coupling it with a nod. As much as she wants to match the energy of the younger, she is just somewhat tired.


“Three? Then let’s get fried rice... some stew…maybe.” the younger recounted, Nako just quietly observe her.


Yujin is seriously considering what kind of stew she should get, and if two orders of fried rice will suffice for three people ‘till she suddenly remember there are only two of them there.


“Where is is chibi-chi? I thought the two of you are in same company?”


“Haeun? She said she needs to get something and ask me to go ahead. She will be here soon I hope.” Nako answered with very little energy. “Go ahead and get three.” She added.


Yujin noted this but keeps it to herself for the time being. After she gave their orders to the waiter who approaches their table, she focused her attention back to her unnie. 


Her unnie is like a small animal – if she ever where ask to describe her thats what she will say. She likes to compare her to a bird, a small, cute bird, something like a sparrow. Inside that small frame is the fiercest yet also the calmest and most caring person she has known. 


She leaned forward to the table, put the side of her head over her palm to watch over her unnie who has her eyes closed, trying to snatch some nap. She put her other hand over the said girl’s forehead, brushing over her fringe. She tried to feel if the older girl’s temperature is out of normal range, thankfully it is not. Nako gently opened her eyes and slowly fully removed her facemask to reveal a smile curled on her lips.


“I’m fine, Yujinie. I’m just a bit tired.” Nako waved her hand to the younger.


Yujin once again smiled back with those adorable dimples of her, Nako brushes her hair and the younger leaned melted to her hand.


The younger by all counts is sweet and caring. Looking after her is never a burden. It may have started as a way to make sure her friend ,Hitomi , will be able to love without much regret but helping someone like Yujin as she learns what it means to love and move on is all on her own volition. She does it because she wants to. She finds it enjoyable. Yujin is short of being her big tall younger sister.


She does it too because maybe she needs it too. Having a kindred spirit in same fate, someone who you know can understand you as they have experience something similar. Their… her goal is to be able to face her feelings and hopefully move-on and helping someone along the way is not that bad of an idea.


“Is training hard, unnie?” Yujin ask concern reflected on those beautiful eyes of hers.


“Yes.” Though she is trying to rest, Nako indulge the curious puppy.  “But I’m happy, it’s fun too and beside this is all I wish for.” She let out a sigh and pokes the younger dimple, locking her eyes to her.


Her Korean getting better and better to the point that you would think she has been in the country for a long time but nope it’s nearly just been around four months. It was just a week ago when she got accepted in an artist agency – one step closer to her dream.  




A loud bang called their attention, breaking their impromptu staring contest.


They look at the cause of it. At the table is a hand, they look up and there stand the angry muffin roll they now call their friend – looking serious and equally adorable.


The newly arrived tried her best to contain her laughter, greatly fascinated by how synchronized the other two is. She could not hold it any longer and she cackled. Whatever that is they are doing it does hit her funny bone and she could not explain it. She hits the table with her fist and bending over due to laughter, while her friends look very confused. 


“You - two are staring at each other so intensely… I would think you’re into each other.” She hits the table with her hand, laughing. “You move like you just function on one same braincell.” She continued still cackling.


Nako and Yujin then look to each other again, and then look back to the newly arrived girl with face painted of fake disgust and offence at what she just implied.


“Yah! Chib Chib why are you late?” Yujin growled to her. Haeun just grinned back.


“Im not Chib!” Haeun hissed back, rolling her eyes, their interaction is almost the same as when they are at school but is also a lot warmer.


“Look, Unnie here, is shorter than me.” She said pointing her hand to the smaller girl beside Yujin.


“Yah! Haeun-ah watch your mouth!” The smaller girl balled up her fist and mock hit her.


“ahahha, Nako-unnie you don’t look very scary at all.” Yujin chuckled ruffling her unnie’s hair.


In the middle of their teasing the side-dishes where one by one served. Lettuce and radish wrap, chives, kimchi, pickled radish and uncooked egg where laid down on the table. Later the main star arrived three orders of gopchang and fried rice. For drinks they went for soda – it was sprite for Nako much to the other girl’s teasing.


They truly are indulging themselves today. Their resident puppy is craving and they just made an excuse that this is officially the first serious meeting of Club Falling for Brick Walls aka Sufferer of Unrequited Love. Basically just a fun support group for their somewhat broken but somewhat hopeful and halfway almost giving up hearts.


Going back to it, the club foundation meeting is a mess; it is more teasing, more chiding and a lot of eye rolling and facepalming. Haeun even shaded their oldest that she only founded the group for her own amusement, which Nako - herself admitted without much contest.  After so much banters and getting over that awkward phase, they eventually opened up to each other, in between tears and laugh and disbelief they all come into conclusion that yeah talking to someone in same situation might be good afterall.


That was three weeks ago, after that they mostly talk in their group chat. It is there that Haeun convince Nako to try the audition call in her company. Haeun herself was just a new trainee too; she auditioned after losing a bet with her bestfriend and her dance skill get her an immediate nod.


The club foundation meeting was such a funny memory.  


“So, how are we?” The girl dubbed as chibi dictator inquired. She cracked an egg on the side of grill.


“hmmm.” Yujin hummed putting in chives on the side and a good portion of beef intestines. “Why are we here boss?”


“Why…boss?” Nako side eyed the tall girl, baffled.  The younger girl just shrugged her shoulders to indicate that the reason is very obvious.


Nako sighed and checked if there is already cooked gopchang. “I thought you’re craving gopchang?”


“So are we just here to eat?” The youngest took a bite of kimchi.  


“Ofcourse not!” Yujin quickly replied, folding her arms across her chest. She then looks at the older girl besides her waiting for her to say anything.  


“Updates… maybe.” Nako shrugged her shoulder as she picks up a piece of gopchang out of the grill.


The two youngest both look at her and simultaneously muttered, “Sprite…”, “Boss.”  


Nako stared at them, she scratches the back of her head. “Really! Why are you calling me boss?”


She took in another piece while she thinks of what to say. This is more awkward than she imagines it.


Yujin huffed. “Honestly, what’s up with Eunbi-unnie?” she puts in gopchang pieces on the lettuce wrap.    


“Like I have any idea.” Nako rolled her eyes.


“You? Among anyone of us, you are probably the one who know the most about her.” Yujin tried to say while gobbling the lettuce wrapped gopchang.


“Me? I think Hyewon-unnie takes the cake on that one.” Nako chucked, putting in more pieces of intestine into grill.


“Pfft takes the cake.. that’s perfect for her… but seriously what’s up?”  Yujin chuckled at the choice of word. Yeah, taking the cake is literally what their Hyewon-unnie would do.


“Again I have no idea other than she is stressed trying to distress by filming herself baking.” Nako sighed, if she could help she would have. All she knows is

something is causing her beloved unnie stress but she is well aware that it’s far from something she could grasp.


Seeing as the older was not very comfortable in sharing, Yujin change the topic and redirected it to the youngest, who is right now is peacefully gobbling gopchang.


“Chib-chib, manager’s cakes are really good. You should visit us more often.” Yujin pointed her chopstick to youngest member of their club.


“You want me to die!?” Haeun eyes widened and she lost grip of her chopsticks.


“How are you gonna die? It’s not like you don’t see her everyday.” Yujin chuckled.    


“You know how she tr…treats me like an all-in-one headrest, armrest, teddy bear…, it’s too much.” Haeun mumbled nervously. She tried to pick up her chopstick, but

was just too much of a nervous wreck that she fumbled several times, causing both Yujin and Nako to laugh at her misfortune.


“At least you still have chance.” Yujin scoffed.


Between the three of them Haeun have the highest chance with her crush. Nako have already been rejected, Yujin have the object of her affection fall in love with someone else.


“Ey!!!” Nako chimed in, stuffing Yujin’s mouth with the gopchang she just wrapped, preventing her on talking further.


“Can’t blame you… You’re really trying to avoid her nowadays. Huh.” Nako took another gopchang piece out of the grill.  


A packet of silence passes by and Yujin tried to say something in return. Nako bit her tongue for her apparent miscalculation. She sighed. “I can’t blame you, but Hii-chan is very concerned, Minjoo too, especially.”


Nako’s primary goal remains the same; it is for Hitomi to not feel guilty for taking her chance,  her second goal is for Yujin to not feel that much regret on being late in taking her chance. The world most of the time revolve around timing.  


“If she is concerned then.…” Yujin took a deep breath, trying to keep the annoyance to herself.  


Nako patted her head and ruffled her hair. Yujin look to her unnie, tears knocking down her eyes – which the smaller girl wipes with her finger. Yujin leaned on her hand like a pup getting some well deserve petting.  


Nako smiled at her action. “It’s not their fault or your fault, ok.”


The younger girl pouts, giving Nako the urge to scratch her chin which she did with no hesitation. If they have someone who resembles a duck down to personality, Yujin is definitely a dog down to some of her mannerism. She is such an innocent soul.


The youngest can’t help but joined in messing the puppy’s hair, “This puppy.”


“Yah Yahhh!” Yujin growled to them.


Hauen is having a laughing fits at the fact she has been able to mess with the Prince of East Starship’s hair, when her phone buzzed and it lit up.


“Wonyoung?” she whispered, her brows furrowed causing the two girls sitting opposite of her look at her curiously.


“Haeun-ah?” The eldest ask.


 “Wonyoung is saying she saw us?” The youngest look around, trying to spot a giant bunny.


“Ehhhhh….” Nako is equally surprised and look around as well, Yujin join them too. Their eyes suddenly stuck at the glass pane of the store. There, Wonyoung is standing leaning her hands on the glass wall looking intently at them.


They blink several times at the sudden appearance of the giant baby bunny. They look at each other just to confirm, then they slowly turn back to the spot where Wonyoung is and … she is gone.


Nako almost choked on her food, Yujin kindly pat her back while Haeun is the definition of stupefied. She sat there not moving, not blinking, a robot in need of reboot. It’s not like she was not around Wonyo a lot, she is – for every class they take, to lunch but for most of the time she is saved by their playful bestfriends that keeps flirting and playing in front of them, save by the dynamic they have set. Here though there are no such guidelines and if she wants to function properly she need to quickly set one, just for the sake of her heart.


For when it started - she can’t answer, for why – she can’t explain. It just happened from being a caring friend she graduated to having a crush and for the sake of friendship, of that holy tie that hold them together it will take more than a highway for her to confess. For all she knows this could pass, evaporating like water on the ground turning to nothing but air. 


Before she could get herself back to functioning, she felt arms resting over her head.


“What is this meeting? Why am I not invited!?” The cute giant bunny pouts, jokingly being bitter about the situation.


“Haeun-ah?” The girl just could not leave her bestfriend heart in peace. She backhug the youngest and poke her cheeks much to the scare of her beating heart and reddening face.


Poor Haeun and her tumbling heart and the disturb kaleidoscope of butterflies in her stomach. For all its worth – her ability to breathe has seemingly been taken away. What can she do? One glance at her bestfriend, who is the definition of what born to be an idol is, make her forgot to breathe.  


Both Nako and Yujin observed her with their mouth agape. They are in between wanting to laugh at her reaction and praying for her soul – they can’t decide so they just stared, dumbfounded while eating pieces of gopchang.


“F”, Yujin mumbled not loud but enough for her seatmate to hear.


The smaller girl elbowed her, “What?”


“Press F… to pay respect…” Yujin whispered, bringing in her hand up like she is blessing a departed soul.


Nako look curiously to her and was about to ask when Yujin added. “It’s from a game unnie. It’s a meme.”


“Ah. But we don’t have anything to press.” Nako whispered.


“Just say it.” Yujin whispered back at that point the smaller girl just chuckles and say the letter, “F”. 


An F for Lee Haeun, who is right now asking them help with her puppy eyes. Yujin and Nako giggled once Wonyoung, who comfortably took the seat beside her, put her head on the youngest shoulder.


While waiting for Wonyoung’s order, they started eating again. They don’t mind the new addition. They would not be able to talk about their hearts but the hilarity of the situation more than makes up for it.


“Yujinie, get me that.” Nako points to the grilled gopchang pieces that are far from her side.


Yujin kindly picks it for her, “here” she said lifting up her chopstick to her unnies lips.  Nako look up to her confused but Yujin motioned. “Eat it, unnie.”


Nako can’t do anything but to give in and follow what the taller girl asks of her and that is to eat the gopchang straight out of the other girl’s chopstick.


Wonyoung looks to them astounded. When? Is the question that runs inside her head. When did they become close? And why does Yujin looks like the perfect date for her unnie. It both makes her want to cheer and puke at the same time. Same reaction she have when Eunbin and  Damin do their overly cheesy actions.


Yujin continue to eat like she did not do anything that can be misinterpreted. She stuffs with the gopchang. Feeling that the giant bunny is staring to her, she raised her eyebrows and innocently asks, “Why? - you want to?”


Wonyoung awkwardly waves her.  “When did you guys gotten closer?” She picks up her chopstick and continued. “Nako-unnie and Haeun ill understand. But Nako and Yujin.. I can get but all – yujinunnie, haeunie…”  She holds her head thinking about scenarios how three people who only have a tiny thread connecting each other have gotten close to each other.


“It just happened, don’t over think about it giant bunny.” Yujin smirked.  


Wonyoung glared to her, she holds her chopstick like a knife ready to stab the puppy. What all that did? It only made Yujin to stick her tongue out, enjoying her reaction.


Nako and Haeun cackled at the two bantering fools.


Wonyoung sighs and instead turns her attention to her best friend “Haeunnie~” she whined to her, making the youngest heart to panic.


Yujin smiled and happily continue to stuff herself with wrap gopchang. She would be lying if she say that her favorite unnie’s line of “Food makes everything good” is nonsense, because damn well delicious food lifts up your spirit faster than most other thing.


“Yujinnie-” Nako called to her, quickly picking up tissue. “Are you that hungry? or you just crave for gophang that much?” She wipes the side of the younger girl’s lips. “You’re making a mess.”


Wonyoung cackled. Yujin looks to her like a shock hamster with her cheeks full of food.


The giant bunny just continued to laugh. She eventually put her elbow over her bestfriends head who is busy eating fried rice in peace.  Haeun have indecipherable expression on her face that made Yujin chuckle. Wonyoung then poke her cheeks and lean on her, this made Yujin giggle further.


The puppy did the same to Nako as if it’s a contest between the giants on who can make a better armrest out of their smaller friends.


“Yujinn!!!” Nako hissed, it was only met with laughter.


On the opposite side there is Haeun who is cutely whining to Wonyoung and getting her cheeks pinch in the process.


Yujin was about to do the same but her hand got swatted by a hissing Nako. The puppy just chuckle, she is happy, very happy –having so much fun.


“Tehehe try this unnie this is good.” She jokingly shoved a cabbage wrap gopchang with chives to Nako.  


The eldest glared to her but ate it nonetheless.


Her Nako-unnie is really like a small animal, a bird like she said earlier but sometimes Yujin is reminded of a more delicate but very aesthetic animal instead - a butterfly. She can’t understand why, maybe it is just that the eldest has sort of elegant flair to her. Yes that’s it. You are wise , Yujinie , wise.  


Whatever was that Yujinie doing is so – the tall short haired girl is nodding all knowingly and brushing an imaginary beard – Wonyoung is eyeing and looking at her suspiciously. 


Not the one to lose, Wonyoung did what Yujin just did and tried to feed Haeun. Cat knows, save that child soul, she is too mesmerized over her friend that she could not say no.


A triumphant smile formed on her lips after she did. That just weirded  the youngest girl out, she look at her unnie on the opposite side who is asking her if she is fine she just nod.


“Yujin-unnie is surprisingly caring and gentle.” Wonyoung mutter as she cutely picks of chives and gopchang out of the grill.  


“I’m always caring..” The tall puppy replied her tone is somewhat disappointed. She has always been caring and reliable, isn’t she.


“How should I explain it? It’s a bit different.” The bunny like girl tilted her head.


“How?” The slightly older girl raised her eyebrows.


“When you are with Minjoo-unnie , you act more like… hmmm. You act like a puppy who needs to be taken care of. To me and Haeunie you mostly just annoy us.” Wonyoung crossed her arms.  


“Geez.. I already told you.“ Yujin rolled her eyes.


“Yeah…right – but with Nako-unnie you’ve been a mix of annoying, caring and puppy in need of attention… but it’s a bit different, calmer? gentle?”, Wonyoung recounted.


“No Wonyoung, I don’t know what you are insinuating but Yujinie is just an annoying brat.” Nako chided.


“Me .. unnie.” Yujin looks to her with puppy eyes.


Nako chuckle and patted her head. “Not really, you’re always a warm person that needs some attention.” Nako cup her face, gently squeezing her cheeks. It’s amazing how Yujin’s more calmer self is as adorable as her more hyperactive side.


“Nako-unnie is my fave unnie now.” Yujin declared proudly.


“How about Yena, Hyewon or Minjoo unnie? ” Wonyoung pointed.  


“It’s different, right now Nako-unnie is my fave unnie!” Yujin scoffed.


“Ahn-puppy has chosen a new owner.” Haeun laughs.


“Yah! Chib chib.” Yujin squeezes Haeun’s face causing the other two to laugh.


They had fun; they almost forgot that three of them are still middle schoolers and have curfews. When gopchang have been finally depleted and Ahn Daeng Daeng’s craving filled, they decided it’s time to go.  


Yujin’s put her arm around Haeun shoudler teases her. Just like how it used to be, Yujin greatly respect the girl she most often calls the Chibi dictator.


“How is unnie and Wonyoungie with their training?” She whispers, while she rummages the inner pocket of her padded coat.


“They are doing well. Nako unnie is really good at following choreography.”  Haeun put her hands inside the packet of her parka.


“That’s good, Wonyoung seems to be doing well. Nako-unnie looks tired.” Yujin put up a snapback over her head.


“She is working hard.” Haeun muttered looking to their unnie who is walking beside Wonyoung.


Yujin tip her cap, “Unnie looks strong but there is something about her that makes you want to protect, right. At the same time she probably has enough strength to throw you to the wall.” She sneezes.


Wonyoung and Nako turn to her out of concern.


“Yujinie are you ok?” Nako runs to her quickly pulling the pocket warmer the younger gave to her earlier, and giving it back. She even zips her padded jacket and now like her, Yujin looks like a burrito.


“Unnie.” Yujin whined.


“No, take it. You need it – I don’t want you catching cold.”  Nako insist.


“I look like burrito.” Yujin chuckled; she pulled down the zipper of her coat a bit.


With how they all look like now, the only one who looks remotely fashionable is Wonyoung in her khaki trench coat.


Wonyoung quietly smile on how Yujin does not seem to want to accept the kind of care and attention she is being given by their small but adorable unnie. She is like a kid getting called on her bluff but still insisting otherwise.


Wonyoung tap Yujin’s cap, “Hey, this cap?”


Yujin grinned. “Yep this is the one you gave me, it looks good on me right.”


The baby bunny rolled her eyes. ”Don’t flatter yourself.”  


She then took Nako’s hand. “Unnie don’t worry about that puppy. Her immune system is made out of bricks. That will not make her sick.” she grinned and started pulling Nako away. “Lets go Unnie.”


“Don’t steal my unnie!” Yujin shouted much to the other disbelief.  


She runs towards them laughing, stealing back her tiny unnie and carrying her by putting her arm on her waist, like she is carrying a log or something.  It happened so fast Nako couldn’t even react.


Haeun run after them laughing. Wonyoung is equally amused and tried to do the same to Haeun. Thanks cat that the chibi dictator manage to prevent it, in the end Wonyoung pulled her by the wrist as they run after the older girls.


“Yujinie!!! Let me down! You stinky puppy!” Nako flails, while Yujin just laugh.


“Wonyoungie, help me!!!” She asks the bunny like girl running after them.


In the end Nako gives up and let the youngster have some fun… at her expense. She is having fun too – it’s a bit to say she was not hurt when Eunbi told her she will forever see her as her baby. It hurts, it stings, she still likes the older girl– It just how the heart goes, and sometimes you just can’t help to whom it beats.


Today though, it’s tiring – but it’s fun. She is on the door of her dream and moving on slowly. Tonight she had fun alongside her friends. She will move on, they will move on. It is a start. Her wings are fresh – she will fly, wings will flutter elegantly like a butterfly.


To put it simply today she can say she is at the heel of a new beginning. Even if today is cold and she needed padded jacket and pocket warmer to stay warm. Today feels like she in a park, full of flowers, playing with her friends – hoping elegantly – flowers to flowers.


Chuckles, laughter, and giggles filled the air. They run like children, they are in-fact children, young, somewhat reckless, inexperience but slowly learning.  The wind maybe cold, the impending winter is upon them but deep within their hearts there is warmth.


They will one day grow too, Nako wishes that when that time comes she hopes to not forget the silliness of today. Just for the heck of it, this memory brings her smile. She had fun.




Sorry for the very late update. this took me longer to write... sometimes it just that things are slow. I was with fam last last weekend and needed and could not write. Also the concert took my attention (getting updates and listening... lol)

  • For chapter connects to ealier chapters ^-^, i hope you see those pieces.  
  • I finally manage to properly bring Haeun back. 
  • I hope i manage to portray the interaction i want to portray. 
  • They are still young, this group I want them to grow and develop as people first - they will probably be the group with the longest payoff. 
  • I use butterfly as theme and learned that a group of them is called kaleidoscope - maybe i should use that as theme for the future. This chapter is a transition, growing and playfulness. [which all are part of butterfly symbolism] 
  • Yes Nako now is officially a trainee - note in a different company to Wonyo and Yuri. 
  • Dream team is progressing :3
  • Next chapter (27)- i recheck some dates, and next one is an update to Hyewon [it will make sense when you know the date i set it up] 
  • After that we get a whole (28) Chaekkura [finally]  [this two switch places because when i check certain event and the date they fall in. The event for Hyewon took place earlier than the event I need for Sakura]  

Thank you, once again sorry for being late. 
PS, I tried to make this sorta more fun - while retaining my naration.  


Ill update with sketch tomorrow. 

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Thank you!
Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??