Chapter 10- The Return of the Ex

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Never in a billion years has Soo Jin ever thought that she would get a ride with a chaebol. And yet, there she was, sitting in Kim Won's luxurious car as he sent her home. 

The heater was on, but she still felt a chill down her spine. There was just something about the serious look on his face that made her want to cringe. He was probably focusing on the road but, she imagined he had that face on whenever he was dealing with his workers as well.

Out of awkwardness, Soo Jin checked her phone and her eyes went wide at what she saw. She had received well over a 100 messages and over 50 calls. It was all from the same person. The person that has been avoiding her and the one that she has been glad to not see.

"I'm sorry about what happened. " Won broke her panicked thoughts.

"Huh?" Soo Jin looked up at him in a daze. 

"About my parents." Won said. "They have been pestering..." He sighed. 

Soo Jin smiled. "Whose parents wouldn't? Even mine are. At this age, they probably expect us to have two grandchildren." Soo Jin said.

Won chuckled. "I guess you're right."

As they stopped at a red light, Won shifted to look at Soo Jin. "But, are you really unwell?" he asked her. 

"It depends." She smiled. "Whether or not you'll be mad."

Won smirked, staring straight as the light turned green. "I won't be mad. Turns out we're great partners." He said as they turned a corner. 

"In that case, I really wasn't." She smiled. "You have to have skills to escape from these things." She said. 

Won chuckled. "In any case, thank you." 

Soo Jin giggled. "This is the first time someone has ever thanked me for that." 

"There's a first for everything I guess." Won said. 

Yes there was a first for everything, Soo Jin thought.  Like the fact that it was the first time that Myeong Su has ever blown up her phone with that many messages and that many calls. 

She kept checking her phone to see even more calls and messages coming in, but she didn't have the nerve to answer it in front of Won. And as they stopped at another red light, her phone started lighting up again as he called again. 

"Shouldn't you check that?" Won's voice interrupted the silence between them. Soo Jin looked up at him and shook her head slightly. "It looked important. Go on, check it. I promise I'll try and not eavesdrop." Won smirked at her.

Soo Jin smiled at him but she couldn't belive his statement. They were not even a metre apart in that car. So, she opted to just listen to her voicemail. She placed the phone to her ear and her eyes went wide at the tone of voice that he was using. 

" ah!" He slurred and it was obvious he had one too many. "Where aaaiirrreee yuuuu?!" He said, sounding almost like a dog howling. "I, I, I, wooonnn't budge. Until. Yu. Get. Home." He struggled,trying to pronounce every word. That was the end of the latest voicemail that she had received. 

She was shocked to the core, but she managed a smile back when Won smiled at her. She then checked her messages. Well, the first few, that is. Her inbox was so full, it wasn't able to receive anymore messages. The few she read was self explanatory. 

"I am at your house."

"Where are you?" 

"I'lll waite for you."

"Why aare yu iignoring meh?"

That's it. She couldn't bear to read any further. She stared straight ahead, but inwardly, she was in a state of panic and in a frenzy, she tried to think about what had happened. What had possessed him to do this? Alcohol. That was one thing. But why was he drinking?  

"Is something wrong?" Won asked suddenly. With her face all scrunched up, it was clear that Soo Jin was thinking about something. 

"No. Nothing is wrong." Soo Jin said. Yeah right. Everything felt wrong and now she had one more problem she had to worry about. If the guy was as drunk as he sounded over the phone and assuming he was still waiting in front of her house, then there was a chance that Won would bump into him. That would be embarassing. He already had the upperhand in connections and living conditions. No need for her to make herself feel smaller by having a drunk terrorising the place.

So, when the convenience store was in sight, she said to Won, "Can you stop here please?" 

Won turned to look at her. "But your house is still a little bit further." He stopped by the store.

"It's okay, I can walk from here." Soo Jin said, her hand on the door handle.

"Let me send you all the way." Won said, not letting her off. Instead, he drove off. 

Soo Jin was shocked. "Yah! What are you doing?!" she cried out, not even realising that she was speaking informally. 

"I'm sending you home, President Kim. Just like what the Chairman told me to." Won turned the corner towards Soo Jin's street.  

"Okay, that's enough. You can just stop right here." Soo Jin said, peeking over the dashboard to see if she could spot him. Won stopped abruptly three houses away from Soo Jins'. 

"Huh? Your house isn't no 603?" Won looked at the houses outside. He had the address programmed into the navigation system so he was confused. When he saw that Soo Jin was peeking over the dashboard, he mimicked her. "What? What is it?" He asked, trying to figure out what she was looking at. 

"Aniyo. It's nothing. My house is 603." Soo Jin said, stuffing her phone into her clutch. "I can walk from here. You know, to...get some exercise." She really wanted to smack herself on the forehead at her comment. Who gets exercise walking home when home is just three houses away. She cleared . "I mean, to get fresh air." She said. 

"Are you sure?" Won unlocked the door.

Soo Jin smiled to hide her uneasiness. "Yes, I'm sure. It's just three houses down anyway." She opened the car door. 

"Okay then.Then, I'll see you soon since we have to discuss and finalise details of the movie." Won smiled. After this, she only has to fulfill her part, he thought to himself and it'll be fine. Everything is going to be just fine. 

"Kurae. Let's do that.So, if there's nothing else, I'll get going." Soo Jin said, getting out of the car; not looking when Won waved at her goodbye. 

She walked with heavy and weary steps towards her home. She still hadn't seen any signs of the guy yet. Her heart did a little flip. Maybe he left already. Hopefully... 

She took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way there. She was almost afraid to look. Almost, but not quite. She steeled herself for what he was about to say to her.  

When she got to the steps that lead to her house, she almost screamed. There, sitting on the steps was the guy that had been blowing up her phone.  She was frustrated to death with him. They were over so why is he sleeping on her doorsteps? 

She stomped her way towards him. 

"Yah! Wake up! Myeong Su Ah! I said wake up!" she shook him.

Myeong Su began to stir. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times. He looked up at her, with a hazy look in his eyes. "Soo..Jin... Kim Soo Jin! " Myeong Su got up so abruptly Soo Jin almost fell over backwards off the stairs. 

"Yah!" Soo Jin shouted, trying to regain her balance. "What do you think you're doing?!" she growled at him with her hands on her hips. 

"Yah! Why didn't you answer your phone?!" Myeong Su said in a voice to match Soo Jin's. She could smell the alcohol in his breath. She wasn't even sure that he would remember that he was sleeping on the doorsteps of his ex late at night. If she didn't know him, it would be pretty scary. A drunk man, sleeping in front of your house, waiting for you to come home. Yup. It's really terrifying. 

"Yah! Shut up! It's the middle of the night!" One of her neighbour couldn't take all the shouting anymore.

"Mianheyo ahjumma! We'll keep it down! " Soo Jin shouted back at her next door neighbour.

"Yah, why should I answer your calls?" Soo Jin whispered harshly.

"Yah!" Myeong Su shouted, feeling his blood boil with alcohol coursing through his veins.

Soo Jin hurriedly hushed him up. "Ssshhhh! Keep it down." She said harshly, covering his mouth. 

Myeong Su shoved her hand away. "Shouldn't you answer when someone calls you?" Myeong Su asked his eyes red from the alcohol.

Soo Jin scoffed, and crossed her arms over her chest. "There's no need for you to call me in the first place, so why should I answer?" Soo Jin gave him the "I don't care" look, rolling her eyes. "Or did you forget what you yourself said? You decided when it started and you decided when it ended." Soo Jin knew it would get his blood boiling, but who cares. 

It looked like it was impossible but Myeong Su's went wider than before. And his lips moved in a familiar way as he decided if he wanted to curse at his ex or not. "Why are you bringing that up?" He said in a threatening manner.

Soo Jin sighed in a frustration. "Because it's all true. All of your questions are stupid. So, you better go home." Soo Jin said, turning around to get to her house. But before she could, she felt a firm grip on her wrist.

Myeong Su had a hold of her and forced her to turn around.

"Yah, what do you think you're doing?" Soo Jin shouted, not caring what the neighbours think. He was crossing the line. "Let me go." Soo Jin growled, trying to free herself from his grip. The more she struggled, the tighter his grip became and at one point, Soo Jin's hand became numb. "Yah! Won't you let me go?!" Soo Jin shouted, this time hoping someone would actually hear her.

Of course, what she wasn't aware of was that someone was listening in all the while. And when Myeong Su won't let go of her, he made his way towards the two with long strides. He grabbed Myeong Su by the shoulder, making Myeong Su turn to look at him and for which Soo Jin is thankful because Myeong Su loosened his grip on her. 

"Why don't you let her go?" Won said with a smile on his face. But there was something malicious about his tone of voice.Myeong Su scoffed and let go of Soo Jin's hand to turn and face the guy that was interrupting them. 

"Who do you think you are?" Myeong Su took a step forward towards the guy that was obviously taller than he was. But of course that was the power of alcohol, liquid courage. "Why don't you mind your own bees wax?" Myeong Su threatened him. "She's my girlfriend." He said, claiming her as if she was his property. 

Won chuckled, because he thought it was funny. From what he heard, in his denial of eavesdropping, it sounded like they were over. "I don't think that's possible." Won smirked. Myeong Su gave him a questioning glare.  

Won gave Myeong Su his most charming smile, the one he usually reserved for his business partners, the ones he was forced to be on good terms with. "Because she's my girl." Won said in a confident manner.

Myeong Su could feel his heart racing as he reached his boiling point. "What? What kind of nonsense is that?!" Myeong Su tried to punch the guy. But Won dodged his fist and caught his next one. He gripped the guy's fist tightly. "You better go while I'm asking nicely." Won said

Soo Jin who felt like she could just faint from Won's earlier statement took a deep breath to steady herself and took a step forward. She knew what to do. It might be stupid but since it has come to this, might as well. She stood in between the two men and did what she never thought she would do in her life time. She linked her arm around Jeguk Groups heir's arm.

"Chagiya... Stop it. Let's just go inside." She tugged at his arm, the way a girlfriend would. Both of the men were shocked at what they were seeing. Soo Jin turned so Myeong Su can't see her and she gave Won the "play along" expression.

Won looked up at Myeong Su and smiled. "Kurae. We shouldn't be this childish. Let's just go." Won said, grabbing Soo Jin's hand and leading her to her own house, leaving Myeong Su standing there in a daze. 

Soo Jin was finally able to breathe once she had closed front door. She sighed, leaning on the door, fully aware that the son of Jeguk Group was watching her. So many thoughts were going through her head at the moment. What was Myeong Su thinking? What was she thinking? What had she done? What the hell just happened? 

"Chogi..." Won's voice stopped her train of thoughts. She could feel a headache coming on. She took a deep breath and looked up at Won. 

"I don't know what happened and I...I...I'm so sorry." Won said and for once ever since they first met each other, she could see vulnerability in his eyes. 

She sighed and massaged her forehead. It's not like it was entirely his fault and he wasn't the only one who did it, so she couldn't put the blame on him. "Gwenchanayo. I know you meant well." Soo Jin said. "Anyways, it could have been big trouble if you weren't there." 

Won looked down, but she could tell he was pleased. "Have a drink before you go." Soo Jin said before walking past Won. 

Won instinctively followed her. From the little hallway that lead to the front door, they walked through a doorway on the left, which lead to the living room. The room was as big as Won's bedroom, but he didn't mind. There was a couch with a coffee table and a television. Connected to the living room by a sliding door was the dining table and kitchen, which was just half the size of the living room. It was equipped with cabinets connected to the wall on the top and bottom surrounding the space in a u shape with the sink in the middle. 

Soo Jin got busy rummaging through one of the top cabinets for some tea bags and grabbed the sugar on the counter. She wasn't sure what Won liked to drink and she was too tired to even ask, so tea it is. No more alcohol for the night. 

Won on the other hand, didn't know what to do with himself, so he found himself walking towards the doorway had come from. He peeked to see a narrow hallway. Funny how he didn't notice it earlier. At the other end of the hallway was the stairs leading up the upper floors and behind that was a door. Was that the toilet? All of a sudden, he realised that he hadn't been to visit le' toilet since the party started. 

As if reading his mind, Soo Jin called out from the kitchen. "President Kim!" Won turned to look at the owner of the house. "If you want to use the toilet, it's upstairs, at the end of the hallway." She said, dunking the teabags. 

" Al...alright, thank you." He then went to take care of business. The stairs were creaky but he guessed it didn't mattered since she seemed to be living alone. He arrived at a hallway, like the one downstairs with two doors on the left and a single door on the right. At the end of the hallway, he spotted the toilet door and walked towards it in a daze. 

Won was having a headache of his own. What he did came to him in pieces. The thing that was clear to him was that he had said Kim Soo Jin is his girlfriend. Given their relationship, there was something really wrong about that.

He shut the door behind him and leaned with his back against the door.  The weight of what he had done finally dawned on him and suddenly, he didn't feel like going to the toilet anymore. Instead, he stood in front of the sink, staring at his own reflection. He shook his head slowly. "Kim Won what the hell are you doing?" He said to himself. 

He splashed some water on his face. "Aniyo. You were just trying to help a girl in need. Nothing more." He said. "Why are you making a fuss about it?" Won asked his reflection angrily. "Yah! Kim Won. Have you lost your mind? " He asked himself. He then pointed at the reflection staring at him. "Kim Won, you're crazy. Ani... It's no big deal." He said crossing his arms at his reflection. "Kurae. Kim Won, you lost it for a bit. So get yourself together." He said, pointing at himself again. 

He splashed more water on his face before walking out of the bathroom.He kept telling himself to take a deep breath as he walked down the creaky stairs. At the bottom, he really did take a deep breath. 

Soo Jin on the other hand was already sitting at the dining table. She was deep in thought.   She didn't even realise it when Won stood in front of her. 

Won cleared his throat, making Soo Jin blink and look up at  "Ah, President Kim. Have a seat." She gestured to the one opposite her. "I hope you like tea." Soo Jin said, as Won held onto his mug.

"Tea is fine." Won said, taking a sip.

"About what happened tonight." Soo Jin said suddenly.

Won coughed, choking on his drink. 

"President Kim are you alright?" Soo Jin got up, alarmed.

Won waved his hand while rubbing his chest. "I..I'm alright." He said.  

Soo Jin sat back down. "Chogi, President Kim..." Soo Jin said. 

"Huh?" Won said, looking up. 

"I'so sorry. Because of me... You got involved in all of this. " Soo Jin said. She honestly felt sorry. How could someone like him be involved in something like this? What if his family found out? They would think it's real? 

Surprisingly, Won smiled. "Aniyo. I should be the one apologising." Won said,  getting a surprised look from Soo Jin. "I wanted to help, but... I guess the way I did it was wrong." Won said, looking down at his mug. 

"Eeiii... I told you, you don't have to apologise." Soo Jin snapped. She really wasn't in the mood of being nice. Won blinked his eyes, surprised. He's never seen this side of her before. "Then, are you saying you should have just left me there?" Soo Jin demanded. Won looked up at her, shocked at her accusation. He may have been sweating a little from the situation. It's something Kim Won never does in front of people, get nervous.

"Won ah... You've lost it..." He mumbled, looking down at his mug again.

"What?" Soo Jin cocked her head to the side. She couldn't catch what he was saying.

"Ah, Aniyo... I meant no. No, I won't leave you there. " He said.

Soo Jin smiled. "See? You were just doing the right thing." Soo Jin said. Won nodded and found out there was no use in arguing with her. "Anyway, thank you again and sorry." Soo Jin took a sip of refreshing warm tea. "Don't worry, I'll tell him everything in the morning. Maybe he won't even remember. " Soo Jin said.

"You don't have to tell him." Won said.

Soo Jin was shocked at his statement.

"What?" It was a good thing she wasn't holding her mug or else she would have dropped it.

"That guy has been disturbing you right? It looks like it... From what he was saying." Won said. "For now, until he stops, just say I'm your boyfriend." Won said causally as if it was the most normal thing in the world; to fake a relationship.

"Chogi... That would bring more trouble. It's better to end it now. What if your family finds out? They'll think it's real." Soo Jin said.

"I'll take care of my family." Won said, gaining his confidence back. The one he shouldn't have lost in the first place. 

"Ah... Chincha!" Soo Jin scratched her head, making her look like she had just gotten up. "You're really getting on my nerves. Now that we're out of the office."  Soo Jin wanted to curse so bad, but she couldn't. "It seems that you always get what you want." Soo Jin stopped and then said, "Won sshi..." 

Won chuckled. "It seems like you do too... Soo Jin  sshi..." He smirked and took a sip of tea. He was enjoying this side of her. 

Soo Jin sighed. "Haish... It doesn't even look like there is any use in arguing with you." Soo Jin said to herself. 

"Then don't argue and do as I say." Won said. 

"Yah! I don't just pretend to someone's girlfriend. Also, what do I gain from all of this?" Soo Jin said, frustrated with him. 

"You'll get him off your back." Won said. "And he won't have to know." Won said. 

Soo Jin thought about it for a moment and though it was crazy that she should be considering it at all, but Won really had a way with words. She looked once at Won and made up her mind. She was probably going to regret it later, but what the heck. It has already turned out this way anyway. 

"Kurae...We'll do it the way you want. Only because you always get what you want." Soo Jin said, not wanting to lose either.

Won chuckled. "Araeso. Kureom, we're fake dating now." Won surprised himself by how easy it was for him to say that. But he reassured himself he was just helping a friend. A friend. That reminds him. They've never spoken informally before. 

"Won sshi..." Soo Jin said. 

"Huh?" Won looked at her. 

"This is really hard. Are you always so formal?" she asked. "Yah, let's speak informally." Soo Jin proposed. "You know... So it'll be easier to believe. That we have feelings for each other. " Soo Jin said, not waiting for his answer. She was sure he was going to reject the idea, but she had to give it a shot. It's frustrating to constantly be nice around him. And now this relationship, fake, but real. She has a headache just thinking about it. 

Won thought about it for a moment, then sighed. "Araeso Soo Jin ah.... Let's use banmal. "

And that was the start of everything.  





Ellie: it's been a while I know.... But I'm trying to find the time. I'll try and update more often. But no guarantees. I hope you liked this chapter and I hope there weren't too much mistakes in this chapter, both typos and plot wise . Okay, goodnight everyone. Goodnight.





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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...