Chapter 16 - He who leaves and he who stalks

You and Me : The life of an Executive

Won's nose was turning red from the chill of the night. He took a sip of coffee to warm himself up and decided that long johns weren't enough anymore. It was time to wear something thicker. He made a face at the taste of the cheap coffee he had acquired from one of the stalls at Hangang Park. In the situation that he was in, he had no right of nit picking. Sure, a premium cup of esspresso was better, but he couldn't afford it at the moment, so a cup of steaming hot coffee was fine. 

He glanced at his wallet, sitting lifeless next to him on the steps. He never thought there would be a day where he would even treasure a single 1000won. But at the moment, that was what he was doing. He bought a 1500 won cup of coffee anyway and who knows what goes into that paper cup. He did however thought he did detect a hint of charcoal. A gust of cold wind blew past him. He took another sip of the coffee. In the cold night air he was grateful for one thing, the comfort that he felt from the warmth emanating from the paper cup.

He watched the waves of the river roll by, thinking of what to do next. First thing he had to do was look for a place to stay, now that he was homeless. But how was that even possible when he was also penniless, except for whatever money he had in his wallet and that is excluding his cards. He didn't have any close friends either. Not any that he could just suddenly show up at their house and crash for the night. They were all business associates. 

He took another sip of coffee as he thought about the worse that could happen. He would probably have to sleep at a bus stop, or somewhere that he could find, any place that didn't need any form of payment. He sighed in frustration. He was oblivious to his surrounding while he was drowning in his worries. This caused him and his coffee to jump up in shock when someone sudddenly said, "You know you could get this stolen." Miraculously, his coffee all made it back into his cup. 

"What the!" He exclaimed, his hand flew to his heart to calm it down. His eyes went wide as he saw who was standing next to him, with his wallet in hand. "You scared me." He frowned at the familiar face. 

"Oh, did I?" Soo Jin grinned at him. She jumped onto the step below which she was standing to sit down next to him. Her coat brushed against his face when a gust of wind blew as she sat down. "But it's true though." She said. "People can actually just snatch this..." She handed the wallet back to him. "Just like I did." She smiled. "But it isn't enough to steal your identity though." 

"No?" He eyed her as he stuffed his wallet into his pocket. 

"No." Soo Jin hugged her knees together. "To truly steal someone's identity, you have to have someone's fingerprint." She nudged him. 

Won scoffed. "Where did you get that from?" He took another sip of coffee. 

Soo Jin shrughed. "From a tv show in the nineties." She rubbed her hands together to fight against the cold. 

"Maybe it's right." Won said. 

"Maybe." Soo Jin agreed, staring straight ahead. "But what I'm more curious about right now is...what is the heir of Jeguk Group sitting out here alone, sipping a cup of cheap coffee.

Won smirked. "Why? You don't think I can drink charcoal coffee?" 

"No." Soo Jin smiled. "I don't." She said. "I'm sure the stuff that you have everyday is a premium blend or worse comes to worse, something bought from a cafe." She hugged her knees closer to her chest as another gust of win hit them. "Which is why this whole situation is much more curious to me." 

Won sighed. "It's curious to me too." He said. "I never gave a thought of how somebody could lose something in the blink of an eye." He gritted his teeth. "Until I experienced it myself."

Soo Jin furrowed and turned to looked at him. "Huh? What do you mean by that?" 

"It means..." Won eyed the cup in his hand. "I have gone throught it." He said, taking the last sip of his coffee and crushing the cup in his hand. 

"What?!" Soo Jin exclaimed. She stopped hugging her knees and turned her full attention towards him. 

Won nodded solemly. "Yup. The heir of Jeguk Group has stoop down to a new low." He squished the already crushed cup in his hand and gritted his teeth. He would normally not be so personal, but considering his situation, why not? He had nothing to lose, literally. 

"What happened?" Soo Jin said with a concerned voice. She placed a hand on his arm to encourage him. 

He sighed, on the verge of tears. He looked at the rolling waves and let the harsh winds get rid of the pooling tears in his eyes. "It's ridiculous really." He sniffed. 

"I work in the entertainment industry." Soo Jin said. "I've seen ridiculous."She smiled to reassure him. "I'm sure it's fine." 

Won smiled in appreciation. "It's my parents..." He began. "I don't know." He said, rubbing his head with his free hand. "They've done something ridiculous." 

Soo Jin scoffed. "How bad could it be?"

Won sighed. "Well, for one thing they are still trying to play matchmaker." He glanced at Soo Jin to get her reaction. She looked confused. "Second of all, I think they're opening up a dating agency." He continued. 

"Well, that's not surprising. They COULD afford it after all." Soo Jin shrugged. 

"No." Won snapped. "You don't get it." He said. "My parents just forced me to get married." He said in frustration. "They actually started a dating agency for me. I came home today to both of them in my father's room, waiting for me, with a folder in both their hands." 

Soo Jin furrowed. It didn't seem that weird to her. 

"The folders..." Won continued. "They're folders filled with their own recommendation of my future wife." He finished. 

Soo Jin stared at him, wide-eyed. She was speechless for a moment as her mind tried to processed what he was saying. "Wait, so your parents are basically forcing you to go on dates?" She started laughing at how absurd the situation was. "I'" She said in between howling laughter. 

Won grunted in annoyance. He was being serious and she was laughing at him. "I'm serious." He said. 

Soo Jin tried to get her laughter under control. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She said wiping away the tear from her eye. " you're going to get married soon huh?" Soo Jin said with a mischievious smile. "When you do,don't forget to invite me, okay?" She nudged him. 

"I'm not going to." Won said in an annoyed tone. "That's why I'm in this situation right now." He concluded.

Soo Jin scoffed. "So, what happened?" 

"Well, seems they have it all figured out. They made sure someone was guarding my car as soon as I got in the house." He shut his eyes tight with frustration. "That way I won't have any transportation. But I made it out of there anyway." He sighed. "Then, when I tried to find a place to stay, I found out that they froze all of my accounts." He looked up at the dark sky. "Now I'm sitting here, with only the money in my wallet and no place to live."

"Oh..." Soo Jin said sympathetically. She hugged her knees again and rocked herself back and forth. She glanced at Won who looked lost. "You know, you could just choose one of those candidates on the menu." Soo Jin grinned. "Best served cold." She reffered to the non chalant and dismissive manner of most heiresses. 

Won chuckled. It made him feel better that there was someone he could talk to at the moment. Soo Jin's joke did alleviate the burden that he was feeling, but soon, he could feel his shoulders sagging down with all the problems that he was having. He might be joking about it now, but if worse comes to worse, he might actually have to pick one. Or...he could just not pick and live a quiet life outside. No. He shook his head. His goal in the first place, and even with investing in the movie, it was all because he wanted to achieve his dreams of taking over Jeguk Group, he thought to himself as he peered at Soo Jin. All of a sudden he was filled with a feeling of guilt along with the feeling of hopelessness that he already had. 

"So, what is your plan?" Soo Jin said, still staring straight ahead. 

"I don't know." Won shrugged. "Honestly, I don't really have any place to sleep." He felt even more depressed as he said it out loud. 

Soo Jin glanced at Won from time to time as the both of them sat in silence. She could see how troubled he was. His always authoritive figure is gone to be replaced with the figure of a defeated man who just needs someone to be there for him. Soo Jin wasn't surprised if he said that he didn't have any friends. He even had a hard time getting close to her and it was uncomfortable for him to use banmal. But most of all, he seemed to always be working. He always showed up on time and never cancelled on his associates. Soo Jin sighed as she turned to look at river. An idea was starting to form in her head and she didn't like where it was headed. It started nagging at her and she tried to resist it and she curled up her toes tightly to resist it. Finally, she shut her eyes tightly and sighed. She had to admit defeat. She opened to speak, and then closed it again. She wasn't sure how to say it. She sighed again and decided she should just get it over with. "Chogi..."She began. "You could...stay the my place for the night." Her voice was shaky as she said it. 

Won furrowed and turned to look at her in confusion. "What?" He breathed. 

Soo Jin sighed and hugged her knees tighter to her chest for comfort. "I said, maybe you could, you know...stay the night at my place tonight until you get this sorted out." She said. Her cheeks were red and nobody could be sure whether it was from the cold or from what Won's reaction was from her question. "I mean, not that I need you to, I mean, you could really need it, and it's not that I don't like you being there." She started to babble. "And it's not like I like you, I mean, not like that." She didn't know where all of this was coming from but it was disturbing to her that she was even thinking of it. She didn't like him that way, she was sure of it. Yeah, I don't, she thought to herself. "Look." She said. "The point is, you don't have a place to stay and you could freeze and catch a cold in this weather." She said. "So I thought..." She sniffed. 

"I know what you mean." Won smiled comfortingly at her. "But I couldnt't..."He trailed off. "That would be asking too much." He said. "I don't want to burden you." He said. 

If a minute ago Soo Jin was apprehensive about even lending him a hand, now she was just down right annoyed. She had sincerely offered her help and he just easily turned it down, even with his situation. His ego should be part of the seven wonders of the world, she thought. How big is it? Nobody knows and it's definitely a wonder. But there was something about the way he said it. Especially that word, "burden". She hated it because it sounded as if she couldn't afford it. Maybe she was being too sensitive. Yes, she admitted it. But working for a company that was deep in debt and eventually went bankrupt and losing your apartment and having to swallow your pride and move back in with your parents will make you that way. Burden? Of course not. Of course she could afford it. "What? I'm not the one who is sitting out in the cold without a home." She grumbled. 

Won was hurt by her statement and in a way, they were even. Immediately Soo Jin feels guilty. She sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. You're not a burden, so come on and let me help you this once." She said. 

Won who was worn out and feeling that a terrible headache was brewing, he decided not to argue and just silently nodded. 

"Good." Soo Jin smiled. 'Now come on." She got up. "Follow me." She said. 

That was how Kim Won, the heir of Jeguk Group ended up in Kim Soo Jin's car. They rode the car in silence, that is until Won noticed something was not right. "Wait." He said, looking around. "This isn't the way to your house." He said in confusion. 

"I know." Soo Jin said calmly and she said nothing more. 

"Well... where are we going?" He asked her, full of suspicion. He looked horrified when he realised that they were headed to the royal part of town. It was the part of town where all the rich people lived in. A moment of anger flashed through him as he thought that maybe she was going to turn him in and that she too, like everybody else was working for his father. 

Soo Jin didn't say anything and simply navigated through the neighbourhood with ease. Won looked outside the window as they passed house after house, his palm getting sweaty and his heartbeat increasing tremendously. Soon enough, they reached his street and he could see his house in the distance. He got ready to give her the nastiest look he could when she simply passed the street by. 

A feeling of relief washed over him and a sense of curiosity replaced his sense of suspicion. She drove them deeper into the neighbourhood until finally they reached a luxurious apartment complex. Each of the floor was the home for the rich, especially heirs and heiresses who decided to move out of their parent's mansion and still be close by enough that they can drop by at any time. They passed the guards easily. The guards smiled and raised their hand at Soo Jin who nodded back at them in recognition. 

"She's been here before. Often by the looks of it." Won thought to himself. 

She navigated throught he complex easily until they reached the parking lot just in front of apartment block no 8. "Wait here." She took the key out of the ignition as if Won was going to drive away if she didn't. She half jogged towards block 8. 

Won wondered who did she know that was living at that apartment complex. The place was equipped with the highest security. There were guards patrolling at all times and there were security cameras everywhere. He nodded his head and thought maybe he could live there. But then reality set in. He didn't have any money, how was he going afford this place if he couldn't even afford a motel. He regretted not having more cash in his wallet. If this whole situation ever gets figured out, he would first get rid of the plethora of cards in his wallet. His dependence on credit and debit cards is what caused him to be in this situation. He tapped his foot on the carpeted car floor. He kept checking his watch, eventhough Soo Jin had only been gone for about 10 minutes. 

After 20 minutes of waiting, finally he caught sight of her at the top of the steps leading to the apartment block. She stopped and he wondered what she was doing. Then, he caught sight of somebody else, a man. He was dressed in a sweater and jeans, protected from the cold with a black long down jacket. She looked really cozy with the guy as she was laughing at what he was saying. Won kept watching them and at one point, she even punched the man playfully on the arm. What was he feeling? The closest thing he could describe the feeling as was annoyance. But why would he be annoyed with what he was seeing? He didn't get a chance to find out the answer to that question because at that moment, the both of them hugged each other goodbye and another pang of... annoyance...washed through Won. 

Soo Jin jogged towards her car, carrying a paper bag. She hoped he wasn't annoyed with her for letting him wait. She was so caught up talking to Woo Hyun that she forgot Won was waiting for her in the freezing cold. Little did she know, his...annoyance... at the sight of the two of them kept him warm. "Ah, that Kim Woo Hyun, chincha." She said under her breath. She opened the back door and threw the paper bag in the backseat. She moved to climb into the driver's seat. "I'm sorry about that." The engine roared into life as she turned the key in the ignition. 

"Yeah." Won grumbled. "Who was that anyway?" He said before he could stop himself. 

"Huh?" Soo Jin backed out of the parking spot. "Oh, that..." She registered his question. 

"Choi Woo Hyun." She answered. 

"Choi Woo Hyun?" Won said in astonishment. 

"Mmmm..." Soo Jin nodded her head. 

"His family is one of the biggest conglomerate family in Korea." Won said in awe. "Even bigger than Jeguk Group." Won remembered to the countless times that their offer to the Choi family to be partners was declined. The Choi family is the founder of Manse Group, one of the biggest, if not the biggest company in South Korea. But wait, how did she know this guy anyway? He turned to look at Soo Jin suspiciously. "How did you get to know him?" He asked. 

"Why?" Soo Jin grinned. "You think I'm friends with him for his money huh?" Soo Jin giggled. 

Won didn't say anything, but that was exactly what he was thinking about. 

"Well, we've known each other since we were little. So, it's not what you think." She said. "Let me see..." She said, thinking back to when they first met. "Yeah, I've known him since I was 6 months old." She said. "Let's just leave it at that." Soo Jin said, not wanting anymore questions. 

Won was tempted, more than once to dig in more and he just couldn't understand it. Why would he care anyway it was her personal business. In the end, he made it all the way to Soo Jin's house without saying a word. He sighed as he actually started to sweat from holding his tongue. 

Won followed Soo Jin up the familiar steps to her house. Once inside, Soo Jin went straight upstairs leaving Won on his own. Instinctively, he made his way to the living room. A moment later, he heard the stairs creak loudly as Soo Jin made her way back down. In her arms were a couple of pillows stacked on top of a comforter. Won got up and took the pile of pillows that was covering her face. 

"Ugh. Thank you." She said, taking a deep breath. "I'm so sorry." She said, walking past him. "I hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch. The guest room is just so stuffy and dusty, I don't feel it's suitable for human inhabitants." She plopped the comforter down on the couch. 

"No, that's fine." Won said. At that point, there was no way he could be choosy.

"Alright." Soo Jin walked out into the hallway. Won heard a rustling sound and a moment later Soo Jin came back carrying the paper bag that she had left by the door when they got inside. "Here." She handed the bag over to him. "You two looked about the same size so..." She handed the bag over to him. He looked inside to find a pair of pants and a sweater. "Give me those." She said, reffering to his own work clothes. "I'll launder them for you." Soo Jin said, before leaving him to go to her room. 

After sitting on the couch for a while, processing his current situation, he got up and made his way upstairs. He decided it wasn't a bad idea to get a change of clothes. His work clothes had already began to stick to him and it wasn't comfortable. He locked the bathroom door and took of his work clothes, placing them neatly on top of the toilet seat. He caught sight of himself in the mirror. His face was gaunt and looked tired. The bags in his eyes looked like they were about to reach the ground and they felt like 10kg bags hanging from his eyes. He washed his face with cold water, enjoying the numb feeling he felt on his face. He looked at himself in the mirror again. He smiled at himself. At least he still had the abs that he was so proud of. His ego returned for a while as he flexed his muscle, deservingly proud of the body that he has. After a while, he got bored and decided to just change. It wasn't a bad fit, but it didn't feel right because the clothes weren't his. He borrowed Soo Jin's mouth wash and gargled to clean his mouth, then he washed his face again and he was done. He grabbed his clothes and turned the doorknob and as soon as the door was open a crack, he could hear Soo Jin's voice.

"What?!" She said in a distressed voice. Won decided to not burst out of the toilet at the moment. Instead, he left the door open a crack and secretly listened in on what she was saying. Soo Jin was leaning against her bedroom door, talking on the phone. "What?" She said, this time with a shocked voice. "How...Why..." She said, puzzled. "Who do they think they are?" She said in anger. She listened to what the person on the other side of the line was saying. She sighed in defeat. "Araeso Hyuna ah...Unnie will be right there." She sighed again and hung up the phone. She cupped her head in her hands, holding back tears. She sniffed and rubbed the tears forming in her eyes. She straigtened up and looked towards the toilet. "Hey! I'm going to go out for a while okay?!" Soo Jin said. "Just leave your clothes in the toilet, I'll deal with it later." She said in a tired voice. 

"Okay!" Won answered. He didn't want to push it because she sounded stressed as it is. Was that how he sounded like earlier on? He heard her go down the stairs and he only dared open the door when he heard the front door slam shut. That really baffled him and he suddenly regretted not going with her. There was nothing he could do. He heard Soo Jin drive off as he walked downstairs. All he could do at the moment was stay out of the way. So, he obediently made up his bed and although a lot of questions and worries were going through his head, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He didn't even notice Soo Jin coming home with puffy, red eyes and neither did he hear her crying herself to sleep in her room that night. 

Won was sitting in a huge brand new office. He had a shiny brand new name plate, a sign that he has now taken over Jeguk Group. He was in a meeting with one of the supervisors about the new project in Dublin, Ireland. Ever since he took over, Jeguk Group has grown in leaps and bounds. He was basking in the glory of his new position. He was about to review the offer from Zeus Hotel. All of a sudden, he heard his name being called. "Kim Won." A woman's voice called out. "Chagiya..." Another woman called out. "Oppa!" A woman exclaimed. "Yah, Kim Won!" Yet another woman called out. Then he realised that he was surrounded by 10 women. His expression was one that was filled with terror as all of these women were glaring at him. "Oppa!" Said one of them. "Don't you dare take that offer." She threatened him. 

"Who...who are you?" Won said, looking at the ten women in front of him. 

One of them, wearing a red dress with a thick layer of makeup on her face scoffed. "This little..." She growled. 

"Sir?" The employee called out to him. "Sir." The employee said again to grab his attention. In a daze, Won turned to the employee. "Sir..." The employee said in a sympathetic voice. "Sir, they are your wives." He said blatantly. 

"Wh...what?" Won breathed. All of a sudden, he felt dizzy and his vision became blurry. 

"Chagiya..." One of the women in a flower printed strapless dress called out to him. "How can you do this to us."

"Kurae...aren't we your lovely brides?" Another one who was wearing a black and white strapped blouse with white pants called out to him. 

"Maybe he has another woman." Said one with short hair, her voice filled with suspicion. 

"No way..." Said one who wearing a white coat. "Oppa wouldn't do that to us. Right oppa?" 

Then they all started talking all at once. Won began to sweat and his heart began to race. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He felt his voice building up inside of him. And he wasn't able to contain it any longer. "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed. 

Won sat up abruptly, drenched in cold sweat. His breathing was ragged and his heart beating wildly. What was that dream all about. More than a dream, it was a nightmare he never wanted to have ever again. He looked around to find himself on the couch in Kim Soo Jin's house. The sun was already up and for the first time ever, he didn't care. He could just say there was an accident on the road and that there was a massive jam. 

A sweet scent caught his attention. He got up groggily, not quite awake. He walked forward, guided by the scent. He found himself at the dining table. There was a plate of french toast on the table and a thermos. Beside that was his clothes from last night folded neatly with a note on top. He grabbed the note and sat in one of the chairs. It was handwritten and it read:

"Hey, good morning. Didn't want to wake you.

Here's your clothes and breakfast is just french 

toast and a thermos of coffee. Hope that's okay.

                                           Anyway, enjoy your day."



He placed the note down and started to pour himself a steaming cup of coffee from the thermos. He took a sip and felt instantly better. It was tremendously better than the coffee he had the night before. He began to attack the french toast happily and he got a burst of sweetness and tanginess and he realised that she had hand cut the loaf of bread cut a pouch in the piece of thick sliced bread and stuffed some berries in there. He could also taste the saltiness from the egg and the crunchiness from the cornflakes that was coating it. He nodded his head in approval and tried to savour every bite. He didn't care about work that particular morning and was simply enjoying his breakfast. He wouldn't be that calm if he had known what was about to happen at his workplace. 

By the time Won reached the office, it was already 9 a.m. He scraped out the cab money from his wallet and handed it over to the cab driver. Straightening out his tie, the one that he had so carelessly stuffed in his pocket the night before, he made his way through the revolving glass doors. He was grateful that Soo Jin actually laundered the tie too because he didn't want to appear as a slacker to his employee. 

He walked into the lobby where he found a crowd gathering by the elevators. He was so curious about what was happening that he didn't notice that the receptionists giving him a weird stare. Actually, everyone that he had passed by stopped to stare at him, some with sympathy and some with curiosity. He made a bee line for the elevators. As he got closer, he noticed that there were guards guarding the elevators, checking employee ID's before letting them through. 

He pushed through employees to get to the front of the crowd. "What's happening here?" He demanded from the guards. 

"Show us your ID." One of the guard said simply. 

"I asked you, what is going on." Won said with a sterner voice. 

"And said, show me your ID." The guard said threateningly.

Won scoffed. "Do you know who I am?" Won said trying to stand up as tall as he can. 

"Your ID please." the guard said, not impressed.

"I'm the future heir of Jeguk Group and I will not be treated this way!" Won finally exploded.

"Oh." the guard said in an astonished voice. "You're Kim Won?"

"Yes." Won said in a dignified manner.

The guard grinned wickedly.  "Well then sir, allow me to show you the way out."

"What?!" Won was outraged. "Who do you think you are?" He hissed.

"Me?" the guard said. "I'm just a man carrying out orders." He said, with a smile on his face.

"What?" Won said. "From who?" 

The guard dug out a letter from inside of his blazer and handed it showed it to Won. "I have a direct order from the Chairman of Jeguk Group to stop you from entering the premises." The guard said, feeling proud of himself. "We were also ordered to tell the President that if he wishes to get to his office, he must first return home."

Won staggered backwards as he confirmed the guards words. 

"Thank you for your cooperation sir." The guard smiled and got back to work. 

Won, feeling a little light headed from what had just happened staggered out into the cold, crisp air, not knowing what to do, now that he's lost his one and only sanctuary. A few deep breaths of fresh air later, he finally took out his phone. Thank goodness that was still working. For some reason, at that time, the only person that popped into his mind was Soo Jin. He was beginning to fear that he was counting on her too much. But that moning, after everything was literally taken away from him, he could only think of calling her. He put the phone to his ear. "Yeobosaeyo?" came Soo Jin's voice from the other end of the line. "Soo Jin ah..." He said, feeling nauseous. "Where are you?" 

Won was so absorbed with his world crashing down that he didn't notice the guy in the black coat watching him from afar. The man was wearing casual clothes and was watching Won's every single move. Like Won, he had his phone to his ear. But he was talking rather calmly to whoever was on the other end of the line. All he said before hanging up was, "Yes. I've got him." 


1. Soo Jin's outfit at Hangang park: 

desc - Dark Blue skinny jeans from pinterest, Winter medium-long women white pea coat from, retro pattern round neck sweater from and hightop converse

2. Soo Jin's coat:

3. Won's work outfit:

5. Soo Jin's work clothes for next day:

desc- dress from and sandals from


Ellie: Okay, so that was it. Hope you guys enjoy and I hope I'll be updating again soon. Bye.


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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...