Drift. (CH. 8 XLI)

A secret place.
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HAVE YOU ALL BOUGHT/LISTENED TO YOONAS 1ST MINI ALBUM (BLOSSOM)??????? Yoonsic's A little happiness though :-)


But anyway, It's been 9 years since the girls have debuted T_T So yeah. Let's not argue whether you're an OT9, 8+1, OT8, or a Golden Star only. Let's all be thankful that despite what happened, they were together the past years and they strived hard to be who they are today. (It's a matter of respecting one's opinion imo) Plus, Soshi and Jessica have given us a very meaningful song ;; That Summer (0805) and Golden Sky (YOONA'S PART SLAYED ME)





(Taeyeon's 'Kiss of an Pisces' concert day) 
"Wifey, I'm leaving the kids in mommy's care. Just in case you can, please go home. The kids have been whining to me recently that they miss you so much up to the point of crying at times, when they'll see you with the girls. They're not telling me anything either. Maybe, If you're the one to ask, then they will. I'm getting worried, really" She sent that long message to Yoona before proceeding to the bathroom to take a shower. The twins is still sleeping and she still have 2 hours before the concert starts. 
Today is the day when Taeyeon had invited Jessica to come to her concert. On her previous one, Tiffany, Sooyoung and Yoona already came while the other girls have informed her to come on the next concert after this today's concert. 
After that family camping, Yoona's schedule is loaded up. Maybe it was her indirect way of gathering the family for a bonding time before going to a long haul and missing the next family dates and the talks. 
During that camp, they only had fun in that area. No one to notice, no one to disturb. They played various outdoor games, had good food, and exchanged conversations about just anything they could thought of. 
"Mommy …" Soyou teared up, approaching Jessica in the bathroom, with a calendar on her hold 
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Asked her crouching down so she'll face her daughter 
"Umma …" 
"What about umma?" She asked again, wiping Soyou's tears that doesn't seem to stop now. 
"Look at this …" She outreached the calendar she's holding "See all the circles? That's the times umma hadn't came home. It's more than the fingers I have" 
"I know. Mommy is aware of how much you miss umma. I too, misses her. But umma is just working, don't worry" 
"No …" She shook her head, disapproving at Jessica's statement "Did you … Did you two fought that's why she isn't going home?" 
"No we didn't. In fact, Umma always send a message when she have the chance. Didn't you say that you received one not too long ago?" 
"Then, Did we misbehave?" 
"No you didn't. You and Nath, You're so diligent that me and Yoona umma is so proud of it" Answered her caressing Soyou's face, still trying to wipe those tears away 
"Then why isn't she coming home to us" Sobbed her. Not being able to pacify her daughter, Jessica carried Soyou in her embrace 
"Umma will come home, okay? She won't leave, mommy won't let her" Answered her before checking her phone if Yoona responded to her message but no. Nothing. 
"Is she with that scary ahjumma again?" 
"Who? The ahjumma who came to fetch you at school before?" 
"Hmm! That bad ahjumma …" Soyou halted crying and frowned deeply, a frown filled with anger "I really hate her" 
"Why? Did that ahjumma do something to you? Did she hurt you or anything?" 
"That ahjumma … she's always with umma! I know, I know that she would want to let umma away from us. I don't like seeing her, I don't like everything about her!" She crossed her arms over her chest 
"But hating her wouldn't do you any good" She answered giving Soyou's nose a poke "No matter how you hate a person, try to understand him/her. Hating on someone, nothing really happens. You're just keeping a burden to yourself. Do you understand, my daughter?" 
"No! I don't want to understand" She looked away to avoid Jessica's eye contact "Unless she stops being close to umma, I won't understand. I don't want to understand, and I will never" 
"Even if it's wrong?" 
"Stealing my umma is wrong. Keeping my umma isn't" 
"Alright, my stubborn daughter" She walked out to the room and let Soyou to sit on the bed "Be patient enough to wait for mommy to dress-up, okay? I'll be preparing food for you" 
"So, I have concluded, I won't go today. Instead, I'll stay home and we'll video call umma, okay?" 
"Not okay" Nath answered first 
"You promised her that you'll be coming to support. You even finished work early for it. Promises should be kept. We can just stalk umma on her next schedule" 
"You said you didn't want it when we hid and only looking from a distance. You said you can't annoy her that way" 
"Plus, I'm going with Abuelito. That's why" 
"Jeju~ I already packed my things~" 
"And me?" Soyou asked, breaking her silence 
"You … can go with us or you can stay with Nanna" 
"Isn't dad going there for work though?" She asked taking a bite of her cupcake she baked. Soyou helped in preparing while Nath is still sleeping 
"No, Abuelito said that we're going to the waterpark and then we'll tour" 
"What do you think?" She asked Soyou who is still contemplating "Your umma wouldn't probably be home tonight as she still haven't seen my message. No regrets?" 
"Hmm, fine" 
"I'll call once umma responds or call. I'll tell her to call you. Does it mean I'm going to the concert?" 
"Okay. By the way, about that ahjussi, did he stop going to your school? Not that mommy is complaining, but I'm glad that you haven't talked about him since you had allergies, which was, about a month ago" 
"Hmm, you're right mom" He nodded "Maybe you're right that he paid that teacher and got scared when you said that you'll call the police" 
"That's a relief, really" 
"I like it too. I could wait for you at my usual spot" 
Today isn't like one of the days when Jessica doesn't have much work. She even need to use skype, to communicate with the foreign investor, Mr. Sparks, since she can't fly all the way to New York and he preferred Jessica to tell him the negotiations online. 
Nervousness can be seen and felt when you see her. She's afraid, of course. One wrong choice of word, the client might find it unprofessional of her and losing the investment in the process 
She's preparing for the meeting when her phone is ringing so she diverted her attention to that 
'Chaeyoung … Isn’t this Nath's teacher?' She asked the ringing phone with the 'Chaeyoung as the caller. Nonetheless she took the call 
"Uhm, Good Morning. Sorry if I have disturbed anything you're doing but this is really urgent"  
"No, It's okay. Is there something wrong at school? To Nath?" 
"That … It's the reason why I called. Your son locked himself in the cubicle of the bathroom, crying. We hope that you could come and ask him what's wrong since he's not responding to us" 
"I'll be there in a jiffy" She took her bag and left the office. The nervousness is replaced with worry. Why did Nath locked himself? And what made him cry? 
As soon as she reaches the school, the ahjumma who cleans there welcomed her with worry. She held Jessica's hand with her shaking hands 
"Nath … Nath is punching the walls. He might hurt himself already … hurry" Informed her as she lead Jessica to the said cubicle 
"Nath, What's wrong? Mommy's here" She asked as soon as she entered the room. Chaeyoung and another teacher is there, still trying to console the little boy to come out which, they find it really hard to do. True to the ahjumma's info, She heard slams here and there and sobs in between "Would you please open the door?" 
"Yes, It's me" 
He continued to sob though. "It hurts" 
"Are you hurt?" 
"It hurts" He repeated that sounded as a plea 
"How can I help you when you're not opening the door?" 
"Nath" She softened. What could've hurt Nath and how hurt is he? How did he got hurt in the first place? "Should I call daddy?" Asked her and that did it. Nath opened the door. 
His knuckles were bleeding, hair distorted as if a storm had came, his bloodshot eyes, and arms that is filled with bruise and red rash that spreads everywhere in his body 
"What happened to you????!!!" Jessica asked when she saw Nath that way. The other people there was also shocked for they didn't expect him to be in trouble like that 
"Mommy" He went to hug Jessica right after opening the door, still scratching his arms and legs which made it bleed 
"Listen to mommy, okay? Stop scratching it." She commanded "We'll go to the hospital" 
"It hurts" He whined, can't help himself not to scratch what has been pestering him 
"He should be fine in a few hours. We did everything we could so that the allergies wouldn't block his airway that could be more problematic than h

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲