Maybe its you. (CH. 8 XXII)

A secret place.
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Just like she told me, she accompanied me to my home after i got a commanding call from my dad. I guess they already heard about what i did to Yuri.

"Sooyeon, did you really slap Yuri?" Mom asked me in the living room and i still can't where dad could be


"Finally you came" Dad voiced out while walking his way down the stairs "What about you? I didn't ask you to come?" He added referring to Yoongie

"I was accompanying her, uncle"

"It's okay. You can go now"

"It's okay hon, we'll stay upstairs" Mom answered tugging her who's still looking at me with worry.

"It'll be fine. Go on" I mouthed as i nodded. I actually don't know if I'll be with the way how dad looks

"Do you know why i asked you to come?"

"Because i slapped Yuri?"

"Should you have or should you not?"

"Not. But she made me to. She provoked me to the edge" I protested defending myself and partially hoping that my punishment would be lighter

"Did i do boxing before because my opponent provoked me?"

"No. But dad, It's a different story. She wants Yoongie to take from me and keep on chasing after her even if rejected for the nth time"

"And so the fault is still in you. If you only thinked harder, you wouldn't do such. Be strong in here" he pointed to his head "And not by using this" he balled his fist. "I thought i should be an example by stopping boxing but now what?"

"I get it dad. I did wrong and I'm sorry"

"It's good that you know. And it's not like we could undone what happened, or you could unslap her, go stand at the corner for 20 minutes" Heol daebak "Don't look at me that way because you're complying" So i really had no choice but to stand in the corner. My parents doesn't punish us the other way. Its always nag, scold and like now, standing at the corner. 


Few minutes later, as my legs starts to hurt, my phone keeps on ringing from my pocket.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to take it?"

"I can?"



"If you don't plan to, then turn it off. It's annoyingly loud that i could hear it even when the tv is already loud as it is" He answered still watching tv while i took my phone

"Hello .. Clint"

'Jessi, are you busy? I was just going to ask if we could eat out? Well, not a date"

"Uhm ... i can't. I'm with her plus I'm at home"

'I see. Next time then?'

"Yes. Probably."

'Say my regards to your family'

"Will do"

'For how long?' I've internally read mom's message. I didn't knew that she sent me one.



"What happened?" Yoongie approached me after dad went up. She sat in the couch with me who's still resting my now tired legs

"I was asked to stand in the corner"

"Does your legs hurt?" She asked and i nodded. "Awww. Poor you" she cooed but pulled my legs on top of hers and massaging it "Any better?"


"It's nothing much. I said that I'll help you but i couldn't even do so"

"It's okay. Daddy understands."

And that's how i got my punishment. As far as i know, Soojung was the one who told daddy about it. Well, i don't blame her. What i have done is really wrong and is against dad's rules. And for my mom ... she's in charge of making us forget what happened or what we've been through dad's punishment. Can you believe that she even asked me if my palm hurted after the slap?



"Yoongie, I'm going now"

"Sure babe. Take care and don't go home way too late"

"And don't get your eyes fixed in the laptop for too long" I make sure to remind her because she's hogging the laptop for too long recently. She found this game and she's busying herself with it. Can't blame her though because if that's what making her less whiny, then why not. Its just that she've been hogging it for toooooooooooo long

"Yes babe" She answered taking her eyes off the laptop to give me a smile.


So i went to have dinner with Clinton and when i got back home, i saw her fall asleep with the laptop and her phone beside her

"Yoongiee" I tapped her shoulder in hopes that it could wake her up and let her shift into a better position "Yoongiee"


Without any choice, i took her laptop and set it aside. I saw that she slept while watching a movie. How could she last for hours playing games but fall asleep when watching a movie? As i took her phone, it beeped for an incoming call. I couldn't answer it no matter who is it because even though we've been a couple for so long, we believe that one needs her privacy.

'Yuri, 7 missed calls'

"Wow. Just wow. When she's not answering/she can't answer my calls, i give up on 3. Aren't you overdoing it, kwon?" I talked at the as if going to talk back cellphone before i set it aside beside her laptop. I also took out the specs she's wearing. I actually insist that she should because i want her to take care of her doe eyes. And if you're wondering if she's damaging her eyes, no she's not. Her eyes is still as healthy as ever. 20/20 vision.





"Sica, sica!" She called out annoying me. If annoying me for our whole trip is her goal, then i tell you that as soon as we reached San Francisco, she's been bothering and annoying me eversince. Yep, We're here again. As far as i can remember, the reason that i am here is because of a photoshoot and she's just coming with me so that we could reach Spain together after my schedule here.

"I get it Yoongie. I'll take care and i will call you after it so you could fetch me. And even if i could, text you during break time" I recited what she told me a while ago. I'm not really good at remembering the exact phrase but when you heard something for the nth time, wouldn't you remember? 

She smiled at me waving as i head out of our hotel. Yep. We're not staying at my home here since the place is far from the studio.



"What's my concept today?" I asked Ahreum unnie who's fixing my hair. I know this hairstyle. Yoongie had the same one at the ending of Love Rain

"How could you not know? You're the model"

"Unnieee~" I called for jungyoung unnie "What's my concept?"


"Chic~ " I imitated her accent and ahreum unnie giggled at it "I like this concept" i remarked holding the braid unnie made. "Isn't this so cute?"

"Yes it is"

So i headed out for the photoshoot. It's kind of an throwback-like photoshoot since i am not requested to do this and that. I get to do what i wanted and how i would want my picture to be taken. After what i believed the director said would be the last one, all the lights went off. I didn't panic as such thing happened before and i kinda got immuned to it already. But as soon as the lights went back, it seems like i moved into a different place. I don't remember moving a bit though?

"Unnie" I called out still examining where i could be. It has cherry blossoms around, a fountain and a projector playing nothing at all.

"Sooyeon ..." 


"I told you to call me after you're done. But i don't think i could wait more" She approached me. How come she's here? Isn't she afraid that some people might see us together? Is she really that carefree?

"What are you talking about?"

"We're going out tonight, right?"

"Yes. But I'm not yet done. I can't seem to find anyone ... Well .. beside you"

"Heh~ Would you do me a favor and just sit and enjoy the show?" She asked pulling out a chair that i don't know where came from. And what show is she talking about?


"Just look at the screen" She crouched to smile at me and pointing at the screen where the projector is focused  "Go watch, I'll just head for the comfort room"

"Hmm, okay"

She left and i could only wait for the projector to play.



Jessica was sitting at the same spot where Yoona have let her to. She's awaiting what the 'Show' the little rascal is talking about when her selfie was the first thing that played with 'Jessica Jung Sooyeon' and Yoona's selfie with 'Im Yoona' in it.

'Guess who's at Paris ~ No other than me ~~ Yoongie actually came with me but --- *kissed* *stunned* looks like she's not asleep anymore hehe.' It was her self-camera filmed at Paris when Yoona popped and kissed her in the cheek

'What are you doing here all alone?'

'Selcam. I was bragging that you're asleep'

'Hehe~' Yoona backhugged her 'I'm not asleep~ I was watching her the whole time. Well, we're in the city of love so it's okay to do what i just did, right?'

'Still~" Jessica puckered her lips and Yoona kissed it as fast as a flash 'Yahhh~ How could you do that'

'Why? It's not like someone would find us weird' She answered back and that was the end of short selcam


Jessica smiled as she reminisce the memory


'Lalalala~ Jessica's, selcam~'

'Yoongie too~' Yoona ran to her and took the cam away from Jessica's hold 'What are we doing today?'

'Today, today is raining and we're playing outside with the puddle' She grinned and Yoona showed the pouring rain. It's not that hard to be considered a storm or weak enough to be considered as raindrops

'Why do i feel like we're 8 years old though?'

'Heyyy! You're the one who suggested to do this' Jessica countered back

'It'll be fun hehe~' Yoona smiled at the camera before placing it at the floor so it could capture their moment. They're using the waterproof anyway. So there's no need to worry about it being damaged.



'Omo! Who's this pretty lady?'

'Omo! It's just me! Hehe~ Yoongie cam~ The princess is still sleeping. And no no no~ she won't pop up beside me or some sort like how i usually do' She bragged while shaking her left pointy finger when she said no no no 'But I'm not alone though. I have this cutie with me.'


'Well, i don't know her name yet. I will let her do that one.'

'I want to name her cookie though. What do you think?' She asked the puppy sitting on their sofa as she show it to the camera 'You're so small and don't even bark yet?'

'But anyway, I'm going to wake her up and show her this cutie who's celebrating her birthday today. First day at our possession hehe~ Uhm, i guess this is all for Yoongie time? Goodbye~'



'I actually had a plan before'

'What is it?'

'1st is to travel the world and see it for myself and 2nd to see it with you. But going together at the same time is actually a better idea' Yoona answered as they walk around the area hand in hand

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲