Frixion (4)

A secret place.
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Happy Valentines Day!




Jessica came in and all eyes were on her. She was wearing a black dress with only above her knees high and her hair parted to the side with her curls adding up to her look.

"Jessica! You came!" Granny approached her with a grin "You really did wear a dress"

"I told you today is a special day. Happy birthday again"

"Where's my gift?"

"I didn't bring mine. I left it in my room" Jessica lied. She left it intentionally with a letter saying how grateful she is and etc.


"Granny, .. she found me at her backyard one day. Fascinatingly, she didn't thought that i'm a thief or anything. I was shocked at that. Not that i am or anything. But at the fact such person exists. She even asked me if i ate already instead of asking what i'm doing there. I wondered why until i get to know her more. Because she's kind like that and that because her family lives far away from her. I must've remind her of Yoona, her granddaughter. She treated me like how a grandmother does to their granddaughter. We play in the snow, have walks together and many more. Granny, i hope that you don't get sick anymore and live healthily. Also, don't forget to take your medicines even if i'm not there to remind you about it. Thank you, and, Happy birthday" Jessica ended her speech. She went back to her place. The other guests had their speech for granny too and even took pictures together.




I got home together with granny and dad. It was still early so granny asked me to go and get Jessica's present in her room.

"Is it okay to come inside her room?"

"Hmm. She said so"

"Okay then" I relented. Though it used to be my room before, i just can't barge in. As i went upstairs and on her room, i have this i can't tell whatever feeling. I saw her present on top of the bed and beside it is an envelope and a bank book. I opened the bank book and saw that she's putting $150 dollars weekly. Why did she leave this then?

"Yoong? What's taking you so long?"

"I'm coming" I answered as i took the bank book and the letter inside my pocket "Granny, here. Also, i'm going up to wash"



So i went to my room and fish out her letter.




You just got a year older hehe just kidding. Age is just a number, okay? You don't even act your age at all. Youre cute as a teen and hyper like a 7 yo kid. I hope that you always stay like that. I know you would since you won't be  out in the yard waiting for your son or daughter to come home since your son and granddaughter is with you. I'm thankful that you found me in your yard. Whether it's coincidence or not. I actually have a lot to say about me but, i just don't think you're ready for it yet. I also don't think that I would be able to tell you. I just know that someday you'll find out. Someday you would.


Wasn't that dramatic? That was what i originally planned to give during my speech at your birthday but it's kinda dramatic so i have to change it. Also, i don't want you to get the wrong idea. The month i had with you was filled with joy. You've been nice to me all this while and i wanted to repay you. I may not know how but i would. We'll meet again :)


Also the bank book, i know that by now, you're wondering what is it for. It's the money you give me every mondays before i go to work. I saved it up in the bank and now i'm returning it to you. Not that i'm ungrateful, but i just don't have anything to use it for. In my existence, i don't need a clothes or food. When i applied as a teacher in the skating, it made me happy too.


Granny, do you miss me? I know you would but i hope you wouldn't. I'm going to my friend's house and work near there so don't worry about me. I will visit you any chance i have to so don't be sad.




She's gone. She really did left after the week. And that i was wrong about her.




I wish i knew her better before i told her those words.


My phone is ringing so i took it. It was my bestfriend, Sooyoung.


"What's up?"

"What's wrong? Do you have any problem?"

"No, nothing"


"Yeah sure."

"By the way, the reason i called you is to remind that you have to be at my competition tomorrow"

"That's still tomorrow so ... why are you annoying me now?"

"Oh my god. I knew it! You have to travel by now if you don't want to miss it!"

"Chill soo. I'm at my granny's house, remember? I can go out even at midnight since it's not that far"

"That midnight, is an hour from now. Remember that you're not allowed to drive your car during midnights? The last bus today is the one i'm talking about and the next ride early morning would be at 10, so?"

"Fine fine fine. I'm coming, okay?"

"And make sure that you don't sneak. For goodness sake, ask permission from your dad"

"Does that even make sense? He would let me be. I told you, didn't i?"

"To your grandma then? Don't disappear like a bubble and pop whenever you like"

"Fine, i would" 


I packed some of the things i would be needing for the whole day tomorrow. I know that us meeting isn't just me watching her competing in that hockey challenge or whatever it is. I even changed my outfit to my usual and with the cap on. Right now, i look like a rebel teenager which my dad hated anyway. I sure like to piss him off heh~


"Granny" I approached when i saw her still in the sofa and opening some of the presents she received today

"Where are you going?"

"My friend is competing early morning, i wanted to support her .." 

"You're asking when you're already ready to leave?" Dad asked unbelieving  what i'm doing. Yes, i'm using granny to get off the hook. Dad doesn't let me to hang a lot to my friends because they're 'bad' influence to me

"And that's why i asked permission"

"If it's early morning, why don't you go early morning?"

"I'm not allowed to drive my car during midnight or dawn .."

"And you're not allowed to go now, either" He rebutted again


"Make sure you to take care of yourself and, don't go home too late"

"Thank you granny" I gave a peck in her cheeks leaving so happily. Assa! Friends, wait for me  ~ 


I reached the bus station in a span of 30 mins so i still have 5 minutes left to buy some snacks. I reached the place at 5am and Sooyoung was there waiting for me.

"Let's go. Want to have breakfast?"

"You're really that confident that you can win today's game?"

"Not really. But my teammates are. I'm glad you made it"

"I had to use granny as a bait you know? I wouldn't be allowed if granny wasn't there to let me go"

"Heh~ I don't care, as long as you're here to support me"

"But what's with you and why are you suddenly joining such event? It's so not like you"

"Well ... I just heard that my ex is playing on the other team, that's why"

"Show off?"


"I thought you don't like her anymore?"

"Well, I don't. I just find it fun. She doesn't even play hockey before so"

"How silly can you be?" I asked not liking her idea. I mean, she once did that when they were still i don't get the point of doing it again when they're not together anymore"

"Come on buddy, Just watch, alright?"


We had breakfast before coming to the place where she'll compete. It was worth the travel as her team won anyway.

"Sunny, Hyoyeon, this is Y

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
910 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
917 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲