Shape of you (CH. 8 Alt Ending)

A secret place.
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As for the ending, some of you have/had questions. Therefore, I am here to clarify those FAQ's :)


Why is it angst?

-> Angst is the original plot of CH. 8 the first place. Heck, I didn't even expect that it'd last long uptil 60+ (Including the special chaps).


Was the ending Taengsic/ Jessica ended up with Taeyeon after all the struggles?

-> Uhm, no. Jessica didn't. Yoonsic was known during 2011 (on screen and showy iykwim). So when Yoona woke up and found out that it's 2010, it's Jessica's life before her; before them. I don't know if it ruined whatever I have plotted before, but yeah. That's the answer to that.


It's all just a dream?

-> Yep. Like a premonition.


Can you write a sequel?

-> I don't think I could ... But I've been thinking of considering one (but it has to wait; I'll only do it after finishing frixion and beside you)


Alternalte ending?

-> I think that title would've answered it already.


P.S, Thank you for complaining/whining hahaha. Nonetheless, your opinion played a major role why CH. 8 is here, yet again. As usual, Enjoy! Do ask me if you have questions and i'll answer em, be it public or private ^^


Hello Yoonaya05! Thanks for upvoting :)



The baby in Jessica's tummy didn't survive. 
The news greatly sadden each and everyone. They were beyond disappointed, but they weren't showing it to Jessica. Because Jessica is taking things harder than anyone else. 
She's not the one at fault and it's an accident, but she keep on blaming herself for it. 
She lost their daughter; the one they've been nurturing well, the one that they treat as a precious gem. 
Just kidding folks! Here's the alternate ending heh. I don't want to turn you guys into murderers; because if feels like you guys are only waiting for that chance to do so – that when you have the chance to see me, you'll do hah ._. 
-15 years later- 
"Soyou, we heard that you're supporting LGBT, is that right?" The MC asked. Yes, Soyou have decided to continue the idol life even if they're a citizen of France already. They sticked to the plan and lived in Bora bora. She used her real name this time, without her family name because it's easier to be called. 
"Yes" She plainly answered 
"Are you one of them?" The other MC asked and Soyou scowled for a moment there. 
"Just because I support LGBT doesn't mean that I do it because I am one of them. I don't see anything wrong with them that's why I support them with it. If being what they are would make them the happiest, then who are we to get in their way?" 
"That's right" The former MC agreed with her "Besides, in this generation, there's those machines that helps LGBT have a child of their own when they want one" 
"And that's the problem" The MC rebutted "Now that they have the chance, they're only making a mess of the population and confusing the others of their uality" 
"Excuse you Mr. Anderson, But I am a daughter of an LGBT. I say that there's nothing wrong being one, and I actually find it better. Now if you know someone or whatever causing you to burst out like that, I don't plan going against your opinion; but I have to disagree with you. Having both mothers or fathers as a parent, isn't wrong. But having someone to believe that it is, that's what I believe would be worse than the former. I have both mothers to raise me up and I always thank them for raising me up well and better than some people I know out there that has mom and dad as a parent. Because even when they're of the same gender, you can feel their utmost love and want to have you. Sure that there's machines or technology to help the LGBT community, I don't think that it'll mess up the population nor would confuse others of their uality because they clearly show it, but some people out there fails to observe it. Rather, I'd take it as a better option because the product of LGBT feel more loved and grows up with the understanding that there's no barrier there could be with love." Soyou answered. Indeed, she's pissed. She didn't sign up for this petty show. 
The audience gossiped to their sides, agreeing with Soyou. 
"Woah, that explained a lot. Thank you Soyou" 
"I wonder what has been taking you so long" A guy leaning on the car snapped, waiting for Soyou. 
"Omg!!! I missed you, big time!" 
"Ahhh" Whined the guy when Soyou ran to him and jumped on his embrace "You're heavy" 
"I really missed you!" 
"Are you better now that you see me?"  
Soyou  gazed at his eyes "You weren't home for too long" she gave him a knock on the forehead 
"What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment from you?" 
"I just missed you that much" 
"But do you really have to get worked up at that show?"  
"Oppa, they're badmouthing umma and mommy. What do you want me to do? Do nothing and shut up? No. I won't let him or anyone to talk about our parents as if being who they are could be the most disgusting thing ever" 
"Okay ddooyou" He huffed "P.s, you're really heavier. You're not a kid anymore" 
"I don't want to go down" She stubbornly encircled her arms on Nath's neck 
"Come on, how can I treat you for lunch if you're refusing to let me drive you there?" 
"You have to talk to my manager first" She answered – agreed to go down and standing on her own 
"I already did. Why would he let you go here alone if that's not the case?" 
"Assa!" She locked Nath's head  
"I swear, if that's what scares your suitors, then I wouldn't refute" 
"Where are you taking me?" 
"It's a secret" Nath sniggered before opening the door on the passenger's side for Soyou. He brought her to a fine dining restaurant where they had creamy scalloped potato, steak, and wine. Yoonsic would always find it cute when the twins acts like a couple and have dates whenever they could. 
Soyou has been busy with her career as a singer and actress the same time while Nath got busy at his university, ESSEC business school, which he is now a candidate for graduation. 
"Nath oppa~!" Called the teenager who neatly placed the glass on the table before running in the living room where Soyou and Nath is. 
"Harper!" Smiled Nath "I missed you baby" 
"Heyyy! Why are you calling her baby when you didn't do that to me?" Sulked the jealous Soyou  
"You're just as old as I am" He pinched his twins cheek before turning to the girl who hugged him by the waist 
"I missed you, oppa and unnie" She answered, giving Soyou a hug too. 
"I used to be your baby too!" She stomped her feet. Just then Yoonsic entered the house – coming from their terrace that has the island as an overview 
"What's the problem?" 
"I am not oppa's baby anymore" She answered heading to her mommy for a hug 
"And you aren't hers too" Yoona quipped but Soyou gave her a glare 
"You're my baby" Jessica patted Soyou's hair while Nath and Harper huffed – disagreeing with the answer 
"You should not say so" Harper added 
"Bleh~ I'm mommy's favorite girl" 
"She's just kidding" Yoona pointed to her daughter and wife who's still cuddling each other "Everybody is her baby. Even hoggy too" 
"Umma! Do you have to compare us three to hoggy??" Nath scoffed at the choice of explanation 
"Just kidding" She smiled before giving Nath a hug "How's school?" 
"Manageable. With the help of my loving parents. By the way, why is Harper left alone in the kitchen while you and mommy came from the terrace ?" 
"Ugh, don't ask" Grimaced the youngest girl "They were playing the pocky game and it's gross" 
"Ummaaaaa" He whined 
"Yah! She clearly said they. Why are you whining only to me?" 
"I bet you started it" 
"I did" Giggled Jessica 
"Jisoo, come here" Soyou called out and Jisoo, Harper, went to her – laying down while using Soyou's lap as a pillow 
"By the way, it's Harper, unnie" She clarified "Oppa named me that one, and that's what I am using now" 
"Nah, you're my jisoo" Soyou refused. She always liked her sister's Korean name even if Harper sounds nice too. "Did you know that, luckily, mommy didn't get to name you?" 
"Why lucky?" 
"Because mommy wants to name you Irene, which means 'peace' and you don't have such" Giggled Soyou but Jisoo did the same "See!" 
"Unnie, ask me. I'll answer you Spanish" 
"Hmm … What's hello in Spanish?" 
"Hey! You said you'll … Oh I get it, you prankster!!" Soyou glared when she realized it. 
"Hehe~ Unnie, Why did the grudge keeps on following whoever lives in her house?" 
"I don't know. Why?" 
"Because she's hungry and is asking for food" 
"Yah, you!" Soyou took a pillow and hits Jisoo with it "Stop hanging out with umma, for goodness sake" 
"I was with Aunt Soojung and our cousins!" Rebutted Jisoo, taking a pillow for herself, so she could defend herself – somehow. Soyou took the first attack and hit Jisoo on the head  
"Stop it you two" Shushed Yoona but the two ran around their house and hitting each other with the pillow. Yoona felt her heart tugged with happiness. The 'kids' would barely meet each other but when they do, they go crazy together. 
"Fine fine fine, stop now. I already got beaten a lot of times" 
"By who?" Soyou furrowed her brows. Who dared to touch her sister? No one from their family even dares to do so. 
"Someone named Angel Im" 
"And Harper Im would always whine her way out" She answered back, panting from the run they did. "Annoying" added her giving Soyou's forehead a flicker 
"Ahhh~ Unnie~!" 
Yep, Jisoo/Harper is the one in Jessica's tummy before. She's the youngest Im, and the baby of the 4. So when she decided to pursue her singing-acting career, it gained collective rejection. Specially from her oppa. He knows how tough being a trainee could be – according to his parents and from Soyou; who is a singer up till now, so he doesn't want their baby girl to suffer the same. Jisoo had to plea him and the three girls that she really wanted to be like her unnie and Yoonsic themselves, Singer-Actress. Nath would always sneak nearby Jisoo's company to give her comfort and makes sure that she's eating well. 
Jessica would never forget all those nightmares she had when she's pregnant with Jisoo. She would dream of slipping, someone to stab her protruding tummy with a knife, or even Lee Seunggi to do something that could kill their baby. There were a lot, but thankfully their baby didn't suffer any side effect from the stress and the liquor Jessica had taken when she's still oblivious that she's pregnant during the first trimester. 
Yoona named her Jisoo despite Soyou's want to name her Yuka. She explained that 'Ji' came from Katherine's Korean name while 'Soo' came from Soojung's. As for her English one, Harper, Yoojin was the one who told Yoona about it, though it's Nath's idea. He wanted to name his sister Harper, so when he heard that Yoona gave Yoojin the authority to name their daughter, he used that chance to act cute and everything he could just so he'd get the approval. 
As for Krystal, she and L got married and now have 3 kids of their own. Jessica would never forget when L came to her and asking for her blessing. He had the both of their parents agreement and she's the only one left. It felt like déjà vu, how L wanted to marry Soojung because he didn't want to let her go. He reminded her so much of her wife. Nonetheless, she had to agree after a few weeks because L had been doing nothing but to prove himself worthy of her sister. 
Jungsis had a 'healing' time together before Krystal got married. Krystal don't have to, but she wanted to confine everything to her unnie. She asked Yoona if she could take her unnie for a week long vacation at Hawaii. 
After 15 years of living together – still together, they had 3 kids. One girl for the eldest and two boys. The 1st one is named after her sister's birth month, April. The second one is Junsu, Jun that is from Krystal's jung and Su from his name Myungsoo. The youngest is named Jacob. Yep. Nath's name for his non-existent brother. 
Yoojin and Ji Sung also had another additional to their family. A boy, and they named him Taemin. The boy totally looked like Ji Sung and taking Yoojin's personality

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲