Chapter 18- And so it begins.

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Kim NamYun grabbed the handkerchief and held it to his mouth just in time as he coughed a chesty cough. There was no denying it, his condition was getting worse. And it was a morbid thought but if he was destined to go on that day, he would be entirely happy. Knowing for sure where his son was and knowing that he was actually living with the daughter of his childhood best friend had just made his day. Although his son has figured out what he has been doing, nothing could destroy his mood. He would be lying if he said the idea that his son and the girl would fall for each other has never crossed his mind. 

When he first found his old friend and found out that he has two daughters and one of them was his first born's age, the thought crossed his mind for a second. And then he abandoned it until he got that call from his informant and his lost son. Hell, he isn't even angry that his son has turned down all the countless chaebol that he had lined up. Maybe the two could get together. The good thing is that she is also successful and she has started from the ground up. He could always use someone like that aboard his ship. 

Despite feeling like his lungs were about to fall out, he smiled as he placed a frail hand on the lavender scented envelope on his desk. He was still waiting for the person to help make his next move. 

And not long after, there was a definite knock on the door. "You wanted to see me sir?" Seung Ho peeked nervously into the room. He knew he had failed miserably in his mission. And he felt his heart pounding; afraid that maybe he was going to lose his job. He really needed his post as the security. For one thing, he has an outstanding debt with the Chinese food restaurant that he hasn't gotten to paying yet. And also, to keep his place, and also to keep himself warm and eating well, he needed the money. 

Living in Seoul is not easy. Even if he has been struggling ever since he was little, doing part time jobs here and there during his high school years. And maybe that's why he never went to college. His grades were never good. 

And now, entering the Chairman's office brought back memories of when he was often called into the principal's office because of the plunge in his grades and also once or twice when he would get into fights with people. 

"Ah... Yes.."the Chairman said with a sigh. He noticed that the old man's condition was getting worse but didn't dare show that he noticed because he was convinced that he would soon lose his job. He was so nervous that he didn't dare sit. 

"What are you doing? Take a seat." the Chairman had to instruct him before he actually did. He had his hands in his lap and didn't dare to look directly at the man in front of him. As if his politeness would help him out. 

"You...Do you know why I called you in here?" The Chairman said, hiding his delight for a moment to be replaced by his neutral, authorative voice. He was happy by what the boy had found but he didn't want any slip ups again.  

"" SeungHo was already stuttering. He could feel his forehead getting more moist by the second. "The assignment sir?" He blurted out when the Chairman did not answer. 

The Chairman gave him a little smile and nodded his head slowly. "What happened?" He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. He already knew the answer. His son has started becoming more careful ever since the whole incident with Hyeonju. He was still sorry for what he had done. But, at the same time, he always knew what was best for the boy.

"Erm... i don't know sir... " SeungHo said to an expectant Chairman Kim. "It was all going so well and then all of a sudden he noticed me but I think he might have noticed me way way earlier and I was following them to some park where they were filming something, I don't know and then to maybe her house and then maybe it was the light but he saw me..." The Chairman held up a hand to stop him from rambling on. "That's enough." he said. He gave Seungho a hard stare before  bringing a hand down on the envelope and said,  "This time... I don't think you can make a mistake. " he sighed before continuing. "If you really do make a mistake again... I'll really fire you this time. " he was pleased to see the shocked expression on the boy's face. That is how he knows that Seungho is truly shocked and will be truly grateful for the chance that was given to him. 

And Seungho really was. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This time?  Does it mean that the Chairman was going to give him another chance? Omo. He really was.  He couldn't believe his luck. But the phrase this time also meant that he already has a mission in store for him. 

"Erm... If you don't mind me asking,  what am I doing this time? " Seungho said timidly,  almost too afraid that he might ruin the opportunity. 

"I'm getting to that part. " The chairman snapped. 

"Sorry." Seungho said,  recoiling into his seat. 

The  Chairman cleared his throat before assigning him with the task.  "So,  as you know,  my son is already aware that I sent someone to tail him. " Seungho simply nodded to that, fully aware that it was his fault.  "Now,  I need to get my son back,  are we clear on that? " Seungho nodded again, faster this time. " So what you have to do this time is very simple." He gave Seungho a stern look and said "You simply have to bring him to me. " The Chairman leaned back in his comfy leather chair after presenting the challenge before this boy in front of him. 

"Ne? " Seungho said after a moment of total confusion.  "Excuse me? " 

The Chairman gave him a smirk that really scared him and he knew that from that point on he had to do what the chairman ask of him. 


"Aigoo... Chincha....Ige boya Ige... " he said, fishing some overdue leftovers from underneath the seat.  He was back at the house where he nearly got his kicked. The envelope was sitting in the passenger seat  and he was treating it as if it were the most precious thing in the world. 

"Kurae, Seungho ah... You do this and you can make it up to the Chairman. " He tried to calm himself down so he could hand the invitation over at the right moment. Eager to redeem himself,  he had been waiting outside since 6 in the morning. So he had seen Mr Kim that the chairman had talked about carrying luggage bags along with another younger guy. "And who is that guy? " Seungho frowned at this new bit of information. When he couldn't figure anything out he ruffled his already messy bed hair and said,  "Aigoo... Stresssssssssssss..." 

Soon the lights were on in the house and a delicious aroma was waiting through the air. "Yah... Chincha... What I would do for a home cooked meal." he scoffed. "You guys are lucky..." He said, his voice full of envy. 

There was a huge commotion when the inhabitants of the house found the unexpected visitors. But soon everything has settled down and everyone was getting along well. 

From his spot outside the house Seungho could see that after a very uncomfortable sit down with his future father in law,  the President has excused himself upstairs and the bathroom light lit up, indicating the heir was taking a shower. For the next 30 minutes Seungho sat in his car and looked on. The Chairman's instructions were clear, "make the most commotion ever". To do that, he needed to get every single person in the house in the same place. 

"Make sure the father sees it..." Seungho recited back what he had been told. "Better yet, the father is the one who answers the door." Seungho is not so confident in that part. But as a former troublemaker, he was sure he could create chaos in the house. " subtle of a chaos as possible..." One of the Chairman's request slipped its way into his mind. 

"Make sure that my son can never say no." Another one of the Chairman's instructions. To put it simply, there is no failure in this mission. Make sure that everyone, EVERYONE, agrees to go to this event. 

"Ani...igo boya..." Seungho was starting to doubt himself again. "What did I get myself into?" He wondered to himself. "Maybe I should just give up my job." He gasped, thinking of a ridiculous idea for a second. "Samcheol has a farm in the countryside. Should I just go there and raise some cows?" He thought about it for a second. "I mean, the countryside air is better for eomma and also the living cost in Seoul is too expensive anyway." It was scary how serious he was about it, as if he was ready to pack up his bags and just move away right that day. 

But then, his eyes landed on the little envelope and he was pulled back into reality. He sighed deeply. "I already accepted this mission. Knowing the Chairman and his influences, he probably could just hunt me down and make my death look like an accident." He shook his head at the realisation. "Oh, andwae...." He slap himself hard across the face, something he regretted instantly. "Aish..." He grimaced, massaging the pain out of his cheek. "Ah kurae, the hospital that eomma does her regular check ups in are in Seoul." He sighed again at the trouble he was in. "It will be so much trouble to transfer her, that is if there is anywhere to transfer her to." That's when he got his determination back. "Okay, let's do this." 

It was another hour before he could finally get his plans underway. When he saw the family finally setting the table and getting ready to eat, he took a deep breath and grabbed the envelope. Another quick intake of breath and he found his way walking up the steps leading up to the house and soon his hand was hovering over the doorbell. He decided that before he could regret it, he pushed the doorbell button with a sweaty finger. 

"Cha... Let's just get this over and done with,  oh Seungho? Oh Seungho, you can do this. Waiting! " At the end of his little pep talk, he heard the doorknob turning and it made him stand up straighter than any supervisor he has had in the army. "Here goes nothing. " he thought to himself as the door swung, slowly open. 


Waking up to her appa and cousin making a ruckus downstairs while hauling what almost looked like half of their wardrobe into her house was definitely a unique new way to wake up for SooJin. Nope. No alarm needed, just a very protective father and an annoying cousin. Although,  SooJin had not set her alarm,with the plan of sleeping in, seeing that it is a Saturday and one of the rare days that she truly has off.  

No matter how annoyed and frustrated she was feeling,  both because her appa had completely misunderstood the situation and also because she cannot go into details and basically tell him the truth because she didn't know how her appa would react when he learns the truth. So that's why she ended up sitting cross-legged on the floor in the living room playing monopoly with WooHyun to release the tension in the entire house. As annoying as her cousin was, she could always count on him for a distraction.  

"Assa!!! Noona, you're going straight to prison." WooHyun shrieked happily.  "Ya... at this rate, I'm going to make her go bankrupt pretty soon." he said to himself as he rubbed his hands together with a mischievous smile on his face. 

SooJin scoffed. "Shut it. You don't know what you're talking about ahga ah.. ." SooJin looked up to see the desired effect when she used her cousin's most hated nickname. WooHyun's face got really red and his cheeks seemed to puff up more than usual at the mention of "baby". 

"Oh... Araeso Noona. " he growled. "So that's how you want to play huh?  Fine,  I'll make sure you lose so bad you won't be able to play another game ever." he challenged with eyes as wide as saucers behind his glasses. 

SooJin snorted and waved him off. "Ahga ya... " The minute the words leave she knew that he was already boiling and if it was possible, smoke would come out of his nose when he breathed.  "If you spend all that energy into taking care  of your health, you won't be wearing those glasses right now that are making your eyes look like fish eyes. " 

"Oh... " WooHyun looked like he was really hurt but SooJin knew that as soon as lunch was served in front of him later,  he would forget all about it, and that was probably one of the charms of her cousin, a charming shikshin chaebol. She smiled at her own description of her cousin but it was the truth and if she could pick a phrase to describe her cousin to anyone,  she would pick that one. 

"What are you guys doing? " Won asked, taking his place on the couch. 

"Oh,  hyung... " WooHyun smiled brightly.

"Yah, can you call somebody that so lightly when you just met them?" SooJin sshefcoffed. s nexx

"Aniyo noona... I've met him before and, seeing as he is your boyfriend and my future cousin in law, what better way to get closer than to lose the formalities?" WooHyun said as he rolled the dice. 

"He is not! My...boyfriend..." SooJin nearly shouted out, but then she remembered that she was in the presence of both her very protective father and her unwanted guest that has ultimately become her housemate. 

WooHyun scoffed. "I don't know who you are trying to fool noona, but it's very obvious." He said, not noticing that SooJin had already turned a few shades redder. "Ani, you guys live together and you even came to my house to borrow stuff for him, how much more forward can you be?" He held out the dice for his noona. "Of course, back then you probably waved me off because you guys were still getting to know each other..." WooHyun drew in a deep breath. "But looking at the situation now, I'd say you guys are well on your way to the altar.." He gave Won a cheeky little wink. 

Won blushed at the attention that he was getting from his unexpected dongsaeng. All his life he has never had a close friend before. People were usually regarded as work and the "close" relationship that people see them having is usually just a mutual understanding that if you do your part, I will do my part. If any party does go against that agreement then there is no more "close" relationship. No more brunch or golf or meetings in the most exclusive bars. That was life as an executive. It got lonely but that was good as far as Won was concerned. The lonely life allowed him to focus on work and a made sure that the company would succeed. "Life is like that." He would always remind himself. "It's a dog eat dog world. And if you don't take care of yourself, you're going to get eaten." 

In light of his life so far, it wasn't strange that he did not know how to react to the teasing that WooHyun apparently enjoys inflicting on others. So instead, he just sat there, physically turning into a human tomato. 

"Yah..." Soo Jin growled. "Stop that or..." She didn't finish her sentence before WooHyun jumped in. 

"Or what noona? The worst thing you have on me is that stupid nickname that everyone decides to call me since I was born. " WooHyun said, scrunching his nose at the thought of the annoying nickname. 

"Ani...shut it or do you want me to expose what you did when you were little to the press? All of the embarassing details. All of it..." SooJin whispered across to him. 

"Ei...You wouldn't would you?" WooHyun said, laughing it off. But when he saw that SooJin wasn't laughing along with him and was merely raising an eyebrow, he knew that she was going to keep her word. 

"Oh, araeso...noona...Chaebalyo oh..." He pleaded. "I won't say anything more, okay?" 

SooJin smirked. "See? Now that's better." SooJin picked up the dice and threw it. All the while, Won had been sitting quietly, not used to the family atmosphere that he was witnessing. The most he got from his father was a hug when his mother had passed away. 

Meanwhile, Mr Kim who had been busy in the kitchen peeked his head through the doorway. "Okay kids, stop fighting and help me with the table. It's lunch time." He instructed and immediately the two cousin got up and sauntered towards the kitchen. Mr Kim cleared his throat and looked sternly at Won who found himself in a situation where he didn't know what to do with himself. "Everyone.": Mr Kim finally said before disappearing into the kitchen. 

When he was gone, Won let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Fuh...Why am I like this?" He said to himself. And putting a hand to his chest to calm himself, he got up and followed the rest of the family to the kitchen to help out. He did owe the woman a favour so what's a little chore once in a while? 

Won was given the task of distrubting the eating utensils around the table. The only problem was was that he wasn't any good at it. To many people it is an easy task that they have done countless times without a fuss. But for the multi billionaire heir, it was somewhat of a mystery. He kept on peeking over at the Kim family to see if he had made any mistakes by checking to see if they were going to call him out on it. He did this awkward little battle with himself in his mind for the next 30 seconds or so before he felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Hyung, give that to me..." WooHyun had his hand out. Knowing the nature of most chaebols, he wasn't in any rush to snatch them out of Won's hands. When Won looked at him like he was crazy instead of handing the utensils over, he pushed the rice bowls he was holding toward the older chaebol. "Cha... I feel like hyung will be better in scooping out the rice. Can you do that hyung?" He said, giving him an almost innocent smile. He knew that even things like this could get to the ego of someone as influential as Kim Won.  

Reluctantly Won loosened his grip and let WooHyun take the spoons away from him. "Make sure it's filled to the brim, oh hyung?" Woohyun gave him a reassuring pat on the back before returning to his duty. And it turns out that Won was a pretty okay rice scooper. At least Mr Kim was not complaining. He let a little grunt of approval as they sat around the table and started eating. 

Mr Kim was a magnificent cook and for lunch on that particular day, he had prepared spicy stir-fried small octopus, fried mandu and some japchae to accompany the main dish, his neighbourhood famous, galbi. The table was so full of food that there was practically no way that they could eat comfortably. But at least their stomachs will get a treat. 

Won was used to having loads of side dishes being served in front of him everyday and often at times, he didn't even finish half of it. But looking at the way that WooHyun was eating right across from him, he had a feeling that they won't have any trouble in that department. He would always eat on his own, ever since he was little, with the family workers watching over him. Only recently did the family start eating together, ever since his abuji has taken to staying home more. Pretty soon, the old man would be home all day and it was a bittersweet thought. He longed to take over his abuji's place but at the same time, he knew that his abuji was growing weaker. And as much as he resented his abuji, he still loves and respects the man. 

He looks up to the head of the table and only then did he realise how similar Mr Kim was to his father; a man of quiet resilience. He could imagine it in his head how both of them were when they were younger, when they were innocent. He once again wondered what had happened and what exactly his abuji had done. The chairman was pretty cryptic on that and if he had wanted to ask, he couldn't anyway. Not after he had been kicked out/ran away. 

The man at the head of the table had seem to grow on him. He could still feel daggers being sent his way, everytime Mr Kim gave him "the glare", but now he understands that it is out of feeling protective of his daughter. And there was no way he could blame the man. She was a successful, independent, beautiful woman and those kinds of specs could attract a lot of unwanted attention. Nodding to himself and being lost in his thoughts, it was no wonder that he almost jumped up out of his seat when SooJin had slyly placed a piece of galbi on his bowl. This did not go unnoticed though and WooHyun cleared his throat and smiled cheekily at the action. 

Staring at the meat on top of his steaming pile of rice he didn't know how to react. Maybe it was an automatic reaction or maybe because the last time that a woman had cared for him was when Hyeonju did it, his heart unknowingly started to beat faster. And to top it all off, SooJin started smiling like it was nothing and urged him to eat. All of a sudden an impromptu scene played out in his head where SooJin had prepared a meal for him and he her...married? No. He firmly shook the thought out of his head. He needed to keep his eye on the prize. The last time that he was involved in anything other than business it had turned out terrible. 

No. He can't be doing this to himself anymore. The only problem was, he didn't even know what the prize was anymore. And just before he could reach the depths of his mind to debate with himself over what the answer was, the doorbell rang and snapped him out of it. 

Everyone around the table turned to the door simultaneously; in WooHyun's case, with a mouthful of unchewed food that he had stuffed in there like a chipmunk would with its acorns. 

"I'll go get it..." SooJin offered. And she was already half way out of her seat when her appa motioned for her to sit down.

"No. I'll go get it." He had already put down his chopsticks when Won spoke up. 

"I should go get it..." eventhough he had already said it, he still remained seated and looked at Mr Kim for approval. 

"Aigoo, what is this? Someone just needs to answer the door!" WooHyun exclaimed, before storming off from the dinner table, clearly not appreciating the interruption. 

Everyone stared at each other in awkward silence when WooHyun was out of sight, not knowing what to do with themselves. Instead, they all preoccupied themselves with listening to what was going on at the front door. 

They heard WooHyun call out "nuguseyo?!" before opening the door. "Oh?!" He exclaimed and this made everyone even more curious.

e a"WooHyun Ah...who is it?!" SooJin called out. 

"Molayo... He just says that he knows the President." WooHyun hollered back, causing more confusion. 

"I'll go see who it is..." SooJin hissed as she got out of her seat. She was then followed by Mr Kim and lastly, Won was the last to leave his seat. As the entourage were approaching the door all they could see was a guy clad in black and with a cap hung low on top his head. 

And the closer they got, the more familiar the guy became. And when the two Presidents finally recognise who it was, they couldn't believe their eyes. "You!"They both exclaimed simultaneously. 

At their reaction, Seungho took a little step back. "Please, hear me out..." He practically pleaded. What was pride when you could possibly lose your job? "I have to, or else I could lose my job." He said and the expressions on both of the presidents faces didn't soften. However, Mr Kim had a curious look on his face. This gave Seungho hope. 

"Ah... actually... I'm sent here to deliver a message." Seungho said. He rummaged through his pockets for some reason until he realised that what he was sent over with was hugged close to his chest. "Ah... sorry... Here it is..." He handed it over to Mr Kim, all the while avoiding the two president's gaze. 

Meanwhile,  SooJin and Won wished they had been faster in snatching the envelope away from Mr Kim. But Mr Kitm was not having any of it.  Keeping his back to the other three,  he ripped open the envelope.  

Inside there was a luxurious card,  lined with gold and not only that,  there were several pictures included of Won and SooJin which made the two almost lose their minds.  Seungho was not excluded from the mental breakdown train as he gaped at the familiar pictures that he had taken himself. He knew he was sending some sort of invitation but he wasn't informed that "those" would be included.  All of a sudden he was reminded of how insignificant he was in comparison to this man who owns a huge corporation and has the ability to do whatever he wants. 

Mr Kim frowned at the pictures that he was shown and the invitation was simple : It seems like we need to talk. 

Then it was followed by the address of the chairman 's house and a time with the dress code, smart casual.  

This time Mr Kim looked at Seungho with a look of bewilderment. "What... Is the meaning... Of this? " Mr Kim growled and Seungho lost his security blanket.  

"Well... This is... " Seungho broke out into a cold sweat.  He made the mistake of looking directly at Mr Kim.  

"Speak properly!" Won cried out from the back and for a second there he forgot that he was in the presence of the man who thinks that Won is dating his daughter. 

Seungho straightened up with a start and for the first time since he rang the doorbell, his voice came across loud and clear. "This is my job, okay? I don't want to lose my job and if I don't do this, I may lose it and so here I am..." His felt like he was about to cry and probably looked it too. But he took a deep breath and calmed himself before speaking again.  "So please,  read the invitation and please..." he said desperately and for a second he regretted what he just did. But what is the meaning of regret if you are going to lose your job anyway. 

Mr Kim contemplated it for a bit before saying, “This…invitation, what is it all about?” This question has raised the annoyance level in Seung Ho. He was wandering why the guy couldn’t just read it on his own.


But, in order to hold on to his low paying, long hours job he answered anyway. “It’s an invitation sir…” Even Won threatening him with fists clenched in the background did not deter him. The one who determines whether he stays or goes is The Chairman, not the President, he was guaranteed that. And when it was the President’s turn to take over…well, he doubted that it would be any time soon. But that was only because he didn’t know about the agreement between the Chairman and his son.


“This invitation is from the Chairman…” He had forgotten to mention which Chairman. “…who just so happens to be the father of our president over here…” You could say that Seungho was on a suicide mission as he pointed at an already aggravated Won. Won was throwing daggers in his direction with his eyes but SeungHo marched on. “…He has invited you and your daughter to a private dinner party tonight.” SeungHo stressed on the last words and except from Mr Kim, who had gently gasped, the other three stared at SeungHo wide-eyed in shock. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing, least of all Won who couldn’t believe that his father actually did it. And at the most clever way at that. He was stuck, caught in his abuji’s trap and there was no way out.


“And…what is the… purpose of this dinner?” Mr Kim asked, regaining his composure.


“That…” SeungHo held up a finger. “That… I don’t know…” He said as everyone else groaned inwardly. Although, Won knew exactly what his father’s motives were; to see who he was spending time with and to get him to come home at all cost. His abuji can be controlling like that. “However… I do know, that if you don’t agree, I might lose my job. So please…” SeungHo brought both of his palms together and bowed down to Mr Kim, because he knew the other three won’t be as sympathetic. When Mr Kim didn’t answer, he got down on his knees and did a proper bow, like the one you do during chuseok. “Please…” He was pleading. He needed the money. If he succeeded this time, he might get more from the Chairman. More money means less debt and less debt means a free man for SeungHo.


“Aigoo…” Mr Kim was taken aback. He didn’t know what to say or how to react. So in the end, he said the one thing he could. “Kurae…we’ll go.” And that one sentence was enough to send SeungHo to the moon and back.


“Ah Abuji…” SooJin whined while WooHyun gasped. Won on the other hand, was only able to stare wide eyed at the smirking SeungHo.


“Chogiyo…with all due respect…” Won began. “But, I think it’s best that we don’t attend that dinner.”


Mr Kim turned around slowly and gave him the eye which for some reason still terrified Won if used in the right way. “And why is that…” He drawled.


“Uh…well that…” Won began to stutter. “I…well I…” Won didn’t know what was happening to him recently. At that rate, Won would have surrendered his position in the company due to the fact that he was probably incompetent. That was how Won was. The company first. Above all else, put the business first and it’ll be a success. That was what he had learned from his father from a young age.


Mr Kim nodded his head in victory. “Seeing as you can’t say anything, then it is decided.” Mr Kim turned back to SeungHo. “We’ll be going.” He affirmed and SeungHo’s grin was back on his face.


“Kamsahamnida!” SeungHo did a ninety degrees bow to Mr Kim. After a while, SeungHo felt a sense of comfort being around Mr Kim. A reassurance that he would get to keep his lifeline.


At the same time, Won regained a little bit of himself. “But the thing is…My father can be very particular.” Won said. And he looked at SooJin with wide eyes, asking for her help.


“Oh…Oh!” SooJin said as she realised what he was trying to signal. “I’ve been to his house before…” SooJin nearly bit her tongue at what she had said as her appa scowled at her. “Aniyo, appa…it’s not what you think it is. It’s for work purposes, for all of the share holders and partners.” She didn’t want to reveal much more than that in the fear that her father would find out. But if she couldn’t convince him otherwise and they would have to go to that dinner anyway, then all will be lost.


“So, I was there appa, Won ah mian.” She turned to apologise for what she was about to say. While doing so, she had unknowingly held on to Won’s hand. And without her knowing it, Won had blushed and hurriedly pulled his hand away. “And I met his father.” SooJin went on, not realising the effect that she had on her new found friend. She went on to talk about how he was so particular about everything and would nag about every little thing that was wrong. Once SooJin had started talking, she couldn’t stop. All the while, Won was oblivious to what she was talking about. If he was listening he probably would have nodded in agreement. Just that little bit of revenge would have felt so good. But Won was busy with something else. He felt his heart racing and his pupils were dilating and he found it a little hard to breathe. Maybe he was taking work too seriously to the point where he felt nervous around every woman that he comes across.


“That’s why samcheon, you can’t go.” WooHyun’s voice brought him back. “I know how you hate fussy people like that.” WooHyun said, while hanging on to Mr Kim’s arm.


“Normally, I wouldn’t agree to that…but seeing as this guy is using extortion to get what he wants, I should pay this guy a visit.” Mr Kim said as he sent daggers in the direction of Won who flinched as a result. He dare not say it out loud but in his mind, the security of the guy’s job was probably not the only reason that Mr Kim was so adamant on going.


Mr Kim cleared his throat and turned back to SeungHo. “Kurae, we will go to this dinner.” That one reconfirmation was all that was needed to make Seungho’s day. “But, this guy has the nerve to invite us on the day of the occasion. Doesn’t he have the decency to at least inform us 7 days before? How rude…What’s with this man?” Mr Kim wondered. SooJin looked to it as her chance but before she could say anything else, Mr Kim cut her off. “But we’re still going.” Mr Kim waved the invitation and said “Thank for this.” And then he headed back inside.


Won and SooJin would have lunged at Seungho if it wasn’t for WooHyun who had stopped them and reminded them that Mr Kim was still inside and immediately shoved both of them inside before saying a hasty thank you and disappearing inside himself. The door shut with a bang in front of SeungHo’s face and he couldn’t be any happier.


He practically skipped over to his car and pulled out his phone as he did so. He pressed the no2 on his keypad and pressed call. “Hello?” For the first time he was glad to hear the raspy voice of the Chairman. And just like that, SeungHo, mission success!




SooJin never thought that she would say it but that night as she fastened on her earrings in front of her mirror, she had to. “I hate my life.” She has whined over the years about how crappy her life was and how she wished that everything could be better but she has never ever said that she hated her own life. She has always made it through with optimism. But maybe after that night, she might as well be disowned by her father.


“Aigoo…Let’s go see your aunt…” The sound of whining and JinAe cooing stopped SooJin from going further down the rabbit hole.


“Oh, you’re here?” She said, the sight of her nephew was enough to throw her thoughts out the window.


“Cha…Let’s go to your aunt…” JinAe handed Gook over.


SooJin balances Gook on her knee as best she can. “Yah chincha, people will think I’m Gook’s mother.” Even though she said that, she started making funny faces at Gook, making the baby laugh.


“I mean, technically, you are his God mother.” JinAe said. SooJin just sighed. JinAe could sense the weariness in her sister’s behaviour. “Unnie, don’t worry… Everything’s going to be fine. Who knows? Maybe his father was just really curious about who is around him and maybe dad won’t even recognise him.” JinAe said.


SooJin looked to her in surprise. “Oh, you know who he is?” She continued to rock Gook on her lap.


“Ei…Unnie, I have my own resources too. The fact that you were so secretive about it felt a little fishy. So I did a little digging.” JinAe shrugged.


SooJin scoffed. “Who would have thought?”


“Well anyway, good luck tonight. I don’t know what would happen but I know it’s going to be alright.” JinAe smiled. “That’s your motto right?”


SooJin could only manage a weak smile. The thought of her father losing it that night was strong in her mind. “Oh…” and then she added in a lower tone. “I hope so...”


Then there was a knock on the door, followed by Won’s voice. “Excuse me, but we have to get going…”


“I’ll be right out!” SooJin shouted back. “Cha…here…” she handed Gook back to JinAe. “It’s time for me to face up to the challenge.” She slipped on her stilletos and walked out the door.


“Unnie hwaiting!” JinAe raised both of Gook’s hand up in the air making the baby giggle.


SooJin shut the door behind her slowly, with the shadow of a smile on her face.


Won was already waiting for her a little while ago. He wore a simple casual outfit of slacks and sweater, knowing that he was going home to see his family and it wasn’t even a business deal. But when he saw SooJin, he might as well have gone in a suit. She too was wearing a sweater, a pastel pink oversized sweater and white skinny jeans with her hair falling in loose curls. Pair that with a simple pearl pendant necklace, diamond earrings and black heels, she looks simply beautiful.


“Let’s go…” SooJin said. Won cleared his throat and averted his eyes, thinking of how juvenile he was.


“Oh…oh…” he gestured for her to go on first. And she walked ahead of him, he couldn’t help but let his eyes stray downwards. Even if it was only for a second, he was ashamed and quickly moved his eyes straight ahead. He gave his arm a little pinch and reminded himself, “Kurae, Won-ah let’s work hard again today.” Though he was currently in a cold war with his family, he still wanted that position as the head of the family business. What could he do when he has been raised to be competitive ever since he was little?


Mr Kim was already waiting for them downstairs, fully dressed in grey slack pants and a pastel yellow dress shirt. “Are you two ready?” He asked, grabbing his beret. “Then let’s go…” he put on his hat, completing his fashion. “That guy, whatever his name is, is already waiting outside.” He walked on ahead of them out the door.


“Mwo?” Won and SooJin said simultaneously. All three were wandering the same thing. What was SeungHo, who supposedly had already finished his errand doing there on the night of the event?


Who is the third person? Well, that would be SeungHo himself, who was hugging himself while leaning against a luxurious car that he had been forced into driving last minute. “Make sure you lead him right back to me. No detours.” Those were his exact words. SeungHo didn’t know why he had to go this far to secure his place when the Chairman had plenty of other drivers.


On top of that, he had gone in only a thin sweater and jacket because he was in a hurry. “My lovely ramyeon…” He whined thinking about the steaming pot of instant noodles that he had left on the dining table earlier on. He kept rubbing his hands together and putting them to his cheeks to warm himself up but in the chill of the night, there was no use.


As he was stamping his frozen feet on the cold hard ground, he heard the door swing open and almost immediately he stood on attention. He opened the back door for Mr Kim who was trudging along and the man gave him a slight nod of recognition and SeungHo did the same in return. A while later the two presidents walked out, SooJin leading the front and Won in the back. SooJin stopped for a while in front of him as if she had something to say and then thought better about it before getting into the car. Won on the other hand, gave him the death glare which made him flinch, but SeungHo had already decided, enough was enough. “Ah… I didn’t want to do this either…” SeungHo said with a brazen face.


Won’s eyes went wide with surprise as he heard it. “Yah, you, did you just speak in banmal with me?” Won gasped, not believing what he was hearing.


“Just please get in, please?” SeungHo took the opportunity to shove Won into the car while he was surprised. He then hurried to the driver’s side, got in and locked the door. “Cha..we ‘ll get going.” He put the car in drive and they were off.


Though he probably won’t get into trouble with Mr Kim there but nevertheless, he kept checking the back to see how his involuntary passengers were doing. Mr Kim had that stern look permanently plastered on his face, once in a while glancing in Won’s direction checking to see that he wasn’t trying anything funny. SooJin on the other hand was stuck in between her father and Won and anyone who sees it will know for sure that her soul has left her body. Then there was the President himself, his employer who he had just talked down to and practically forced into the back of a car.


SeungHo sighed. How can he not after all that he has done so far. “I’m dead. I’m so dead.” He thought to himself, shaking his head in despair as he drove closer and closer towards the Kim’s mansion. “Oh Lord…please help me just this once…” He started praying and hoping. But what could he do but keep on driving until he reached their destination. There was no turning back now.



Won could see a familiar sight looming ahead and he began to shift uncomfortably in his seat. And the sidelong glares that he has been receiving from Mr Kim since earlier on wasn’t helping either. The closer they got to the driveway the more restless he got and if it went on any longer, he could probably tear his pants with the death grip that he had on them. But that didn’t last long.


While he was busy worrying and going through all the possible worst case scenario in his head, he failed to notice that SooJin had picked up on his nervousness. So it was no wonder that he had let out a surprised gasped when he felt SooJin’s warm and reassuring hand around his. He looked up at her, too shocked to even pull his hand away. He knew he was blushing and as if that wasn’t embarassing enough, he could hear his heart beating in his ears.


But despite all that, he couldn’t turn away from a smiling SooJin was trying to give him encouragement.


“We’re here!” SeungHo called from the driver’s seat. And in his mind, he was already cursing at SeungHo. But he had to snap out of it. His abuji was no meek lamb that he could have his way with. He had to be mentally and physically prepared.


SeungHo parked the car at the foyer where a valet man was already there, ready to park the car after it had unloaded its baggage. Mr Kim and SooJin exited the vehicle through the door closest to the main entrance while Won exited the other side. He looked around at his familiar surroundings. He hadn’t seen the place in like what? A week? Two weeks? It doesn’t matter because he knew he was back in his own court, his own playing field. But too bad that his opponent was somebody who could top his advantage with experience.


And just thinking about that made him tug at his coat in nervousness. He hurried after the father-daughter duo and left his coat with one of the maid at the entrance. “Welcome home young master…” A maid said to him as he was ushered to the dining room where they were going to have the so called dinner.


The room was past the foyer through a door on the left. And before he went through that door, he had to take a deep breath to compose himself. After finally convincing himself that he could get through it, he pushed the door slowly open. And what he saw on the other side was powerful enough to take away his self confidence. He felt like he had done something shameful and he should not be raising his head to meet anyone’s gaze at all.


Around the long dining table, his stepmother and his father’s mistress were sitting on either side at the head of the table. Next to his father’s mistress was his brother, Tan followed by his girlfriend. Then on the other side was SooJin who was trying to coax her father to sit. And at the head of the table was the mastermind of the whole thing, the Chairman himself.


“Yo…you…” Mr Kim gasped. “You son of a…” Mr Kim’s face had turned so red that Won was afraid that it might burst if he wasn’t careful. It all happened so suddenly, but Mr Kim started to clutch his chest and it looked like he was about to faint. And that’s when Won and Tan both came to his side to help support him to the chair next to the Chairwoman.


“Appa…” SooJin was on the verge of tears. “Appa, are you alright?”


“Soo…SooJin ah…” Mr Kim’s voice was hoarse with the effort of talking as he also found it difficult to breathe. “What is the meaning of this?” He asked, shock not completely gone from his system.


“That…Well um…” SooJin struggled to answer. “I…” She wished she wasn’t there at the moment and Won who was watching the whole situation unfold thought the same thing.


“SooJin sshi…” The Chairman caught her attention at once. At the same time, she was confused at the casual way that the Chairman was addressing her. “Please have a seat… And you.” He gave Won a stern look. “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what to do.”


At the Chairman’s orders, SooJin looked to her appa and when there was no response from him but seething anger towards the man before him, she obliged and sat down. Won sat on the chair next to hers.


“Welcome my old friend. I would call you a betrayer, but I’m the one should be sorry here so…” The Chairman paused for a while so his old friend could compose himself. “About whatever is going on here…I will explain on behalf of my son and your daughter.” And so it begins.

a/n: I'm so sorry about the weird format...eberytime I type it out on my laptop my page won't stop jumping. So I had to type it out on wps office first before copy and pasting it here. So the format is a bit off. Thank you for reading. 



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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...