Chapter 24- A new home

You and Me : The life of an Executive

In that time that Won had been having that crisis, SooJin had just come home from the lunch with her sister. She was just waving goodbye when Won and SeungHo pulled up. Without knowing anything, she happily waved at them.


Won was the first to get out of the car, and SeungHo was content to just wait in the car because he knew exactly what was coming. He didn’t want to be in the middle of anything when his “hyung” revealed what had been demanded of the chairman. And also, he needed time to process the fact that after going home, the guy was being nicer to him. And also, he was being put in charge of a vehicle that he could never afford. It was as close to the phenomenon they call “your life changing overnight” as he could get. So he his favourite tunes and kicked back and waited.


Won, on the other hand, couldn’t help but crack a small smile seeing how happy SooJin was being. But when he remembered what he had to tell her, the smile abruptly disappeared and obviously SooJin noticed that because the first words out of were “What’s wrong?”


He didn’t know what to do at first, but then he decided that she needed to be sitting down for the news because it might be harder on her, rather than it was on him. “Come on…we need to talk…” SooJin gasped as Won grabbed a hold of her arm and practically dragged her inside.


SooJin continued to ask him what was wrong as they went into the house and as she started to protest, they were already in the living room and he had let go of her arm. He realised too late that his nervousness may have made him grab onto her arm too tightly.


“Can you please sit down?” Out of guilt, he asked her really nicely. But at the same time, he didn’t want to be responsible if she did faint later as he told her the news. What crushed his heart was the way that SooJin was looking at him, as compared to earlier. She looked at him like he had lost his mind.


“Okay…I have…something…I need to tell you…” Won arranged his words carefully. SooJin merely nodded as she sat down. She didn’t want it to show that she was quite scared of the way that he was acting.


“What I am about to tell you…I hope you won’t get mad.” He sneaked a guilty look at her. SooJin merely stared at him in curiosity, trying to figure out what he was going to say.


“I need to know what it is before I can decided whether I’m sad or not.” She decided she wasn’t going to freak out unnecessary before he had a chance to say what he wanted.


“Okay…” He had been going through it in his head of how he was going to tell her in the car, but in the end, he couldn’t stop the words from flowing out of his mouth. “My father asked us to move in with him.”


SooJin on the other hand, could not control her facial expression. She looked at him like he had just said something that was not possible. But here it was, happening right before her eyes. “What?” She breathed out.


“He said that he wants us to move in with him…because he said his future daughter in law was not about to live somewhere she wasn’t waited hand and foot in.” He lied a little. His father wasn’t that talkative. But he hoped that it would soften the blow.


“But, I’m doing just fine here…” Instead, SooJin looked like she was about to cry. She would be lying if she said that she didn’t blame the Kim brothers a little bit. But mostly she was just in shock and really did not feel like moving out of her home. Who was going to be taking care of the place while she was gone? She wasn’t going to have to sell the place right?


She got up with her hands grasping onto her head, as if that would make everything better. Seeing this, Won went into a mode of damage control. “I had no choice…You know how he is.” He said, staying away from SooJin as if she was radioactive. “If we could just follow what he wants for now…maybe he’ll let us off the hook later and you could go home.” He tried to make it sound as convincing as possible.


SooJin shook her head in disbelief and this time, it was Won’s turn to be afraid. “How could this happen?” She said, still in denial of what she was hearing.


“I know…I’m so sorry…” And the look that he received for his apology was the angriest that he had ever seen her. He can’t help but feel his heart break a little more.

“If you’re not doing it for the sake of…our situation…” He didn’t know what else to call the thing that they were in. He can’t even call it a relationship and he can’t act like they haven’t been living together in the same house either. “…then maybe you could do it for him…” He gestured towards the car that SeungHo was in.


The look of confusion was back on SooJin’s face. Won sighed and slumped down on the sofa. “I found a file, a personnel’s file…” Won stopped as the feeling that he got when he first discovered it came back to him. At this point, SooJin was already sitting next to him. “His mother…she has a degenerative disease…It can’t be cured…” Won said as SooJin let the newest information sink in. “Abuji will give him a job as our personal assistant and driver to help pay his mother’s medical bills.” Won continued.


For a long time there was silence between the two. SooJin thought about what she should do. On the one hand, it was the most ridiculous thing that she has ever been asked to do, apart from taking over the company that almost went bankrupt. But then, when she thought back to SeungHo, she couldn’t help but feel like she needed to help.


No, she couldn’t keep going along with everything that this family wants. It’ll be the death of her. Okay, she would tell him to go home first and tell his family that she had some business to take care of and in that way, they can stall it as much as possible until the Chairman becomes tired of waiting and then they can escape from there.


At least that was what she planned to say, until a loud banging on the door stopped her. The two looked up in surprise. There was some kind of shouting going on outside. The curiosity was higher than the fear in that moment as the two got up to see what was the commotion was all about.


The door looked like it was about to be broken down and the two flinched in sync with the throb of the door as it was being acted on with a great amount of force. Until finally the door gave way and they were face to face with someone that the two have not seen in a while; a flush faced Bang Myeong Su.




He had tried to forget her, he really did. Maybe it was payback for the times when he had ignored her and had gravitated towards his exes, even though they are now all friends. Maybe that was the hurt that SooJin had felt back then. He knew that she had a new man in her life, but on days like that one, he couldn’t help but take a walk round the block that she was living in. Maybe he could bump into her.


That was exactly what he was doing when he noticed a luxurious car parked right in front of her house. He wondered whether that was against the law or not. He also wondered what the two were doing, leaving the car on parked on the road, and with a driver that sitting in the drivers’ seat. The guy was currently bopping his head to some tune that Myeong Su could not hear.


Curiosity always kills the cat and Myeong Su was the cat. Before he knew it, he was knocking on the window of the driver’s side. The driver jumped up as he did. He turned down his music and hesitantly rolled down his window, only halfway down, of course.


“Annyeonghasaeyo…” Myeong Su gave him the warmest smile that he could. That might have worked…just a little. The driver did relax, but he didn’t roll down his window any lower. The guy gave him a small smile and a little nod. “Uh…you’re parked in a rather…inconvenient space…” He smiled as he said it, to show that he meant no harm.


SeungHo looked up and down the street, but there was no car around at the time. “Ah…mianheyo…I don’t think it’ll take long anyway…my boss is waiting for me…” SeungHo answered and Myeong Su had an idea of who it was.


“Your…superior?” Myeong Su asked in an inquiring tone so that the driver would elaborate further.


“Yeah…he’s in there right now…” SeungHo said, not aware of who he was talking to and what was going to happen. “Probably packing…” SeungHo added as an afterthought.


That was enough to make Myeong Su’s heart start racing. He didn’t know why he still cared. But before he knew it, the words were out of his mouth. “Packing to go where?” This time he furrowed.


“Ah…you know that mansion that belongs to the Jeguk Group?” SeungHo said, clearly letting his guard down. “There moving over there…The chairman had ordered it.” SeungHo said.


Jeguk Group? Jeguk Group?! Myeong Su had not realised it before neither did he bother to find out. So the shock that he experienced was at a different magnitude than anything he had ever felt before. The adrenaline started surging through his veins and the next moment, it was as if he was being led by an unseen force. Even when SeungHo called out to him, he didn’t stop his slow march towards the front door. And when he reached the all too familiar door, he started knocking on it, really softly at first and then it gave way to heavy banging.


“Hey!” SeungHo finally got through to him. But all he did was start resisting and started banging on the door even harder.


“Let me go!” he screamed as he struggled out of SeungHo’s grasp. And after a few attempts he finally managed to open the door. Even then, SeungHo was holding onto him, which was a good thing too, otherwise he would have charged. And when the two that he was looking for finally appeared, he lost it.



Won had no idea what was going out there, but he was somewhat thankful that it occurred at just the right time. That is of course until he saw who it was. As Myeong Su forced his way into the little house, Won’s unsure expression turned into that of anger and annoyance.


“You!” He glared at the man. All he knew was that this guy was SooJin’s ex and the man had not given him a good first impression the first time that they had met. His blood boiled as he thought back to that night. He had to refrain himself from giving the guy a body check.


“What the hell are you doing here?! If you don’t leave right away I’ll call the authorities.” He threatened Myeong Su but the guy didn’t look like he was threatened anyway.


“You…stay out of this…” He growled and Won had to admit, it sent shivers through his body for a second there. “This is none of your business. She’s not even your real girlfriend.” Myeong Su spat the words out. It was as if he despised just the thought of Won.


This time it was SooJin’s turn to be annoyed. “What do you mean by that?” She had clearly had enough of his nonsense.


“SooJin ah…he’s not your real boyfriend isn’t he?” Myeong Su looked like a wrongly accused person that was begging for his life. “I’m right, right?” He said, reaching out for her hand desperately.


She pulled it away immediately. She had been sorry for him, but now she sees that if she wants everything to be back to normal, she needs to stop encouraging him. He was the one who made it all fall apart in the first place and she was tired of trying.


Once she had pulled away her hand Myeong Su looked like a lost puppy before he clenched both of his fists and turned maliciously towards Won. “You…” He growled. “You did this…” He was fuming and so was Won, who felt as if he was being cornered. “You know that she only did that for the business right?” He sneered.


This mere question/statement brought the anger meter through the roof. Won had started to open his mouth to retort, but he was cut short by SooJin. He actually gasped at what she had done.


Feeling her heart racing, she couldn’t control herself anymore. And so before she could stop herself, her hand was already raised and a second later, it ended up on MyeongSu’s cheek. MyeongSu was so shocked that he ended his rampage.


“Hey! Get out of here!” Seung Ho announced his presence at that moment. But, by then, Myeong Su had already lost his will to do anything. And this caught SeungHo by surprise. He had expected a struggle, anything… something… But all Myeong Su did was stand there in shock.


“Come on.” SooJin growled as she practically dragged Won out the door past Myeong Su. “We’ll come back later to pack when this man is out of the way.” She said as she did.


In shock, SeungHo followed after two, only understanding that he needed to get the two to the Kim family mansion and nothing else.


SooJin who had been in a dilemma took the presence of Myeong Su as a sign for her to move out. There was no use in her staying there, she added after what had happened. It was better for her to just move out first and let it all sink in for the guy she used to love. She can’t keep babying him.


Sure in her decision, she let herself sleep; sleep all the way to her new home.



As they pulled up to the mansion, Won’s guilt had increased tenfold. Not only had he driven SooJin out of her home, he also felt bad about whatever had happened with her ex. He didn’t know why he feels bad about that, but all he knows is that he never wants that man to ever be near her again.


He looked over to the sleeping SooJin and he didn’t know what came over him but he reached a hand out and brushed a stray hair out of her peaceful, sleeping face. He smiled and wished that the peace could remain forever. Things have been escalating much faster than they have ever thought.


Although reluctant, he shook her softly awake and savoured the moment that SooJin slowly opened her eyes. She looked up dazedly at him. “Huh?” She quipped and he thought that was the cutest thing.


“We’re here…” He said.


“Oh…” She groaned and rubbed her eyes sleepily.


They both got out of the car, scared and unsure of what was going to happen. But at least, they knew what their next step was; to move in. At least for a while, they would be out in the clear and all they needed to worry about was the movie.


“Welcome young master…” A maid was waiting at the door for them. “Right this way…” She gestured to one side of the spacious mansion.


“Then I’ll leave you to it…” Won said, as he tried to take his leave.


“Wait, young master…” the maid stopped him just in time.


He looked at her in bewilderment. “The room for the two of you is this way… The Chairman already set it up.” She smiled.


That smile did nothing to cushion the shock on both of the President’s faces. It was another curve ball thrown their way. Not only were they asked to move in with Won’s family, but they were now expected to live together… in a room. And the evident blush on both faces at the same thought made the situation even more awkward.


“We sleep together?!” The two exclaimed. And they realised, for the thousandth time, there was no turning back.



A/N: There you go, the next chapter and happy reading :)

         Oh, also, wish me luck for my second week of internship tomorrow!



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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...