Chapter 8- The Annual Party

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Soo Jin applied some lipstick. Kim Won had called her a few days ago, telling her that he was sending over a car to pick her up and she should be ready before 7. It was already 645 and she was still touching up. Abandoning her plan of plaiting her hair, she just pulled her wavy locks to the side, and held it in place with a diamond and pearl encrusted hair clasp, a birthday present by Yeong Jae and Hwa Yeong. She slipped on her black strappy heels and stepped back. 

She stared at her reflection in the full length mirror. She was wearing floorlength, flowy dress, with a sweetheart neckline and the top was embroidered with little crystal droplets. She finished off her look with a pair of diamond and pearl earings and a simple tear shaped diamond necklace. She really spoiled herself for this occasion. Also, she needed to look good for this conglomerate family. She could already tell, they were hard to impress, but then again, don't they all?

As she was fluffing up her hair, she heard her phone vibrate in the distance. "I think I'm really attached to this thing." She sighed as she picked it up. "Yobosaeyo?" She placed the phone to her ear. An unfamiliar male voice answered. "President Kim?" She moved the phone away from her ear to see who it was. An unknown number. "Yes, who is this?" She asked cautiously. "This is the Kim family chauffeur. They young master ordered me to pick you up. I'm currently outside your house." The man answered in monotone. 

Soo Jin took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll be down in a minute." She said, before hanging up. She grabbed her silver clutch and was about to shut her bedroom door when she stopped dead in her tracks. She caught a glimpse of something shiny, peeking out of her jewellry box. It wasn't the most expensive thing in there, but it sure shined the brightest. Maybe you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover, she thought to herself and left the door open a bit and went to "deal with business" as she liked to call it. 

Meanwhile, Won was in his room getting ready. He was smoothing down his fitted black blazer. He checked his reflection in the mirror, making sure everything was in place. Then, there was a knock on the door. Tan came into his brother's room, wearing a dark blue suit. "Hyung, are you ready?" He asked, sitting down on his brother's bed. Won rolled his eyes at his brother. 

"Why are you so nosy?" Won said, putting on his rolex watch. 

"Because I don't know a lot about hyung, except that hyung likes to grumble a lot." Tan answered, knowing that it would annoy his brother. Won whipped around. "Yah! Why do you always get on my nerves?" Won clicked his tongue. 

"Why is hyung always on edge then? And also why do you look at me like you want to hit me? I know you're bluffing hyung." Tan said mischieviously. Truthfully, he never got to interact with his hyung like this when he was younger, so it was fun to do it when he was a little older. And also the annoyed look on his hyung's face always amused him. 

Won bit his tongue, trying to control his temper. "Who knows..." Won sighed. "Maybe one day... I won't be bluffing." Won said, with an underlying danger in his voice. 

Tan whipped his hand up to his chest, mimicking someone who had just been shot on the chest and then pretending that he was dead, lying on his hyung's bed. 

Won chuckled at his brother's actions. After all this while, he's still a kid, Won thought to himself. "Yah! Get off my bed. You're going to crease it." Won did the motion of shooing a dog at his brother who was still playing dead on his bed. 

"Ah hyung! It's going to get creasy when you sleep on it later anyway." Tan grumbled, getting off the bed. 

Won walked over to the window and pulled the curtains apart. The party was getting more lively as the guests start arriving one by one. Tan moved to stand beside his hyung and the brothers watched as the guests mingled around. They almost looked liked the little dolls in a diorama. Then, someone caught Won's eye. But before he could register who it was, Tan said, "Oh, isn't that President Kim?" 

Won sighed. "Oh, that's her." He answered, smiling. He couldn't help it. Kim Soo Jin was always smiling and beautiful, but it seems tonight she was really dolled up. "Ah, she's really pretty. Right hyung?" Tan asked, looking at his hyung. 

"Mmmm, she is." Won said, in a soft tone. 

Tan looked at his brother weirdly. "Hyung, are you okay?" he asked, observing his brother as if he was observing an interesting lab rat. Won blinked a few times, as if out of a trance. "What? Oh! Yah! Let's go. It's about to start." He ushered Tan out of his room. 

In the meantime, Soo Jin who had arrived, was too busy being impressed with everything around her to even notice that two figures were watching her from a window on the third floor. 

Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and she was left breathless when the chauffeur dropped her off at the front of the marble steps that lead to the foyer. 

From the foyer, there were two doorways on either side, leading to opposite sides of the house and a staircase that lead to the upper parts. Behind the staircase, was a glass door that lead to a walkway.  Soo Jin was escorted by one of the butlers in charge. Beyond the door was a walkway. 

Everything about the place was magnificent. And as she walked across the foyer, she was momentarily blinded by the light reflecting off of the crystal chandelier hanging above. "Yah, chincha... These people have it all." Soo Jin said to herself. 

The walkway had flowerbeds on either side, with different flowers and there were also streetlamps, the kinds you see on the street in an old European street. Connecting these streetlights were fairylights strung throughout. At the end of the walkway, was a swimming pool, an Olympic sized swimmingpool. 

There were roman style walls surrounding the place and pillars surrounding the pool that had steps and platforms that allowed you to see past the Kim property into the surrounding mountains and forests. Tables were set up around the pool and at one end of the pool, a stage was set up. 

All around the place, fairylights were scattered and hung on the pillars and platforms. An orchestra was seated on the stage, playing classical music that surrounded the entire space. She looked around and there was nobody that she knew there, except...

Someone by the stage caught her attention. Soo Jin made her way to the girl wearing a short,  black, poor tulle dress with a corset top and a pair of black heels. The girl was facing away from Soo Jin but the way that she let her hair down, Soo Jin was sure of it. 

She tapped the girl lightly on the shoulder. "Excuse me, you're Cha Eun Sang right?" the girl turned and one look at Soo Jin, she avoided eye contact. She was surprised to see Soo Jin. "You are her." Soo Jin smiled at Eun Sang, while Eun Sang nodded politely.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, President Kim. " Eun Sang said, rubbing her arm. "Do you always attend parties like these?" Soo Jin asked the girl. Eventhough she knew the answer, she asked Eun Sang anyway, for the sake of making small talk. It was obvious that Eun Sang was new to these kinds of parties, even more so than. Soo Jin. 

"No." Eun Sang shook her head. "Tan wanted me to be here toni.." She said, before stopping herself. "I mean, Shareholder Kim wanted me here tonight, President Kim." Eun Sang was still uncomfortable talking to Soo Jin and she was definitely pressured to be standing in front of this woman that she idolises. 

Soo Jin giggled. "Aigoo, there is no need to be so formal. We both don't belong here anyway. These people have it all." Soo Jin said, taking a look around at all of the extravagantly dressed party guests. "And besides, you're doing your piece on my company, right?" 

Eun Sang nodded her head furiously. "Of course. Of course I'm doing it on your company." 

Soo Jin smiled at the girl, hoping that she would relax. "Great, then, here... is my card." Soo Jin took out her business card and handed it over to Eun Sang. "And also, Cha Eun Sang, from now on, call me unnie." 

Eun Sang stared at her with wide eyes. "" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Kim Soo Jin could never...She didn't even know Eun Sang. But what Eun Sang didn't know, was that was just how Soo Jin really is. She was good to everybody, unless that person crosses her and she knew what it felt like to be like Eun Sang and in other words, Eun Sang kind of reminded her of herself. 

"But..." Eun Sang bliinked her eyes a few times. She still couldn't believe it. 

"Yah! Just do what unnie says, araeso?" Soo Jin said in a slightly raising her voice. No use in attracting attention to themselves at an event like that. 

Eun Sang looked down. "Araeso...Pre...Unnie." Eun Sang still needed to get used to calling Soo Jin her unnie. 

Soo Jin smiled contentedly. "Choa." She said. 

While the two were getting closer as unnie and dongsaeng, Won and his brother were watching on. 

"I wonder what they're talking about..." Tan said, staring at his girlfriend. 

Won sighed. "Anything they want to, I guess." 

"Ye, who is that with Eun Sang?" Tan's mother suddenly asked. 

"Omma, that is President Kim. The President of Jung In Films. Her father is the one that has history with abuji." Tan explained, while nodding to himself. 

"Ah... Kurae? Then, the two Kims?" Tan's mother looked from him to Soo Jin. 

"Stop it already. You're being unsophisticated." Chairwoman Kim said. 

Tan's mother turned sharply at the officially recognised wife of Kim Nam Yun. "What is your problem? Can't I ask a single question?" 

Chairwoman Kim rolled her eyes. "The problem is the questions you ask are all really dumb." She said non-chalantly. 

"Yah!" Tan's mother was about to lose it when Chairman Kim arrived. 

"Stop it already, you two!" He walked slowly towards them with a cane. 

The wife and the mistress both cleared their throats and looked away from each other. 

"Let's just have some peace and quiet, just for tonight, hmm?" He said, looking from one to the other. 

He nodded when they didn't say anything and assumed that they will do as he said. He then walked towards the stage, with his two sons following closely behind him. Everyone turned to give their attention to him, as the orchestra stopped playing. He cleared his throat, and the mic screeched as he did. First, he smiled at the audience. And then, he said, "Good evening, to everyone present old and to new friends." He looked from one side of the compound to the other. "Together, we have built empires... and also help in fostering new ones." Kim Nam Yun said with the voice of authority. "May these years we have together be prolonged and may our lives continue to be filled with wealth and prosperity." Kim Nam Yun said, earning a roar of applause from the audience. "Please, enjoy yourselves, take the night off. And without further a do... Let's have dinner." The Chairman said, ending his speech. Another round of applause to accompany him off the stage, with his sons helping him. 

Helping his father sit down at a table in the front, Tan then said, "Abuji, if you would excuse me?" He asked rather than stated. Kim Nam Yun nodded, giving his son the permission to go to Eun Sang. 

Won then turned to his father. "Then, abuji... I should go to. To tend to President Kim?" Won stood politely in front of his father. 

Kim Nam Yun nodded. "Kurae, kurae. Go." He waved Won off. 

Won bowed, before joining Tan who was waiting for him. 

"Still... I wonder what they were talking about." Tan said, as the brothers made their way towards Soo Jin and Eun Sang. 


Ellie: hello everyone! I hope you've enjoyed the fanfic so far. I hope it is as fun to read as it is to write. If not then, I'll try and be better. Okay, then, that's all for this chapter. 

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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...