Chapter 14- The troublemakers/matchmakers

You and Me : The life of an Executive

It was a few days later that Won was waiting for his brother. Tan was filming a video with his group for an assignment, and the Chairman had insisted that Won go pick him up. He won't stop nagging until Won did as he was told. Something about it's good for brothers to have some bonding time. But whatever was said, really did work. Before he knew it, he was at one of the trendiest club spots ever, waiting for his brother. He didn't have any idea why that kid picked such a tacky place to film a video. He shook his head in disapproval, but what can he do? The kid was unstoppable. 

He kept checking his watch, eventhough Tan was only five minutes late. He didn't like to be kept waiting. If there was one taboo that he lived by is that someone should not waste even a second of time. And for that reason, Jeguk Group employees view him as a tyrant. He made them work even on holidays to increase efficiency and demands them to do whatever it takes to get things done. 

His brother was now eight minutes late and he wondered whether he should just leave Tan there and tell him to go home on his own. He was about to do that, when something caught his eye. Well, actually, the ruckus was what caught his attention, but the sight was what made him stay. 

In front one of the many clubs there, there was one that stood out at that moment, The Green Apple Bar was the name. The reason for that was there was a huge guy, seeminly the size of a giant, towering over a petite blonde haired girl. The one detail that made Won stay and watch on wasn't because he to was entranced by situations where people made a fool out of themselves,no, he thought it was a waste of time to gawk and stare. No. The little but significant detail that made him stay was the fact that he knew the woman. 

They were arguing about something that was inaudible to him, but when the massive guy raised his hand, as if wanting to smack the woman, he rushed out of his car. "Hey!" He yelled, grabbing the attention of the giant. The guy turned his head in the direction of this fancy looking guy dressed in all black, strutting his way towards him. 

Jin Ae looked past the giant at the guy. Her eyes went wide when she realised who it was. "President Kim!" She exclaimed as he got closer. 

Won gave her a little nod, before turning to face the giant, shielding Jin Ae from him at the same time. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked, trying his best to stand as tall as he could, to show he had no fear. But in all honesty, he was pretty intimidated by this huge guy standing in front of him. 

The giant gave him the meanest stare that he could muster and folded his arms together across his chest, making his muscular arms even more so with veins sticking out here and there. "Mind your own bees wax." He said in a loud growl that was used to make any man back away instantly. It usually worked, but to the giant's surprise, it didn't work on Won. 

Won stood his ground and gave the giant his business look. "You can't come and create a commotion. You know, I could call the cops on you." He said firmly.

If the giant had looked intimidating before, he looked even more so with rage in his eyes. "What?! How dare you threaten me. I could just..." He cracked his knuckles. 

"Go ahead." He challenged. "But the police will definitely on you and my lawyers will be wanting to have a cup of tea with you." Won smirked. "One of the perks of being an heir to a major company." Won added just to make sure he wasn't going to get mashed in the face by the humongous fists. "So, if you don't want to lose your freedom and your whole property to boot, I suggest you tell me what's going on and we can just settle this here." 

The giant fumed as if he didn't care and would just like to smash Won's face in. But, he thought better of it and grunted before saying, "That stole my phone." He said.

Won turned to Jin Ae. "Is that true?" He asked, for the sake of being fair. 

Jin Ae scoffed. "Of course not! He lost his phone." She bared her teeth at the giant.

"In your club." The giant pointed a huge finger at Jin Ae. 

"Wait." Won said. "If that's the case..." Won thought for a while. He then turned to Jin Ae. "Do you have any signs up in your club? Like saying you won't be responsible for any loss of damage of property?" 

"Of course. It's standard procedure." Jin Ae looked offended. 

Won smiled and turned to the giant. "Well then, I guess you can't blame her." He said. 

"What?!" The giant cracked his knuckles and raised his fist, ready to hit Won. 

"Bear in mind, there are many witnesses around here." Won gestured to the crowd around them, just watching what was going on. 

The giant hesitated a few punches before punching the air as his fist fell to his side. 

"The way I see it, you have somebody you're protecting or taking care of, and you're trying to stay out of trouble. So, let's just settle this." Won said. 

The giant sighed, and all of a sudden Won felt bad for threatening the guy. After giving it a little thought, Won ran to his car and after searching a while in his glove compartment, he pulled out his cheque book. He walked up to the guy and with a pen in hand, he wrote a significant amount. At least it is significant for any middle class family. "Here." He handed the cheque over. 

"Who do you think you are? I don't need..." But before he could finish the sentence, Won interrupted. "Yes. You do. This will probably pay for the phone. Consider it as compensation and a service." Won slipped the cheque into his pocket. "Just walk away." Won said in a smaller voice. The giant sighed and shook his head slowly before walking away. 

Won looked on as the giant walked away slowly, thinking that maybe the guy wasn't so bad after all, maybe he was just stressed. "Are you alright?" He asked. 

"I'm fine." Jin Ae tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"You know you could be more discrete. Who knows what the customer has gone through." Won felt the urge to nag, but he stopped himself. 

Jin Ae looked down and rubbed the back of her neck. "Um, it just sort of went out of hand." She looked up at Won. "You're President Kim right? You were at my sister's office the other day." 

Won nodded once. "And you're her younger sister. The woman I saw with the baby." He affirmed.

"Yeah, that's me. But my son isn't with me. As a matter of fact, his aunt is babysitting him today." She checked her phone. "In fact, I think they're home from the office by now." 

Won frowned. "Your sister brings your son to the office?" If it were in Jeguk Group it wouldn't be allowed. But maybe that was the perk of actually owning a company. 

"Yup." Jin Ae smiled. "She does when Madam son's sitter can't." Jin Ae smiled. "I believe you've met her.": 

Won smiled and nodded. "Yes, I did, thanks to your sister.She told you?" 

"President Kim, we might fight a lot, but we're sisters." Jin Ae folded her arms and then smirked. "But it's also because she didn't have a choice. I was there that night."

Won's smile faded away and he started to blush just the tiniest bit. "So, you know?" He said, in a small voice, feeling as if he had lost a bit of the confidence he had when he was facing up to the giant. 

Jin Ae grinned up at him. "Of course." She said confidently. Her increase in and his currently lack of confidence scared Won a little. Jin Ae tilted her head to the side. "You guys became friends right? As in, outside of work." She said with a knowing voice that made Won blink a few times. Jin Ae giggled, obviously feeling satisfied with herself. 

Won blinked a few times. He was suddenly aware that his heart was racing while he was waiting to hear JIn Ae's confirmation on the fact that she knew about their arrangements. So he sighed inwardly in relief when he realised that Jin Ae didn't know about the scheme that he and her older sister were involved in. If it had been true that Soo, wait, he meant, if it had been true that President Kim had told her sister about the deal, he would have probably lost his respect for her. With sweaty palms that he had stuffed in his pockets, he said, "I guess you caught us." 

Jin Ae clapped her hands together. "Daebak!" She said excitedly. "That's really great." She said, unintentionally using her ahjumma voice which she became aware of immediately and she had to bite her lip and look down to hide the blush on her cheeks. "I mean, it's great that you guys are friends because what with you guys working on the movie and what not. Even if you guys have people working beneath you but..." She knew she was talking too much, so she stopped and slowly raised her head to a smiling Won. 

Won on the other hand didn't mind. He found Jin Ae funny. "Yes, I know what you mean." He said in a reassuring voice. He was about to excuse himself when he felt himself lose his balance. "What the?" He said, before he realised that someone was hugging him so hard that they were pushing him forwards. He regained his balance but the person behind him won't let go. Instead, the person screamed out, "Uri saranghanen hyung!" Won's first instinct was to push that person away, but then he finally recognised who it was. So instead, he growled, "Yah. If you don't let go, hyung's going to smack you." 

Tan let go of his brother and pouted. "This hyung jeongmal." He frowned. He watched his brother dust off imaginary fluff from his expensive outfit. Tan scoffed. "There's nothing on there anyway. Why does this hyung insist on wearing that plain ensemble?" He said sulkily. 

Won gave him a reserved smile. "It's fashion. It's better than the patterned shirts you wear." He said with arrogance. "So childish." He added in the end. 

Tan had to bite his tongue to control himself. "Kurae. Araesoyo. Hyung is the best when it comes to dressing up." Tan said. After living with his brother for years, he learned to just give in. "Anyhow, what are you doing standing here in the middle of the street?" 

Won blinked a few times. "Ah, that's right." He suddenly remembered. He turned to a fascinated Jin Ae. She had her eyes fixed on the both of them ever since Tan had surprised his brother earlier on. "I'm so sorry." Won said with a smile. "He needs to mind his manners." Won growled glancing sideways at his brother. 

"Oh,hello." Tan looked from behind Won at Jin Ae, just aware that she was standing there. "I'm Kim Tan." He said, holding out his hand while walking around his brother so he was face to face with Jin Ae. "I'm this mean looking guy's little brother." He introduced to himself. 

Won blinked a few times to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "Okay, that's enough. Let's go." He grabbed Tan's wrist rougly and tried to pry it away from Jin Ae's outstretched hand. 

Tan shook him away. "Hyung..." Tan whined. "I'm not a little kid anymore." He said to his brother before turning back to Jin Ae with a smile. "Sorry about that. You know, this hyung is really..." Tan chuckled to himself before looking down. "No. I can't say it out loud in public." He said in a small voice, which made Jin Ae lean in closer to hear what he was saying. He smiled at Jin Ae again. "It is nothing." Tan said. "Anyway." He shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you."

Jin Ae scoffed, unable to believe how different the two were. And they reminded her of her sister and herself. She smiled. "Nice to meet you too." She let go of his hand. "I'm the younger sister of one of your brother's associates. I'm Kim Jin Ae." 

Tan furrowed as a thought came to him. "Excuse me, but are you related to President Kim Soo Jin?" 

"Are they the only Kims in the world?" Won interrupted with an annoyance in his voice. 

Tan shook his head, not looking at his brother. "No. We are Kims as well, so that answers your question. There is just something familiar about Jin Ae sshi. " He leaned in closer, inspecting Jin Ae. 

"Woah, there is no need to look at me like that." Jin Ae backed away a little. "Okay, okay, to answer your question, yes, I am Kim Soo Jin's little sister." She smirked. "The fun one, of course. My sister is more of the ahjumma, eventhough I'm the one with the kid."

Tan smirked. "Hmph, I know how that feels like. This guy..." He pointed at his brother, "...isn't really the cool guy either." He finished. 

Won gave his brother the death glare. "You have some nerve...You don't know what I am capable of." He threatened Tan. 

Tan scoffed at his brother's threats. "Hyung, how long have you been saying that now. I think by now, I'm already immune." He said, before turning back to JIn Ae. "Sorry about him, that's just how he is." He gave her one of the charming little smiles.

Won has had enough of his brother's antics. "Okay, that is enough. Let's go." He gripped Tan's arm tightly, implying that they should get going.

"Ah, hyung. Can you not, please?" He tried to wriggle away, but Won maintained his firm grip. "Ouch!" Tan exclaimed. The brothers would have continued bickering if Jin Ae hadn't interrupted. 

"Wait." She said, making both the brothers look at her. "I feel like I should treat you to something, but..." What Jin Ae didn't want to say was that currently, she was low on funds. 

"Erm, it's alright." Won interrupted her thoughts. He was smiling at her while trying to move his brother. "We don't want to be any trouble." This time, Won began to shove his brother a little. 

"Hmm?" Tan looked at Jin Ae with a confused expression. "Treat him? But what for?" He tilted his head slightly, waiting for an answer.

Won gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly in frustration. He wished his brother wouldn't be such a child all the time. Not able to pull his brother away, Won finally gave in and stood next to Tan with his arms crossed, showing his disapproval for his brother's nosiness. Maybe Tan was right. Maybe he is the grinch. But this grinch is the heir to a multinational company, so this grinch must be doing something right. 

Jin Ae nodded. "President Kim helped me with... an...issue, earlier on. " Jin Ae said, a little unsurely. It was the most normal way she could phrase the sentence for a stranger she had just met. "But anyway." She said in a more cheerful manner. "He really saved me today. And I feel like I owe him at least a meal."

Won smiled at her. "No, there is no need for that. I was sincere." He said, while thinking about his car and his brother sitting in the passenger seat with himself, driving. But that thought was interrupted by his brother's  voice. 

"Hyung, why not?" Tan shrugged his shoulders. 

That was it. Won gave his brother the death glare. Although it was invisible to the human eye, but if you look closely, you could probably catch a glimpse of lightning bolts coming out of his eyes. He was trying to communicate with his brother telepathically, but he didn't know why he bothered, since they have never agreed on anything. Ever. And so, being the typical annoying younger brother that Won has known for almost half his life, Tan ignored him.

Jin Ae was delighted and beamed at the both of them. Although, Won was hiding behind Tan, to hide the little heart attack he suffered from his infuriating brother. Thankfully, Jin Ae didn't notice this and went on to say. "That's great." 

Tan clapped his hands once and said, "Great. Now, where do we go?" With that one question, Jin Ae's excitement died down. She barely had any money for her own needs. She probably should have thought it over. But she liked to think that it's because of  the curse she was born with, the curse of spontaneity. A few places went through her mind at once, but when she looked at Tan who was eagerly waiting for her answer, she couldn't help but criticize every option that she had chosen. She couldn't help but play the scenario in her head where Tan and Won would be disgusted or wouldn't be satisfied with whatever eatery that she had chosen. So, she began to think of alternatives. It took her a while and she could clearly see that Tan was getting impatient, but finally, the lightbulb went off in her head. She smirked to herself and was satisfied with her choice. She had chosen to take them to a place where she didn't have to pay, believe or not. This was a place that she knew they couldn't criticize the atmosphere or the food, because they wouldn't dare or if they did, the cook would know how to deal with them. And the of course, the most convenient part was that she was heading there anyway. It fits with every little criteria that she had on her checklist. She took a deep breath and looked up at Tan. "I know just the place." She then looked to Won who was having a major headache. "President Kim, I think you know the way." At the mention of this, Won looked at her questioningly. She smiled knowingly. "Don't worry, you'll realise it soon. For now, just follow me." She said. 

After locking up the Green Apple Bar, Jin Ae got in her car and Won followed behind her, with frown so sour that you'll cringe as soon as you saw him and if you stared long enough, you could even be blinded. He was still angry with Tan for doing this. Before he got caught up in the mess, his original plan had been to pick his brother up, go home and fix himself a drink. But because of Tan, all of it was ruined. And now he was on his way somewhere that he didn't even know. This was actually the most excitement he had since he started working. Trying something new was never on his schedule before. As annoyed as he was, the scenery still captured his attention. It was nothing special, nothing extraordinary. There was something about the familiarity about where they were going. And then he spotted it. Right in front was the convinience store. No. Not just any ordinary store. It was Soo Jin's store. The one they passed by the first night he brought her home. He remembered it distinctly because she had requested to be let down there on that night. And sure enough, soon after they arrived at Soo Jin's house. 

Tan was the only one who stared in wonderment at his surroundings. Puffs of white were coming out of his mouth from the cold night air, a sure sign winter was coming. "Where are we?" He asked, still looking around. 

Won walked ahead of him and answered with a cold voice that was definitely a match with the weather, "President Kim's house."

"Oh..." Tan nodded slowly. But then he suddenly realised where he was and head whipped in the direction of his brother. "Wait, what?" he said in shock. 

"I said..." Won was trying to be patient with his baby brother. " Kim'" He said finally, leaving his brother to process it on his own. 

"Hyung! Wait!" Tan called out when he realised his brother was already standing by the gate with JIn Ae. 

"Let's go in. Make yourself feel at home." Jin Ae said, swinging the front gate open. She turned to face Won. "I mean, you've been here before right?" She smirked suggestively at Won. 

Won let out a deep breath and followed her up the steps. Meanwhile, Tan just shook his head. "Why do I even bother with this hyung." He sighed. "He never listens anyway." 

Jin Ae swung the door open and strutted inside. "Unnie! I'm here!" She called out. 

"Yah." They heard Soo Jin's hushed voice call out as Tan shut the door. A second later Soo Jin rounded the corner with a laddle in her hand. "Yah, Gook is asleep..." She trailed off as she came face to face with the unexpected guest she was having. Soo Jin gasped and then realised that she was holding a cooking utensil dripping with broth in one hand. She hid the laddle behind her and cleared subconsciously. 

"Unnie, we have guests." Jin Ae said casually, walking past her sister to the living room. 

Soo Jin smiled a tight lipped smile. "Thanks for the heads up." She said sarcastically. She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm herself down, and then she turned to the brothers. "Hello." She smiled. 

"Hi." Won smirked and answered. This simple gesture made Tan turn to look at his brother so fast that if you were there, you could probably feel the breeze that it created. 

Tan frowned at his brother and tried to process new information. "Hyung." He said in a serious tone. It was probably one of those rare occasions where he didn't speak with sarcasm in his voice, so Won turned to his brother right away. 

"Hm?" Won gave younger brother a questioning stare. 

Tan on the other hand, turned his stare in the direction of Soo Jin. The stare that he gave her was so intense that it sent shivers down Soo Jin's spine and it made her recoil slightly. Soo Jin wrapped her arms proctectively around herself as Tan continued to examine her. Tan started unconciously lean in closer, but his elder brother stopped him. 

"What is it?" Won snapped, stepping in front of his brother, making Tan snap out of his state of trance. Soo Jin let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Tan blinked dazedly at his elder brother. "I.Said.What is it?" Won repeated himself when he didn't get an answer. 

Tan stood up straighter. "What?" He said, temporarily stunned by Won. He blinked a few more times and then said, "Oh." He finally got a hold of himself. "Oh." He repeated to his Won who was getting more and more annoyed by the minute. "Yes. What I meant to ask hyung was..." He stared at Won curiously. "Hyung, you speak in banmal with President Kim?" He asked with a serious expression this time. 

Won simply smiled at his brother's question. Children. He thought to himself as he shook his head. He turned towards Soo Jin. "I'm so sorry."He said honestly. "My brother put it upon himself to be a nuisance to other people." Won sneered, half looking back at Tan who wrinkled his nose at his brother's statement. 

"No." Soo Jin shook her head. "Not at all." She moved aside for the brothers. "Come on in and sit down." She gestured for them as she walked on in to the living room. The Kim brothers had different reactions as they came into the living room. Tan looked around the new surroundings, while Won went straight to the sofa which he didn't have the pleasure of sitting in the other two occassion that he was there. Soo Jin went into the kitchen where a pot of samgyetang was simmering away and a heated pan was ready on the other stove. "Now where is that little brat?" Soo Jin wondered to herself as she poured eggs into the pan to make rolled ommelett. 

"Aigoo...Has auntie been good to my little baby Gook?" Jin Ae came in to the living room, joining the crowd that she had helped assembled. She sat beside Tan who had finally sat down. 

"Oh, who is this?" Tan immediately starts to make faces at Gook, making the baby giggle. 

"This. Is my precious little boy." Jin Ae said proudly. "His name is Gook." She bounced the boy on her knee, making him laugh happily at the attention he was getting. "Do you want to hold him?" Jin Ae said, setting Gook back down on her lap, facing Tan. 

Tan smiled at the baby. "Can I?" He asked, but he already had his arms outstretched, ready to embrace the boy. 

Jin Ae smiled. "Sure. I'm going to go help my sister anyway." Jin Ae handed him over to Tan. "Gook ah... you be good to this uncle okay? Omma is going to help auntie." She pinched her son's chubby cheeks, before leaving him. 

"Unnie!" She exclaimed happily. 

"Yah, you can still manage to be that happy?" Soo Jin grumbled, cutting the rolled ommelette and arranging them on a plate. 

"Ah, come on unnie. Don't be like that." Jin Ae whined. 

"You always do this." Soo Jin stated. 

"Do what?" Jin Ae took the lid off the pot to inspect the chicken. As she did, vapours wafted up, carrying the delicious scent to the living room where Gook looked to the kitchen immediately. 

"This." Soo Jin stated. "You always do things like this." 

"What? You don't like them to be here?" Jin Ae crossed her arms across her chest. 

Soo Jin sighed. "No. It's not that. It's just... I wished you would have warned me first, you know." Soo Jin said, picking the plate and moved to place it on the table. 

Jin Ae sighed, and walked over to her sister. "I'm sorry, okay." She forced her sister to make eye contact with her. "I promise, it won't happen again. And besides, President Kim helped me earlier on today." She said. 

Soo Jin furrowed at her sister. "What? Helped you with what? Wait, did you?" 

Before her sister can say anything more, Jin Ae grabbed her by the shoulder and steered her to the stove. "Unnie, I think the chicken is ready." 

As Jin Ae was explaining the whole situation to her sister, Gook was doing exactly as his mother told him to. He was sitting tentatively on Tan's lap, eyes wide while Tan was making faces at him. "Hyung, look." Tan moved a little closer to his brother so Won could get a better look. Tan's abrupt movement resulted in his brother flinching. "Isn't he cute?" Tan said, inching closer. He wasn't aware of his brother's mortified state. That is until he realised that even though he had been inching closer and closer to his hyung, his brother seemed to always be far enough away. He looked at his hyung who was looking at the baby as if it would hurt him. "Hyung, what's wrong?" Tan asked. 

Won cleared his throat. "Nothing." He said, sitting up straighter. "Yah, hold him properly. We don't want to harm someone's child." He said, avoiding Tan's gaze. 

"Kurae?" Tan smiled mischieviously. Then, as an attempt to annoy his brother, Tan handed Gook over to Won. "Here." He said, holding Gook in front of Won. 

Won jumped up slightly at Tan's actions. "What do you think you're doing?" He said in a surprised voice. 

Tan shrugged. "We wouldn't want me to hurt somebody's child. So, you hold him." Tan said simply. Won hesitated and he wished that he could just wipe that stupid know it all smirk off of Tan's face. Tan chuckled. "Hyung." He said. "Are you one of those peope who just can't stand children?" 

Won blinked in shock at his brother's blatant accusation. "No." Won said coldly, just praying that his brother would stop talking. 

Tan laughed and placed Gook back on his lap. Gook was wondering what the adults were talking about. His eyes wide open, looking from Tan to Won. Tan calmed himself down and smirked at his brother. "You definitely are." He said, bouncing Gook on his lap. "Gook ah...This ahjussi doesn't like you. Let's get away from him," He said to Gook who just stared at him, wide-eyed, as if understanding what he was saying. 

"What? I'm not." Won said, feeling wronged and slightly annoyed. "I...I..." Won stammered. It was a first, a monumental moment. The elder brother was finally speechless. 

"I'm right..." Tan grinned and scunched up his nose at Gook. 

Won on the other hand was getting really red in the face. "Oh. come and give him here." He said, unable to accept defeat. 

Tan turned to look at his brother. "Hyung, are you sure?" Tan said mockingly at his brother. 

"Come on." Won ushered his brother. "Can't be that hard." He added under his breath. 

"Well, alright then." Tan handed Gook over to the awkward Won. "Here you go... Go to that grinch ahjussi." Tan said jokingly. But Won didn't seem to notice. He was too busy trying to position his arms in the correct way, moving them every second or so, trying to figure out the best way to handle the little...child. Slowly and carefully Gook made his away from the lap of the younger to the lap of the older Kim brother. 

Awkwardly, Won held on tightly to Gook as the baby squirmed in his lap. The whole time, his hands were cold with nervousness and his heart was beating so hard, it could probably top the time he peed his pants when he was in kindergarten. He swallowed hard as he noticed Gook was starting to get bored with him. The boy was starting to resist Won's grip. Won wriggled around himself, trying to steady himself, so he won't lose the grip on the baby. Just as Gook was getting annoyed and was starting to whine, Jin Ae came into the living room and saved him from the embarassment that he was bound to feel when Gook would burst out in tears if his mother hadn't picked him up off of Won's lap. 

"Dinner is ready." Jin announced, rubbing an imaginary speck of dust off of her son's face.

"Oh, o...kay." Won said, sighing in relief. Talk about saved by the bell. In this case, saved by dinner. Won got up and gladly led his brother to the dining table. He was relieved that he was finally back in control. It made him feel safe.

Tan, on the other hand, didn't really mind about being in control. All he cared about was the aroma of the dishes that had been seducing his stomach from earlier on. As dinner progressed, it seemed the aroma wasn't the only great thing about Soo Jin's homecooked dinner. It was the taste. It was a wonder how Tan could eat and eat without feeling full or without having the urge to sneak away from the table. It was probably a combination of good food, good company and a homely atmosphere. 

By the end of the night, Tan had to drag his stuffed self out the door. He leaned against the gate outside, trying not to feel as bloated as he was. Won was talking with Soo Jin as they walked out the door. "Thank you for dinner and I'm sorry for bothering you." He said as they stepped out into the chilly night air. 

Soo Jin winced. She didn't know what she was thinking when she chose to not wear layers in that kind of weather. Rubbing her arms, she shook her head slowly. "No. It's nothing." She smiled. "Besides, I should be the one saying thank you." She leaned in and slightly nudged his arm. When he had a confused expression on his face, she explained. "You know, Jin Ae told me about what happened just now." 

A wave of realisation washed over Won. "Oh, yeah, it's nothing." Won shrugged it off. 

Soo Jin chuckled. "Still, thank you." She smiled, which Won returned. 

"Well..."Won rubbed his cold hands down his pants. "We better get going. And thanks again for dinner. It was delicious." Won smiled and Soo Jin nodded in acknowledgement. "Bye then. And goodnight..." He smiled. "Soo Jin." he said with a grin. 

"Goodnight Won." Soo Jin returned. 

"Yes, how can I help you?" they heard Tan said suddenly. It grabbed both of their attention. And instantly, both Won and Soo Jin's face dropped in shock. They weren't saying anything aloud, but inwardly, they were both cursing. The person that Tan was talking to however, was smiling up at them.

"Oh, did I interrupt something. I wouldn't want to interrupt the lovely couple." Myeong Su gave him his default smile. 

"Wait, oppa, what couple?" Jin Ae said, coming out of the doorway. 

Soo Jin bit her lip in frustration. She was fully aware that everyone was staring at her and Won. At that moment, she knew they had a lot of explaining to do. Or maybe, they could give Tan and Jin Ae the story they had agreed on. She shook her head inwardly. No. it would be even more messed up than it already was. They'd have to tell the truth. But first, there was someone they had to deal with, she thought to herself, as she turned to where Myeong Su was standing. Yup. He needs to be gone before Tan and Jin Ae, aka the troublemakers could know anything about what was really going on. 




Ellie: Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry it took so long :) For extra content: copy and paste :


1. Soo Jin's outfit :

2. Won's outfit :

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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...