Chapter 29- A bend in the road and then a sharp turn

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Currently, SooJin's life has just made a sharp U-turn and she is in that split moment where she has just lost control of the wheel and though she is frantically trying to grab hold again, there is the overwhelming feeling of losing control. Although she tries to focus on the one task, others are demanding her attention at the same time. Not only has she lost all sense of her own life, but she was being thrown into a new one that terrifies her, kind of like a car heading straight for a side wall as it spins out of control. 

Dinner was a quiet affair, after every single one in the house has managed to avoid all the other occupants. From what SooJin had found out, the entire place was in a lockdown with no one coming or leaving since the press are practically camped outside waiting to get a glance of the 'lovely couple'. But in a mansion with its own entertainment facilities made the whole thing even more less distressing even if just a little. Thinking about it, being in a mansion increased the hiding spaces that were available to its occupants. 

She had begun the day by working and excusing herself from being on the filming site. Given the current situation, being at a shopping mall for a movie filming wasn't the greatest of idea. But having an assistant like Eun Hye there to oversee things reassured her a little. By mid morning she was starting to get the usual threats from Manse Group, as if what they were doing wasn't enough. 

Ever since she was little there was these expectations that were expected of her. And through all of those years, watching movies have been her safe place. It was as if by watching all of these stories, she could forget her own for some time. She used to create all different kinds of movies that she would watch in her head and would end up drawing on the pieces of paper her appa would bring home for her. They were like different lives that she would create for herself to step into. 

Now that she was in the business of movie making, she had the chance to create more new lives. But the ones in her head are still her favourite because they belong only to her and she could make them do whatever she wanted them to. In the fantastical worlds and lives that she has created for herself in her head, she has never imagined that anything like what she was going through then would ever happen. She never would have thought that someday she would be named the Crown Princess. 

She has seen the articles and all the endearing names that they have called her like the Crown Princess, the Heiress, the next Chairwoman, and the Jackpot Woman. All of which, made her feel sick to her stomach. Which was why she decided to drown herself in work. The same couldn't be said for her Prince Charming. It seems like Won hasn't left the gym the entire day. The last time SooJin had checked, he was in there, running how ever many miles on the treadmill, as if by doing that he could get rid of the bombshell that had taken Seoul by storm. 

The only other time she had passed him was in the hallways, his clothes sticking to him from all the sweat. There had been a moment of hesitation as she was contemplating on saying something and she was sure that he was doing the same. But the whole thing ended with an awkward bow from Won before he walked away in the direction of his old room.

And now they were seated at the dinner table, nobody making a peep or a noise. Not when the Chairman was still seated at the head of the table. And not when the inevitable was yet to be announced. 




He was well aware of the too careful way that his mistress was cutting into the food. And his wife was being way too quiet despite her usual pessimistic nature. And the fact that his younger son had his mouth zipped shut even as he was chewing his food was something that was not the norm in the house. This family dinner too, was not a common thing in the mansion and everybody knew that. Despite being the only person who didn't know this fact, his future daughter in law was also skirting through the thin ice of the whole situation. For a split second, he wondered if his son had said something to her. If so, he hoped she would understand that he wasn't always so severe and that it was all for the sake of the family. 

Being a business family meant that they rarely had family time and sadly, that included meal times as well. Since he had fallen ill, it was a hope for the Chairman to spend more quality time with his family. But in the meantime, these family meal times were a rare occurence of celebration or of a family meeting. And on that night, there was that familiar heaviness in his chest that was not just synonymous with his failing health but also with the task that he has had to do. 

The information he had leaked this morning had done the magic he had intended it to. The media had eaten up the story of the Crown Princess that also has her own kingdom and it didn't hurt too that it helped eased Jeguk Group into the entertainment industry. Now, it has been rumoured that the Princess would be the head of a new devision in the empire. Nothing like having a strong woman figure to help boost the company's rapport. And honestly, he loved the idea of having SooJin as a daughter in law. 

But there were just some things that he can't do on their behalf. The two had to confirm or deny the rumours. Even so, he already had the publicists type up a script. There was only way through, which was to confirm the to be wed couple. It was better to confirm and make up an excuse to break up later rather than to let the gossip mill churn with countless possibilites of their relationship.

And he tries to push the delight he feels over the good publicity that SooJin has brought their company, trying to make excuses by saying that he actually would like the news to be true too. Regardless, he wouldn't mind either if the two were to get married, not only because of SooJin's status but also because it could become a way to fix his mistakes from all those years ago. 

The air all around him was thick not only with silence, but also with the soft wheeze coming from his chest. He decided he won't keep them in their misery any longer. Because as he had called the publicists, he had also called up members of the media, via his secretary, of course. The press conference was already scheduled and everything beyond that would change all their lives forever. And he glanced towards SooJin with all the pity in the world because he knew, it would be hardest of all on her. 

But that was the responsibility of a Crown Princess.




The inside of his cheeks was about to bleed at that rate. The premium steak in front of him made him sick to his stomach. He never thought he would be sick at the sight of food. And he almost wished his abuji would get it over with and say what he had gathered them around the table that night to say and be done with it. Dealing with it would be better than letting his mind run wild just thinking of it. 

He sometimes fear that he would become just like his abuji, sick and incapable of doing the slightest thing without help. Before he was thrown into the corporate hierarchy, he had all the time in the world to do whatever he wanted. And amongst his favourites, it had been to work out. Seeing as once again, he was tied to a house with no way of getting to work, that was the obvious choice to fill the time. And unlike SooJin's place, he had the facilities available here. It helped too that the endorphins was good for his current state of mind. 

Throughout the entire day, he had only seen SooJin once, when they had bumped into each other in the hallways and even then he remained stupidly quiet. He had waited for her to fall asleep to sneak into their bedroom and had left before she woke up. He couldn't bear being around her, not only for the guilt but also for the silence and her anger that he was sure he would feel. He had to sweat out all that cowardly energy from his body. 

But now, he stole a glance once in a while to SooJin seated beside him. And the thing that caught his eye, was the twinkle round her wrist and though he had to make a second take, he still couldn't believe that she was wearing the bracelet. That, at least, made a little smile spread across his face. 

His abuji wasn't making it easy for them. He hadn't made a peep or a sound the entire day until he announced that they were having dinner together earlier that evening. He knew then that everything was scheduled and he saw himself the little leaks his abuji had given from the articles he had read while on the treadmill. He had done his part. So now it was their turn to do theirs. Him and SooJin. He couldn't help it. He had to sneak another look at her at the thought. It was comforting, to not be alone in all of this. 

SooJin, on the other hand, had her game face on, a great or maybe even better poker face than that of the Chairwoman, who is the master of poker faces. She kept that face on, even when it came time for the announcement. The Chairman's health didn't seemed to have improved much, judging from the throaty cough that he let out. 

"Everyone,I presume the papers have explained the reason for us being here tonight." No answer all around. Won was familiar with this atmosphere. But he hadn't expected his stepmother to remain quiet as well. And not to mention, his father's mistress who's mouth goes a hundred miles in under a second was quiet too. "For now, I've done some damage control and everyone is taking Kim SooJin, the film company President extremely well, what did they say?" He paused to think about it for a second. But Won was pretty sure it was because he was already out of breath from the act of talking alone. 

"Two perfect snowflakes destined for each other..." Won instinctively shrinked back in his seat while Tan further down had to stifle a gag at what the media was saying to describe that the two are a perfect match for each other. "But we still have one more thing to do before we're completely out of the clear. So for that, the two involved must clarify it on their parts." Won was pretty sure his father was trying to drag the whole thing to get on his nerves. 

"Don't worry..." The Chairman said, probably looking at his stressed son. "I'm not that cruel....I won't send the both of you out tomorrow...." That was a relief. But before Won could even sigh in relief, his abuji went on to break the little bubble that he was in. "I already talked to our publicist and I scheduled it for the day after tomorrow. That's plenty of time for the both of you to memorize the script." Won felt his heart drop to the floor. Despite that, Tan was the more expressive of the two brothers and expressed his shock for his brother by letting his fork bounce off of his plate and clatter right down onto the ground. 

He turned to see that he wasn't the only one to be shocked at the news. It seemed that the shock had spread through the entire table. He won't be surprised if their servers and maids in the kitchen were shocked too. He really couldn't understand it since the ones who had to go out to battle in two days were he and SooJin. Speaking of which, her pokerface didn't fool him. He saw it in her eyes, the way that they shuddered slightly and the way that her pupils became slightly dilated in fear and her eyelids flutter at the news. But she kept her head high and her shoulders squared. He wished he had the same determination. But she probably would have to be the stronger one for the both of them in the meantime. 




It's the day of the press conference and SooJin has been reading and rereading the script given to the both of them again and again. And she wondered why actors and actresses don't adlib more often. At the same time, she could understand why the more experienced ones try to stray away from the given script once in a while. One upside from this whole thing, she was learning from the perspectives of the actors and actresses in her movies. Another experience she has had to learn is to let herself be fussed over by countless of people, trying to make her look perfect. Although usually, the rich are able to dress themselves, but on special occasions, like that day, they get stylists and make up artists pretty much like everybody else. Just that these might cost a little more than the average make up artists and stylists.

She didn't want to know just how much more and have been restraining from caring too much as she went through fitting after fitting and as she sat in the chair, getting her hair done and deciding what make up suits her the best. They decided that the natural and rosy look would suit the Crown Princess image the best, with lots of nudes and pinkish tones and the same for her hair, they decided that the half up half down in wavy natural waves would look the best. To highlight her 'status', they would slip in a crystal hair pin on the back. To complete the look, the stylists had decided on a pure white lace dress that fell just below her knees in waves with sleeves that reached just past her elbow. The dress covered her front and back completely to give off both a sweet and professional look. And to match the slightly beige/ivory inlay, a pair of simple ivory heels was chosen.

The whole outfit made her feel like she was already halfway down the aisle so in conclusion, everything made her want to vomit down her new thousand dollar dress. But instead, she kept her eyes on the script. It was an early start for everyone. Even though her and Won would take center stage, the entire family would be there to show their support and also to boost the image as they made their announcement. She had to admit, it was a pretty little picture that the Chairman was planning; a happy, successful family, already prospering onto the next endeavour. 

It's more like a show than anything and especially, to her, it doesn't feel real. That surrealness was probably what gave her strength to go through with it. She just needed to take deep breaths and reminded herself, one step at a time. Soon, this day will past and there will always be tomorrow. Even if tomorrow meant that she had to find a way to fix this. It's okay, all that matters was she had to go through the now first. 




Won had expected the media to be there, but he hadn't expected that many. It turns out, the news of a wedding is considered a big issue in Seoul. Currently, they were seated in the car, in the privacy of tinted windows. But from the inside, they could already see the flash of the camera shutters, as the press did a test of their equipment. After all, they couldn't mess up on this one. Beside him, SooJin has been through the nervous motions of leg shaking and hands picking as they waited for their escorts. In the car in front of them were the rest of the family, minus the madame of the house, who, for obvious reasons have been left out, despite her kicking and screaming early that morning to be included. It wouldn't be great for business. Sometimes he resented the restrictions his family had, but at the same time he felt helpless. There was nothing he could do. 

The press conference had been scheduled for 10 a.m. sharp, hence the hustle and bustle in the mansion since dawn. That part, at least, was still alright. But now that they were at the venue and would have to put their game face on and push forth with the script they had been given. The clock showed 9.55 a.m. and up ahead, the escorts were getting ready to lead the family down the red carpet. He and SooJin would be the last to enter, similar to an actual wedding. Their driver has been unnaturally quiet, a replacement driver. All of a sudden he missed the annoying kid. At least then, he could let off some steam, fighting with him. 

9.57 a.m. The rest of the family has gone ahead of them, through the double doors and they could hear the commotion of shutters going off in the building before being muffled again by the doors closing. "Ready?" the driver had to confirm with the escorts first and that one word would probably the only word they could get out of the man. The driver confirmed by looking at Won give him a firm nod from the rearview mirror. The driver got out and after a few words with the escorts, left them to do their job. 

Both their doors were open at the same time and as they stepped out, Won felt a kind of dizziness he has never felt before. Before he could pass out, he felt SooJin's comforting hand around his. Their fingers intertwine and that somewhat gave him strength and that was how they finally made it to the door. The escorts nearly bumped into the couple as they stopped right in front of the glass doors. Inside, they could see the family already seated along a long table, with two empty seats in the middle. He felt the breath she was taking in and couldn't help but do the same. After a reassuring nod at each other, they walked in, hand in hand. Won wasn't sure if this was his abuji's great big picture, but in that moment he didn't care. If SooJin wasn't holding his hand, he felt like he would have already crumpled down in the back seat of the car. But as it turns out, they made it past the door and even managed to offer a controlled, poised smile as they walked up the red carpet. And just before they reach their seats, he instinctively let her hand go. 




She could feel him let go. And had the split second to register that the only reason was so he could pull out her chair for her. She gave him a posed smile, hoping that it was the right move. But the cameras went wild and there was a short burst of camera shutters going off. A second later, the same cacophony could be heard again as they settled into their seats. For this press conference, the Chairman was to play a major role. He didn't want any moderator around. He had reminded them that they stand tall as a family and by not having anybody else there, meant that they were doing fine on their own and signified that they do not fear anything because they hadn't done anything wrong. 

"Good morning to members of the press and to everyone present here this lovely morning." It kind of creeped SooJin out the smile that the Chairman had on his face but she knew that he probably practiced it ever since he became head of the family. "Today is a day we rejoice. It is a day of good news, especially for our family." The Chairman then went into the details of what had led them to be seated on that table. The dinner, the restaurant and the proposal. Of course, embellishments were only natural to make sure they perfectly captured their audience. It was an out of the way restaurant, the one they frequently visited to get authentic marketplace food and it was where they usually had their dates, away from the public eye. Even when it had been the first time they had dined there, she had no problem smiling and nodding. All of a sudden, she envied Tan and his stepmother whose only role was to sit there, poised and smiling. She dreaded what came next. But eventually, everything came to pass and it was their turn. 

Won sat closer to the microphone in front of them and she saw the slight falter in his smile and wondered if he was thinking of that girl, the one keeps the photo of. And wonders if she was in the way of their relationship. Guilt flooded her entire being and when his hand hesitated over the 'on' button of the mic, she instinctively held his hand under the table. She felt him jump and tense up ever so slightly next to her before he gradually gave in and their hands molded together as their fingers intertwined. She gave his hand a slight squeeze which he returned with an even stronger on and fixed the smile back on his face. 

"Indeed, what my father is saying, as the Chairman of Jeguk Group is right." He paused,the way they practiced. "As we all know, the Chairman's health has not been the best these days." Another pause. "On my journey as the heir of Jeguk Group, I have found myself a life partner." They had practiced the tender look both of them would give each other right after that part so many times over until they got it right. Hopefully it was. "My fiancee, Kim SooJin, will be my side as I take over the reigns and carry on the family's legacy." He turned the mic off, to symbolize the end of his part and also to cue the cameras. 

When everyone had settled back down, SooJin felt dry up. It was her turn. She had memorized the script front and back and somehow wished she would be possesed by another SooJin, that part of her that could help her deliver her lines without her being there. In the end, she couldn't put it off and what comforted her was the fact that after her part, everything would be over. They could all go home, where she would take full advantage of the comfy bed they had been given. 

She re set the smile on her face, so it would be slightly brighter, the very picture of a poised Princess. "I have been fortunate enough to have been accepted into the wonderful family." She began. "And I look forward to taking the lead by the love of my life's side. I hope there will be well wishes as we move forward." She had to practice her lines by looking into the mirror for hours the night before and she wasn't going to let it go to waste. "Although we are taking it one step at a time, we will be sharing further good news with the public soon." She gave them the sweet smile to signify the end of her part and that's when the cameras went wild again. 

She couldn't really remember what happened next, overwhelmed to the point of being light headed. But she did see snippets of a luncheon and waving to the press as they left. The tightness left her chest once they were back in the car again and she had taken off the pearl earrings that were to heavy to wear. 

The breath she let out was one of relief but also of terror, terrified of what was to come next. She could already feel the fatigue coming on by the dull ache in the back of her head. But that wasn't the end of the very chaotic day. When all she had wanted to do was to stare blankly out the car window, her line of sight unintentionally caught the second order of business for the day. She didn't even realize it herself when she made the car screech to a halt right in front of the hospital. And not even when she walked right into traffic, was her day dream like state broken. Not until she was crouched down right beside the man. 




He was ready to go home and call it a day. Maybe take a swim in the olympic size pool that they have back at home. So when the car came to a screeching halt, he was ready to burst. That is until he felt SooJin leave the car next to him. She walked right through traffic and straight for a hospital nearby. He couldn't even get her name out fast enough. The poor driver, who was probably used to uniformity, was still in a state of shock. What else could he do but to tell the man to park somewhere while he went after his fiancee. 

He didn't know that his premonition that all of this would make the front page news would eventually come true the next morning. All he knew was he couldn't lose sight of her, not in that state. By the time he caught up with her, she was standing over a man, someone in funeral clothes. It was crazy how he hadn't recognized the man when before, all he wanted was to have his fighting buddy back. SeungHo looked more haggard than usual to him. 

His face was streaked with tears and his eyes were getting droopy the way that they were  puffed up. And that's when his brain really registered the state of the man. Someone had passed away, someone SeungHo knew. It wasn't long after that SooJin was beside him on the ground and SeungHo was wailing. 



He could hardly believe it. The moment he saw his mother's picture was when it finally hits and all of a sudden the space was too tight and the air was too thick. He needed out,he needed to get some air. He staggered outside, still stuck in the dreamlike state. His mother always recovered. She had her moments, got worse, but she always bounced back. Always. 

He couldn't understand, why she hadn't managed to do it now. "The disease just got the best of her. She had a good journey." It was a new way of treating cancer. The doctors hoped that without saying that the treatment was a battle against the disease but instead, a journey so that the patients and family won't feel like they've lost if the patient didn't make it. 

What a funny way of putting it, but for some reason he still felt like he lost. So, slumped outside the hospital, holding the teddy he had gotten her to accompany her, he let the tears fall. The doll absorbed most of his tears and he didn't stop until he felt someone over him. In that moment, he couldn't help but give in to the way his brain was wired to societal norms. Because clearly, crying in the middle of the streets wasn't normal. 

He hadn't expected to see her there, but for some reason he felt relieved. It was almost like having a safety blanket, which was weird to say about an employer, but he didn't mind it. Nothing matters anymore. "SeungHo ah...what's the matter? What's wrong?" He can't bring himself to say it. Not when with one look at her, he was already breaking down again. So all he did was cry. And for that day, it felt alright. 




He couldn't believe the guilt that he felt. Usually, he wouldn't have batted an eye. But here he was, already ready to order a condolence wreath for the man. He and SooJin ended up sitting by SeungHo until his grandmother could get there. And SooJin wouldn't leave until she was absolutely sure he was alright. 

At some point she had teared up alongside the man. He hadn't known what to do with himself then. Thank goodness he was hungry too. So instead of just sitting there awkwardly, he at least had something he could munch on. 

And when she was finally ready to go, he could feel the crack in his bones as he got up. "Thank you so much for coming...." The grandmother held his hand in her very frail ones. And when SeungHo hadn't said anything, she gave her grandson a little nudge. 

It was like SeungHo just came back to life. But for once, he didn't blame the man. Afterall, he just lost his mother. He gave them his best smile and did the only thing he knew how to. "If you need to take the week off...." The man looked to be on the brink of tears again and he couldn't bear it. He had to look away.

But SeungHo grabbed his other hand anyway. "Thank you so much Sajang-nim." he said before breaking down again. 

"It's okay, it's okay...but be back by next week." He was so thankful that he missed the awkwardness in Won's voice. After a few more thank yous and see yous, they were soon on their way. Even in the car SooJin couldn't stop talking about the chance encounter. 

"Poor SeungHo...that must be hard...losing his mother like that..." 

All the while, all he could think of was now the three of them made for a macabre combo of all having lost their mothers. Something morbid could also be a common denominator, he supposses. 




He hadn't expected to flush his entire life down the drain. He had predicted he would be living the good life after that one story but everybody else seemed to profit off of his misery. Why did that company have to sue them anyway? If it weren't for them, he would have had a great life. Instead of standing right on the edge of the bridge. It's funny how along the railings there were words of encouragement saying how precious a life is and how they should take day by day and it was okay to make mistakes. 

He scoffed, as if that in itself would stop those who wanted to go. If they wanted it badly enough, nothing could stop them. The way he wanted it so badly, he could do it, right then and there. He watched the soju bottle go before him and crash straight into the frigid waters below. Even the weather was perfect. It really was a great day to die. 

He checked his watch. The happy couple would be having their press conference right about then and meanwhile, nobody cared about him. Nobody cared that he lost his job and nobody was there to witness him go. He decided he was ready. So he put a leg up over the ledge, ready to haul himself up. 

But for some reason, the alcohol decided right then and there to interfere. He heard a muffled voice somewhere behind him. What's even crazier, he heard his own name. He must be hallucinating. But no hallucination could stop him. He was doing it, or so he thought. A second later he felt a rough tug on his hand and then he was on the ground. 

He could taste the blood from his tongue. And it took him a while to stop the throbbing in his head to clearly see who it was. It's Nobody he knew. Looks innocent enough. But exactly why the man was there she wasn't sure. And why the hell was he interfering and that got his flares going. 

"No, no, hear me out." The man was strong for his frame. Even in the face of death he found the time to judge this man. The irony of the human condition. 

"I know you wrote that article about the ruined your life didn't it? That's why you're here." He said and that got his attention finally. "What if I tell you there was a way you could turn the tables. That way, that family will have the brunt of it all. You can prove that that family has been lying to everyone." The man got his full attention now. 

"What are you saying?" Confusion in his voice. 

"I'm saying, you and I? We can prove that they have been a fake relationship. They're doing it for the publicity. Then, you can't be put at fault right?" This was news to him. He had never considered that aspect before. 

"That's crazy." He breathed.

"But it's true." the man continued. "It's true and I know it. Let's get a few drinks while we talk it over." The man held out a hand. He couldn't be sure if the man was telling the truth or if he was just trying to stall him. But if it was true, then he had nothing to lose, but everything to gain from hearing him out. Looks like he could die another day after all. 

"I'm..." He grabbed at the man's hand but before he could introduce himself, the man already did it for him. 

"Park Hyuk....yes, I know you. I'm Bang MyeongSu, Kim SooJin's ex." 



A/N: I'll try to update this every other week, if possible. Until then, please enjoy!



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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...