3 Just Your Everyday Lunch

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Just Your Everyday Lunch


An hour after the commotion was settled. Eunbi is now lying on her bed – with her luggage open and her stuff yet to be organized. Gathering her thought on the matter at hand, with what happened earlier she now has basic understanding of the relationship of those in the apartment. She still not sure but by the looks of it, it seems all of those in the apartment get along well with each other.


“Chaeyeon, princess girl… Chae .. Chaewon” She starts recounting trying to memorize their name and faces.

“Hyewon, the weird one and the duck looking one who is that again? Yena? That’s four now.” She continued while counting the number of tenants she met.

 “Then there is Minjoo and Yujin, six. Did I forget someone? Five plus Chaeyeon…six? I think I got them all.” She finished her thought and cross her arm in satisfaction.


She has barely any clue how to start managing the place. She was not properly brief by her grandmother on the things she do and what she offers to the tenants outside of the basic. Her grandmother was too happy and giddy to take a vacation and she has no heart to further inquire.


Eunbi decided to stand and roam around the place. For starters she can ask Chaeyeon. She left her room there she saw Chaeyeon preparing something for lunch. There are some eggrolls ready and the girl is currently making kimchi fried rice.  She then remembers the pocket notebook that Chaeyeon gave her. She went back to quickly get it.


“Can I help you?” She asked as she sat near the kitchen table.


“No need, Unnie” the girl replied.


“Are you sure?” as Eunbi stand and walk closer to the girl to observe. As she stand behind her that’s when she realizes the girl is taller than her. She is too pre-occupied earlier to notice this detail. Chaeyeon suddenly turn around and is now face to face with her, it gave her heart a shock.


“Unnie, there are some left over gimbap from this morning at counter over there. Can you get it for me? I’ll prepare the side dishes after this. ” Chaeyeon said while pointing at stack of plastic containers that contains the left over gimbap.


Eunbi followed and fetch the containers and prepared them at the other table, the kitchen area has two tables. She looks around and scans the place. The first floor is quite spacious, if you enter by the front door the left side is the kitchen and dining area. Further back from that is the laundry room on its right there is the manager’s – her room that sits almost exactly across the front door. On its right just beside the stairs is the makeshift manager’s office and under the stairs is the cleaning equipment storage.  On the left of the kitchen is the common room, well it looks like your typical living room with sofas and a TV set.  


After setting the gimbap on the table, Eunbi opened the notebook that Chaeyeon gave her while the other girl is busy preparing the side dishes.


She reads its content;

Room 201 - Vacant

Room 202 – Kim Chaewon

  • Chaewon is reserved; she likes Hyewon Unnie a lot.
  • I was told the two of them came here together.  They were here before me.
  • She is the same age as I am? She looked like she accomplished a lot already.
  • Likes mint chocolate ice cream. I wonder why – it taste like toothpaste.
  • She does not seem very picky but she does not eat that much as well. Just enough.


Eunbi chuckled at the taste like toothpaste line that Chaeyeon wrote; she is not particularly fond of that flavor aswell. 


“Ah, Unnie – you are reading that?” Chaeyeon inquired with a slightly flustered and embarrassed look. She is now setting the dishes on the table.


“You worked hard preparing this for me; I might as well read it.” Eunbi told the younger while flashing a beautiful wide smile – it sent Chaeyeon’s heart to do back flips.


“Mind if I help you?” She added still flashing those beautiful smiles –Chaeyeon’s thoughts are sent into disarray. You see the girl is weak to girls with beautiful smile plus points to someone looking like an Idol.


“I..I don’t mind.” Chaeyeon replied flustered.  With that Eunbi help setting up the table.


“I message them a few minutes ago; they should be coming down now.” Chaeyeon stated, in the back of her mind thanking technology for existing.


“If it’s ok to you, can you join our group chat later?” She added with lingering bits of nervousness and tentativeness. Is it ok to ask her apartment manager and essentially her boss in such a friendly manner?


 “Chaeyeon-ya~~~” A voice said in that sweet unintentional aegyo, breaking Chaeyeon thoughts. It has the right amount of jolt needed to set her brain back to normal. Behind that voice is the girl named Hyewon.


“What’s for lunch? You should have called us, so we could’ve help you prepare.” She added putting her arms around Chaeyeon, trying to hug the younger girl.


“Hyung, you are just going to eat everything and there’ll be nothing left for us before you even finish preparing.” Chaeyeon replied matter-of-factly while putting her palm in the other’s face playfully pushing the other girl away.


“Chaeyeon – ah! I don’t eat that much.” Hyewon rebutted, pursing her lips, it sound harsh but still cute.


Chaeyeon then laughs, the most infectious laugh Eunbi heard. She is getting the feeling that she can get along with Hyewon despite her initial impression of her being weird.


“You do! You do eat that much. Unnie.” Chaeyeon added while still laughing at the frowning Hyewon.


“I don’t.” Hyewon grumbled.


“But I do love food.” She added grinning.


“What we have? kimchi fried rice, Unnie – seasoned bean sprout, stir fried cucumber, some egg rolls and leftover gimbap.” Proudly recounted Chaeyeon stating every dish she prepared for lunch.


“That’s for lunch, is that enough for Hyung?” She added playfully questioning Hyewon while poking the older cheeks.  


“hmmmm…” Hyewon murmured while her lips looking at the dishes on the table.


“I ordered chicken.” She blankly stated looking at Chaeyeon with those wide eyes and an expression similar to someone who saw a ghost. It’s somewhat amusing.


“Hyung, you really are…” Chaeyeon replied. She is a bit shock but not surprise, there is a difference. Chaeyeon is still shock at Hyewon’s love and appetite for food but she is not surprise that the girl will, out of the blue, order chicken.    


Eunbi just observe their interaction, Hyewon who just an hour earlier seems to be the cause of everyone’s panic, gives her warm and fuzzy feeling though she might need to look out for those hugs and skinship the girl seems to freely give.  


Hyewon took notice of Eunbi observing them, she then grab Eunbi’s hands across the table and clasp them putting her face as close as she can from her position.


“Unnie, you are my friend now, right?” She asked, or more like stated while looking like an angel with her damn beautiful eyes, perfect eyelashes and innocent aura. There is certainly no “No” in the option its Yes or Yes.


“It’s Kang Hyewon. Hyewon – they just call me that. Kang-chan is fine too.” She added in this soft voice while tilting her head, from an angel she is now like a very cute tiny hamster.


“Just don’t call me Hyung or Kwangbae. Please…” She continued pleading and pouting making Eunbi more and more bewildered at the girl’s action.


When you first see Hyewon you think she is shy. Not the kind that will make first move to befriend someone but yet here she is doing the exact opposite. She is a book where the cover does not prepare you for the content.


“Tha.. Thank you… I will ~ I mean I am your friend, Hyewon-ah.” Eunbi answered after finally managing to compose some words to say. 


“Yeyy!!!” Hyewon exclaimed – that send shock wave to Eunbi and Chaeyeon. Hyewon is one surprising kid for sure.


“Hyewon-ah, how do you know I am older than you?” Eunbi asked.


“Ma...ma...manager grandma told me she has a granddaughter older than me, I told her I want to meet her-you. She said she get you here soon.” Hyewon stated in a low voice as if she is ashamed of something.  


“Wait… wait… You know!?” Chaeyeon butted in, shocked after trying to hide that fact for fear of the older getting upset, she knew all along!? About Grandma!? About Eunbi!?


Ok she have been used to getting surprised by this angel of an unnie she has, she thought she was used to it but nope there is more and probably more in the future to come.


“I know… I’m no fool Chaeyeon.. I’m still your unnie.” Hyewon said while looking at Chaeyeon with questioning eyes as if silently saying “What do you think of me?” to the younger, sending chills down the younger’s spine. Those last line Hyewon uttered have tinge of I am offended thrown into it making it visibly clear to Chaeyeon that Hyewon is getting upset. 


Rule Number 1 of 48Diamonds Apartment – you don’t upset KANG HYEWON.ever. It’s the number 1 rule instated a month after Hyewon and Chaewon arrived in the apartment. Why well, we will get to it soon. Right now Chaeyeon is trying to look for anything to give Hyewon – they already used the emergency kit, the cake donut earlier and she is left with nothing.


“We, me and Chaewon visited her at the hospital.” Hyewon added while continuing the staring battle she have with Chaeyeon.


Chaeyeon averted her gaze  and simply muttered, “I’m sorry, I did not tell you … because I know how much you adore Grandma. It’s not that I think you are a fool. We love you and don’t want you to be sad.” 


She threw a glance at Hyewon who seem not moved by her reasoning. Right now she is praying for someone to save her. It’s not like Hyewon will eat her or anything right? Girl does not look like she can harm a fly even if she is upset.




“The doorbell yes!!!” Chaeyeon internally screamed in relief, she is saved… by the bell or atleast the doorbell.


Chaewon who just now descended down the stairs said in excited but calm manner, “I’ll go get it.” She runs towards the front door as if she is anticipating something.


“Chicken!?” She said loudly after confirming who was at the door.


“My Chicken!” Hyewon exclaimed. She then runs to where Chaewon is.


Thanking her lucky star, Chaeyeon is now officially saved by chickens.


“We have Chicken for lunch! For real! ” Shouted by a rowdy kid. She happily jumps up, down the stairs at the news, startling the girl behind her.


“Calm down, AHN YUJIN!” The girl right behind her said in an annoyed voice.


                “That’s Minjoo.” Eunbi mentally noted.


“But it’s chicken, unnie.” The younger whined while sporting the biggest grin she can muster.


                “This kid is Yujin.” she added.


“Allright, allright. I get you.” Minjoo said while she playfully squeezed the younger girls face with her hands.


                “They are cute.” How many times have Eunbi said that today.  


“Woohoo Chicken, thank you Mukbang Goddess Kang Hyewon. ” another girl said teasingly, in the tone of an announcer emphasizing the word “mukbang goddess”, she is sporting a yellow hoodie with the hood up, tight around her head making her look like a rubber ducky. 


                “Duck one is Yena.” Eunbi finished, amused.


Hyewon took the two box of chicken she ordered and gave the delivery man a tip.


“This is for celebration, yeyy~~” She sang while holding the boxes high up her head and running to where the others are.


 A few moments later another ring was heard. Chaewon was just about to follow Hyewon but turn around.


“This one is probably for me”. She said to herself


“What’s that Chaewon?” Hyewon asked her but Chaewon does not seem to have heard her.


After confirming and paying for the item she was waiting for, Chaewon calmly turn around and walk carrying the box carefully.


Hyewon’s eyes widened after seeing what it is.


“Cakeu!!!?” She exclaimed


“Cake.” Chaewon affirmed smiling brightly towards the older.


Everybody loves chicken, Hyewon loves chicken just as much if not more than the others but if there is one thing she loves more than chicken, that is cake, and now Hyewon is the happiest because Hyewon have cake…and also two box of chicken.  


“It’s for welcoming you, unnie.” Chaewon said towards Eunbi with that same bright smile. It’s rare and it’s mostly reserved for Hyewon but that smile is enough to melt the heart of those around her including Eunbi’s.


“She is not that bad.” Eunbi thought to herself. Her opinion of the younger is going in roller coaster direction, full of twist and turn. One moment she thought the girl doesn’t like her and now she just bought a cake just for her.  


“I thought cake is for Hyewon?” Hyewon teasingly asked Chaewon, who playfully pat her face as the older tried to kiss her cheeks. Chaewon chuckle at the childish way the older said her own name.


“Even if it’s for others you will probably end up eating half of it.” She said teasingly while laughing and patting or more like hitting the older in the shoulders.


“Thank you.” Eunbi shyly said looking down afterwards, feeling her cheeks is burning.


Gathering a bit more of her thoughts she added, “Ahm, All of you are here now? All six? ” All the girls turn their head to her.


Eunbi stand and continued, “I would like to properly introduce myself; I’m Kwon Eunbi granddaughter of Kwon Hyunjae.” All the other listens to her attentively then there is Hyewon sneaking a few piece of chicken to , gotta get used to that Eunbi.


   “uhm, I am your new Apartment Manager. I just graduated from Uni, so… so I’m probably older than all of you. ehehe” She continued adding that awkward chuckle at the end. From what she gathered from her grandmother everyone here right now are currently in highschool or university.


“yeeheeheh, am not the first unnie anymore. I have my unnie now too.” Hyewon cutely said while chuckling pieces of chicken to that Eunbi wonder how those words manage to be coherent and yes the girl looks like a hamster storing food in its cheeks.


“Uhm, Unnie … we are not just six… there is one more…” Minjoo chimed in worriedly, the new landlady might have forgotten a mischievous someone.


“This kid here just arrived the day grandma was sent to the hospital.” She added pointing to Yujin’s direction. Yujin did a stand to attention action that amused Eunbi.


“She probably was talking about, Yuri. She is in Busan right now with her family.” Minjoo finished. Eunbi indeed remember her grandma mentioning someone new will arrive in the following weeks when she was still at the hospital, she almost forgot that detail. The old lady was hoping to meet that child.


“High school?” Eunbi asked Yujin , trying to make sure she get it right, something tells Eunbi that the kid is not in high school but she is so tall so probably just a year below the others.


 “No. Unnie, I am. A. Proud. MIDDLE SCHOOLER, your one and only Captain Yujin!” The younger replied in this boyish, childish way while saluting. Proud at the fact that she is her school basketball team captain.


 “What the hell is that, Ahn Yujin!” Yena yelled laughing and hitting the table in bewilderment. The others followed laughing about Yujin’s action.


“You guys better start eating before Hyung finish all our foods.” Chaewon intervened, that stop everyone from laughing and look at Hyewon’s direction, who right now is opening the box of cake, while her cheeks is full of chicken after devouring half the box of chicken she ordered.


Hyewon just look at them confused and tried to mutter something incoherent with full of chicken. After a brief silence there goes Chaeyeon infectious laugh filling the room, followed by Yena almost rolling at her seat, Minjoo crouching down in laughter and everyone in utter chaos.


Eunbi’s mind was put at ease by the laughter, her worries seem to fade. It does not look like that princess… Chaewon does not like her – she even ordered a cake to welcome her. The weird kid Hyewon seems easily satisfied with food. No more words need to be said about the reliable Chaeyeon. Minjoo seems to be respected by the kid Yujin. Yujin and Yena despite being hyper, their goofy personality is the kind you can easily get along with. Everyone seems to get along well. She only need to worry about the one who is not there, Yuri, but with how it’s going on she hopes she is just like them.


“Unnie, don’t worry, Yuri is a bit mischievous but she is kind and cute.” Hyewon told her as if she read her mind all while she took a spoonful of cake that was supposed to be Eunbi’s.


Getting along with them is not one of her worries anymore, managing and taking care of them on the other hand, now that’s the challenge.  There is also the other three rooms need to be filled, Room 201 , 302 and 304 – she hope to find someone equally easy to get along but hopefully, hopefully a lot tamer than them. 


Under the same sky back in Busan a mischievous girl trying to find the perfect gifts to bring home to her friends in Seoul. At that moment in one of the upper district of Seoul, a child is hoping to be allowed to stay in Korea while her family prepares to continue their lives in Taiwan. All she wants is a chance to pursue her dream.  On the sea across, two strangers met in an online chat, learning they both got accepted in the same school overseas. Together they are hoping maybe they could get along and be friends, to have someone to be with, to face the challenges of living in a totally different culture. Not far from where they are, a university student got an offer she is mulling over; an option to go to South Korea for an internship and a game announcer job.  Unbeknownst to them the threads of faith have intertwined their lives, leading all of them to one place.  



I did not thought it will be longer than the last. Thank you - I have read your comments. I want them all to be in there already hahaha. I think everyone can guess who are the ones. I'm talking about in the last paragraph. Chapter is an excuse to write about Hyewon eating chicken that's all. I'll be honest there is really no long plot planned here - so I'm just stringing along things based on the time - enjoying the moments of it.



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??