Who are you? (CH. 8 XXIX)

A secret place.
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So I followed the two for the times I could. I can't believe that I did that though.

What did I got from following behind them?

Envy and Jealousy.

That sums up how I felt during the whole cruise thingy.

After I left them on the 18th, I didn't manage to see them the whole day. The crew have informed me that it's less crowded in the cruise since the passengers could tour around the area we stopped on. I don't even have the slightest idea where we were that time

Next two days after that, I think we're in Osaka or anything.

I followed them all the way through and that's the time when my envy and jealousy fueled up.

Jessica is damn lucky! She whines for it, Yoona gives it to her. Yoona wants a bite of her food, she'll share it using the same utensil. And when she's tired of walking, It doesn't matter where it is, they'll stop and just giggle while talking to each other.

She's really lucky. She can hold Yoona's hands, smell her scent, giggle together, be together, travel together, and everything how I want us to do. I mean, Yes we held hands, I can smell Yoona's scent, giggled together, be together, and have travelled together, by means of being a member that is. But the Yoona I'm seeing now ... feels like somehow .. new? Like a different side of her?

Yoona, the one I've got to know who was staying with us in the dorm, likes to whine. But the Yoona I'm seeing now is more strict and is the one who is more on giving out the directions to this and that. Yoona the one who I know before, doesn't like going out a lot but now, they went to almost all of the tourist attraction in this place, not even complaining when they got lost because of a wrong direction.

Sums it up, Yoona is different inside and out. Like a mystery and that you would want to keep on finding out more. A mystery that keeps on pulling you in the more you know about it.

But let's skip that parts. Let's move 4 months since then. Now it's August 7th and Yoona is now here by my side.

Yep. I caught a cold not too long ago and she's the one who is taking care of me now.

It's all thanks to her drama, commercial, promotion and other stuffs that's occupying her time. I like it because she stays in the dorm. I don't like it because she might lose weight and fall sick. She always have a packed/loaded schedule.

On the good side of it, I know that she and Jessica haven't met since that time too. Well, Jessica finally debuted as a solo-ist so I've been hearing news here and there that just like Yoona, she's busy going to different countries and promoting. To add up that she has a fan meeting even when she still haven't debuted yet. I mean, SM wouldn't let me even debut yet so how come ... Is that the perks of having the CEO as your boyfriend? Hmm, I couldn't really tell that he's ugly since karma may come to me and you know, s happen. Let's just put it this way; he's not good looking but he's not ugly either.

"Would you like to eat now? I cooked some soup" She asked entering my room with a tray in her hand still wearing an apron breaking my reverie of the things that happened the past months

"I don't have the power to eat" I answered and she sat at the edge while scooping a spoonful and blowing airs in it in the process "H-huh?"

"What 'h-huh?' I'm going to feed you"

Next time, don't be this sweet or I might get used to it.

"Or would you rather eat later when you already have the power?" I opened my mouth when she tried to feed me again

And that was my last recollection that I saw her. When she fed me and made me take my medicine. She wasn't around when I woke up and only Hyoyeon is there to look for me.

"Are you okay now?"

"Err- yeah. Where is Yoona?"

"Yoona? Hmm ... I guess she won't be coming back to take a look at you. She woke up this noon and was frantically leaving the dorm saying it's an emergency. Besides that, she didn't say anything"

"What kind of emergency?" I asked and she could only shrug her shoulders. Hmm, What happened? Is unnie or her dad sick?


So I was at the dorm and took care of Yuri since no one is around and we're the only ones left. I thought that for this week, after I find someone to take care of Yuri, I'll be able to go home and be with my wife.

My wife who I hadn't met in the last 2 months because of our colliding schedules. When she first started promoting her album, It wasn't that worse yet so we still manage to meet here and there, bit by bit, anywhere is available.

Speaking of my wife, She's calling me that caused me to wake up. Hmm, I wonder why. We do exchange messages from time to time but we rarely call each other especially now that I'm staying in the dorm. 

"Hello .." She greeted and I don't like the way she sounded. 

"Babe, What's the problem? Is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly already standing up to leave Yuri's room, bringing the tray with me to put it back to the kitchen before heading to my room

"Wifey! Can you take me home? I don't think I could do it alone"

"Where are you?"

"Office" Oh yeah. It kind of slipped in my mind that she doesn't have promotion and fan meetings 1 anymore so she's only working in the office though there'll be photoshoot offers and so

"I'll be there as fast. Are you okay?" 

"I will be. I just want to go home" She answered and I went out of the room to look for someone who can take care of Yuri. And if I hadn't see Hyo in the living room, I would've given Seohyun or anybody a call.

"There's an emergency and I need to go now. Yuri still have a slight fever so monitor it and if it's not getting any better, call manager opaa"


I just hope she really got what I told her.

I used the elevator and went to the top, where her office is located. There's CCTV around but the question is, Do i care about it? I feel like there's something happening with my wife so I couldn't care anymore.

I pressed the digits to her office and saw her laying down on the bed with a hand on her head and an displeased look on her face

"Sooyeon?" I patted her shoulder, sitting at the edge of the bed. I only managed to wake her up after 3 tries. She woke up and hugged me with her head resting on my shoulder 
"Are you sick or anything?"

"I just don't think I could go home alone and worry you more in the process." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear "I can't contact Krystal and Mom and Dad is in busan, I'm sorry for causing you to come all the way here"

"What sorry for coming here? Why would you say sorry for something I would do without thinking twice? Even if I were far away, I would try to be with you when you need me"

"Cheesy girl back at it again. You must've kept that for a long time already"

"Seriously though, What's wrong?"

"My head hurts so much and I'm feeling dizzy so it must be migraine"

"Are you sure that it's that only? Don't you dare keep a secret to me about you not feeling well or else I'll tell daddy to let you stand in the corner for an hour" I told her giving her ear a tickle

"I told you that I wasn't feeling the other day too. So why must you tell him for?" She pouted giving a hand at what seems to be throbbing forehead

"And that's why I'm more worried. You've been feeling sort of things recently" I went off the bed and showed her my back for her to hop on "Let's go home"

"I can walk"

"Let's, Go"

She grunted before hopping on my back "Still stubborn as ever"

We left her mini room or whatever she calls that one and headed to the basement where I parked my car.


"Did you have lunch already?" I asked as I saw an ahjussi selling sausages outside

"Uhm yeah, partially"

"Question is answerable by yes or no. So what do you mean with partially?"

"I ate. But not as much"

So I kept on driving until we reached home. 

If I'm stubborn, then, she's a hard headed. I know that if I tell her to hop on my back for the second time, she won't do so and we would only bicker about it.

"Is there anything you want? Or something to eat?" I asked her after I accompany her up to our room 

"I just want a bread and a Yoongie please"

"You can't eat Yoongie because Yoongie is stinky"

"Hehe~ I won't eat. I just miss Yoongie's stinky smell"

"Okay! Bread and Yoongie will be served in a few minutes" I smiled as I went down to the kitchen to grab a bread, water, milk, and other choices for us to eat

We ate and she soon fell asleep beside me. And since I just woke up, I played with my phone and hers. She'll probably tell me not to play with her phone because it's either I reduce the battery life to half or I drain the battery

"Feeling any better?" I asked when she shifted closer to me. She's awake now but still acting like not it "Min unnie texted you that she and leo would be coming"

"Really??!" Gotcha! Haha! You took the bait ~

"It was a joke" I sniggered giving a flicker to her forehead

"Aww! That still hurts" I rubbed it feeling sorry of what I just did. I got so hyped up that I pranked her forgetting that her head hurts. "It was a joke too"

"Heol!" She covered my mouth for me not to make any noise but I removed it "It's almost dinner time and your battery is only 30% so wake up, wake up!"

"What did you do to my phone now?" She asked as she took it from me

"I just played and ..."

"And what?"

"Sent your pictures to mine" I grinned and showed a peace sign

"Who allowed you?"

"Your lovely wife"


"Now, My question. Are you feeling any better or are you still feeling blue?"

"I'm feeling better my lovely and worried sick wife"

"Oh really? How fine?"

"Hmmm ... Fine enough to do this" She answered swiftly hovering on top of me and leaning close to kiss but stopped midway "Just as fine as that"

Heol!! I'm already in it yet it's only a tease of hers!

"Aren't you going to continue it?"

"Continue what?" She as

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
910 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
917 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲