Irreplaceable. (CH. 8 LIV)

A secret place.
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So as promised :-) Anyway, Enjoy this update and, Hi to new upvoter yanzjung ^^



"Do you like strolling around this much?" Yoona asked Jessica who is walking with freedom, their hands intertwined  
"Hmm. Apparently, someone annoyingly cleared my schedule" 
"I'll tell umma that you said she's annoying" 
"Mommy did it with your command" Huffed Jessica before pulling Yoona slowly to the venue they have discussed that they'll go to 
"This is a good view. Stop walking for a while" Yoona took out their polaroid camera while Jessica stood still, her hand is being held while the background has the place they're going to – the entrance of the cable cars. "So pretty" 
"My hand?" She asked after she saw the picture her wifey had taken 
"No, You. Your whole existence" Yoona gave a sheepish smile before giving Jessica's cheeks a pinch 
"Tch" She scrunched her nose at the cheesy remark 
"Why? I could even wish that it's Thanksgiving everyday so that I could be spontaneous with you like this" 
"No regrets? I bet if the twins whine about something they'd like to eat, granny would buy it for them" 
"I never had any regret when I get to date you" 
"Stop it!" She pinched Yoona's arm who's making her flustered with overly cheesy words "Remember that I'm still mad at you" 
"That's not what you said before" Yoona pouted cutely  
"It was for your own good, okay? I wasn't around, I was clueless, when you were dealing with your sickness before and I don't want you to suffer from it again" Yoona pacified the sulking or 'mad' Jessica right after they took the cable car 
"But I already prepared for it" She answered and still whining a little  
"How can I not be worried when you came home with bruise on your wrist and not to mention that you fainted?" 
"You always know what to say, hmp! I don't like it" Jessica crossed her arms as she puffs her cheeks  and her brown slanted upwards 
"Don't be sulky, ddooyeonie" She acted cute and gives pepper kiss on Jessica's puffed cheek 
"You'll be leaving in 2 days time too" She replaced the puffed cheeks with a pout as she rest her head on Yoona's should and intertwining their hands again 
"Isn't that why I am taking you out on a date? To make up to your cancelled schedule and to advance the days that I wouldn't be able to go home" 
"Advance? What will I do if I miss you then?" 
"Silly" Chuckled her "You can message me and I would make time for you if I can" 
"And if I miss you everyday?" 
"Tell me something I don't know" Yoona answered that made Jessica to scoff "Isn't that so?" 
"Are you going to meet me everyday then?" 
"How demanding of my wifey" She pinched Jessica's nose "Would messaging do? I think I could do that much" 
"Just kidding" She faced Yoona with a grin "You should rest well and message me when you have the time. Don't you dare get sick or else" glared her 
"Or else what?" 
"Or else I'd take your workaholic away from the dorm and take you home" Jessica warned and Yoona could only look on with horror "I mean it" 
"I—I won't, nurse Im" 
"Now, where are we heading off the next?" Inquired Jessica when they  alighted the cable car 
"Next … Hmm, First, We'll be heading to this restaurant that I saw in the internet then we would go to the—" Yoona answered but got her lips held by Jessica – making her unable to continue to lay out the plans she made for this day 
"I just asked what's next and you blabbered too much. Let's eat then" 
Yoona nodded so Jessica removed her hand away from Yoona's lips 
"And besides, no matter how detailed your plan is, we always do the most spontaneous stuffs there could be. I just hope that we won't get lost like the last time or we'd be too engrossed spending time with each other, forgetting that there's two little Yoona waiting at home" 
"Nath isn't even a girl but he applies the Yoonderella to us" Jessica patted Yoona's head but only to have her hand get swatted away "Don't make my heart flutter!" 
"Pft" She stifled her laughter at her wife's reaction "Whatever wifey. Let's go~ Eattt~" 
"Jjan!" Yoona brought Jessica to a two storey restaurant that 'she saw in the internet' 
"This is alike the place Krystal and I have been to" Jessica deadpanned "How could this be the restaurant you saw in the internet?" 
"Have you forgotten what you said about corner dates?" 
"I didn't came with a guy, nor this is our first date" 
"Whyyyy~! You came with your wifey and this is our nth date" 
"What a lame excuse" 
"Whyyy~ That place was in New York while this is in San Francisco. Besides, I won't take you there anymore because Soojung already dated you there" 
"Of course my Yoongie, Of course" 
"What now" 
"If you'll bring me to New York, then, my friends would hog my time and you'd be jealous of it. So it's a given fact that you're not going to take me there" 
"Spot on" She rolled her eyes "What do you want to eat? The usual?" 
"It has been so long that I haven't had American food … So yeah, As usual it is" 
"Great!" Beamed her and calling for the waiting "Nothing to be added at the reservation made" She ordered and Jessica gave her a teasing pinch on the cheek 
"Our Yoongie's English is doing well" 
"Of course, since I fooled you with Hangkuk, especially on Hello Baby, I took note that you'd be getting revenge" 
"But I didn't" 
"Lie. You did. You made me to decline umma's invitation just so you could take me for yourself!" Jessica gasped "Don't act like you don't know it" 
"But you know …" Jessica remarked after taking a sip of her champagne "Tia is actually here in San Francisco. Which reminds me, she's inviting us to come over to their resort and she said that riding a yacht would be charged to her" 
"Is Sooyeon and Faye in here too?" 
"No" She plainly answered 
"Great!" Yoona gleed 
"What does that suppose to mean?" 
"Yay that you aren't complete so you wouldn't go around like teenagers and yay that Clinton wouldn’t be there too" 
Initially, she wanted to glare. But the second phrase made her smirk instead. 
"Do you still have hard feelings for Clinton?" 
"How can I not? That guy is someone your father wants you to marry off with, before" 
"That was before" Giggled Jessica and forking her asparagus that she'll give to Yoona "Maybe you're acting like that so he and Sooyeon can't marry yet" 
"Can you please specify which Sooyeon is which" 
"My friend of course. I am already married with a deer" 
"Well, Touche" Yoona nodded and pursing her lips so that Jessica couldn't see her cheshire grin 
"So this is actually Faye and Tia's resort?" Yoona asked after the yacht have stopped and they were instructed to just wait and enjoy the view. 
"Yes. And this yacht that we're using is hers" 
"How lucky! They must've spent a lot for this" 
"Do you want a resort too? I could buy you one too" Jessica asked turning around so she would face her wife 
"Thanks, but the priceless you've ever gave me is the twins. They're enough and they're who I love the most out of the stuffs you have given me" 
"Why is my wifey being so cheesy?" 
"I wasn't trying to be. I am trying to be sincere" Yoona crouched a little so they could gaze at each other's eyes "It felt like I had the whole world for myself when I first had them in my arms" 
"I know, because it doesn't sound eewie" She answered back and using her right hand to cup Yoona's face and rubbing the cheek with her thumb "But, didn't you say that I am your world before?" 
"That's why I said WHOLE. Because you still are, my world" 
"Stop doing that" She complained when Yoona twitched her eyes – just like how she usually does when she's overly happy "I'll miss those more and more"  
"Don't worry, I'll shower you with cheesy yet sincere remarks when I have the time" 
"It sounds like you're going to be really busy" Pouted Jessica 
"But I wouldn't get sick" She smiled and leaning closer – so close for their nose to touch "I wouldn't get close to her, and I would update you without restraint just like how you did when you told me about the bombs" 
"Okay, I love you" She answered snuggling her face on Yoona's shoulder 
"Hehe, I love you too" She combed Jessica's hair using her fingers "But looking at us now, we're like Jack and Rose" 
"Nah. We're Yoonsic" 
"Noo! Titanic" 
"We're submarine. We don't s

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲