
A secret place.
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Where are you?
Do you know me?

I'm the one who holds you before.
The one who misses you now.

Do you know how long we've been together?
Do you know the first time you came to me?
And, do you know the last time you were with me?

I do miss you.
I search for you.
I regret losing you.

Now, how do i get you back?
Would i be able to get you back?
Would you be the same that i lost?

When you left, do you have regrets?
Where you are, are you okay?
Are you mad at me?

You're gone,
But i still find myself looking at your spot.
I still find myself worrying when i can't see you there.

You left a mark in me.
Whether to remind me, or not,
It still lingers in me.

And therefore,
Maybe i miss the one who gave it,
And not actually the ring itself.

for letting you go.
For losing you.

I miss you, will still do.



Yoona stood at the shore nonchalantly. The waves that came near her is shrugged as she was reminiscing what happened, what went wrong, and if she could correct those 'mistakes' that happened for about 7 months now. She have to admit that she wasn't thinking carefully when she angrily agreed to end things with her significant one. It hurts, of course. But now she could only miss their moments and the memories they shared before.


(November 2014)

"Yoongie, let's break up" The blonde smiled at her while proposing that one

"Are you drunk?"

"Honestly, I've been cheating. I have someone now"

"WHAT?" Aroused, She asked louder that caused the blonde to flinch

"I'm sorry"


"Wook. Dongwook"

"Your ex?!" She asked more but the blonde could only bite her lips "I thought you're over him? What happened?"

"I don't know. Things happens you know?"

"How ... How can you cheat on me ..." Yoona fell on her knees "Am i not enough?"

"I'm sorry" Again, the blonde apologized

"I don't need to hear your apologies. i need you, sica-yah" She sobbed "Do you love him?" Stupid to ask, but she did. Her heart is aching and the worse part is that she can't stop it nor she don't know if it'll stop

"I'm sorry" Was the only word that escaped the blonde/sica's mouth. "I'm just hurting you, yoong. And i would only keep on doing so if we're going to continue this relationship we have. I'm sorry for that."

Yoona forcefully removed the ring sitting on her ring finger. It's a ring that the blonde gave her when they started their relationship. "Here, i hope you'll be happy with him" She gave the ring before wobbly standing up and leaving the beach.


22nd of July, 2015.

"Are you happy now?" She asked no one in particular "If you are, then, how come I'm still here, shattered as ever? Sorry and i hate you" she wiped off her tears before finally deciding to leave the beach but a shriek caught her attention

"Go away!!" The girl tried kicking the dog for it not to come towards her. She was already laying flat on the shore while the dog is her arms as long as it can

"Fudge" Yoona snapped her fingers with some whistle in it and the dog went to her. She went to the girl and helped to stand.

"Thanks" The girl mumbled while letting go of Yoona's hand to dust herself. Yoona didn't get to see the girls face but she decided to shrug it off.

"It seems like you got away from your house again" She saw Yoona talk to the golden retriever

"How do i pay you back?"

"It's okay. Your thank you is enough" Yoona answered taking "Fudge's" chain. It's one of the neighbors dog that she used to play with Jessica. And it would always be the same case; the dog got away from house and went to the beach.

"Is she your dog?" The girl asked so Yoona turned to look only to have her eyes widen in shock and jaw drop a little

"J- Jessica?"

"Do ... Who are you? Do you know me?" She stuttered to ask Yoona who returned it with a sad smile 

"Forget it. It's not even important" Yoona stood up and started to walk the dog back to It's owner "Act like you didn't see me at all. it'll be much better" she added before leaving the girl or the one she thought as Jessica.


Yoona was enjoying her coffee at their usual coffee shop. It was the coffee shop they discovered and fell in love with so after their walk at the beach, they'll always drop by and order their all time favorite. Hazelnut flavored. Yoona prefers it to be hot while Jessica prefers it to be iced.

She saw Jessica that entered the coffee shop and headed to the counter

"It's been awhile Miss" The crew smiled at her

"Uhm, give me a caramel macchiato"

"Iced?" She shook her head no "i see. One caramel macchiato."

She paid for it and went to sit at one of the vacant place which is next to Yoona's table. She took her phone that keeps on vibrating from her pocket.


'Sica, where are you?'

'Coffee shop'

'Which coffee shop?' The one at the line asked her softly but she could only furrow her eyebrows to think of it

'Starbean' She answered and took her freshly arrived coffee 'I found this coffee shop while looking for the beach awhile ago'

'I'll hang-up, okay? I'll be there in about 15 minutes or so'

'Okay. But you know what ...'


'This coffee taste funny'

'Funny? Why so?'

'I don't know. I clearly remember enjoying a cup of it and even craved for it a while ago. But now ... I don't like the hotness of it?' She answered staring at the cup of coffee at her table

'You prefer your coffee iced. And when you want something hot, you'll choose tea. Maybe that's why'


"Jessicaaaaaa!!" A girl called-out to her, already taking the vacant spot in front

"Excuse me, but who ..?"

"Wendy, remember? The owner of this shop"

"Ah Wendy ..." She nodded in understanding

"You're having hot? That's weird" The girl smiled at her "You only ordered hot for her"

"Her who ...?"

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said it"

"O-kay? Excuse me, I'll just order a new one since this doesn't fit to my liking .."


Jessica headed to order a new one.

"Uhm, can you give me your best seller from the iced section?"

"Would you like to have the usual?"


"iced Hazelnut Coffee" The crew answered and just then a memory came back to her

'I'll be there in 5 minutes. i bought food on the way, can you buy me a coffee too?'

'What coffee?'

'Usual? iced Hazelnut for you and Hot hazelnut for me. Let's meet in the beach, okay?'


"Uhm, Can you give me a hazelnut coffee, one iced and one hot for take out. Can i have it in 5 minutes?" She frantically tapped her fingers at the counter while waiting for the barista's who is scrambling at the kitchen to have her order done as fast



Yoona is still at the same spot while Jessica already left long ago. She have to admit that she find her ex's action being weird. First, is the coffee she ordered. Second, is why she doesn't know Wendy when they used to be very close before.

"Sica?" A guy called out while his eyes wander around the coffee shop "Jessica??"

"Miss, Perhaps, Did you saw a girl who's about this height," He explained using her body as the measurement "She has a brown-ish hair and a mole on her left cheek"

"Are you talking about Jessica?"


"She was here a while ago. But she left after buying coffees to go" The crew answered and the guy sighed

"I can tell you where she can be found, if you tell me what's going on with her" Yoona approached. She doesn't want to but her mind doesn't seem to think the same way. Just awhile ago, her heart is still hurting because of what the girl had done to her before but now, she's worried and curious.

"Long story cut-short, i need to find her asap. She's kind of confused with everything so there must be someone who looks closely to her"

"Why? What happened?"

"Her memories are slowly going back to her. She may pass-out somewhere."

"Give me your number" The guy dialled his number to Yoona's phone "We both go on separate ways. You go to the beach while i go to the park. If i see her, I'll call you"


So the two separated ways from the coffee shop and went to their respective destination.Everything seems vague to her, but at the thought of Jessica passing-out worried her. The guy looked everywhere and even asked the residents near the beach but found no signs. Yoona is doing the same but she found Jessica sitting on one of the swings there with two cups of coffee in her hand

"Jessica?" She called out 

"What took you long?" She looked worried as she faces Yoona who's walking closer to her "I was so worried for you. I thought something happened to you" She vented out her frustrations a Yoona with tears welling up in her eyes


"You said you'll be here in 5 minutes. I was waiting for too long. Even your coffee had turned cold now" She punched Yoona's chest, still crying. Yoona is clueless at what's happening so she just let her be. she just let Jessica do what she wants who soon passed out

"Heyy! What happened? Heyy!!" She shook Jessica while still holding protectively. "Uh, hello?" she called the guy who is looking for Jessica, the one she met at the coffee shop

"Did you found her?"

"Uhm yeah. She passed out in my embrace. You can come with us if you go straight and take one right turn at the intersection of the candy shop and toy store"

"I'll be there as fast"


And so that vague moment is the first time Yoona saw Jessica after an almost 8 months of silence.



*After a week*

"J-Jessica?" A girl shorter than her asked "It's been a while"

"Oh Irene!"

"What are you doing out here? Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yoona" She smiled answering the shorter girl's question. It's Yoona's workmate

"For what reason ...?"

"What are you talking about? So that we can eat out together" She nervously smiled. She know the girl for a long time but she feels something weird

"But ... She's going with xiaoxiao unnie though?"

"Xiaoxiao ... who?"

"Her friend?"

"What? ... nonsense" She sniggered but soon drop her bag to what she just saw. Yoona is going out with a girl, all smiles together.

"Yoon Unnie! I think Jessica have something to say for you?" Irene called out that caught the attention of the two.

"What is it?" She asked but Jessica only lifted her right hand before turning and walked aimlessly.



'Who is Yoongie?'

'You. My Yoongie' She poked Yoona's nose

'Why Yoongie?'

'Yoon doesn't sound so Sica-ish. Yoongie is cuter' She was referring to Yoona's nickname. it was a nickname she got since she's a little kid since that's the name she uses when she whine to get what she wants

'Then what are those sica-ish?'

'For example ... this?' She took out a ring when she snapped her fingers behind Yoona's ear

'Wow! How did you do that?'

'It's a secret'

'Is that for me?' Yoona asked when Jessica is already placing the ring on her right ring finger


'What is the ring for?'

'Let's just put it in a way that I'm engraving me to you?'

'What do you mean?'

'You'll know when you remove this off from you' She pointed at the ring Yoona is wearing. It's a simple and common one. 'But i swear i don't want you to know'

'I won't remove it then. But, what happens when i do?'

'It means you want me to stop from engraving at a part of you'

'Ooooh. Then, how come you don't have one?'

'Because you're engraved somewhere else' She leaned closer, now their noses are touching while their foreheads were stuck together


'My heart' She smiled before she gives a kiss

'How would i know if you're removing it? If you're removing me from it?'

'When it stops beating'

'Chessy, are we?' Yoona smirked before initiating another kiss


And true to Jessica's words, an 'JJ' is engraved in her ring finger after she removed the ring that day. That mark lasted for too long that she felt as if the ring is still with her. She still search for that ring  at times.


"Aren't we going to follow her?" Irene asked after losing the sight of Jessica 

"It'd be best if you would act as if nothing happened. Or if you really want to, you could. Let's go unnie" Yoona answered before tugging Xiaoxiao to the restaurant they planned to go.


"It seems like you miss the person instead of the ring that you're telling yourself that you miss. It seems like you're longing for her than how you're longing for it" Xiaoxiao opened up when she saw Yoona who's devouring the meat they're sharing after having a glance at her right ring finger

"Nonsense. What are you saying?" She sniggered

"You can lie at yourself some times too. But remember that you're only making a fool out of you"

"I don't, okay? There's no reason for me to miss her"

"I see" With a smirk, she nodded at Yoona's denial.



She found out. i guess it won't be a good idea to stay here longer. Now we're here at the waterpark for a swim. She isn't swimming though? She only have her legs dipped inside

"Are you hungry?" I asked her since she've been sitting in the same spot for about an hour now. I pity her, really. This whole story is enough to make my feels feel hurt. I didn't knew that the girl who helped me to find her before is her ex and worse is that she's still hurt about it *shooks head no* "Are you fine?"

"Daniel ..."


"I'm hurt"

"Where?" I checked her pulse that seems to be normal and also checked her temperature in case she's not feeling well but it isn't the case "Is your head hurting? She shook her head no and grabbed my hand that is still in contact with her forehead to place it in her chest, close to her heart

"Here. It hurts here. Can you do something about it?"

"Should we go home?"

"It's okay. I'll go for a swim" She answered and i let her be.


She finished swimming and was heading to our table when a power supply exploded and it was really near from her. Of course, when it exploded everything was covered by smoke so I'm a little late to realize that she was knocked out on the floor.

"Sica!!! Yah Jessica!!" I called 911 first before screaming for help "Jessica!! hold on, okay??!!"

Soon, medics came and she was immediately wheeled to the ER. I hope nothing goes bad. Just how can i tell her mom about it?


It took her almost 2 days before she got her consciousness back. She's examining the ceiling probably examining where she could be.

"Where ... Where am i?"


"Mom ..."

"She doesn't know yet. Should i let her?"

"No .. That's a relief"

"How are you feeling?" She put a hand at her bandaged forehead "Are you hurting anywhere?"

"Daniel ..."


"You're still annoying. I'm not your patient, you know?"

"Wait, your memories .. are they back?"

"Why? Did i lost them?"

"This" I lifted up the cup of coffee i had a while ago. "What does this remind you of?"

"Uh, coffee?"

"Seems like we can go back now" I nodded at her answer

"Go back where?"

"Los Angeles? Where your mom is waiting for you?"

"Where are we?"

"After the car crash, you don't remember a thing?" Hmm, Seems like her memories are back now. But the problem is, she doesn't remember what happened. Perhaps, because of the same impact it caused to her?

"Is there something that happened?"

"I'll tell you on the way to LA, okay? Your mom wanted to see you"

"Why are we here anyway?"

"I told you I'll tell you on the way"


So after she got discharged at the hospital, we took the fastest flight back to LA with her annoying me to tell everything of course. So i had no choice but to tell her, even the ugly ones.




"How are you? I'm so sorry that i missed your exhibit"

"It's okay. How's your store going? And is it okay to leave it?"

"Store? What store?"

"Store Jessi, the store? The one we've been waiting to open for business? Your dream?" I turned to her while giving her the look. It was her dream to have her own boutique and not-so-long ago, before the car accident happened, auntie agreed for her to have the boutique opened in no time. She even promised to Jessica that she'll be fine and won't go back to her old ways which i can agree on

"You were with her? And that's why i can't seem to get through you the past weeks"

"Oh that. I had a business meeting abroad and just days ago, I dropped by to see how she's doing"

"Were you not feeling well at the time we aren't here?"

"Is being annoyed considered as not being well?"

"What do you mean?"

She was going to answer the question when Kristen, one of the maids, quipped in to inform auntie about the arrival of a visitor named Paul

"Gosh, Can you tell him that I'm not around?"

"I already told him just like how you've told me. But he won't budge. He kneeled at me to ask if i could get you to talk to him, even for just a minute"

"Fine. Tell him to wait for me" Auntie grunted so Kristen could leave and we could continue our conversation

"Who is Paul?"

"My headache"

"Looks like auntie got a suitor ~"

"Gee! Really?"

"Seems like it."

"Then, i approve!" She gave a thumbs up to auntie "Instead of giving him a minute, don't be shy and go out together. You just feigned ignorance about it so he must've been doing something to make you happy while i wasn't around to do so"

"Yeah auntie"

"You sure?"

"Yeah mom, i am. Now, go and don't make him wait any longer. I think that's what you're waiting for."

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allayjadhule #1
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
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I miss them
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