Chapter 37- (Epilogue)Love in the air

You and Me : The life of an Executive


A/N: This story was basically finished from the chapter before this. But this author really likes tying everything up in a neat little bow. I left it so long because I was busy writing my novels. And now that they're done and off to find a publisher and agent, I could return to this passion project again. 

Thank you so much for reading up til the end, thank you for the support. I truly enjoyed writing these two, and they are still my muse. My ver first muses. Since then, I've found a few more couples to be my muse. But it's amazing that I still feel so invested in these characters. They're always in the back of my mind, hence I'm here again. But now it's time to turn the last page and say goodbye to this story. 

I might write a sequel but before I get a clear plot, I wouldn't be posting it on here. But, I am open to sharing the small moments the couple go through as newly weds and more. So, little oneshots. I was thinking of writing out a spinoff about their kids. Even though it's been so long, if there is interest, I would probably write it. 

Thank you. 

And Au Revoir!


"Are you sure you want to bring this?" 

He has had to look up with a huff for how many times that day. Now, all he had to do was to give his little brother a look to shut him up. Tan raised both his hands in surrender and it felt so good to see the flustered look on his face. Despite appreciating his brother's help at first, he was now beginning to regret his decisions. Lately, his brother has been more annoying than usual and Won has to admit, even to himself, that he has started falling for it. A list of his recent favourite comments are :

"Time to get up! Are you guys still in bed?"

" guys never leave that bed these days."

"At this rate I might get a niece or nephew by next year." 

"Ah...why can't I share a room with my girlfriend? Hyung is sharing one with his."

Wife. She's her wife. And he had half a mind to drill that into his brother's head. And not in a non violent way either. 

Although mostly of what they'd done had been sleeping- (anything not falling into the 'most' category won't be specified but it does vaguely include a lot of kisses and a lot of bruises)- his brother has been nudging him towards something more. Even though they clearly had a great wedding night. At the hotel, of course. And he won't be telling anyone how many times he's relived that night. Probably not too healthy. But, given the not too subtle talks about his life. He thought maybe it was just the thing to shut everyone up. Now that he thought about it, the whole house had been doing that. There were talks of a baby on the way, even though a wedding has yet to be planned, not explicitly that is. Won was willing to bet that the two women in his father's life were already mapping everything out in their mind. They might have even been a few baby names in mind and that is including the baby's nickname for the 9 months that their mother will be carrying them. Every corner he turned now there was talks about 'good baby names' or 'virtuous baby names'. Hell, there's been talks about seeing a fortune teller. 

He gulped. Thinking about SooJin as the mother of his children made his heart freeze; in a good way. The woman occupying his thoughts was currently in the bathroom, getting her makeup off after a hard day of work and he has had to take a moment to compose himself if he didn't want to make himself look like a giant tomato when she comes out.

"Hyung, I think you're about to explode." He could feel his fist about to connect with his brother's cheek at any moment now. The door was open, and the two brothers were currently on the bed, trying to decide what to bring on the family vacation that they were having since...forever. After what had happened to his father 6 months ago, everyone had gone through their own recovery process. Now that everyone has gradually gotten better, everyone decided that it was the perfect time to get a little time off. Even Soojin's dad who has been grumbling what a waste his kidney had been. "What's the point of donating something to someone who won't even use it?" Well, this vacation would probably cheer him up. 

"I already told you to pack early." SooJin said as she walked out of the bathroom. He couldn't help but grumble. Not only was his brother on his case, but so was his wife. On second thought, with the thought of SooJin as his wife, he couldn't help but feel himself melting to the spot. I was busy, he said as he continued to hold up two sweaters in front of him. "Those are the same colour." He groaned at that. And his brother quipping a,  I told you, was not remotely helping. "Look, if you're going to pack last minute, then you have to accept the judgement from the people around you." She said, lugging her own luggage towards the door. He wasn't aware just how hopeless he was at actually being a human being outside of a business setting until he met SooJin. Like she always does, she had already finished packing a week before. Not being able to help himself, he felt a swelling admiration for her and more alarmingly, a warming kind of feeling of love towards the woman before him, blowing at strands of hair in the front of her face. 

He had half a mind to get up and to brush the offending pieces of hair out of her face and behind her ears. Then he remembered his baby brother was in the room and the fact that he had finished packing the night before pissed him right off. Given that he had thrown random items of clothing into his suitcase with a few snacks, and with a lack of sleep had declared he would just buy what he needed when he got there, he had still done a great job. Won however, liked to look like a snazzy professional. And outside of that, he has always opted for a sweaters and pants  combo. Even this was something his family had thought as unfortunate. SooJin too, had started discretely buying more shirts and t shirts as presents for him. 

His thoughts was interrupted when he felt SooJin's hands cover his own. "Here, take this one." She had decided for him and he was kidding himself if he said he hadn't felt like he was head over heels. Eventually though, he had managed to get himself down to where his family was. SooJin's cousin and dad were there too, waving. Her sister had opted out of the whole thing because she would be busy with the bar, something about a congratulatory event. That was why WooHyun was here in her stead. He gave the man's hand a shake, the two of them already closer in the past months than when they were in a fake relationship. WooHyun and Tan on the other hand, had a little bromance going, where they called themselves the insiders. The two had the exact same personality that Won felt like it was just better to go long with it. 

Baby Gook was currently eatting through the man's corner but it looked like WooHyun had given up a long time ago. Tan's mother and his stepmother was cooing over the little baby. "Aigooo...uri Gook ah!" SooJin reached out and her cousin was only too happy to let the baby go. There was no saving his shirt though. 

But Won wasn't bothered with that. His attention was somewhere else. He was watching his wife making her little nephew laugh. And he can't tell what it was, that feeling in the pit of his stomach. But he decided that he liked it. He placed a hand on the small of his wife's back, thinking how he couldn't wait to have her all to himself.





Two weeks. It's going to be a blissful time under the sun. Won, being the workaholic, never thought he would ever look forward to having two weeks of rest. His abuji had insisted. And for the first time, the father and son saw eye to eye. That's how he found himself with sand in between his toes and the sound of the sea in his ears. A private beach villa. Sometimes there are perks to being a chaebol. The rough string was digging into his skin despite the towel they draped over the hammock. But, rocking lazily on it, on a private beach with his beloved wife, he couldn't bring himself to care. 

"Do you think we really need the apartment?" The hammock swung slightly as she sat on his lap. Once he had pulled her close, buried his nose deep in her scent, he started swinging them slowly. 

"I think so. It's abuji's gift. And we can always move back any time. The property is big enough to pretend we're living on our own anyway." Secretly though, he hoped they wouldn't. That they would live in their own penthouse. Won is nothing but realistic. That's why he had said it. He has seen these chaebol marriages turn bad so often. If she didn't want him anymore, he would leave. Let her have their wedding gift. Either way it's a win-win. 

Plus, he was looking forward to it being just the two of them. You know, like a lot of newlywed husbands do. They had their wedding night already. But every other night after was bliss after bliss. Won wondered what he'd done to deserve this kind of happiness. Now that he had it in his grasp, he wasn't going to let go. 

He nuzzled her neck, kissing that place where he knew would make her gasp. It's weird. He's learning all these precious little things about her and he couldn't get enough. She hummed, snuggling closer to him. "You know? Maybe we could' refuse a gift..." He could feel her breath turn deliciously quick. And he's sure she could feel his smile on her flesh. And when she turned, he was only to happy to return the kiss. If he was lucky, this would lead to something more. 

And if not? He was still lucky all the same. 




The End. 

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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...