Chapter 11 - the business couple

You and Me : The life of an Executive

"Oh! Hyung!  Good morning." Tan said, looking up from his bowl of oats. 

Won nodded once at Tan as he sat across from  his brother. 

"Wow. It's unbelievable how even this early in the morning you still have that signature frown on your face." Tan shook his head. 

Won took a deep breath and poured himself a glass of orange juice. "It looks like you haven't been blown up from existence." He smiled sarcastically at his brother. 

Tan scoffed. "Of course. Hyung, what would you do without me?" Tan leaned in closer. "You know, being the grinch that you are, life can get pretty dull." Tan nodded his head like a wise old man. 

Won glared at his brother. "Just what have I done to get a brother like you?" He said menacingly. 

Chairman Kim cleared his throat. "Stop it you two. Your old father is not dead yet. He can still whip you two." He said calmly, trying to suppress a cough. 

"Isn't that a given? Abuji, if you weren't here, we would eat each other alive if you weren't here." Tan said. 

"Oh. That's right. But I won't even touch you, so I'll probably just kill you. " Won said calmly, slathering a place piece of toast with butter. 

Chairman Kim smiled and nodded his head slowly. He thought his sons were hilarious. He could only dream about this a few years back. "Stop it and eat." He said. Although he was used to their banter now, but it could quickly escalate if he didn't control them.

Won kept checking his phone as he ate. Tan on the other hand, was observing his brother. Once in a while, Won's phone would vibrate and he would sometimes chuckle as he replied to the text message of whoever it is.  

"Won." Kim Nam Yun's voice startled both of his sons. Won looked up at his father while Tan looked away suspiciously from his brother. "You did remember to have your schedule freed up for today right?" He asked his oldest son.

Won furrowed at his father making it look like as if he had just one eyebrow instead of two. "Why?" He said.

"Did you forget your promise?" Kim Nam Yun said, looking at his son in the eye. Won looked questioningly at his father. He has totally forgotten. Kim Nam Yun sighed and shook his head gravely. "This is why you shouldn't spend so much time at work." He said to his son, forgetting that he was the same. "I told you to free up your schedule for today a few days ago. Go out." Kim Nam Yun said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Go out?" Won thought to himself. "You mean like a blind date?" his eyes went wide as he remembered.

"With the minister's daughter." Kim Nam Yun set his cup down slowly.

Won had really forgotten, so he didn't lie about that. But the thing was, he really was free that day. And, he didn't want to go.

"Abuji..." He started to protest.

Kim Nam Yun held up a hand. "No buts. I can excuse that you've forgotten, but if you really have nothing to do today...Go." He said.

Looking at how uncomfortable his brother was being, Tan spoke up. "Abuji... What is the use of doing that? Do you remember what happened to last one?" Tan said, referring to Won's ex fiancé.  

Kim Nam Yun looked at his youngest son and nodded slowly. "Kurae... It was their loss anyhow. Chairman Choi never knew how to control his daughter. Always pampering her. And now look at what happened."

"Abuji..." It sounded like a plea. A plea for his father to stop it already. It had been a business deal. Two conglomerate families joined together through holy matrimony.  But then his lovely fiancé decided that she didn't want to marry someone she didn't love and ran away somewhere. Sometimes Won wished he had that kind of courage. Their relationship was formal and it was brief to a point where it felt like they didn't have a relationship whatsoever, but he truly admired the girl. If he could, he too wanted to run away. But he can't and that was why he was so hard on himself. For not doing anything to stand up for himself, for losing someone he loves. 

There it is again. His thought drifted towards Hyeon Ju. But strangely it felt distant. It felt like he was reminiscing an old memory. It's silly, but it hurt much less now whenever he thought about her. Not that he noticed. He was too blinded by guilt and regret. Guilt that he didn't stand up for both of them and regret that he could not know what would have happened if they had stayed together. 

"Brrrrr..." his phone vibrated on the table. He took one look at it and a humongous light bulb lighted up in his head. He turned to look at his father. "I'm sorry abuji, but I'm definitely not free today." He said, smirking. 

Kim Nam Yun looked suspiciously at his son. Could he just be making it up? "Kurae? What is it that is so important? More important than your future?" He asked, resting his arm on the edge of the table and linking his fingers together. Something he learned when he was young; a symbol of dominance 

The gesture didn't have the desired effect as Won answered him confidently and calmly. "I have a business outing." 

Kim Nam Yun nodded calmly. "Kurae? Who is it?" He asked. 

"President of Jung In Films." Won answered. 

Kim Nam Yun and Tan were surprised. They both stared at Won. "I thought she already agreed to our preposition. " Kim Nam Yun said.

"Well, it has something to do with that... What is it? Reinforcing good relationship between business partner." Won said. 

"Really?" Tan wasn't easily convinced. "Are you sure..." Tan winced in pain as Won kicked him underneath the table. Tan nearly jumped out of his seat when he looked up at his brother. What sent a chill down his spine was the calm smile he had while his eyes almost looked red; threatening. Tan decided to keep quiet, but he was still curious. His brother would even decline the top CEOs' sometimes. So, why is he accepting an invitation from a company just starting out? Plus they already have a deal. 

He smiled mischieviously at Won. "Hyung, could it be..." He said, leaning in closer to add the suspense.

It worked because Won looked at him with a surprised face and for a moment there, Tan thought he saw nervousness in his hyung's eyes. 

"Could it be what?" Won snapped. 

"Could it be...." Tan leaned in even closer, raising one eyebrow. "Could it be... You're actually arranging this last minute so... " 

This time Won leaned in. "So..." He said, swallowing the anticipation he didn't know he had. 

"So you could escape that blind date right?!" Tan said, laughing as if he has just uncovered a huge secret.  

Won scoffed at his brother's statement. He smiled at his brother. " You think you have it all figured out don't you?" He said, and Tan tilted his head to the side. "No. I didn't arrange this last minute." That was the truth. He didn't plan it last minute. 

He remembered what Kim Soo Jin said the night before. "Yah... are you really that sorry?" Soo Jin asked when it was decided they were official.

"Kind of, yes." Won said.

Soo Jin sighed. "What will it take to get you to stop feeling that way?" she asked.

"I could repay you with compensation." He joked.

But Soo Jin might have taken it seriously. Considering his family situation, he was more than capable. She frowned and crossed her arms as she thought about it. "No." She said. Then her face lit up as she came up with what she thought was brilliant idea. "I know." She snapped her fingers. "Instead of that, treat me to a meal. " She said.

Won tilted his head to the side. "A meal?"

Soo Jin nodded, and smiled at him. "Yes. There are some people that I'd like you to meet." She said. "And maybe we can settle this once and for all." She said, her chin. 

"Settle it once and for all?" Won was confused. 

"Ani... It's just we can... get Myeong Su off my back. " She said and it sounded so wrong. "It's weird, but I'll tell you later." Soo Jin waved it off. 

And that was how it was decided. And this morning, She texted him that morning to set a date and since Won didn't want to go on the date that his father had set for him, so why not go on one, but with a time that he had set. So that morning, confronted by his father, he texted her: "Let's just do it today." And the deal was sealed when Soo Jin replied: "Okay. An hour from now."   


Soo Jin could see him waiting outside. He was leaning against his car, shuffling his car keys around in his hand. "You can just wait out there a little longer." She said, slightly annoyed by the way he was leaning arrogantly against his million dollar car.

Soo Jin put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a beige sweater. She grabbed a watch and thought about it for a moment, before choosing her rainbow coloured socks. 

She stuffed her phone and wallet into her bag and went downstairs. She got a glass of water and pulled out a lip tint from her  bag and applied it on. There was no need to powder up. Besides, Soo Jin thought it was annoying to dress up. 

Grabbing her bag, she hurriedly put on her pair of vans sneakers. Wouldn't want the heir to wait too long. She jogged outside, to see Won already opening the door for her.

"You ready?" He said.

"Yeah." She said, slipping into the passenger seat. 

She watched as Won got into the driver's seat.  He looked different in normal clothes. He was wearing a pair of beige pants with a blue sweater that he rolled up to the sleeves. Soo Jin was so absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't notice that Won had caught her. 

"What?" He said. 

Soo Jin shook her head. "Nothing. It's just that you look really different. " She said.

"Kurae? You look different yourself." Won said and in his mind, he thought she looked better in normal clothes.

Soo Jin giggled. "You've already seen me in normal clothes."

Won smiled. "I guess you're right. " He put the car in drive and they were off. 

He really didn't know where they were going. Soo Jin won't tell him where they were heading. So, he was left to just follow her instructions. Mostly they went straight, but now and again Soo Jin would instruct a left or a right.

Won was getting used to this rhythm and he managed well enough when they got to a more crowded area. 

"Stop right here. " She said suddenly. 

Won stopped abruptly, causing a few people to glare at him.  He nodded to them in apology. He looked around and the place was packed. There were people everywhere, walking around with plastic bags of goods with them. Some were even carrying humongous cabbages under their arms. He looked up at the sign above. "Traditional Market." 

"Let's find a place to park." Soo Jin's voice snapped him out of it.

"Ah, ku..Kurae. We should." He said. He couldn't help but feel curious about why they were there. She could have chosen any restaurant but she chose the market.

To be honest, Soo Jin didn't expect it either. Won had planned it so last minute that she did not have any choice but to bring him along.

She sneaked a look at him. "That's alright. You wanted to be my fake boyfriend didn't you?" she thought to herself. She nodded, telling herself that all of this would be over soon. Kim Won would get his life back and she could finally get Myeong Su off her back. For now, just bear with it.  








Ellie: Hello everyone. I would like to thank everyone for supporting this story so far. And I thank you for the patience. And I'm afraidi have news. I don't know if it's good or bad, but, I won't be updating a for a while. For a month/ 4 weeks to be exact. I didn't feel that it was right to leave for that long, so I decided to update one more chapter. It's getting old but the reason I won't be here for sometime is because of exams and graduation. Don't get me wrong, I'll still continue on with this story, just that I'll be free to so it in four weeks time. So, this is a really short and simple chapter and if you stick with me, we, along with Won will be able to know a little bit more about Soo Jin's history. And just in general the next chapter will focus on Kim Soo Jin. Please, stay with me and thank you for your understanding. See you soon. Bye for now. 

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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...