Chapter 17 - Busted

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Seung Ho leaned casually against a tree, trying not to draw attention to himself. He saw how they did it in the detective movies where people would wear a cap and sunglasses and would keep their head low to avoid attention. But he thought it didn't work that well because more than once, one of the film crew looked over at him before whispering to each other. Then he thought maybe he should have dressed like one of those fans that are being blocked off by security in the distance. 

The President Kim was standing in the middle of the commotion of the film crews and actors, and he was talking to a woman. He wondered who she was and as far as he knew, the President was single. He made a point to ask his superior later. Sneakily, he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and using his hand to cover most of it, as if he was just holding it to his side, he took a picture. Although, that was really unnecessary because all of the fans were taking photos like crazy. 

Stuffing the phone back in his pocket he watched on and thought to himself how in the movies they had made stakeout seem so exciting but in reality, it was really tedious and boring work. He has been complaining about his job as a security guard at Jeguk Group, but now that he thought about it, he would take his rounds any day compared to just standing around, watching over the most boring person on earth. 

There was nothing he couldn't figure out about Kim Won. By now, he knew that the guy's only life was work and his girlfriend, who he is currently staying with after being kicked out. Simple as that. Yes. He's decided that the girl he was looking at was the President's girlfriend.

He was only doing it for the money. The pay was high and his supervisor knew he needed it. He was a few weeks short of getting kicked out into the streets. Most of his money went to his mother's treatment. It was a shock to him when he found out she had ALS.  There was no cure, but there was a chance to slow the disease down. Being an only child and without a father, he had to use his live savings to send his mother overseas to get a stem cell transplant. He had to contact distant relatives to get a matching donor. But thankfully, everything worked out. But his wallet has suffered. 

He barely had enough to eat, so he needed the money. This job sounded fun and anyway, his supervisor had already recommended him for it. It would be a waste to just throw the chance away. So, he found himself in a park, watching as film crews hurried to their own jobs, trying not to get scolded. Every now and again Seung Ho would looked over across the little stream to make sure that the President was not out of his sight. 

He sighed as he watched the guy talking animatedly to the girl. He looked upset, really upset. Then again, Seung Ho would be too if he was not allowed into a building that practically belonged to him. Seung Ho couldn't help but laugh a little at the bad day that his boss was having. He knew it was bad, but people like that never could understand the meaning of a hard life just because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. At least, that was Seung Ho's opinion. Besides, he heard that the guy was a jerk anyway. 

As if knowing that someone had bad intentions towards her boyfriend, the girl turned her head sharply in his direction, surprising him. Self conciously, he pulled his cap lower over his head. A move which he later thought was pretty stupid because it would only make him look suspicious. He could feel her stare burning into his back. And after what felt like forever, he felt a sudden weight being lifted off of his shoulders. Slowly and carefully he turned to see that the two were talking again. But this time, the lady was frowning and it seemed like she was worried about something. "Aish! Chincha!" He cursed under his breath before walking away.


Won, unaware of himself being tailed was telling Soo Jin about what his parents had done. Soo Jin listened intently, not even surprised anymore. She knew Kim Nam Yun was capable of anything after what he had done to her dad. He was a cold hearted man and nothing has changed. While Won was telling her about how he was humiliated in front of his staff that morning, Soo Jin couldn't help but get the feeling that they were being watched. She tried to concentrate on Won's words but she just couldn't and finally, she did an abrupt sweep of the opposite side of the stream. 

"What's wrong?" Won asked, forcing her to look at him again. 

"Huh?" She said, as he regained her attention. "Oh, it's nothing." She said, shaking her head. She must have looked unconvincing because his brows met in the middle to form a furrow at her answer. She tried to put her poker face on but she jumped up a little because all of a sudden, there it is again. That feeling of being watched. She sighed in defeat. "I don't know..." She said hesitantly. "I just... don't you feel like somebody's watching us?" She said finally. Won looked at her with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. 

"What? What do you mean?" He asked. 

She sighed and shook her head. Maybe she was being stupid. "No. Nothing. Forget it. So you were saying?" She looked pleadingly at him, sending telepathic messages to please drop the subject.

Won went on with whatever he was talking about and just like that, the feeling was gone, as suddenly as it had come. 


By the end of the day, Won had taken off his blazer and tie and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. He spent the whole day sitting next to Soo Jin and the Director. He was annoyed at the beginning of the day at not being able to go to work but as the day progressed, he couldn't help but feel amazed and a little impressed at the work it took to make a movie. He had decided. He decided that he knew nothing about any of the work. He used to feel like being a CEO was hard, having to be everywhere at the same time and to have work demanding your attention, sometimes even at night. But now he had come to a realisation. He realised that every job had its own hardships. He was convinced from what he saw the entire day.

Like the people from wardrobe for example, if they didn't do a cross check every 5 minutes, they could lose an outfit that was meant to be used for the day. And then there's the audio and the sound people who if they didn't get it right would get yelled at and Won noticed how hard they worked to get it right only to be scolded. But it was their job. But that didn't make it any easier. 

There were so many differences in the actual filming process that was not what he had thought it would be like. The first thing he realised was that the amount of people was not as small as he thought. He was always bumping into the staffs everywhere he go and at one point, he was even convinced that everybody in the park were actually staffs for the movie. He also didn't expect filming to take so long. He thought a scene would be shot once and it was done and over with. But just now, the director had called action for the 30th time on the same scene that they had started filming a few hours ago. He didn't know that it was going to be this technical. But everyone did what they did and would not storm off the set no matter how hard it got because it was their job and they were paid for it. They had to make a living, some not only for themselves, but also for their families. 

All of a sudden, Won felt a new feeling pierce through him. It was relatively new, but he knew what it was. It was guilt. Guilt at being the dictator that he was. Guilt at being a jerk to the very people he needed to run the company. Guilt for being mean to them and using them to vent his anger when all they were doing was doing their jobs; making a living. 

He sighed and mentally noted that if he ever got back in, he would have to make it up to them somehow. He would worry about that later. If he couldn't get back in, there was no point in trying to ammend his mistakes. He leaned in his seat and turned to watch Soo Jin who, along with the director were hunched over the monitor, re watching the scene that they had shot. Slowly, a satisfied grin appeared on both their faces. "This!" The director clapped his hands happily and then pointing at the monitor. "This is it!" He laughed heartily and got up so abruptly that his chair was flung backwards.  "Alright everybody! We'll take a break!" He announced and walked towards the table of food not far away, laughing happily as he did. Soo Jin chuckled as she watched the director. There were murmurs of hapiness and relief all around and everybody seemed to dispersed to enjoy their break. 

Soo Jin got up and stretched. "Yah. You hungry?" She said turning to him, taking him by surprise. For the past few hours she had warned him to not speak or make any noise that to hear her speak to him again made him feel awkward. 

"Um, I'm not hungry. But if you want, we can go grab something." He shrugged. 

Soo Jin smiled. "Nah...I'm not feeling it either. Let's go for a walk." She suggested. "We are, after all, in a park." She said and without warning she started walking away. Won had to jog lightly to catch up; his blazer hanging limply in his hand. Once they were in step, she slowed down and took a deep breath. "It's a good day." She smiled. 

Won couldn't understand her. What was she talking about? Winter was clearly coming and suddenly, he could feel the chill of the air around him. "But it's chilly." He said, undoing his sleeves and swinging the blazer over his shoulder. Now that they were alone and without the company of the film crew and additional body warmth, he felt the need to layer up. 

"It's always a good day if you're doing what you like." She replied, reaching an outstretched hand out for the sky. 

Won stared at her and noticed how her white porcelain skin was glowing against the transitioning weather. "How do you do it?" He asked before he could stop himself. 

"Do what?" She asked, looking at him with her big doe eyes. 

"All of this." He said. 

She chuckled and kicked at the ground lightly. "Being the chairwoman and ceo and producer at Jung In Films is my job." She said. "But making stories, influencing people, that's my dream. That's how I do it." She smiled at the thought. "Though I still have to do my job and I'm not going to lie, sometimes I do complain about it, but I do what I have to do because at the end of the day, I know I'm living my dream." She took a deep breath. "And not everyone gets to do that. So I just do what I do and be thankful that I am one of those few people." She smiled as she looked out into the trees, thinking about how lucky she was to have recovered from whatever had dragged her down in the first place. 

Won didn't know what to say. It was rare for anyone to make him speechless. But it seemed to happen more and more with this girl next to him. He had a feeling that this was one of the many layers that there was to this girl and for some reason, he had to urge to go through them all. 


"Ow!!!" Seung Ho howled in pain as he bit his tongue. He set his dinner of jajjangmyeon and mandu down on the seat next to him as he tried to rub the pain away. "That's what you get for eating like a pig." He thought to himself. Now it hurt for him to chew, but after a moment of thought, he grabbed the polystyrene bowl and continued eating. It would be a waste to throw money he didn't have away. He was good friends with the ahjussi that run the place and he already had a very long tab at the place. The ahjussi always brought him polystyrene bowls instead of the standard ceramic ones. This was not only because of how clumsy Seung Ho was but also because it was Seung Ho's own request. There was a pile of cracked bowls at the restaurant with Seung Ho's name on it, so no point in wasting good bowls. 

He was waiting in his car and was thinking for the umpteenth time about how lucky he was to score a parking space near the entrance. It was around nine and he was still waiting for the couple to come out. So far, no sign of them. 

As he was shoving another mandu into his mouth, that's when he saw them; the woman first and then followed by his target. They were smiling as they talked. He leaned in his seat to get a better view of them. They got into a car, presumably the woman's. Placing his chopsticks down, he revved up his car and when they pulled out of their parking spot, he sped up after them. Finally he was going to find out where the President has been staying.

Seung Ho followed them through Seoul and finally they had stopped in some neighbourhood. He killed the engine and parked a little further away so he could follow them more safely on foot. He watched as they went up to a house. He knew it was the President's girlfriend's house since she pulled out a bunch of keys from her bag. He moved closer when they had walked in. Masked by the darkness, he was almost unseen. 

He watched as the girl exclaimed in shock and watched as she opened her doors without needing the keys. He wondered why. But then he noticed that the lights are on inside the house, so there must be someone already home. Judging by the way that the woman was reacting, it happened all the time and it was something that was not welcomed at all. Seung Ho remained in the shadows until he saw the President walking in after the lady with a confused expression. Bang. The door closed and Seung Ho sighed in relief. He didn't get caught, not yet anyway. Then he started looking for a good angle that allowed him to peek inside through the semi sheer curtain. Inside, he could see four people. Two of them he knew, but the other two were complete strangers. Maybe he should stay a little longer, to stake out what they were doing. And that's what he did. All the while he was thinking about how completely addicting it was to do all this detective's work. He was going to miss it later when it's done.


Soo Jin took out her keys from her bag. She didn't realise something was wrong at first. But then, as she was searching through the bunch of keys, she noticed something weird. She could see. She could actually see what she was doing and it was all thanks to the light streaming through the window of the house. She never leaves the light on when she goes to work. And she knows that Won won't turn them off because he has people doing that for him, so she had switched all the lights off before she went to work. Lights on when she wasn't there? The door unlocked? All of this could only mean one thing and one thing only. 

"No way..." She gasped as she pushed the door open and barged in like she means business. A confused Won walked in after her, closing the door behind him. As soon as they entered the house, they could smell the aroma of warm, delicious food wafting from the kitchen. As if in answer to the calls of this delicious smell, Won's stomach gave a hungry growl. He stopped in the hallway and had to put a hand over his stomach to physically stop it. 

"Yah!" He heard Soo Jin exclaim from the living room and chills went down his spine. She sounded furious and he was curious as to what made her act that way. It didn't occur to him that she might have been upset because someone might be in her house without her permission. For him, it was normal to have the lights on when he got back and it was also normal to have food on the table by that time as well. 

He walked around the corner to see Soo Jin with her hands on her hips and he could guess that he was glaring at a guy. Seeing this man made Won stand at attention, as if he was threat. But then he took a closer look at the guy and he thought that the guy looked familiar. "Who's this?" He asked, moving to stand next to her with his chest puffed up and his voice stern, as if in challenge to the guy. 

The guy spoke before Soo Jin could answer. "Ah, President Kim." He said in a calm monotone voice. He smiled at Won as if they have been friends for years. Won eyed this guy warily, He still feels like he should know this guy somehow. The guy noticed his confusion and chuckled. "You really don't recognise me?" He questioned and when Won didn't answer, he laughed lightly. "Aigoo...President Kim you break my heart." He shook his head. 

He gave Soo Jin a little look and her eyes widened. "Yah, hajima..." She growled. "Don't do it." She shook her head in panic. 

Won looked from one to the other. "What is it? What are you guys talking about?" He looked even more confused than he was a minute ago. 

The guy sighed and closed the distance between them. He held his hand out and said, "Annyeonghasaeyo President Kim." He said with that monotone voice again. "I'm Choi Woo Hyun." He smiled, introducing himself effortlessly. There was a look of utter shock on Won's face at this revelation. 


He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had to replay what the guy had said again and again in his head to be sure. He staggered back a little from the weight of this little information. "President Choi?" He breathed. "From Manse Group?" He said in a much sturdier voice to compensate for earlier. 

WooHyun smiled and nodded. "Kurae, that's right. That's me." He smiled wider. "I was a little sad that you didn't recognise me." He cocked his head to the side as he shook Won's hand. Won on the other hand had just realise that the man was holding out his hand for him to shake. "I mean, I even let you wear some of my clothes." Woo Hyun said, retracting his hand. Won on the other hand was still tongue tied. Manse Group was one of the biggest cologomerate in South Korea, with specialties in publishing. Their second speciality would be entertainment. It surprised Won on that day that they had dropped by Choi Woo Hyun's apartment that Soo Jin had known the man. It surprised him even more that she hadn't run to him for assistance on the movie in the first place. 

"Yah!" Soo Jin yelled. "I told you not to do it right?!" She scolded Woo Hyun who was rubbing his head in annoyance. 

"Do what nuna? I was only introducing myself." He said, frowning at her. "It's not like he knows I'm your cousin or anything..." As soon as he said it Woo Hyun wanted to take it back. But, it was too late and the only thing that he could do was cup his mouth in horror at what he had just said. 

Won, who had finally got a hold of himself was now gawking at the two, his eyes wide. "What?!" He exclaimed and it was the first time that he had raised his voice since he started middle school. He was always taught to control himself in public, but the situation at hand came as a big shock to him. On one side there was President Choi who was continuously mouthing the work 'mianhae' to Soo Jin. And then there was Soo Jin who was standing stock still, red in the face and he couldn't tell if she was furious or embarassed. By the looks of her, it was both. Furious at Woo Hyun and embarassed that her secret was out. Amidst all of this, Won could only bring himself to say, "You two are...cousins?" 

The situation could have gotten a lot worse if someone hadn't walked in on them at that moment. But someone did walk in on them at that moment and it was someone that Soo Jin didn't need to be around at that moment. "What's going on around here?" The man asked as he walked into the living room. Before that he had been upstairs, looking for a sewing kit to sew on the button that had come off of his shirt. 

Soo Jin turned slowly at the sound of the voice. "Ap...appa..." She gulped. 


Needless to say, dinner was awkward for everyone. Even the usually talkative WooHyun was silent as he ate his noodles. They were having noodles with clam and watery kimchi, courtesy of Mr Kim. The chef himself hasn't touched his food yet. He was staring at Won, studying him. Won was staring at his bowl of noodles, not daring to look up. Somehow, his charms wasn't going to work with this man, and he knew it. Soo Jin had only gone as far as mixing the seasonings into her soup. She was staring at her dad, trying to predict what he was going to do next. 

"So..." Kim Jin Hyuk cleared his throat and picked up his chopsticks. "Your name?" He leaned forward in his seat, giving Won the arched eyebrow. 

Won faltered for a little while; only for a while. Then he was back to his old cool self. "I'm..." Won was ready to answer but in that exact moment he was interrupted by the clattering of a spoon being dropped on the floor. 

"Oooppss...Mianhe..." Woo Hyun smiled cheekily and picked his spoon. 

"This kid, chincha..."Mr Kim growled at his nephew. 

"Samcheol, it was an accident. Carry on..." Woo Hyun said smugly. 

"I was saying... Right, name." Mr Kim rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Soo JIn took this opportunity to give Won's leg a little nudge under the table. She gave him the signal hoping that he understood that she needed him to not be truthful. Won stared at her with a confused expression on his face and she hoped that he would catch on that she didn't want her father knowing what his name was. 

"Right, what's your name?" Mr Kim's voice snapped the two out of their silent exchange of messages. 

Won directed his attention to the older man in front of him. "Sir?" He said, as if he hadn't heard what the guy was saying earlier on. 

"Name?" Mr Kim looked expectantly, borderline annoyed. 

"My name?" Won repeated. "My name is Won." Won replied not giving Mr Kim the chance to be annoyed at him. 

" it?" Mr Kim gave him a pessimistic glare. "So, what is your surname then?" He asked, inclining even further towards the young man in front of him. 

"Ah...well, that is...erm..." Won found himself struggling to answer the question. He was well aware of Soo Jin sitting next to him giving him the baddest look that she could muster. He felt a cool sensation on his forehead and realised that it was his sweat evaporating from the warmth of the dishes in front of him. So, Won couldn't express the grattitude that he felt when WooHyun interrupted. 

"Erm, samcheol?" Woo Hyun cleared his throat. Mr Kim gave him a glare that said, don't do it, don't say it. But Woo Hyun being Woo Hyun gave his uncle a sly smile before saying, "Samcheol, don't you think that is being a little too much?" He scrunched up his nose. "Uri samcheol is being a nosy again." He said in a playful tone but Mr Kim was not amused. 

Mr Kim breathed something that none of the other three could quite catch. And then he looked at his nephew dead in the eyes and gave him the auditory thrill of his life. "Yah!" Soo Jin was pretty sure that her father's voice could travel to all the houses around the area but she didn't care because for at least a while they were off the subject of Kim Won. "You little." Mr Kim growled and Woo Hyun recoiled, more because of his uncle's voice rather than because of fear. "I should just..." Mr Kim raised a hand but then just as fast brought it down again. He would never hurt his nephew, no matter how annoying the boy was. At least, the boy had enough sense to show compassion.

"Ah... araeso." Soo Jin interrupted. "That's enough. The food will get cold." She reminded. Thankfully for her, her father easily accepts this to avoid going into that part of his brain that held memories from years ago. He didn't care as much anymore, but it still does bother him from time to time. Especially when he sees the kids; Soo Jin, Woo Hyun and Jin Ae.

"Kurae." He answered, nodding his head with less vigour than he had earlier on. "Let's eat." He said, picking up his chopsticks.

From then on it was relatively quiet. "Won sshi... What is it that you do?"  Mr. Kim asked reaching out for Kimchi. 

Won was taken aback by the sudden question. He was so sure that they were done for the night. But apparently Mr Kim was still at it. He was suddenly reminded of his father, the chairman. He could see how the two could be friends. 

"Uh..." He had to think about it for a moment but there was only one way to deal with this. "Um, I have a manegerial job." He answered and Mr Kim nodded his head slowly at that answer. 

"Kurae... And you work with our Soo Jin?" He asked,not looking up which was good for Won because he could concentrate more when the guy wasn't staring. 

"Yes, we work together." Won affirmed. 

"And you're here because?" at this moment Mr Kim looked at him. 

"Ah... I'm here because...because..." That was it he thought. He was done for. But then the most shocking thing happened.

"Because he got kicked out and needed a place to stay." Woo Hyun pipied, his mouth full of food. Soo Jin gave him the death glare. If only he had looked up from his food, he would have caught it.

Mr Kim looked genuinely shocked at this revelation. "Is that true?" he asked. 

What could Won do then but not his head in defeat. Soo Jin on the other hand looked like she was about to kill her dongsaeng. 

Mr Kim sighed and placed his chopsticks down. "This could be a big problem..." He said to himself. 

"What was that samcheol?" Woo Hyun asked while chewing. 

Mr Kim looked at his nephew in disgust. "You are really... for being a chaebol you sure are..." He found it hard to finish his sentence but instead, he said, "Aigoo!" 

"Where do you think I learn it from?" Woo Hyun looked at his uncle suggestively. 

"I'll deal with you later." Mr Kim said with a voice that implied, just you wait, you're going to get what you deserve later, but I'm going to deal with this first. Woo Hyun, as usual wasn't swayed.He was used to his uncle's mood swings. 

Mr Kim then turned towards Won. "So you;re living here alone with my daughter?" He stared the younger guy down. 

"Yes?" It came out more like a question rather than an answer. 

"This won't do.": Mr Kim said with a determined tone. Soo Jin was quietly watching her father and didn't like the way her father was acting at the moment. She had a very bad feeling. That feeling proved to be reality with what her father said next. "This won't do. I'll have to move in." 

"What?!" The other three said in unison at Mr Kim's proclaimation. 

"Appa, you don't have to do that." Soo Jin was the first to recover from the shock and speak. 

"Yes, samcheol, I don't think that's necessary. I think nuna can take care of herself. " Woo Hyun said and Won who had no choice so he nodded his head aggresively at this. If Soo Jin's father were to move in he would be found out and he would have to move out soon. He didn't have anywhere to go, what wil he do?

Mr Kim waved his hand to silence them all. "I'm doing it." He said adamantly and got up. "First, I'm going to get my clothes and I'll be right back." He walked halfway towards the door before turning back. "You." He pointed at Woo Hyun. "Follow me." He said before making it all the way towards the door. Soo Jin and Won watched in stunned silence. 

"What just happened?" Soo Jin asked with a dazed expression. Won shrugged, wide-eyed. At this point he didn't care anymore. Things are already bad for him so this was just another blip on the crap meter that was his life. He went back to his food and was quiet for a little while. But then, something behind Soo Jin caught his attention. There was a faint flash of light that if he wasn't looking at that moment, he wouldn't have caught it. Abruptly, he got up standing as if he had been frozen with his chopsticks still in his hand. A second later the loud clang of his chopsticks filled the silence in the room and caused Soo Jin to jump up a little. 

"What the?" She furrowed at him as he stared out the window seemingly into nothing in the darkness of the night. "Yah, are you okay?" She asked as she followed his line of sight to the window. Won stood firm, rooted to the ground because he didn't want to spook whoever it was outside. Whoever it was. Yes, he knew. He knew exactly what was going on and he was stupid to not see this coming. 


"Oh, ." Seungho retracted into the cover of the shadows of the night. Why had he forgotten that the flash for his camera was on? Why? He asked himself that question for years to come even when he and Won finally were on good terms. 

"Please don't see me. Please don't notice me." He prayed hard under his breath and just because he knew just how doomed he was he closed his eyes. It never crossed his mind that he could just run over to his car and speed off. Another proof as to how clumsy Seungho actually is. 

As hard as he prayed and begged, the Gods weren't on his side that night. Soon enough, he felt a rough tug on his collar and the next thing he knew, he was pinned against the freezing cold wall. "What are you doing?" A lady's voice interjected and for a moment he taught that he might have been caught by a muscular lady. He was about to apologise and he was about to say that he wasn't a ert. But then he realised the situation that he was in when he slowly openened his eyes and he came face to face with the angry expression of Kim Won. He was in much deeper trouble than he had thought. 

"What are you doing here? Did my abuji send you?" The heir asked and all the while gripping his collar tighter. This, in turn made Seungho clench his fist tighter to the point where he might have broken his phone. 

""He stuttered, feeling sweat crown his head and his blood run cold, knowing that he was truly caught. 

"Come on! say it!" Won said trying to scare the answer out of him without knowing that Seungho was already scared straight. 

"Yah, what are you doing to this guy? Who is he?" At that moment he noticed the lady standing behind the heir, looking worriedly at the scene unfolding before her. 

"This is my father's doing. He sent this guy to track me down. To spy on us." Won said and Seungho felt the annoyance rise up in him. Geez, if he already knew what was up why did he bother asking. Afterall, Seungho was only doing the job that he was paid to do. 

"That's how it is right? Right?" Won started shaking him and Seungho had no choice but to nod. 

"See?" Won said, proud that he had proven his point. Then he noticed the phone in Seungho's hand. Before the guy could do anything, Won had snatched it right out of his grasp. "Call him." Won instructed and hands the phone out to Seungho and when the latter didn't respond, he shoved it right in his face. "Call him!" 

"Okay, okay." Seungho took the phone and shakily dialled his boss' number. 

Ring... once...ring...twice...ring...thrice...

"Hello?" The gruffy voice of Kim Namyun rang clear from the other side. 

"" He didn't know what to say and looked to Won for guidance. Won on the other hand was giving him looks that could kill. 

"I'm here... Um..." He just didn't know what to say. 

"Haish, just give it to me." Won snatched it right out his hand. "Yoboseyo? Abuji. I know what you're doing and I didn't know you would go this far. I forgot. I'm not your son. I'm just a pawn in your little game." With that he hung up. 

"Go to him." He pushed the phone right into Seungho's chest. Seugho thought that maybe he had broken a rib or two. "Go!" He said, sending Seungho scrambling back to his car. 

"What just happened?" Soo Jin asked still in a daze. 

"We have to be prepared." Won remarked like he was a general still at war. If his father wants to play, then he can too. The best part, he knew what exactly his father's next move will be. 


A/N: How long since I've last updated? One year? Two years? I can't remember. But one thing's for sure, university is hard! I can't update regularly anymore because of it. But I think I'll try again from now on. Love you, my lovely readers!




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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...