Chapter 4- Meet my ex-girlfriends' contract

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Kim Soo Jin leaned back in her chair. She was reading through the script for the movie that Bang Myeong Su had sent her. He had barged into her office early that morning. "Here." He said. Not only was she busy proof reading the script, but Kim Won was also coming to sign the contract. 

She thought back to the luncheon. Just as she expected, he was so full of himself. She leaned forward, resting her head on her fist. What did she expect. He was born filthy rich anyway. She thought to herself how he had missed the word "President" on her ID tag. "He must really live a fast paced life." She thought to herself.

"Kurae. No matter what your position is, and how much you make... You'll always be poor." She said to herself. Of course it was nice to get a bigger income, but most of it she gave to her parents or donated. So, you could say, her situation was about the same.

She felt sick thinking about the way she took over as president. "That little son of a..." Soo Jin didn't manage to finish her sentence before Eun Hye walked into her office.  "Unnie, he's here." She said.

Soo Jin looked up at Eun Hye. "What? But he's early."  

Eun Hye shrugged and said, "So, do you want me to call him in?"

"It would be better if you got it over and done with." Eun Hye said when Soo Jin didn't say anything.

Soo Jin nodded. "Kurae. Let's just seal the deal."

Eun Hye smiled and went to the waiting room to get Kim Won. 

Kim Won on the other hand was looking at the posters that were hung all over the room. He purposely came early so he could see how they would react. To see of they were ready to work with Jeguk. He thought back to the luncheon when Kim Soo Jin was dressed in shabby clothes.  He wondered if she had done it for the same reason. To see how people would react. More specifically, how he would react. 

He read the titles of the books on the bookshelves: in all different language,  when he heard footsteps. He looked to see that it was the female employee from earlier on. Judging by the amount of time she spent with Kim Soo Jin, this woman was probably the assistant. 

"Kim sshi... The President will see you now." She gestured for him to follow her. They walked to the very end of the floor and the assistant opened the door for him to go in.

He noticed just how cozy the room looked. There was a couch and coffee table at one end of the room, with a bookshelf as the background and there was even a carpet.  Not colour coordinated or sleek like how he was used to. Not his style, but cute. Then he noticed Kim Soo Jin standing at the other end of the room, behind an antique looking desk, and behind it just like any other room in the building, was a book shelf. 

He smiled and walked right up to her. "Kim Won sshi... Welcome. " Soo Jin held out her hand, which he shook.

"Please, sit. " Soo Jin said, sitting down.

She looked to Eun Hye who was waiting for her instructions. "Eun Hye, get Kim Won sshi a drink. " She said.

"Just water please. " Won said before Eun Hye could even ask.  

Eun Hye poured a glass of water for Won and walked out. 

"So, you know why I'm here right?" Won asked. 

Soo Jin smiled. "What kind of question is that?" 

Won chuckled. "I guess so." He then placed the file that he had been holding on the table. 

Soo Jin took it, read though it and took the company stamp, first stamping it on the inkpad. Her hand hovered over the contract. This was it. After this it would be final.

Won saw that she was hesitating. "Kim Soo Jin sshi?"

Soo Jin blinked a few times. What was she doing? This was business. She can't let anything get in the way. So with that, she sealed the deal. 

"Here. "She slid the contract over to Won. 

"What? No questions?" Won said, taking the contract. 

Soo Jin smiled. "Why? We have the most honest, straightforward relationship in the world. We both know we have to do this. So what questions are there? I know your dad told you to, and you know that I know. No secrets. " She said. 

Won nodded his head slowly. "That's true." He looked at her for a moment before getting up. "That's all for now. Of course we'll have a lot more meetings in the future. But for now, it's enough that we're now officially partners." Won said, giving his hand for her to shake. 

She shook his hand and said, "Partners." She said. 

Won was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something. 

"Kim Soo Jin sshi... Can I ask you something?" 

Soo Jin gestured for him go on. 

"Why did you not say anything the other day? At the luncheon?" He asked.

She smiled and stared at him straight in the eyes. "Just... To see how people would react. To see how Kim Won sshi would react." She said. 

Won's expression didn't change as he listened. "Then, I'll get going. " He said, after she had answered. Soo Jin nodded once at him before he walked he walked out of her office. He was right after al,  he thought to himself, walking away with a signed contract. 

Back in her office,  Soo Jin sunk into her chair, exhausted emotionally. Eun Hye walked in. "Unnie, how did it go?" she asked, not caring how tired her unnie was. 

"Eun Hye ah... I think I'm going to go crazy." Soo Jin said, massaging her head. 

"Unnie, do you think he knows?" Eun Hye asked, curious. 

"Of course he does." Soo Jin said, banging her fist on the desk. 

"That's why he's here. His dad is using him." Soo Jin said. 

Eun Hye nodded. "So, unnie, what are you going to do now?" 

Soo Jin sighed and said, "Now... We make a movie. "


Ellie: a super short one. I'm so busy and I keep finding time to update. So forgive me because this is all I can do at the moment. Next chapter by early next week. Only three characters for this chapter, our two stars and of course, who doesn't love mousy Eun Hye. 

Thank you to all the subscribers and commentors and upvoters for this fanfic. Thank you so much :) It means so much. Please continue to support this fanfic. Again, thank you :) 



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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...