8 The Wind Blows the Cherry Blossoms

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Wind Blows the Cherry Blossoms


The morning sun lights up her face waking her up and greeting her good morning.  In a rare occasion she let herself oversleep today even though she has a meeting with her company president. It’s not going to happen till 11:00 am, she still has time.


She rose up her bed to prepare for the day, there she notice a big ginger boy of a kitty curled by her side. Sensing her movement the cat stretched his legs and in your typical cat move, curled up once again. She tickled and petted him admiring how cute and calm the creature is.


“Maru-chan let’s go.” She whispered to the cat as she ruffles his fur.  She proceeds to go to the kitchen with the feline in her arms.


“Saku-chan, Maru-chan” A gentle voice greeted the pair.


Maru-chan’s round folded ears twitched as he heard the voice, he jumped down her arms and rubs his body to the legs of the old lady asking to be petted. Sakura is astonished at her owns pet betrayal, that’s what cats are, they go their own way.


“Are you going to eat now? I’ll prepare your breakfast then.” Her grandmother offered.


“No…no… Obaa-san , I’ll do it myself. “Sakura quickly declined. 


“I, Miyawaki Sakura can do it.  ” She continued proudly proclaiming her cooking capability.


 Her grandmother went to rest in the large sofa in the living room, her cat quickly followed and plop himself beside the old lady. Sakura just shake her head at her cat’s betrayal and that’s when she was about to feed the feline. Looks like Maru-chan is not interested in eating yet.


Sakura cook some scrambled egg and toast some bread for herself. She would love to make some fancier meal today but laziness took better part of her.  Today she just want to be as laidback as possible.


Her grandmother joined her for some tea. Sakura wanting to enjoy the presence of the old lady switched her seat to the one near her and scoot closer, she then put her head on her shoulder, basking in the moment.


The old lady caresses her hand and asks “Is there anything that is worrying our Saku-chan?”


Sakura face her grandmother, hugged her and whispered “I will miss you.”


“Are you afraid?” The old lady asks her.


“No, I’m not. Obaa-san, don’t worry about me. I’m confident I will do well there.”  Sakura answered, smiling brightly while cupping grandmothers face gently.  Maru, jealous for being left alone jump to the top of the table and plop himself right in the middle. This resulted in fits of laughter for Sakura and her grandmother.


After finishing her breakfast, Sakura decided it’s about time to prepare to leave. Before that she needs to get Maru to eat. She opened one can of tuna for cats, today is a big day for her, so Maru should get something good for celebration. Yeah that is her logic.  The feline happily binge on his food.


Her company is quite casual, very rarely anyone wore anything too formal or businessy.  It’s quite a creatively free environment, a cross between a studio and an agency, most wear very casual usually fashionable clothing. Even with that in mind she will meet the president.


 She has not really met her in person, as the company’s main base is in South Korea, where she is headed. The only person she remember meeting from the higher ups, is the Japanese branch head, Ms. Miyazaki Miho, a strict but kind and quite agreeable woman who has penchant at randomly pranking the producers.


Sakura remember being told from the phone call to come in as she always has.  That is troubling, since there is exist the girly Sakura, the elegant Sakura, the adventurous Sakura, the gamer Sakura,  though most often she is the laidback clumsy Sakura and that one leans close to her gamer self,  it all depends on what she feel.  Well since she promise to be as laidback as she can be today and not get stress out by picking up outfit, she played roulette on her closet and trust whatever she get to pick up.


She picked up a white crop hoodie and paired it with a thigh length red skirt. Allright she is done with the clothes just a few more preparation, make up and stuff she is done. If you ask her dear friend Anna, she will tell you that Sakura can walk bare face and people will still be stunned by her beauty and she is not wrong just a week ago two teenage girls, who are pretty cute themselves, gawk at how stunning  Sakura is.


Ready to go, Sakura did one last stop – of course to please the lord of the house - Maister Maru-chan. The critter is demanding some playtime, and as he command so does Sakura follows, picking up the newest feather toy she just bought few weeks ago while her grandmother watched over them.


When the cat got his fill, it is now time for Sakura to face her future. Bidding goodbye to her grandmother and petting Maru one last time, she took her first step towards her destination.


The company is not that far off from her place, though originally from Kagoshima most of her family now stays in Tokyo, it’s located in a 6th and 7th floor of a ten storey building.


The receptionist greeted her as soon as she opened the door.  


“Ms. Miyawaki, I’ll inform the president of your arrival.” She told Sakura while she dialed the number for the president’s office.


“I’ll go stay at the lounge for now.” She informed her in return. There is still some time before the scheduled appointment and it is a lot less awkward to wait in the employee lounge.


She only went here for about twice a week to film her web series, Sakura’s Game Talk, for the company’s web channel.  The series is one part her just playing and another part of her talking about interesting games. 


She was already doing it occasionally on her own before, that’s where she was scouted. She gained bit of following but not enough to earn monetization.  Finding video editing on her own to be too troublesome and takes too much time for her to put content on regular basis.  


One day she was approach by representative of Kirin Show Ent., at first by direct message and later by email. Safe to say she was quite skeptical at first, Kirin Show Ent. afterall is the company behind the quickly rising web channels, Nichijou Bento (Cooking), Power Button (Games and Tech) and  newly launch We Go Life (Culture and Travel), why would they approach a lowly content creator with barely any following, she wonders. After doing a few researches she decided to bite and visited the company, it will give her some income doing something she likes part time.  


A loud distinguishing hearty laugh greetted her,




Though it was not coming from the lounge but from the studio near it, who for some reasons has it door open. You see in the 6th floor is reception area, employee lounge, cafeteria, one of the video editing office and the studio for cooking shows. 


“Wonder what they are filming?” A curious Sakura ask herself.


The laugh is very familiar to her now. It’s from the Korean half, Gyuri, of the duo for the series “On the Road with Gyuri and Noe”.  A culture sharing and exploring show that just recently started. The pairing might have been accidental but the duo’s chemistry is phenomenal, resulting in a rising following despite the show being newly launch. 


“Gyuriii!! Gyurii-ahh.”  Oh that’s Noe, with her over the top, somewhat clingy but very funny way of calling her other half.


“Chorii!!!, Chorii!!!” That’s their in house comedian chef, Chiyori calling her own name.


If you are curious why Sakura is curious, Noe and Gyuri mostly film outside or at the studio in the 7th floor, where she also films. Finding them here at the kitchen studio is something new.


Sakura made herself comfortable at one of the couch in the lounge, picking up one of the company internal magazines to read. She noticed one of the producers coming out of the kitchen studio, shaking her head, while trying to suppress her laughter.


“They surely are such a ball of energy. I can’t believe this. “   She muttered, trying to hide her reaction that is in between being totally embarrassed, laughing in disbelief and not knowing if something is good or bad, but knowing for sure it is funny.


“Ah, Takeuchi-san. Good Morning.“  Sakura greeted her.


“Good Morning, Miyawaki-san. You have filming today? I thought it is every Wednesday?”  Takeuchi-san greeted and asks her in return. Curious as to why the girl is there on a Monday.


 “Something to do with the higher ups.” She answered in return, while pointing to the upper floor. 


“Doing something new?” She continued, raising one brow to the other to inquire.


 “uhm, yeah… ” the producer responded, as she looks at the studio door. 


“Something new and I am already regretting it. “ She added, she heaves a heavy sigh and put both of her palms over her face like that double facepalm meme.


“pfft… ”Sakura chuckled at the producer‘s dilemma. 


“Just call me Miyu-san, by the way.” The producer said to her after lifting her face.


The girl slided down the opposite sofa to make herself more comfortable, she closed her eyes and put both her hands on top her stomach, for some sort of meditation.


 “I’m pretty sure that even if you are regretting it, it is going to be a success like your previous productions.” Sakura assured her.


“I hope so… They just have so much energy… atleast for me.” Miyu replied humming.


Miyu is Sakura’s senior in the agency and been a good part of why they are rising fast. She has good eye on talents, a steady hand behind the camera and also a talented aspiring music producer. Her ideas always been well received and becomes hit though it result in self inflicted suffering – we are speaking hyperbolically here - it is evident she enjoys her work. It is her idea to bring Gyuri to Japan and pair her up with Noe for a program. Something she thought will be good when she, with Noe went to Korea to film something and met up with the girl for what suppose to be one time Korea-Japan collaboration.  That one time is such a hit – especially how Noe become a literal heart eye emoji to the other girl, the rest is history.


“I should have known having Noe-chan and Chiyori-san in one place will be chaotic.” She said looking at the ceiling contemplating her life choices.


As soon as those words where said , here comes a running Noe with a pan being chased by Chiyori who is holding a rubber spatula and followed by Gyuri who Sakura cannot judge if she is crying or laughing or maybe both at the same time.


“Ah, Sakura-san!” Noe quickly stop, bowing to her to acknowledge her presence. Chiyori almost crashed to her.  The bowing confused Sakura but then that is just Noe for you.


“What is this commotion!?” A firm voice said.


Everyone look at the source and all subsequently stood straight and bowed at her presence. Even if right now it is hard to take her seriously. I mean she is wearing a top hat, red tuxedo, sporting a fake mustache while waving a baton, for cat’s sake.


 “Ma’am, Gomen nasaii!!!” Noe apologize with her signature loud and thundering voice.


“Ok.. ok.. Yamada-san don’t shout.” She told the other girl with her hands covering her ears.


“Chief, I am so sorry. I should have monitored them better.“  The producer, Miyu said holding herself accountable of the incident.


“Miss Takeuchi, it’s ok. You all seem to be having fun. I assume you get some good recording. Tell me when you are finished editing and I’ll watch it later. “ She told Miyu, who definitely got nervous as the woman suddenly raised her expectation.


She then struts towards Sakura who only stared at her with open. Sakura feel the woman pushed her chin up with her index finger to close , she gulped being face to face with her.


“Miyawaki-san, let’s go. Let Myao mama accompany you to the president.” She holds her hand and guides her to the elevator.


That’s the Japanese head for you, Miyazaki Miho also fondly called by everyone as Myao Mama. Still young but somewhat an oddball, she together with the president and another person founded the agency.


This gives you an idea how creatively free the environment is. Even with that it still high stress work and battlefield to get the next viral thing running, and that would explain why a producer as competent, good and trusted as Takeuchi Miyu can get so nervous.


With the woman leading her to company president’s office, she wonders if the president, who is mostly in Korea, is as weird as their very own Myao-mama.


“Kaeun-san, Miyawaki – san is here.” She happily said as she opened the door of the office.


“Can I take this off now?” She asked her.


Sakura view is still obscured by Miyazaki’s back but the sound of the question definitely perks her ears. Oh my, What if the president is just as weird as Miyazaki-san?


“No, you promise me you’ll do it. I am just holding you up for that.” An elegant gentle voiced answered her.


Myao-san rolled her eyes then left them after saying a cute goodbye to her and the president.


The president was signing some paper that she later gave to her secretary. Sakura only manage to make out Oda from the secretary’s name plate, she is probably someone new. 


“Miss Miyawaki, Please take a seat.” The president told her as she pointed to the sofa inside the office.


Sakura bowed to her and proceed to walk to the sofa rightmost to her. The woman then walks towards front facing one to join her.


“I’m Lee Kaeun, I believe this is the first time we meet, Ms. Miyawaki. “ She introduces herself in perfect Japanese.


Sakura bowed and took her hands.


“It’s Miyawaki Sakura, wa… one... I mean the host for Sakura’s Game Talk. “She said nervously.


“I know, you are one of our rising stars, after all.” She said smiling brightly and assuringly to her.


Sakura can’t figure out if the nervousness she suddenly felt is because she is facing the company president or the fact that the woman in front of her is drop dead gorgeous.


She is tall, has shoulder length hair, small face, and wears a fitting white polo with thin vertical stripes and a form fitting black slacks. Sakura now regrets that she went there in a white hoodie, though she does not look that far off the average employee and producers inside the company, she should have chosen a better outfit. Dumb, Sakura is Dumb, she told herself. 


“Are you not going to seat?” The woman asked her.


“Ye…Yes…” She answered.


“No need to be nervous.”  The woman chuckled at her action. This made Sakura somewhat more comfortable at her presence also she is glad that the president looks a lot more normal, in comparison to their chief.


For the duration of the meeting they talk about the plan for Sakura’s career and projects she will do in Korea. She is the mirror version of Gyuri, who was brought to Japan at the request Takeuchi-san.


“You will be saying goodbye to your series here and we will be starting a new one set in Korea.” Kaeun narrated.


Sakura just nodded in response. It saddens her to leave her current base, but a new opportunity awaits her.


“I plan you to join the crew that will cover the e-sports competition there for the Japanese audience. Your fans will still be able to follow you and add to that the program will be shown in cable channel here.” Kaeun added.  


That prospect made her nervous and excited.


“We have already arranged your transfer to a University there as well as a place to stay.” Kaeun continued. This meeting is just mostly just Sakura listening.


“Thank you, thank you very much, Ms. Lee for the opportunity and for trusting me for this project.” Sakura said, thankful for the opportunity being presented to her.


Knock. Knock. Knock


The sound of someone knocking broke their conversation.  The door opened and the secretary approaches them with some papers in her hand, which Sakura assumes is the new contract for her project.


“Ma’am, here is the documents and plane tickets you ask me to get from the HR.” She handed the paper to the president.


“The HR head said she will come later together with the lawyer here.” The secretary added, who now Sakura knows as Oda Erina after managing to finally read her nameplate.


“Thank you, Miss Oda. Can you follow up the food I ask to be brought here, just ask one of the interns to bring it over. “


“Yes Ma’am.” She bowed to both of them as she leave.


 “Here is your plane ticket.” Kaeun handed her the ticket.  


Sakura accepted it with both of her hands, slightly bowing and whispering thank you. She was also handed the contract document which she reviewed.


 When the Japanese head, the HR and the lawyer finally arrived they officially signed the documents.


She will be filming her goodbye episode this coming Wednesday and that’s it a week after that she will be in another country.  


There is no backing out now, Sakura said to herself.  It’s unreal, feels like she is a cherry blossom being blown by the wind to somewhere far, she does not hate it though, the place where she will land she will take root. There is a sense of peace here aswell; it’s what she wants to believe.


The president accompanies her as they walk out of the office, they will be having a lunch out. She saw her checking her phone and smiling while they walk and later she chuckled. This startled Sakura, who look at her confuse.


Sensing the girl’s confusion beside her, Kaeun said, “Oh, it is just my cousin sending me updates about Wonyo.”   


Kaeun showed the picture that her cousin sent her; it is a selfie of an ash blond girl with a young girl who looks so cute sporting a milk mustache, eating with glass of milk beside her.  The blond girl caught her eye, she find her rather charming.


“The blond one is my cousin, you will meet her once you get to Korea, she will assist you to the apartment we arrange for your stay. “  


Oh so she will meet her soon, Sakura was quite happy at that news.


Kaeuns focus at that time though is at the young girl, Wonyoung, who she treats as if she was her child. She is glad that the girl is doing well under her cousin’s supervision.    


“Let’s go.” The taller woman said to Sakura as soon as the elevator door opened for them to ride.


“Ma’am!!! Wait!” Her secretary shouted, chasing her, all three ended up riding the elevator.


“Are you ok, Miss Oda?” Kaeun asked her.


“Yes, Ma’am” The huffing Oda replied. Sakura just observe them.


“Miss Shiroma called and she was looking for you. She said she will call you on your personal phone later.“


“Oh, I see.” She replied.


“Why don’t you join us for lunch?” She offered the girl, who at first declined but then agreed after some persuasion.


The lunch out went well even if it is somewhat awkward. Sakura learned more about Kirin High Ent., the Korean arm and its difference with Kirin Show Ent. The Korean branch is a lot more talent agency than a content creation studio while the Japanese branch is more of a content creation studio than a talent agency. There are also some tidbits about the president’s cousin which Sakura greatly paid attention to.


The rest of the day went as mundane as it can, after lunch she did come back to the company building to observe. She decided to go home after a couple of hours, dropping by the petshop she usually goes to, to buy food for her cat.


Speaking of the cat, he is impatiently waiting for her arrival, plop in the middle of the stairs to their house second floor with his tail rocking back and forth.


“I’m home. “ She announce – even though she know today no one will be there at this hour. Her grandmother is at the community center, and her parents and younger brother is back at Kagoshima.


We forgot maister Maru, who is patiently waiting at the stairs. He lifts his head up to acknowledge his slave – I mean owner.


“MARU-CHAN!!!” Sakura squealed, running towards the feline who got startled at the sound.


Sakura buried her head in his fluffy tummy. Maru did protest a bit but gave up and started purring, cat’s purr is always a source of comfort.


“Maru-chan, I saw the picture of this really cute girl. I will meet her soon. Do you think I can get along with her? “She talked in a cute voice to Maru as if the cat is a person. Cat’s do give you a feeling they understand the things you said to them.


“mrow~” the feline replied in a sound that seems like he is affirming.


“Really, Maru-chan you think so? I would be happy if that happened. She is really cute you know round face, blond hair.” Sakura happily continued.


She scooped up the feline and brought her to her room.


“Maybe I should ask Cakes-san for some advice? If I remember correctly she is Korean. I already bothered Gyuri-san enough.”   Yes she is still taking to the cat. She put him on top of her bed.


Sakura opened her PC but did not prepare her recording equipment. She is not planning to record anything today. Sakura log on into the international server of an MMO she casually plays, she plays a lot more FPS games and action adventure games on Play Station nowadays, but sometimes she just like to hang and chill in an MMO world.


There she checks if a certain Korean player is online, though it seems unneeded when the said player sent her a personal message, confirming her presence without Sakura checking her status.


They mostly chats in Japanese, she finds it cute that the other girl has this sort of way of chatting as if it came straight out of anime.


99CakesAllForMe: Saku-ya~

39Saku_chan: Konnichiwa Cakes.

99CakesAllForMe: *heart eyes emoji*

99CakesAllForMe: Dungeon raid, Saku-chan?

39Saku_chan: Cakeu, can I ask for a favor?

99CakesAllForMe: Sure what it is? I’ll do everything for my Nakama.


Ok that line made her chuckle, that’s a line straight out of mainstream anime. The girl is quite otakuish you see.


39Saku_chan: Can you give me tips about living in Korea?

99CakesAllForMe: I’ll help you but why? Are you going on vacation here?

39Saku_chan: I might end up living there for some time.

99CakesAllForMe: Really!?


The girl then happily shared her knowledge to her, a good portion of it are food spots and tips, which did not surprise Sakura. The girls in game name for one is cakes. They also talk about possibility of a meet up. Sakura though did not shared much aside from the basic that she will be living in Korea soon.


What she did not know is the fates have this already planned, and Miss who wants to eat 99 cakes for herself will be part of her immediate future in more ways than one.



Notes: This chapter is a day in the life of Miyawaki Sakura. As you see most of the chapter are like this. *sweats*. The whole story is gonna be slow burn, everyday life kind of thing as I said on my foreword. There are multiple story thread here intersecting with one another lol - story will progress in this way. Do tell your opinion about my story telling style.

The fates I always mentioned them - that just another way of saying me lol.

About the chapter we get to see Kaeun again, we will probably see more of her. Also of another appear frequently soon as well- certain legendary y cat. Miyu might appear somewhere in the future again. Myao being goofy but strict is something i just imagine XD.  A note about age - their ages is as what their ages is now - most of them [I have list of all contestant with their age]. When I said all other PD48 I mean they might pop up one way or another.  Kaeun , Secretary in Korea is Hyunah and Its Oda Erina in Japan.  I should one of this day put a character relation chart *sweats*.

Chef Chiyori ;) - If you remember that funny guess the word where she keep saying cooking. Sips at one of my fave ship and my other fave ship. I think you all can guess who 99CakesAllForMe is.

Thank you Merry Chrismas. Next one is Annyoungz ^-^

Sketch: Sakura only for today.
Sakura Sketch

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??