Chapter 6- The opposite Kim brothers

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Soo Jin was pacing back and forth in her office. Two weeks had already passed, that was the given time for JungIn Film to produce the first draft for the script and also to get a sample of the filming locations as well as the set budget for the entire movie. With other dramas to think about, Soo Jin has had to pitch in with the dirty work as well, which meant she had to go out to do the field work. 

But personally, she liked it. It got her out of the office for a little while. She went to some of the potential filming locations, to get a feel of what they were working with. She then had Eun Hye arrange everything to be put into a folder, the one that she was holding so close to her chest that at any moment, it could just tear in half. Kim Won had that intimidating aura about him. She had thought that he was a proper leader and found herself comparing herself to him, only to find that she might just be the actual opposite of Kim Won. 

On that day, Kim Won was coming with a couple of his associates, something that she didn't expect, since he seemed to take the project personally. They were going to discuss the budget mainly, so there wasn't going to be a meeting with everyone. The president of the company was enough, for the moment. Soo Jin continued pacing back and forth. She knows that what she was doing was wrong, and if her father ever found out, he would be really disappointed in her. But she had to do it. What choice did she have? It was for the sake of the company; she constantly told herself. It didn't stop the guilt that she was feeling though. 

Eun Hye knocked at her door, before walking in. "Unnie, here is your iced tea." She handed over the refreshing glass of iced tea to her unnie. She knew that Soo Jin was going to react the way that she did, it almost seemed normal. 

"Eun Hye ah! You're the best!" Soo Jin took a long sip of the beverage. 

"Unnie, there is no need to panic. Kim Won is just a person." Eun Hye said, balling up her fist and saying, "Hwaiting!" 

"Kurae. I know he is. It's not so much I'm intimidated, it's just that... Eun Hye ah... am I doing the right thing?" Soo Jin asked, rubbing her forehead. 

Eun Hye thought about it for a moment and then said, "I don't know unnie. But I do know you need to think more about yourself for once, more than you think about others." 

Soo Jin sighed. "Haiz... When will I have the time to do that?" She said more to herself. 

The whole situation was giving Soo Jin a headache. How she wished she could work guilt free. But her father was always at the back of her mind. She knew her father was upset about what happened years ago. But still... 

"Eun Hye ah... Unnie has a headache." Soo Jin said, burrying her face in her folded arms. 

Eun Hye put her phone down. She looked at her unnie. "Unnie, I have a feeling that headache is going to get a lot worse. Kim Won is here." Soo Jin jerked up. The name Kim Won and here was enough to make her alert. "And unnie, it looks like Kim Tan is here as well." Eun Hye smirked. "Unnie, shall I call them in?" Eun Hye asked. 

Soo Jin got up and straightened her blouse. "I guess the show is about to start." She said. 

Eun Hye didn't need to be told. She knew it meant she was to go and get the Kims right away. 



Kim Won was sitting in the lounge, with his brother next to him and as promised his brother's girlfriend, Cha Eun Sang who also tagged along. 

"You two better behave." He warned both of them. 

Tan smiled at his hyung. "Hyung, are we little kids that we don't know any ettiquite?" 

"I'm just warning you. And also, stop that. We are here on business, not on a date. Be professional. You're going to make us look like fools." Won frowned at the affection that Tan was giving Eun Sang. 

Tan pouted at his brother. "Hyung, you're such a grinch." He said. 

Won laughed at his brother's statement, mostly to suppress the annoyance he felt towards his brother. 

"That's it hyung! Finally our grinch is feeling a bit of hapiness. Hyung, hwaiting." Tan said, inching closer to his brother. 

In return Won gave him the look that said, "If you don't shut up soon, hyung's going to hit you." 

Tan backed away using his hands as shields. But thankfully enough, Tan was saved by Eun Hye who came in at that exact moment. 

"President Kim, President Kim is ready for you." Eun Hye was trying not to laugh at how weird it was to welcome a President Kim to another President Kim's office. She cleared and looked away. "This way please." She lead the way to Soo Jin's office. 

Meanwhile, Soo Jin was in her office, finishing off her glass of iced tea. She heard footsteps outside and so she straightened her blouse. "Kim Soo Jin, it's showtime." 

When Eun Hye opened the door, she was already sitting behind her desk, looking like her cool, smiling, business self. 

"Please." Eun Hye said, going in and then keeping the door open for the other three. 

"Welcome, President Kim." Soo Jin said, standing up to greet her business partners. 

Kim Won smiled at her. "Hello President Kim. It's a pleasure to see you again." He stood in front of her. 

"Please, take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?" Soo Jin asked, smiling at Tan and Eun Sang. 

"Anything would be fine." Won answered. 

Eun Hye walked over to her unnie's side and took the her unnie's empty glass away. 

"Please, take a seat." Soo Jin said. 

Won sat down first, followed by Tan and Eun Sang sat down timidly. 

Eun Hye returned moments later with a tray of three steaming hot mugs of coffee. 

"So, should we get started?" Soo Jin sat across from Won. 

"By all means." Won answered. 

"But, before that, who are your associates?" Soo Jin was curious since they were not introduced to her. From what she was seeing, the guy was calm and collected, as if he was used to it already, but the girl was flustered, as if she wasn't used to being in such meetings. 

Won was caught off guard, she noticed, but then he was smiling again, masking his emotions. "This is Kim Tan." He said, looking at the guy. "My brother." Soo Jin looked from Kim Tan to Kim Won. There was a striking resemblence between the two, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. By the way that they acted, she could already kind of guess their relationship with each other. Now, the girl. "And this..." Won was about to introduce Eun Sang as a university student, doing her research paper when Tan cut his brother off. "She's my girlfriend." Soo Jin almost burst out in laughter and turned her attention to Tan. 

"Jeongmal?" She said, looking amused. 

Tan smiled. "Yes. And she's here because she's doing a research paper for university and she picked you and your company." Tan explained politely. All the while, Won was giving him death glares. "If it's okay, could she take notes?" Tan asked again. 

"Then I should be honoured." Soo Jin said, to which Tan simply smiled. 

Soo Jin then turned her attetion back to Won. "Now, we can get started." She said. 

"Choa." Won sat up straighter in his seat. 

"Eun Hye, get me the folder." She turned to Eun Hye who was standing in the corner beside her. 

Eun Hye nodded once and walked over to one of the cabinets across the room. She easily found the folder. To be honest, before the meeting even started, Soo Jin had told her to put it there for ease of access and so Eun Hye doesn't have to leave the room. If he was bringing his associates, or in this case, his brother and his brother's girlfriend, then she should at least have Eun Hye by her side. 

"I've compiled everything in this folder. And here is the first draft for the script." Soo Jin said, taking the folder from Eun Hye and and handing it over to Won along with the script. "In this folder is the estimation of the budget, assuming everything goes to plan. If not, we could change that. Which is why, I have included pictures taken of the filming locations and also a rough sketch of what the scenes would look like. "As for the script well, you can just review that and get back to us on whether you approve or not." Soo Jin explained. 

"The budget chart that you see in front is an estimate of what we'll spend on everything. "If you want a rough estimate, at the moment, it's about 3.4 million." Soo Jin said. 

Won looked up. "That much for a movie?" He asked. 

Soo Jin nodded. "Yes. Since we have to think about locations, actors, actresses, directors, producers, filming equipments, food for all the staff, etc, there's a lot to consider." Soo Jin explained. "And also because you insisted to be our only investor." Soo Jin added. 

Won smiled at her. "I guess you're right." 

Meanwhile,Tan was peeking at the compiled pictures of filming locations, as his brother was talking. 

"These are really goo. " Tan said. 

Soo Jin chuckled. "Do you like them?" She asked.

"Who's the photographer?" Tan asked. 

Soo Jin smiled. "You're looking at her." she said. 

Tan looked surprised. "Really? They look beautiful." Tan immediately complimented Soo Jin. 

"Thank you." Soo Jin smiled. 

"You're welcome... President Kim, what?" Tan said, looking at his brother who looked like he was about to eat Tan. 

"Is he always like that?" Soo Jin asked suddenly. 

Tan chuckled. "You could say that. But he acts even more like a grinch in front of family, especially me an Eun Sang sshi..." Tan said, looking at Eun Sang who was quietly writing down notes. Eun Sang looked up from her notepad, to see that Soo Jin was looking at her. She looked down timidly. 

"Is that right?" Soo Jin said, looking back to Won. "President Kim, I hope you won't be one (grinch) as long as we're walking together." Soo Jin said, leaving Won to feel even more annoyed by his brother. "Also, I hope you won't mistake me for another employee again." Soo Jin added. 

Won smiled at her. "Of course not. I believe our partnership is going to be a good one, since you know, there are no secrets between us." He said. 

Soo Jin smiled back at him. "Kurae. I guess you're right. Well, I guess that's all. For now, partner." Soo Jin said. 

Won smiled and got up. "Kureom, we should get going. He nodded once and smiled. 

"I look forward to further meetings." Soo Jin said. 

Won nodded again, before walking out of the office. 

Eun Sang followed after him, but Tan stayed behind. 

"President Kim, don't take anything to heart. That's just how my brother is, brusque and cold. But once you get to know him, he's alright." Kim Tan said, before walking out after his hyung and Eun Sang. 

As Soo Jin watched them walked away, she didn't know it at the time, but she was going to have two projects together with Kim Won. 


Ellie: Cha.... Chapter 6. We need more Kim Tan since, you know he could potentially be the one that pushes our two mains together. Okay, maybe he is the one who does that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and after the next one is posted, I don't know when I'll be able to update since I'll be busy with STPM trials. I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and keep on supporting this fanfic. Thank you everybody:)))))) 

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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...