Begin again. (CH. 8 XV)

A secret place.
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Jessica entered the restaurant where soojung told her to go for them to meet.

"Is this the place? Why is there nobody else?" She asked herself examining the restaurant 

"Miss, Do you have reservation or Are you going to reserve a seat?"

"Uhm, Wait. Is this Sherlock restaurant?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ahh. Yes there's an reservation under the name Jung Soojung"

"This way please" The lady led her to the table in the middle after confirming the said reservation. 

'As expected, she's late. The place is classy though' Jessica mumbled to herself adoring the place because it has a classy vibe and an english song is playing 


The song have changed to 'Back to December' that Jessica didn't mind anyway. But what happened next, does.

She heard that voice again ...

That voice ...

From someone ...

Someone she've been avoiding at all cost ...

Be it by reflex or not, she stood from her seat and ready to leave the area when Yoona appeared in front of her when she turned her back.

"I go back to December all the time"


Words isn't needed as the two of them stopped and stared at each other's eyes. Longing was visible yet both are tongue tied.

"Let's talk, I'll explain" Finally, Yoona broke the staring contest that have started setting aside the mic she was holding

"I'm here for soojung. Nothing more, nothing less"

"Give me time to explain ... At least, let you know my side ..."

"You need not to. I've accepted everything that have happened and now I'm trying to feel how it is like having the days without you."

"You're the one who need not to. What have happened is one-sided and i don't want you to imagine how is it without me because i can't bring myself to do so"

"Let's just stop this Yoongie. Aren't you hurt? I've done a lot of things that have/could have hurt you but still .. you're here?"

"Same as you. We had it worse before but you didn't let that get in the way for us. You sticked to me despite all the things I've caused you so now let me be the one to hold. Let me be the one who hold you tighter if you feel like the grip is loosing from my hold. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you" Yoona answered holding Jessica's hand. "My ego is consuming me. But you consume me the most"

"Everything is being tough.I'm afraid that we're slowly losing each other and that thought is scaring me" Jessica answered letting her tears flow. Yoona pulled her close so that she'll cry on her shoulder while hugging Jessica

"Water under the bridge, right? I know that when we break, it would really really break us. I don't want that to happen. Yuri kissed me and i didn't know that she would. She asked me for a gift but i didn't know that it's that. But I'm not blaming her because i know that I'm the one to blame. I let her to kiss me. But i don't want that to happen and I'm really sorry that it ever happened. I love you so much and i can't let you go because of that incident. If you don't trust me anymore, then, I'll try to gain your trust back. I can give you space if you want it. But, i can't give you to them. I can't let them have you instead of me."



"I hate you ... I hate you ... I hate you.." Jessica added  punching Yoona's chest


"Hmp" She sulkingly turned her back to Yoona and even crossing her arms over her chest

"I miss you like crazy" She said encircling her hands at Jessica's tummy while her chin dug in Jessica's collarbones. She even placed butterfly kisses 

"Who says you can do that?" asked her dodging the next kiss Yoona is giving her

"Okay. I'll stop it. But, Promise me that you won't avoid me anymore" She answered playing with Jessica's hand first before intertwining it with her own "But why does your stomach always create that sound? Were you skipping dinner?" 

Yoona was referring to the war Jessica have in her stomach. Before when they were filming for a photoshoot or for an MV, Jessica's stomach would always grumble so Yoona always brings a piece of bread and a carton of milk so that she could give it to the hungry cat in case they don't have food in a set yet or the delivery would take longer to arrive.

"Soojung told me that we're going to have dinner so i didn't have my pre-dinner meal"

"Let's eat?"

"Who says that I'm going to eat with you?"

"Soojung isn't coming. I'm your one and only date for tonight." She pursed her lips as she don't want to smirk because it will come as a brag. Though it already did

"Ah. So my sister is your comrade"

"Seems like it"


Yoona led Jessica to their spot. The only table inside the restaurant. Yoona's friend have asked Yoona to book the whole place before but due to an clash of schedules, she decided to let Yoona use the place with other friends since the place have been paid already and the food would be wasted if they wouldn't use it. The food was served just like how it should be though Yoona's focus was more on staring at Jessica than eating

"If stares could melt and I'm a butter, i already melted long time ago" Jessica said wiping the end of her lips before drinking her wine

"Good thing you're not a butter because i don't want to melt you"

"Then, what are you planning to do when you keep on staring at me?"

"Just stare at you and fell in love over and over again"

"By the way ... I saw you having a date with Yuri"

"It's not a date. I ended things with her. We just talked"


Yoona's phone beeped, sign that a message just came in. But she isn't opening it or looking at her phone because they have the food over phone rule.

"Go read it. Maybe it's urgent"

Yoona smiled when she read the text she've read "It's just soojung. She said 'Congratulations! Seems like everything worked out since you're not complaining anytime now'"

Jessica scoffed "I can't believe you're using my sis"

"I would even ask your parents for help if this didn't work out." 

"Such busybody"

"Heck, i would try to use everyone just so that i could talk to you. I'm not giving up. I would give my all"


"I'm not going to let others have you without a fight. I'm not going to give you up without trying. You're worth more than how you think you are. If others don't think the same, then it's their loss. Because you're worth everything to me. I may not show it much but you are."

"Deep words Ms. Im"

"I'm not Ms. Im. I'm, little rascal Yoongie"

"But what's with the Taylor Swift's song?" Jessica asked when she saw the mic yoona used awhile ago

"Nothing, It just relates to the situation recently"



"Who's missing?" Tiffany asked as the group gathered in SM again to practice for their concert tour

"Yoona" Yuri was quick to point it out

"Anybody knows where she went?"

"She told me awhile ago that she'll be having  dinner with her friends so she can't make it to have it with us. But rest assured, she'll be back before practice starts"

"Friends who?"

"The usual, i guess? Like that question is always asked before" Seohyun answered Yuri's question. She doesn't get why suddenly meeting with friends is such a thing to know now.

The group had dinner without Yoona. Just the 7 of them.




Yoona was missing after our practice during the noon and i didn't get to see where she head off to.

Where did she went?

To her someone?

As if on time, Tiffany did her routine of checking the attendance.

"Who's missing?"

"Yoona" I answered immediately and she seemed satisfied because she's the only one missing. Though I'm still waiting for the time she'll ask where Jessica is like how she did it in the airport. But i guess luck isn't my side because that incident doesn't happen yet.

"Anybody knows where she went?" Thanks Tae. I was about to ask that too

"She told me awhile ago that she'll be having  dinner with her friends so she can't make it to have it with us. But rest assured, she'll be back before practice starts"

"Friends who?" Friends or

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲