
A secret place.
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I'm sorry if there we a lot of lapses, thus, I hope you enjoy this :)




Jessica is just like one of us, an ordinary human being. 
Though, she didn't escape her father's strictness. 
"You're coming with me, whether you like it or not" He informed sternly when Jessica refuted about going to California with her dad. Her mom already died long time ago so, being the only daughter, she's pampered yet got the best of the protectiveness of her dad. 
"Daddy~" She whined "I already made a lot of friends in my school" 
"You can always make another one" 
"Unless you broke up with her" 
"No" She sternly disapproved 
"Then, you're coming with me" 
"You're so unfair" She gritted her teeth to control her emotions but too bad, tears already fell off her eyes "If mom didn't died back there, would she be happy with the way you're treating me now?" 
"She will be" 
"She wouldn't be because she'd rather see me happy than live my life like this" She wiped off her tears "I wish I had died back then and mom didn't!" 
"JESSICA! YOU--" Her father shouted but Jessica already went to her room with her tears pouring down like a waterfall 
"I'm outside your house aein~ Let's have dinner together?" 
"Wait for me" Jessica answered with sobs filling between her words 
"Why are you crying? What's wrong??" The person on the other line asked worriedly 
"Just..." She tried to calm herself as she take what she'll need before leaving their home. 
"It's dad" Jessica confessed after tugging the other girl to the park and they settled at their usual place, near the veranda where there is a bench placed on it - the place where they met for the first time. 
"What did he do?" The girl asked pulling her hand from Jessica's hold so she could cup Jessica's face and rubbing her thumb under Jessica's swelling eyes 
"Y..." She sighed. She can't even bring herself to call her by her name "He wants to separate the both of us" She added as tears started to make it's way again 
"Shh" Hushed her "It'd be alright. Wherever you go, I'll follow" 
"No ... Break up ..." 
"I can't allow that to happen" She frowned disliking her beloved's confession 
"But he's taking me to US. I know he will even if I go on hunger strike or whatever" 
"Don't do that, okay?" Asked her and Jessica held her beloved's hand "For now, cope up with your dad" 
"Are you serious?" She asked with a hiccup also doubting at the suggestion she just received "He's separating the both of us. It's miles and miles apart" 
"Like I told you, I'll be with you wherever you go" She smiled sincerely even if her eyes got wet by her tears so Jessica could only hug her tightly. She hugged her as if this would be the last hug they'll ever receive. 
"Don't forget me, okay?" 
"Never. Did you eat already?" 
"I just want us to stay like this a little bit more" She softly answered inhaling her scent because she have laid her head to her beloved's shoulder 
"Stay as long as much you want" Agreed her patting Jessica's back and not minding if the lunchbox she prepared is set aside for far too long now 
Unknown to them, Christopher Jung already settled everything the next morning and that they're moving to the US very soon. 
"Yoong ..." She tried to call even though it's only 4am in the morning. Her girlfriend is probably still in her dreamland or in her deep slumber. "Pick up please" Pleaded Jessica when 'Yoong' isn't answering the phone yet. She only have 10 minutes to use the comfort room with her excuse that she's going to pee. She can't escape too because 2 bodyguards were guarding the room in case she'd try to. 
A sigh escaped when there wasn't an answer and a girl in suit entered the comfort room to her out to the waiting area 
"Aein!" Yoong called out with a pant when she saw her girlfriend towards a delivery services available in the airport, 10 minutes before her flight. "I'm sorry I took so long and was unable to answer your calls" She apologized "My cousin already told me about your flight so I went home to do this for you to take"  
"Flash drive?" Asked her receiving the usb she received  
"If I did the notes in the jar, I'm sure your father wouldn't let you to have a glance of it so I was kind of, technology dependent" 
She smiled, touched at her girlfriends effort. "I meant to have this delivered to you ..." She gave Yoona a box with a ribbon on top of it while their free hand is dearly holding one another "I'll call you whenever I have the chance to, okay?"  
"I love you" She confessed giving Jessica's hand a little squeeze 
"I love you too ..." She was being pulled by her father's bodyguards now since it's time for them to abort the plane 
5 ... 
4 ... 
3 ... 
2 ... 
1 ... 
They eventually broke free of each others hold as the force was really great in holding back Yoona and Pulling Jessica away. 
'Yoongie, I know that my dad is going to cut all connections of me to you. Don't change your number or your username so I could still contact you in anyway. This rubik's cube is for you to solve. I promise to be back to your warm hugs as soon as you finish doing this. P.s, no cheating.' 
Rubik's cube is something Jessica could finish in a span of few seconds while at the same time it is the one that Yoona had never been fond of solving. 
On Jessica's Day-2 at California, Her father gave her a new phone consisting of a new sim card that barely has a social networking sites or apps that she can use to contact Yoona. He confiscated Jessica's old phone and threw it away. 
Jessica is just like one of us, an ordinary human being. 
But she isn't living like one. 
"Your new school is Stanford. You'll be atten--" 
"Whoever attends school with bodyguards?!" She asked, already annoyed at the sight of the bodyguards that she knew would come and fetch her from school 
"I won't ask them not to be with you so just go to school" He rubbed his temple, annoyed too. He believes that Jessica always followed whatever he wanted until she met that 'girfriend' of hers. 
"Can't they stay outside the school? It's my first day at school, I don't have friends, and yet you want me to give them the spoiled brat vibe" 
"Fine." He relented "Stay outside her school" commanded him and the 2 bodyguard nodded "Just so you know, once I find out that you try to escape, it's going to be a home study for you" 
"As if attending this new school is any better" Frowned her before leaving 
Days … 
Weeks … 
Months … 
3 months have passed and yet, all of it were spent in vain. Jessica knew that going against her father's will isn't going to do her any better. So she tried to cope-up, somehow. Like a zombie, She'll attend her classes, eat during the break time and strolling around the school during her vacant time, then attend her remaining  classes before going home where she feels like a prison cell. It's not like she's not allowed to go out, but she chose not to. She doesn't want to go out with the bodyguards. 
Meanwhile Yoona who got left behind, She can only try to solve the rubik's cube in hopes that it'll make her girlfriend be back to her embrace. They can only exchange sms conversation through imessage so they could send each other a picture too. However, that wasn't much in favor of them. When Jessica is free, it's either Yoona's at school or sleeping. That happens vice versa since they were at different timezones. 
"Oww," A girl bumped Jessica on the hallway and was faster to give her a glared 'How rude' she thought 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump you" Apologized her as she tries to help the other girl who carries more stuff than her 
"It's okay, I can manage" She answered and Jessica took her stuffs before standing up and proceeding to go to her classroom "Wait no, Can you help me?" 
'Why so clumsy for?' She thought when the girl had the box tore into two, making it useless to carry all the stuffs inside it 
"Thanks" She smiled "I'm Stephanie" 
"Jessica" She answered taking the girl's hand that is outreached to her for a handshake  
"Are you new here? It's my first time seeing you" Asked her when they were heading for the same classroom 
'I barely know one person in here but she, 'first time seeing you'? What does that suppose to mean? She knows everybody?' 
"Ehm, No. I've been here for about 3 to 4 months now." 
"Ah! You must be the one who leaves as soon as the class ends!" She snapped her fingers while her voice is louder than how she sounded  a while ago "Nice to finally meet you" 
"Err, Yeah" She scratched her nape when the new girl she met have been smiling to her too much and even clinging to her arm, making her wonder if she does that to others too. "I'm going to my spot now" She awkwardly pulled her hand away 
'Yoongie~, I miss Hyejin, SooIn, Jaekyung, Sowon, and most especially you T_T Wait a little more, okay? I already saved as much and is just waiting for this semester to end before I could go back there and meet you again. How's the rubik's though? Have you finished it?' She sent the message with a pout while sitting down on her usual spot, under the tree of Stanford's garden. 
'I still havent's solved it T_T I can only finish one color, hing~' 
'Hehe~ Are you not listening to Mr. Park again? You'd get a punishment point' 
'I won't. Mr. Park started another lazy day so we can play whatever we want. I'm playing my rubik's now' 
'Yet you're exchanging messages with me~' 
'I'm hiding :P' 
'Such a choding' 
'Anyway, If I get caught, my punishment points will be sent to you' 
'How can that be kk' 
'And you? Are you not listening to your teacher?' 
'I don't have a class yet' 
'Ohh, I see. By the way, Can you give me a tip how can I solve this? ? I want you to be here next year. In February, specifically.' 
'Tip … Do it layer by layer. That's all' 
'Heol! I'll google it' 
'Sure do~' 
"Jessica!" The so called 'Stephanie' called out to her cheerfully at the cafeteria just about when she's done placing her order 
"Oh, Hi" 
"The class would be going to my house tonight for my birthday and I'm inviting you too" She smiled but Jessica rejected 
"I'm sorry. I had plans with my dad. Happy Birthday though" Dinner date. She and her dad had been reconciling little by little for the past four months. She knew that going against her dad would only give her tougher time and making it harder for her to save money that she'll use to book flight back to Korea. 
"Aw, shame" 
"How about we go to the burger joint across the school tomorrow? My treat so that I could make it up to you" Asked her. She doesn't exactly know what pushed her but this new girl she met, and got 'closer' with recently, saddens her when she had the sad look on her face 
"Really? Okay!!" 
Jessica and Tiffany went to the said burger joint and ate well as they share some conversations for themselves. Sadly, one of Jessica's class had been re-scheduled so after they ate, Tiffany left to go home while she proceeded to her usual spot. 
She took out some  of her notes but got bored so she took her rubik's cube 
"I still have, 1 hour" She look at her wrist watch first before directing her attention to the rubik's. However, Someone covered her eyes from the back and that touch feels familiar. She can't be wrong. 
"Hey, Why are you crying?" Yoona asked, removing the cover and going in front of Jessica so they could face each other 
"What are you doing here?" She asked giving Yoona a soft punch to her arm "What if daddy catches you here?" 
"I told you that I'll be with you wher

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲