Chapter 13- Paying your dues

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Soo Jin steered Won through the busy market, until they finally got to a street on the other side. With the marketplace just behind them it was still noisy, but the street ahead was filled with little cafes and bistro. They had an elegant and vintage theme to them that kind of reminds people of the English afternoon tea. 

Soo Jin crossed the cobbled street from the marketplace side to the shoplot of cafe and bistro side. Surprisingly enough, she didn't stop at any of the restaurants or bistros or cafes. Instead, she kept walking until they were at the end of the street and then she took a right turn. Behind the street, they finally came to the main road. Unlike the street that they had been in, the road they had arrived in, were full of offices. 

From where they were, Soo Jin didn't take them far. In fact, she lead him towards a building directly opposite from the place that they had come from when they exited the street. As they were crossing the road, Won had to try and keep up with Soo Jin to avoid getting hit by a car and ending up in the hospital. He just wasn't used to doing this. He was more used to people waiting on him. Once on the other side of the road,Soo Jin rounded the  corner of the building. As they rounded the corner, there was a big chalkboard that had the massive letters 'MSG' written with white chalk. 

And sure enough, at the back there was a big neon sign and it read MSG. "We're here!" Soo Jin exclaimed, finally saying something. She had her arms open outwards, as if she was introducing some exhibit. Won stopped abruptly in front of her, partly surprised at hearing her voice after just following her in silence for a while and partly because he was kind of mesmerised by the bright red colour of the sign. The first thought that came to mind after that was "How would people know about this place?". The business man in him was intrigued. The location wasn't exactly ideal, it was hidden away. It must not be opened for a massive crowd then, or maybe it was on an invitation basis only, like an exclusive club. One of those restaurants where aesthetics were more important than getting a massive crowd. Won never really understood these types of businesses. How did they have money enough to stay afloat? Isn't that the reason behind starting a business? To yield a profit. To keep the business alive and to make sure you have enough to sustain your life? He shook his head and the only conclusion he can come to was that it was owned by a spoiled rich brat. 

While these thoughts filled his mind and awoken the businessman in him, Soo Jin had gone ahead inside. She only realised the guy she was with was missing when she was about to introduce him after placing her bag on one of the barstools. 

The chime of the bell above the door usually signaled the arrival of a new customer. But this time, instead of a customer, it was Soo Jin and instead of an arrival, she just poked her head out the door. "There you are!" she exclaimed. She found Won standing outside, at the top of the stairs leading to the bistro, staring at the neon sign, seemingly thinking deeply about something. "I thought I lost you somewhere." She said cheekily. 

Won was snapped out of his train of thoughts. He looked towards Soo Jin who was frowning at him. "Oh, I got distracted." He said.

Soo Jin sighed. "Alright then, come on." She urged as she disappeared inside. Won hurried after her, but hesitated when he saw the 'CLOSED' sign hanging on the door. But he figured it was alright, since Soo Jin already went in ahead of him, so he pushed the door open and was greeted by the smell of food. There were a few flight of stairs that led from the door to the actual dining area. "So it's a basement kind of setting?" He said to himself.

In the middle was a bar but  instead of alcohol, food was served inside. Inclosed in the kind of squared-O shaped bar, was a lady with short hair. On either side of the room were tables and chairs and the place was filled with a few customers who he supposed were the few last ones to enter before the 'CLOSED' sign was hung. "They must use the Internet to promote, like social media." Won thought to himself. 

"President Kim!" Soo Jin called out to him. She wasn't that far away though. She just thought he looked dazed. She was sitting on one of the barstools and for the day the bar was vacant of any patrons. This was probably because the highlight business time for MSG was during the night or worse, there was no specific time. It horrified Won. How can they get a profit that way? He just didn't get it. Truthfully, MSG was never really opened for morning ot afternoon people. Most of Ji Ah's customers were dinner time people, not late night time people, just dinnertime people. But due to the demand and requests, MSG was opened for about three hours in the morning. Which is exactly why, Na Ji Ah's friends always choose the afternoon or late night to come round. It wasn't that busy and they felt like they much or less had the place to themselves. You know, to catch up, aka gossip. 

"Unnie, some of what you're making please." Soo Jin said to Na Ji Ah. 

"Ya, chincha. What am I? Your personal chef?" Ji Ah chuckled.

"You make the best food around." Soo Jin said, winking and giving Ji Ah two thumbs up.

"Cham Na..." Ji Ah said, shaking her head. "No, we need to wait for the others." Ji Ah said firmly. Soo Jin pouted but before she could say anything, Ji Ah sent her to get the french toast and caesar salad she was making to the customer. 

Won who had been sitting on the barstool next to Soo Jin was taking in his surroundings. He was doing that rather a lot lately. He was so focused on the atmosphere and the old song that was playing through the gramaphone that he didn't notice Ji Ah approaching him. "Excuse me," She said. Won looked hurriedly towards her. 

This man looked flustered and he hadn't been trying to catch her attention like any of the other customers to place their orders. So, Na Ji Ah decided to approach him. Also, he looked rather familiar. "Have we met before?" She squinted her eyes. She knew she had met him somewhere. 

Won's eyes widened and he remembers this woman. Of course, this was one of the woman that was in President Kim's circle at the luncheon. "From the movie party." Won said, smiling up at her. 

"Hmmm?" Ji Ah crossed her arms. Then realisation hit her. "Oh, the party for investors." Ji Ah said. "No wonder you look familiar." She kind of remembered him, but she didn't remember his name. "But, who are you?" She wondered to herself, her chin. 

"Unnie, what were you guys talking about?" Soo Jin took that moment to make her entrance. She sat down on the chair next to Won. "You weren't bad mouthing, no, emabarassing me right?" Soo Jin asked suspiciously. 

"How am I supposed to do any of that?" Ji Ah pouted. "I barely even remember the guy." 

Soo Jin looked surprised. "What? You don't..." She covered as she laughed. "Yah! Then who was it that was talking about me and..." Soo Jin stopped herself on time. She nearly embarassed herself. What she meant to say was that "Who was it that was talking about me and him dating last time." Soo Jin nodded her head. "Kurae... The amount of gossiping those three do, there's every possibility that they might forget." She thought to herself. "Ah, unnie, this is Kim Won." She said. "President Kim." 

Won bowed slightly. "Nice to see you again." He said.

"Ah, that President?" Ji Ah lit up with realisation. It was all coming back to her. This was the guy that they had said would make a very nice couple with Soo Jin. She crossed her arms across her chest and observed the two, tilting her head as she did so. Somehow, she still thought they looked strangely good together. A good visual couple, she told herself. How could she have forgotten him though? She was probably too caught up in all the latest gossip that RaRa and HwaYeong has brought her way. She suddenly had a flashback of when they were hiding from Young Jae underneath the bed and she said that her IQ level was decreasing because she was hanging out with RaRa and Hwa Yeong. 

"Unnie?" Soo Jin looked intently at her. "Unnie, what are you thinking about?" She was concerned since Ji Ah was staring at them unblinkingly for the past minute.

Ji Ah smiled sweetly. "Aniya. It's nothing. " She said with a smirk. She wondered whether Soo Jin remembers that incident. It was so childish but thinking back, it was like a part of their friendship as well. She would like to go down memory lane a bit more, but that wasn't the time. "Ah." She said. "What do you think we should have?" She asked as she started to clear the utensils she had used earlier. "It's been a while since Myeong Su has been home." She said. 

Won perked up as he heard the name. "Isn't that President Kim's ex?" He thought to himself. He frowned. There was possibly going to be a bloodbath or maybe there was going to be a civil meeting. It could go either way. He knew what President Kim was trying to do. She wanted it all to be clear, once and for all. But he wasn't so sure about her friends though.

Beside him, Soo Jin brightened up. "Then it should be korean food." She said, spinning in her chair. 

"Yah! Don't do that." Ji Ah frowned. "You'll ruin the stool." 

"Ah Unnie..." Soo Jin whined. "If you can spin around on it, you should use that function, don't you think?" she said, taking another spin. "I mean, the chair would be so sad if it cannot fulfill the true purpose it was made. " She tilted her head to the side and smiled up at Ji Ah. 

Ji Ah scoffed. "You always know your way around words." She started pulling out pots and pans from the cabinet. "Maybe that's why you're so suited for the industry." She put them on the stove. "Araeso."  Ji Ah agreed. " I'll make it for you."

"Back to our discussion." Soo Jin smiled at Ji Ah. "Kimchi stew is traditional or maybe soybean paste stew or chicken or bulgoggi or gimbap." Soo Jin then clapped her hand. "Better, fried rice and sweet and sour pork. It's chinese, but they're good." Soo Jin concluded. 

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Ji Ah warned, but those were some suggestion she would take into consideration.  "Go get the wine." She instructed. 

"Ne..." Soo Jin said, pulling the 'e'. She slid off the stool to go to the cellar in the back.

Ji Ah crossed her arms across her chest and shook her head. "Look at that girl." She said. "She may be a pain sometimes, but..." She didn't finish her sentence.  She turned and smiled at Won. " I'll go get the ingredients." She said, leaving him alone. 

"On second thought, maybe it was really nice." Won thought to himself. He closed his eyes and let the music set in. He was so into it that he didn't notice Soo Jin coming over. 

"What are you doing?" She said suddenly, making him jump out of his seat a little. He held a hand to his heart, not used to that kind of treatment. As for Soo Jin, it amused her and she giggled as she set the bottle down on the bar top. "I'm sorry." She said as she went to retrieve some glasses. "Only joking." She smiled and sat down next to him. "Wine?" She offered. The still shocked Won nodded slowly. 

"Do you always like to startle people?" He said, after gaining control of his heart. 

"Well, no... But when I do it, I do it right." Soo Jin said. She poured a generous amount into a glass and slid the glass towards him. She poured herself a glass when Ji Ah came back with a basketful of ingredients. "Where's mine?" Ji Ah whispered as she set the basket on the bar top. Strictly speaking, it would be bad if her customers saw her drinking. Nobody wants a drunk chef to prepare their food. She was careful around her customers even though she knew that they were the last few. Word could get out. She could go bankrupt. Her whole business was based on word of mouth. Hipsters and youngsters mostly post about her restaurant online. They liked the vintage feel it had to it and when they spread it around, more customers come in. She didn't want a bad reputation. 

"Don't worry, I have it right here." Soo Jin said, discretely pouring wine into a mug. "Here." She handed it over to Ji Ah. 

"Thank you." Ji Ah said, cradling it in her hands as if it were a mug of tea. She took a little sip and placed it on the counter, out of sight. She began prepping the ingredients and as she did, she kept on stealing glances at Won and Soo Jin who were preoccupied by their glasses of wine. "So..." She began, as she washed the vegetables. "Why did you two come here together?" She stole a glance at the two. Won looked up tentatively at her while Soo Jin was swirling the wine in her glass. She feels like something was up. 

"Just, to grab a bite to eat." Soo Jin said simply. 

"Kurae?" Ji Ah said, with her back to them as she tended to the chicken. "I didn't know you would invite him to our little lunch date." Ji Ah said. Soo Jin simply shrugged at her. She took a deep breath. "Kurae... you never tell me anything anyways." She said to herself as she continued prepping the ingredients. 

Won was quietly listening and he kept on staring at the two and soon enough, Soo Jin started to notice. 

He chuckled. "Nothing... It's just..." He took a sip of wine. "I'm just wondering how you two got to know each other." 

Soo Jin smiled. "She's a unnie I have history with." She said simply. He didn't need to know, she decided.

Won nodded and simply smiled. He didn't really know much but slowly he was getting to know Soo Jin. Another thing he didn't know was that the rest of the MSG gang were already outside. 

And sure enough, as he placed his glass on the bar, the bell chimed, followed by the sound of chatter. "I know right..." He heard a woman say. "I can't wait to see him. It's been so long." Said another excited female voice. Next to him, Soo Jin turned around in her seat. And a moment later he found out why. Two women walked in one after the other. He briefly recalled seeing them at the luncheon. Then he wondered, were all the people he saw chatting with Soo Jin at the luncheon coming? 

"Annyeonghasaeyo, chit chatting friends." She said placing both her hands on her tummy and bowing siightly in her seat. 

"Wouldn't it be a sight." Hwa Yeong said as she walked over to the bar with a package in her hand and her coat dangling from her arm. "To see Kim Soo Jin fall off of a barstool." She finished as she dumped her stuff on the bar top. 

"Oh, it would be the talk of the town." RaRa said, placing both Hwa Yeong and her handbag on one of the barstools. "Because it's going to appear on Geun Yeong's instagram page." She gave Hwa Yeong a high five. 

"You two are a perfect team, as always." Soo Jin raised her glass to them. 

"Thank you." Hwa Yeong said, holding her hands up to her chest, as if feeling touched. Ji Ah gave her a couple more glasses. "Unnie, make that two more. Young Jae and the Director is just outside."

"Why aren't they coming in?" Soo Jin asked.

"Talking about something. You know how they are." Hwa Yeong waved her off and started pouring a glass of wine for herself and another for RaRa. "They can take care of themselves, I believe." She set the glasses and bottle of wine aside for the men.

"Oh yeah." Soo Jin exclaimed. "You two remember Kim Won? President Kim?" She said leaning slightly backwards, so they could have a better look at Won.

"Oh." RaRa squinted her eyes to examine him. "That President from the super huge company?" she said, nodding her head.

"Ah... From Jeguk Group?" Hwa Yeong smiled. She held her hand out. "Nice to see you again."

Won shook her hand. "Nice to see you again." He smiled. 

Hwa Yeong smiled suspiciously at the both of them. "What are you two..."

"Yah,you!" Soo Jin warned.

Hwa Yeong was about to question some more when they heard the bell chime again. Director Jo and one of the Managing Director of Ojou, Cha Young Jae came in. "Over here." Hwa Yeong waved to her second time round (fiance). Young Jae went to sit next to her and Director Jo sat down next to his friend. 

"Chinggu ya. Pour me some wine." Director Geon said to his friend. 

"You never change." said the amused Young Jae.

Director Jo smirked. "You too."

Hwa Yeong linked her arm with Young Jae's. "Do you remember President Kim?" She said. 

Young Jae smiled at Won and bowed his head a little, which Won returned. "Nice to see you again." He said. Young Jae had that fixed smile on his face. Nobody would believe that this man with a sweet smile would turn into a demon when he's mad. 

"Ah, that chaebol." Director Jo snapped his fingers. 

"Yah, you're a chaebol too." Young Jae said. "A failed one, but..." He took a sip of his wine. 

"I'm not very good at being one, not like you." Director Jo said, before taking a sip of wine. Young Jae raised a glass to his best friend. Some even doubted that they were bestfriends, given the way they roast each other all the time. But they needed that. Their friendship has always been based on honesty. 

"Has anyone seen Myeong Su?" Ji Ah asked as she let the stew to simmer. 

There it was again, that name. Won instantly perked up at the mention of it. From what he gathered, they were celebrating someone they hadn't seen in a while. His guess was it was President Kim's ex. Then he wondered how can she stand being in the same room as her ex. He could never stand being face to face with Hyeon Ju. He would go insane. 

"Bola..." RaRa said, swirling the wine in her glass. "Called him earlier on in the car and he said he's on his way." She shrugged. 

"Eeeiii... He'll be here soon for sure." Hwa Yeong said and waved it off. Ji Ah sighed and went back to her work. 

"Yah, did you guys check out that new store in Hongdae?" RaRa said, snapping her fingers. 

Hwa Yeong brightened up. "Ah, that new perfume shop?" 

"I still don't get why women get excited over this. You go out, get what you always get and go home." Director Jo said. 

Hwa Yeong and RaRa looked mortified. "How dare you?" Hwa Yeong growled. 

"Director oppa, I respect you and all that, but I can't help but feel angry at what you just said." RaRa crossed her arms across her chest and frowned at her favourite oppa. 

"Wait a minute." Young Jae leaned in to join the conversation. "I might have to agree with my best friend on this one." He said, raising his glass to Jo Geon. Director Jo smirked and did the same. 

"Omo, Young Jae never takes side before." Ji Ah contributed before getting back to work. 

"I mean, I just don't get why there has to be so many selections." He shrugged and then brought his glass of wine to his lips and before drinking a single drop, he put it back down again.  "I think women have more choices." He said to himself.

"I read somewhere that women can pick up both perfume and cologne." Director Jo said, tilting his head slightly. 

"It's probably some useless, random article on Google, or worse, those questions on Yahoo." Hwa Yeong who was silently boiling said suddenly. She thought she could keep it in this time, but apparently not. 

Director Jo smirked at her. "I guess you're right." He said, then his smirk turned into a mischievous grin. "Afterall, you look like the kind of person who would sit for hours on end going through useless stuff like that." He took a sip of his wine, ignoring the fact that Hwa yeong was boiling hot and if you look clossely you could probably see steam coming out from both her ears. 

"Yah!" Hwa Yeong stood up and slammed her glass on the table, making Won jump a little. RaRa pulled at her unnie's arm and warned her unnie that there were customers still. Suddenly aware, Hwa Yeong quieted down. "How dare you? Who do you think you are?" Hwa Yeong hissed angrily, turning away from Won, so she could be more discrete. But truthfully, she couldn't be even if she tried. "Just because you're a bloody chaebol... doesn't mean you can..." Hwa Yeong was speechless and Director Jo shrugged, knowing that he had beaten her. 

"Kurae, why do you always do this? Could it be that Director oppa has an inferiority complex?" RaRa said, defending her unnie. 

"Did you forget who helped you then?" Director Jo asked, slightly annoyed. 

"It's not that..." RaRa rubbed the back of her neck remembering back how Director Jo had helped her to be established as an actress.

"So? Does she need to feel indebted to you or something? Does she constantly have to grovel at your feet and agree with everything you say?" Hwa Yeong put a protective arm around RaRa. 

"You..." Director Jo growled, completely annoyed. Young Jae was looking at him pleadingly, begging with his eyes to his best friend to please don't make it a bigger deal. But nothing could stop it. As usual, the Director and Hwa Yeong went on an all out brawl. But unlike usual, they had to resort to hushed whispers since there were customers and there was President Kim sitting next to them. Might as well try and be civilised.

"Aigoo, there they go again." Soo Jin said to herself, shaking her head. 

Won leaned in. "I figured this always happens." He said. 

Soo Jin smiled and nodded. "Yeah, just with more shouting and screaming on Hwa Yeong's part and more vicious remarks on Director Jo's part." 

"President Kim, can I ask you something?" Won asked. He was eyeing his glass. 

"Of course. Anyone who has met these guys can ask me anything." Soo Jin replied, taking a swig of wine. 

"Your ex, Myeong Su, he knows them?" Won said. 

Soo Jin sighed and turned to face him. "I guess you should know huh? With our contract and all." She placed her drink down. She was far away enough from sober that she didn't mind telling him as much. "First off, I have a confession to make. I'm not... the only one who is Myeong Su's ex." She said finally. 

Won looked around and his eyes widened in realisation. "Ji Ah sshii?" He said. 

"Well, more than that, actually." Soo Jin said nervously. She eyed Ji Ah. "Unnie was his first, then..." She eyed Hwa Yeong. "Our little lioness and then..." She turned to RaRa "...and then,..." She turned back to face him. "I'm the fourth and latest one." She smiled. 

Won actually looked shocked and bewildered. "That'" He said finally, managing not to laugh. 

"I know." Soo Jin smiled. "Our Director Jo is the more classy one and along with Young Jae, they're the chaebol of the group." She paused to take a sip of wine. "Then Hwa Yeong started working for Ojou and that's how she met Young Jae and they got engaged, this is their second time by the way. Young Jae has always been the quiet one in this group." She smiled. "And RaRa is our actress. Director Jo helped her get started out and she is our little maknae." Soo Jin sighed. "And then there is..." She didn't have to say his name, Won understood perfectly. "He brought us all together and I've been friends with him for years now." She smiled. "Well... that's a glimpse of our story." Soo Jin concluded. 

"Wow, that's amazing." Won raised his glass. 

"I guess so." Soo Jin raised her glass. 

Just as things were settling down and Young Jae and RaRa managed to calm both their friends down, the bell chimed again, signalling the arrival of another person. 

The guest of honour arrived with red eyes and a tired look on his face. Myeong Su stopped dead at the top of the steps when he noticed that the guy from the other night was there too. He breathed a stressed sigh and went down the rest of the steps towards his friends. 

"Myeong Su ah!" Ji Ah said excitedly. She waved happily and he smiled in return. 

 "Nuna." He greeted. 

"Oppa, why are you being like that?" RaRa said. "It's like your soul just left your body." She lectured.

Myeong Su smiled. "RaRa, nice to see you. Hwa Yeong, glamorous as usual. " He turned to the two bestfriends. "Young Jae, it looks like you scored yourself this lioness again." He smiled and Young Jae returned it. He knew for a fact what he was getting himself into and he loves Hwa Yeong just the way she was. "Director." Myeong Su said in the most friendly way he could muster. Director Geon raised his glass to Myeong Su. "I've missed your idiotic ways." Geon said, to which Myeong Su smiled and saluted. 

He had to grit his teeth before he could face Soo Jin. "Have you been well? " He asked with a tight lipped smile. 

Soo Jin gave him a little smile. "Yeah, doing good as usual." She said. 

Myeong Su nodded once. "I'm sorry for the other night." He said, slowly looking at Won. 

Won smiled, as if he was ready for it. "That's alright. It happens." Won said.

"Wait, you guys met before?" Ji Ah said suddenly.

Myeong Su turned to his nuna. "Oh. We did. We came to a misunderstanding the other night and I hope..." He turned to Won. "I hope we can get past that. " He talked with ease. So much ease that it made Soo Jin suspicious. She wondered why he was so open about the entire thing. His calmness scared her. It made her think that he knew all about what Won and her had planned.

"Kurae? Then we all know each other here." Hwa Yeong said. "It's easier for us to communicate." 

"Oppa, come sit here." RaRa said, patting an empty seat next to the Director. Myeong Su did as he was told. 

Once he was settled, with a glass of wine, he turned to Won. "I hope you'll forgive me for what happened the other night." He began. "Times have been rough, I can't deny that." 

Won smiled. "Of course. I understand. It's not easy." 

Myeong Su in what people would interpret as a remorseful smile. "Anyway, you're lucky to have her now." 

Won nodded. "Yeah, I am." He said, draping his arm on the back of the barstool, which ended at Soo Jim's lower back. He shot Myeong Su a cocky grin, while Myeong Su was trying to hide his anger and annoyance by balling his hands into fists underneath the bar. The pair were so wrapped up in their own emotions that they didn't notice how silent the rest of the group had become, or that Soo Jin was opening and closing , trying to find a good way to explain what was going on. 

"What?" The rest of the group said in unison. Some voices were louder than others, but sure enough they attracted the attention of the few customers. 

"Ah...We're so sorry. Please enjoy your meal." Ji Ah said hurriedly and bowing a few times until they went back to enjoying their meals. 

"What?" Hwa Yeong said, feeling confused. 

"Erm... Actually, I have something to say." Soo Jin began. She took a deep breath and decided it was best to just get it over with. "Actually... Recently... President Kim and I... We... We became an item." She said finally. She closed her eyes, afraid to see their reaction. Eventually, she had to, out of curiosity. 

Everyone was staring at them, except for Myeong Su who was staring at his glass, fully ignoring them. 

"Well... I guess, congratulations?" Ji Ah said, unsure. 

"Of course we should congratulate them." RaRa said. 

Hwa Yeong cleared . "Well, to our little bear, congratulations." Hwa Yeong clapped her hands. 

Director Jo leaned in and smirked at Won. "You know, you still have a chance to run. This circle is not totally sane. Especially insane chinggu." He said, pointing to Hwa Yeong. 

"You..." Hwa Yeong growled. 

"That's enough both of you." Young Jae said with a stern voice. "Geon ah, can you stop it? And Hwa Yeong please, just ignore him." He said almost pleadingly. Director Jo shrugged and Hwa Yeong looked away with an annoyed expression and took a sip of wine. Young Jae then turned to Won. "Congratulations. And we'd love it if you wanted to join us once in a while. Soo Jin is like my little sister, so..." He raised his glass in a toast, which made Won raise his. 

"I would love that." Won smiled. "Maybe we could discuss about the industry once in a while." Won paused. "You know, since I'm new and your company is famous for being one of the largest firm, if not the largest leading firm in the entertainment industry." Won suggested. 

Young Jae smiled and nodded. "It's more about human relations and psychology more than anything. " he said. "You have to observe people and listen to them to find out what they want." He took a sip of wine. "But of course, I would like that. We can talk anytime. " The two share a knowing smile. 

Ji Ah who was busy checking the food interrupted. "Enough with that business talk. We're here to celebrate. " she clapped her hands twice. "Cha... Let's eat " she smiled brightly. 

The food was served and for most part, there was plenty of chattering and not enough eating. Myeong Su remained mainly quiet, making tiredness as his excuse. But really, he was stealing glances at Soo Jin and Won. There was doubt and jealousy in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. This girl was his not long ago. He knew she's emotional so how could she just move on so fast? No. Something was up, as far as he was concerned. And he didn't know just how right he was. 

Won on the other hand, decided to be the best fake boyfriend that he could be. He took some food and gave it to Soo Jin first before serving himself. "Here." He said, piling food in her bowl. "It's okay. I can get my own." She would say. Then he would give her the most flawless smile and say "If it was up to you, you wouldn't eat much. So, come on, you should eat up. We don't want you to call sick." He would smirk and then added, "that's okay too though. That way I could take a leave of absence to take care of you." He topped it all off with that flawless smile he wears to win people over. Soo Jin would blush and there was no way she could refuse. She knew it was fake, but she couldn't help but be swooned. Once, when Won caught Myeong Su staring at them, he turned to Soo Jin and would stare at her until she noticed. "What?" She would say. He would smile and say in a slightly lower voice, "you look beautiful." His dreamy state plus his compliment made all the other ladies swoon and they couldn't help it. 

And by the end of the meal, it was as if Won had always been in the circle. He was naturally talking and laughing along with everybody in the group and Soo Jin had become much more relaxed compared to before and she was genuinely enjoying herself. But there was someone who didn't quite agree with all of this. But the guy, who was being celebrated was good at hiding his emotions. He laughed along and nodded and smiled occasionally. 

"We'll get going first." Soo Jin announced when they had pretty much settled down after the meal. 

"Already?' Ji Ah frowned. 

" Unnie..." RaRa whined. "Let them have their time." She said, with a cheeky grin. 

"Kurae, they should." Hwa Yeong said, red faced after downing her second glass of red wine. She was never good with alcohol. 

"Then, we'll get going. " Soo Jin said, grabbing Won by the hand and dragging him to the exit. 

The car ride home was quiet as both of them were lost in their own world. Soo Jin was lost in her doubts about whether all of this was a good idea. They hadn't thought about it when they were doing it, and it was all so sudden. She was worried what would happen if her friends were to find out. It got to a point where she thought she was going to have indigestion. Won on the other hand, was thinking about how much fun he was having. He never expected to have that much fun. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had a time out. So, he was pleasantly surprised. All of a sudden he was thinking about the next time they would meet up. And then he frowned to himself. No. He shouldn't get attached. This was only temporary and it was an act. Soon, they wouldn't see each other again, at least not outside of work. He looked at Soo Jin sitting next to him and for some reason, that thought made him sad. 

He halted to a stop in front of Soo Jin's house. For a while they sat in silence that was extended from the quiet car ride. Finally, Soo Jin said, "Hey, thank you for what you did today." She began. "It's only temporary and I'll be out of your hair soon." She said. "That thing about being lovey dovey should have done the trick. " she said to herself. "Especially about me being beautiful."

"But you really are beautiful." He complimented sincerely. 

Soo Jin looked at him, surprised and in the end smiled. "Thank you." She said, feeling quite giddy. 

"Thank you." She smiled again and got off. "Bye." She said. Won smiled at her and waited till she had closed the gate before driving off. 

Soo Jin stood at the steps and watched the only luxurious car in the neighbourhood disappear round the bend. She sighed and thought to herself. "That was the most fun she had had in a while." She smiled at the thought of the little exagerrated gestures Won had done to capture Myeong Su's attention. 

But then her thoughts were interrupted by the cry of a baby. Soo Jin grimaced. "Kim Jin Ae." She growled and stalked off to deal with her little sister. 











 Ellie: Hey, sorry it has been such a long time. Hope you guys are doing good. Pressure, pressure everywhere. Okay, well, hope this isn't too long. I feel like my fav character to write is Kim Tan and Jo Geon. Inner sassiness coming out through those two. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and also, what are your fav characters apart from the leads? 




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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...