Chapter 9- President Kim, meet the Kims

You and Me : The life of an Executive

"Remember to call me if you have any problems, araeso?" Soo Jin held on to both of Eun Sang's hand. Eun Sang was more comfortable with her now. 

""Araesoyo, unnie." She answered, smiling at her unnie. 

"Oh, since when are you on unnie dongsaeng terms with President Kim?" Tan said, coming up from behind Eun Sang and wrapping a hand around her waist. 

"Just now." Eun Sang beamed up at her boyfriend, who nodded. "President Kim." He nodded slightly at Soo Jin. 

Soo Jin nodded back once. "President Kim, Shareholder Kim." She looked from Won to Tan, smiling as if was about to tear. But, actually, she was holding in laughter. She couldn't believe how ridiculously formal and polite these people were being. Even more so, she couldn't believe she was being this formal  and elegant. She managed to get herself under control by taking a deep, deep breath. But then she looked at the brothers and the people around her and she giggled. 

"What is it President Kim?" Won asked, looking a little worried, and that made her want to laugh even more. She covered and shook her head. "Aniyo. It's nothing." She said, trying to stop herself. "Jeongmal? It looked like there was something funny." Tan said. 

"Aniyo. It's really nothing. Just... remembered something funny, that's all." Soo Jin took a deep breath. 

"Araesoyo. The dinner is about to start. I'm going to steal Eun Sang away." Tan said, bowing to President Kim. "Excuse us." He said politely. "Hyung, I'll see you later." He said to Won. Won nodded as his brother guided Eun Sang to the family table in the front. 

"Aren't you going with them?" Soo JIn turned to look at him. Won shook his head. "No, they can have their own time. Besides, nobody would accompany you." Won said, smiling. 

"Let's take our seats. The dinner is about to begin." Won said, guiding Soo Jin to a table by the pool. 

Everybody else took their seats and the dinner officially began with waiters and waitresses started carrying in the dishes. 

"Please..." Won invited Soo Jin to eat first. 

They ate in silence, only paying attention to the food in front of them. That didn't last long. Soo Jin looked up at Won as he ate. And she thought about how he had grown up, with Kim Nam Yun as his father. These rich families sadden Soo Jin. They're so busy making money, they don't have time for their families. 

She stared at Kim Won and all of a sudden she noticed how good looking he was. She nodded to herself. 'Kurae. Guys ike him must have girls lining up to be his wife.' She thought to herself. Never once did she think that she would be one of the candidates. No. She didn't think about that at all. All she thought about at the moment was the movie. The movie was her top priority. She then began randomly thinking about the actors and actresses that would star in the movie. Might as well be her. The movie is after all connected to her. 

"Is there something wrong?" Won asked when he noticed that she was staring off into space.

"Aniyo." Soo Jin shook her head. "I'm just thinking." She said. 

She then caught a glimpse of Tan and Eun Sang, and smiled to herself. "What a cute couple." She said to herself more than anything. But Won heard her and scoffed. She turned to look at him. "What? You don't think so?" Soo Jin looked at him. 

"It won't last. In this world we live in, it won't last. It just won't." Won said bitterly. 

Soo Jin studied this man sitting across from her. He was always smiling and it didn't seemed like he had any problems. So, why was he saying this? Unless... Unless his family had a say in his love life. She smiled patiently. "That is true. This world can be cruel. But of course, there is always the probability that things will work out." She said. 

Won smiled back at her. "Yes, that could happen." He didn't really mean it. In his mind, you had to choose. The weaker ones would always go for the girl, was what he thought. There was no chance that he was going to risk loosing his seat on the throne now. For a girl, he could always get her later. Now, he had to secure his place in the corporate world. 

Meanwhile, Tan and Eun Sang were already on their way to the two Presidents. It wasn't that they noticed they were being watched. It's because they had a special message from the charismatic chairman himself. Tan held on to Eun Sang's hand and practically dragged her there. "Hyung!" He called out to his brother. Soo Jin and Won were already looking at the couple so they weren't surprised when they came over. 

"President Kim, are you enjoying the dinner?" Tan sat down next to Won, dragging Eun Sang to the seat next to him. 

"Oh, it's good." Soo Jin said. "You two look great together." Soo Jin complemented. She had been watching the both of them and she really admired the way that Tan was so... 'normal' around Eun Sang. It almost made her forget that he was the Chairman of Jeguk Group's son. 

Tan chuckled. "We get that a lot." He grabbed Eun Sang's hand. 

"Kurae? You guys are lucky. Treasure it. It's something precious. Don't end up like me. I'll probably walk down the aisle at the age of 60." Soo Jin said, her smile faltered as she thought about Myeong Su. 

"President Kim? No, I think you'll find someone pretty soon, or do you already have men lining up outside your door?" Tan said, making Soo Jin giggle. "If it were my hyung, I would have believed it, since he works day and night and also..." Tan leaned in closer. "...have you noticed he's a bit of a scrooge?" Tan said. 

Won who had been quiet all along whipped his head round to glare at his brother. He pat his brother on the back way too hard, saying, "Kids, huh? You know how they're like." 

Tan coughed. "Hyung. Hyung, you're going to hit the food out of me." He said, making his brother squeeze him on the shoulder a little too harder as well, making sure to mask it as a brotherly hug. Tan winced from the force of his brother and kept quiet. He knew not to push his brother too far. Tan almost forgot why he was there, but fortunately, Eun Sang squeezed his hand, to remind him why they were really there. 

"Ah, majo... Hyung, President Kim, The Chairman invited the both of you over to our table." Tan said. 

Won looked from his brother to his father, who was staring straight at them. 'What was that old man thinking?' he thought to himself. In the meantime, Soo Jin was already standing up. "Let's go then." She said. 

He never thought she would go over so willingly and for a second he thought that she had an ulterior motive. Was this girl actually as innocent as he thought or was she a sly fox? No. He pushed the thought out of his mind. No feelings aloud. Business partners. That was it. Won stood up so abruptly, he almost shocked Tan off of his chair. "Yes, let's go." He said. 


Sitting with the chairman of a major company was always nerve wrecking, even if you're his son. That's how Won felt, even if he won't admit it. He slid the chair back for Soo Jin before sitting down himself. He sat himself down next to his stepmother with Soo Jin next to him, while Tan sat next to his mother, Kim Nam Yun's mistress and Eun Sang sat next to him. 

"President Kim, it's nice to see you here tonight." The chairman said in a low but authoritive voice. 

Soo Jin gave him her most charming smile. "Thank you for inviting me, Chairman." She said, not wanting to say it was an honour. She thought of it as being a rebel. Why bow down to these people?

"We are partners in business after all."  Kim Nam Yun said, to which Soo Jin nodded once. 

"Aigoo... You're so pretty." Tan's mother exclaimed. 

The Chairwoman scoffed but otherwise tried to look controlled. "Of course she's beautiful, unlike certain people." She said, meaning Tan's mother. Tan's mother was about to reply when the chairman cleared his throat as a warning to his wife and mistress to behave themselves. 

"Ah, kurae, President Kim, I heard you're a good writer." Kim Nam Yun said, changing the topic. 

Soo Jin smiled. "I don't know about that, but I do enjoy it." She replied. 

"That's not what I heard." Tan's mother said. "I heard, you're a best selling author." She continued. "Our Eun Sang told us all about your work." Tan's mother said, enthusiastically. 

"It's up to the readers to decide that. If it were up to me and my colleagues, what I write is mediaocre." Soo Jin said. 

"You musn't be so hard on yourself. Oh, why is your name Crystal Choi on your books? Why do you pick that name?" Kim Nam Yun asked. 

Soo Jin  smiled as she looked down at the her folded hands. "Omma." She said, looking up. Everyone looked confused, except for Won who looked surprised, looking at her as if he had just seen her. "It's a tribute to my mum. Ever since I was little she never limited my reading materials. I was allowed any book. I guess that's where I gained it all from." Soo Jin explained.

The chairman nodded in understanding. "So, your mum's name is Crystal?" He asked. 

Soo Jin shook her head. "It was the name she went by while she studied in the U.S. Her real name is Su-Jung. Choi Su-Jung." Soo Jin smiled at the chairman. The man was asking pretty sensitive questions and she was starting to feel uncomfortable. But, what his wife would say next would make her feel even more uncomfortable. 

"President Kim is doing well. You must have a boyfriend." The chairwoman said. 

Soo Jin turned to her, wide-eyed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and needed a few moments to clarify what the woman was saying. Won had on the exact same expression as Soo Jin as he looked at his stepmother. 

Soo Jin tried not to laugh and said. "Aniyo...I'm busy as it is, so when would I find the time?" 

"Ah... It's the same for our Won." The chairwoman said placing a hand on her stepson's arm, while Won nearly choked on his drink. He was giving them the evil eye, but his parents didn't seem to notice. 

Won knew exactly what they were trying to do. His parents have been pestering him about it for a while now. Questions ranged from ,'Won ah... Are you seeing anybody?' to 'Are you not getting married already?'. Either way, he has always avoided it. But what could he do in the presence of a business partner. 

Soo Jin coughed from the comedic situation. It turns out even rich people think about their children's marital status. And from the questions and compliments she was getting, Soo Jin was one of the candidates they had in mind. 

"Well, when you look at them, they look good together. " Tan said, suddenly out of the blue. Everyone at the table turned their attention towards the couple. "Kurae..." the chairman said simply. 

'Well, behind every great man, there is a woman." Tan's mother said. 

That was the last straw. It was like saying it plainly, 'marry our son.' They didn't even have to say it out loud, she understood. That was enough, she had been there long enough anyway. So, she did what she always did. 

She rubbed her chest, slowly at first, then it got more noticeable, which was exactly what she wanted. She started coughing a little, making sure that people noticed. Her plan worked though, because soon after, Kim Nam Yun looked worriedly at her. 

"Are you alright President Kim?" The chairman asked. 

Soo Jin coughed once more for good measure, then said, "I think I have a cold." She rubbed her chest once more. 

"Do you need medication?" The chairwoman asked this time. 

"Aniyo. I think I just need rest." Soo Jin said hurriedly. These people were really going to make her stay. 

"Unfortunately, I think I have to excuse myself earlier." Soo Jin added.

Kim Nam Yun nodded. "That really is unfortunate. " He said. "But what can you do, an illness could strike at anytime. I would know." He added referring to his deteriorating health.

"I'm really sorry... " Soo Jin said getting ready to leave. 

"Kurae, it can't be helped." The chairwoman said. 

"Kureom, then Won..." the chairman said, turning to face his son. 

"Ye abuji?" He sat up straight. 

"You send her home." Kim Nam Yun said to his son. 

"De?" Won asked, surprised at his father's request. 

"You heard me. Our driver has gone home for the night to take care of his mum. So, you send her home." the chairman said in his stern voice. He signaled for one of the butlers to grab Won's car keys. 

"Chairman, that's alright, I'm sure I can grab a taxi." Soo Jin said, trying to help Won. 

The chairman waved his hand. "No, I insist. You have to. " He said with such force it made Soo Jin sweat and she knew there was nothing she could do. 

Won knew there was nothing that he could do. He sighed and said, "Araeso. " 

He was pretty sure that his father planned the whole thing. But what could he do. His father constantly reminded him that he was still in charge. So for now, he just had to play along. 

"President Kim, are you ready?" He asked, getting up.  






Ellie: Okay, another one done. One fake couple coming up. Thank you to everyone who has read this fanfic. And also thank you so much if you've commented on this fanfic before and thank you if you've voted and subscribed. Thank you thank you so so much :)))))


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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...