Chapter 22- The day after (a short in between)

You and Me : The life of an Executive

In her dreams she was lounging on a beach somewhere. The dream felt real and was so so sweet. She was sipping on a mojito as she got a tan. Then all of a sudden, she heard someone calling her name from a distance. The voice itself was a little echoey, as if she was having a dream within a dream. But she didn’t know that because it all felt so real that she might have forgotten that she was in any dream at all.

She ignored it at first, but the person calling for her was persistent and maybe it was the thousandth time that the person was calling out “SooJin…” and she finally she can’t stand it anymore. “Aish! Chincha…” She whined, her voice full of annoyance as she sat up in the deck chair. As she said it, the voice called out again and that time it was a little more persistent, when before it was just coaxing. “What?!” SooJin was annoyed as she pulled off her sunglasses. She felt her heart beating faster in anger.

“SooJin!” the person exclaimed and it made her fall off of the chair. She was seeing stars as she rubbed her head which had been slammed into the unusually hard sand.

“Aaaargghh…” SooJin groaned as she sat up on the ground. The serene scenery became blurred the more that she rubbed her head. And as she started to focus, the pastel yellow of her room started coming into view. “Huh?” She said, confused. She started rubbing her eyes and only then did she realise that her upper half was already on the floor and her lower half was still on the bed. She came face to face with concerned eyes.

Won blinked a few times as he stood over SooJin. He had a raging headache and SeungHo had fixed them with hangover soup and he was tasked with waking the woman up.

“Are…you…alright?” He asked concern on his face.

“Oh?” SooJin looked at him in confusion. She was so hung over that she had forgotten that Won was staying with her for the time being and that the night before, she had announced the biggest revelation of her life. Some might say she was being dramatic, but considering that her fake boyfriend’s father was the cause of the most traumatic incident for her appa, she felt like a betrayer, a major one.

“Oh, Won ah…” She sat up on the floor immediately. Her hair was sticking up in every possible direction and it looked like she hadn’t combed it for ages. Noticing the way that Won was looking at her, with the expression of wonder, she quickly combed it roughly to one side with the palm of her hand. And unknowingly she began to yawn and stretch. And when she blinked again, that was when a surge of pain shot through her head. “Ah…” She winced.

“Gwenchana?” Won asked, his hand tentatively grabbed her arm.

SooJin massaged her head as she tried to get used to the pain brought on from on by the excessive drinking that she had done before. She looked up and Won was still staring at her with the expression of trying to figure something out. “What is it?” She asked and it might have given the impression that she had been annoyed.

“Ah, mian…I didn’t mean to disturb you but breakfast’s ready…and it could help with…you know…” He didn’t need to say it out loud as a sudden sharp pain flashed through her head.

She winced and Won offered her a small smile, “I’ll just go downstairs first.” He said as he got up and walked away.

As SooJin watched his retreating back, she had a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something. But every time she tried to think, another sear of pain rushed through her brain and she found herself unable to even open her eyes as she tried and bear with the pain. She sat on the floor for a little while more before finally getting off of the floor and into the bathroom where a warm shower was long overdue.

“Just what happened last night?” She thought to herself as she turned the water on. The only thing that she remembered was that they had practically stormed out of the Kim’s mansion the night before and then she had gotten a call from her cousin about the Crystal Daisy and she remembered that she nearly had a…

Her mind stopped her for a moment as she had a moment of realisation. And standing underneath the warm stream of water, her mind decided to bring her back to the night before and she has had to rewatch the morbid events of the night before in the form of a flashback.

“Omo!” She exclaimed, clasping with her hands. Then as the realisation began to sink in, she started to hit herself on the head repeatedly. “Aigoo…aigoo…pabo ya…” She chanted, until finally she felt a slight sting on the side of her head where she had hit. “Ah…” She winced and that was when she decided that she couldn’t stay in the shower the entire day. And plus, Won was already waiting downstairs with SeungHo.

SeungHo… why was he still there anyway? She wondered to herself. That was the real mystery of the day and to find that out, she had to go and get dressed.

He could have sworn that he had the rice cooker earlier on. With a skeptical mind he the rice cooker for what he would have sworn to be the second time that day. “This…What brand is this…” He foolishly tried to turn the cooker around, when the brand was right in the middle. “Ah…see…I’m not used to this brand of cooker…” Apart from not being able to admit that he might have forgotten to turned the cooker on, SeungHo was really a great cook in the kitchen. Since he had been living with his mother all his life, he had developed a cooking skill that could top that of any eomunni in Korea.

The pot on the stove started gurgling, demanding his attention. “Aigoo…” He hurried over to turn down the heat. “It’s no good if it’s overcooked…” He opened up the lid to check the soybean paste soup. The aroma was enough to entice anyone to ring the doorbell and ask for a seat at the table. “As expected, Lee Seungho, nobody can beat your cooking…” He grinned as he replaced the lid.

After some time, Seungho got tired of eating takeouts every night and decided to look up simple recipes he could try. And soon enough, he was cooking like a master chef. Soon after, his mother fell ill and he had to take care of her and whenever he thought about it, he was glad he acquired that little skill in the least. He can’t help but feel heartbroken at the thought of his mother’s condition.

During the time that he was pondering what he had to do and how much time he had left with his mother, Won had appeared in the dining room.

Won cleared his throat as he saw SeungHo stand facing away from him, seemingly frozen. The guy flinched and Won wondered what had gotten into him. “Breakfast ready?” Won asked simply.

“Uh, yeah…it’s ready…” SeungHo answered in a wavering voice. Once again, Won’s curiosity was peaked, but not enough for him to ask what was wrong. Instead, he acted indifferently and asked SeungHo to get him a bowl of rice and some soup.

“It’s all self service okay?” SeungHo answered simple, gaining back some of his sassiness. Which although gave a little comfort to Won that things didn’t have to be awkward so early in the morning, but it also made him want to slam SeungHo’s face into the table. In his own home- he gulped at the thought of what he had done and at the consequences- nobody had dared to defy him. If he was being honest, he missed being greeted and being called young master. But the stay did open his eyes to how privileged he was. Nevertheless, he still felt like giving SeungHo a piece of his mind on how rude the guy was being. But before he could do it, SooJin entered, while rubbing her wet hair with a towel.

“Waaa…I smell something good…” She grinned as she took a seat.

“Ah, noona…Do you want a bowl of rice?” SeungHo asked as he reached for a bowl.

Seeing this, Won instantly shot up, which scared the other two. “I’ll do it…” He said suddenly, as if in a trance.

“Oh?” SooJin exclaimed. “Oh, go ahead…”

“Mwoya…” SeungHo said to himself. At first Won had given him the death stare just because he had refused to serve him, and now he was volunteering? How strange…

Won moved to get a bowl and began scooping up the steaming hot rice. Almost instantly he was sweating from the steam. The first bowl of rice, he handed it over to SooJin who smiled sweetly. “Gomawo…” She said, setting it down on the table. Won blushed and felt a little tingle as he melted under her smile. He shook his head slightly to snap himself out of it.

“You should be grateful that she is even giving you a place to stay.” He rationalised it in his head. “That’s why you need to help out as much as possible around here…” He somehow managed to convince himself of that and that it was the reason he felt flustered. Not because he was secretly jealous that someone else was taking care of SooJin. Apparently, admitting that she was his girlfriend has switched on the caring button that has been turned off for some time. And although he would not admit it, he may have felt a little pang of jealousy too.

“Here…” SeungHo beat him to the soup first though. While he was busy scooping rice for himself, SeungHo had busied himself with the soup that he had prepared. Won stopped mid scoop. He had originally wanted to get SeungHo some rice too but abruptly changed his mind. He grabbed chopsticks and spoons as he sat apposite from SooJin.

“Cha..” He handed her the chopsticks and spoon.

“Gomawo…” SooJin smiled again, not realising what she was doing to him. Blushing, he sat back down in his seat and started tucking into his soup. SeungHo on the other hand was getting his own rice. He was used to doing things on his own anyway and wasn’t in the least taken aback by the fact that he wasn’t served by the almighty chaebol.

He took a seat next to Won but as he moved to take a sip of the soybean paste soup that he had woken up early to prepare, he felt a chill down his spine. He took a peek and immediately was met with the hawk like eyes of Kim Won. “What is up with this hyung?” He thought to himself before turning his back to said hyung and tucking into his breakfast. This left Won in an extremely annoyed state and in his mind, he was already killing SeungHo over and over.

“Wah…” SooJin exclaimed, instantly grabbing the attention of the two men in front of her. “Wah…who cooked this?” She asked, taking another sip of the steaming hot soup.

“Erm… I did…” SeungHo sat his spoon down so abruptly that a resounding clang reverberated through the calm morning. Won winced at the sound. “I hope you don’t mind…” He said, suddenly aware of his intrusion. “I mean, hyung’s father called this morning to ask where you guys were and I kind of told him…” This earned a glare from Won and a worried frown from SooJin. “Okay, yes, he knows about where we went last night…” And SooJin nearly jump out of her seat at this. She assumed the worse, she assumed that the Chairman knows about her biggest secret.

“Oh, but I only told him that we went to get some drinks. “ SeungHo defended, earning a soft relieved sigh from SooJin. Of course SeungHo couldn’t say anything because how could he when Won was breathing down his neck as he was receiving the call and had consfiscated his phone. But now, looking at the way SooJin was reacting, he finally understood that it wasn’t his place to tell his boss about this one little secret.

“Soo…SooJin ah…” Won spoke up suddenly. SooJin turned to look questioningly at Won. “Does…my father…know?” He asked. “You know…about…” He didn’t have to say it for her to understand. And she was forcibly taken back to the debacle the night before.

“Undoubtedly so. Ever since the time I told him about my pen name.” SooJin started stirring her soup. “Your father and my parents were close back then…” She sighed. “It would be weirder if he doesn’t know.” She ate a spoonful of rice.

After swallowing, she turned to SeungHo. “And of course I don’t mind…The food is delicious.” She assured him. “And what I said last night…What we saw…” SooJin said,peering over at the other two. No words were needed.

And SeungHo sat there, eating his breakfast thinking about the secret that he was now entrusted with. He thought about how this was how it must be like to be a double agent. “I just wanted some money…” He muttered as he downed his soup.

“Unnie!” It was around noon when the door banged open.

“Unnie!” JinAe called out again.


“Over here!” Soo Jin called out.

After breakfast, the three had went back to doing their own thing. SeungHo had excused himself to go home and pack, which had initially alarmed the other two. But he had explained that he himself had no choice. The Chairman’s exact orders were : “Stick to them like glue until further notice.” And SooJin was fine with that, it wasn’t like it was any different than when her appa had stayed the night. Their main aim was the same, to watch.

Won, who had been given a home in one of the bedrooms upstairs, had currently gone out to get some supplies. In his mind, he would go to one of the clothing shops closely affiliated with Jeguk Group and borrow a few items of clothing. He was sick of borrowing stuff from SooJin and after what he saw and heard the night before, he didn’t have the guts to. Another agenda on his mind would be to ask what all the destruction was all about.

So. It just so happened that SooJin had the entire day to herself. It was around noon when Jin Ae decided to come for a visit.

“Unnie!” Jin Ae rushed over to her sister’s side. She started massaging her unnie’s arms and shoulders. “Unnie, I heard what happened from WooHyun.” She said in a concerned voice. “Unnie gwenchanayo?”

“Why am I not okay?” SooJin said.

“You know…I heard appa was plenty upset.” Jin Ae said.

“I’m okay and appa needs to have some time to calm down, that’s all.” SooJin said. She wasn’t in the mood to discuss it any further and so didn’t her sister.

“That’s a relief…” JinAe said. “And to think that you were keeping this all a secret for so long…” JinAe said, turning into a pout. She sighed. “Well, look at the bright side, now you don’t have to worry about hiding anything anymore.”

SooJin sighed. She still didn’t know how she felt about the whole thing yet. On one hand, she was glad that everything was out of the bag and that she and the heir of Jeguk Group was finally on the same page. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel uneasy. With so many of her secrets out there on the table. She wondered what kind of leverage that they had on her.

“Unnie,” JinAe made SooJin jump.

“Ai shi…” SooJin managed to stop herself in time.

“Unnie, let’s go and get some lunch…” JinAe suggested, not affected.

“Oh…kurae… Sounds good. You’re buying…” SooJin got up to grab her coat.

“Aigoo…What a great big sister…” JinAe sneered. “Kurae…I’ll treat you just this once. Oh…What a good younger sister oh… Repaying back her older sister for what she has done for her… Aigoo….” JinAe kept rambling on and on as she walked out the door after her sister.

Anything can be solved when your stomach is filled. At least that was what the two sisters had hoped.

The bell chimed as Won walked through the door. “Welcome…” The worker there welcomed him with a huge smile. “Ah…President Kim…” She looked to him in realisation. “Right this way…We’ve been expecting you…” Won looked at her in a daze for a second. Since being deprived of the luxury life for quite some time, he had already forgotten the influence that his family has. Well, probably not as much as SooJins’ now that he knew the truth, but there was a huge influence nonetheless.


“Ah…” He suddenly realised as he was being led to the V.I.P section. “Chogi…How did you know I was coming?”

The lady turned and flashed her signature smile. “The Chairman had told us beforehand…He told us you just had to pick anything you want and he’ll pay for it.” The lady explained before walking away.

For some reason, the tips of his mouth can’t help but inch upwards. Somehow he was happy to be under the Jeguk Group wing again. But then he remembered he was supposed to be mad with his father.

“Feel free to pick anything that you want. And please buzz for us for any assistance…” The lady bowed a little and was about to walk away when Won stopped her.

“Er… I can choose anything right?” He looked around suspiciously. Maybe it was a prank.

“Yes, sir…Anything you want…” The lady said.

“Kureom…” Won’s hawk eyes scanned the room and finally laid eyes on his target, the most expensive, most luxurious looking sweater that he sees. “I want that one…”


“Ah….” The lady gave him an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry sir…But the chairman has already placed a booking on that…” She explained as nicely as she could.

“Oh…for who?” Maybe he had another child out there that he and Tan didn’t know about.

“For himself…” The lady said, making Won almost punch the wall in annoyance. “He says it brings out the youth in him….so we MUST make sure to keep it for him,” The lady said.

“What does he think he’s still young or something…” Won said under his breath. “Then what about that one…” He pointed to some pretty expensive pair of pants.

“Ah…we’re sorry…That too…” But before she could finish, Won cut her off.

“He placed a booking on this too…for himself?” Won’s eyes went wide, but it did not affect the worker in the slightest.

“Yes…for a client overseas. He says no matter what, not to give it to anybody else, not even his son.” The lady kept a smiling face.

Won sighed. If he was going to be that way, why even bother asking him to pick anything? That was the thought that went through his head right at the moment.

“Araeso...just pick anything that he didn’t book and wrap it up.” He said, his annoyance level rising.

“Ye…” The lady retreated as graceful as when she had first welcomed Won.

“I better work harder, When I get that company, we’ll see what happens.” He could only vow, but he didn’t even know if he was going to make it.

“I will make it.” He was the only one who could reaffirm himself at the moment. And that was enough…for the moment. At least he wasn’t going to be an indebted, homeless person anymore.


A/N:'s me again. It's been like...what? 5? almost 6 months? A quick detour: To be honest, I almost gave up on this, on writing anything at all, fiction, fanfics, everything. But then, I recently got into this drama called Laughter in Waikiki and it really gave me my strength back. I almost gave up thinking it was a silly hobby/dream and that I should focus on my degree more. But I realised then that I felt miserable. Looking back, I felt absolutely miserable. Instead of focusing on my degree, I didn't feel like doing anything, be it my assignments or writing. But most of all, I hated not being able to write down new story ideas, I hated myself because I was too tired or the way I thought it, lazy to do so. I became irritable and sensitive most of the time and I hated myself because this wasn't me. What happened to the 'I'll keep at it til I make it' deal? But then, after watching this drama, I was touched to try again. Try and maybe if I don't become an author, then maybe I'll stay a committed writer. The way that all the characters have their own dreams and are still working towards it despite their age and uncertainties really inspired me to get back on my feet again. That, and also a little trip to see nature helped me to be here again, to gain courage. So, if any of you are struggling right now, this drama might be a good pick me up. At least, you'll stay laughing while you watch it :) I'm busy now, more than ever, doing both my assignments and practicing my writing in the hopes of having my dreams come true someday. It's tiring but I'm happy. 

Okay, enough with the long rambling. Thank you if you read this and thank you, even if you didn't. This was kind of like a let it all go session. I already have season 2 and 3 planned for "You and me : the life of an executive." and I don't know if I'll ever write those, but I'll definitely finish this season 1. 


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I'm excited to read!
aibhara #2
Chapter 38: couldn't get enough of this..
I would be glad reading the spinoff or the sequel..
Thank you for the update authornim..
Looking forward for the next update..
aibhara #3
Chapter 37: woah.. I couldn't stop reading your story.. It's really good..
I really like the plot and how you solve their problem..
Thank you for this wonderful story authornim..
Hope you could post the last chapter someday..
ChoKwanGi #4
Chapter 36: i can't open the links but I am sure she looks gorgeous. Thanks for the update. till next :)
gigiright #5
Chapter 35: thanks for the update
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 33: i waited for this update, thanks a lot. i hope you are well. and hope to read more updates soon! fighting!
ChoKwanGi #7
Chapter 32: am still reading and enjoying it. please continue like 10 chapters :) this is a breathe of fresh air actually.
oh, btw am not into K-pop though. sorry
liulishi #8
Chapter 31: Happy new year...🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thanks for update...
liulishi #9
Chapter 29: love iiiitttttttt....yeah..update...
thank you...
liulishi #10
Chapter 27: finally you update this again... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Anyway... stay safe and take care Authornim...