My cute slave. (CH. 8 XXIV)

A secret place.
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Jessica woke up ahead of Yoona and headed to the kitchen after doing her necessities. She was confused at the stoves and how they work but soon got the gist of it. She wanted to prepare a simple breakfast for the both of them. By simple, she meant pancakes sided with hash brown.

She took almost 30 minutes before she could finish preparing. Much to her relief, her wifey isn't awake yet so she have all the time for herself. With a last glance on their table with their meals prepared in it, she put on a smile and nodded her head satisfiedly before going upstairs to wake her wife. 

As usual, she laid down again and stared at her still sleeping wife. Old habits die hard. She layed there for 5 minutes of just staring before she wakes her up. 

"Wakey wakey~" She taps Yoona's shoulder "Breakfast is ready, come and get it" 


"You must've been exhausted from yesterday" She poked Yoona's cheeks "Go sleep a lot and have the breakfast .. late." she was going to stand up but got pulled in a warm embrace 

"5 more minutes" 

"Since when did you wake up?" 

"When you left the bed" She snuggled closer "I want to follow you but bed is being possessive" 

"Should i bring up the breakfast?" 

Yoona shook her head no. And before she the 5 minutes could pass, she pulled away and yawned with some stretching; not forgetting to rub her eyes. "What's for breakfast my lovely wife?" 

"I cooked pancakes with hash brown for the side. Let's eat?" 

But Yoona didn't need to be asked. They left the room and headed to their kitchen where their breakfast is waiting. 

"Did you have a good morning?" Jessica asked sitting on the counter while Yoona is doing her chores aka washing dishes that she likes. 


"Now, shall we start?"  

"Start what?" She asked looking behind her 

"Being my slave" Jessica had this smirk plastered in her face that Yoona can't really tell if it's up to no good or not. Just smirk. "I can't believe that this day is really happening" 

"Are you really going to make me your slave?" She asked with puppy eyes while removing her gloves done washing the dishes before approaching Jessica 

"Yes. Now first, kiss" She commanded pointing to her puckered lips 

"This kind? Then I'm willing to be a slave!" she willingly kissed her adorable yet silly wife 

"Now, carry me upstairs. We have to fix the playroom~" She widened her arms as if asking for a hug 

"Hop on Queen Sooyeon of Yoonandelle" Yoona turned back and was informing Jessica that it would be a piggy-back ride that Jessica got anyway. She clung onto Yoona's back and they headed to their playroom. 

"Wow, It really is messy" Jessica remarked after reaching the said room "We have to hurry and finish today. It would be the housewarming tomorrow" 

"Plus you're going to Paris the next day" 


"Should we move the housewarming?" 

"No. We can finish this. Specially with this slave on my side" She wiggled her brows at Yoona "Get moving! I'll fix the bed while you fix the toys" 

"No fair. Why is my chores harder than yours?" 

"Because you're the slave and I'm the master here" 


"Chop chop!" Jessica clapped her hands twice as a sign that they should get moving. 

"Oh! That shouldn't be there" She stopped Yoona from placing toodles to the fans side. Their playroom consist of two sides; One side is the toys from their fans while the other side is their stuffs. They cleaned the playroom and is now left with setting the toys aside. 

"Why not?" 

"That should be on the other side" 

"It should be here" Yoona retorted nonchalantly and already placing the toy neatly 

"Master's command" 

"Tomorrow you wouldn't be the master anymore so i would still put it here" She answered placing the other toys beside it. It was a variety of stuffed toy. 

"Hing" Jessica pouted and hugged her favorite teddy bear closer to her "Toodles is so cute plus it's not a fan who gave it to me" 

"Munchkin is cuter. Plus, Are you replacing brownie?" 

"It's not that. But ..." 

"He gave it to you~" Yoona whined and Jessica smirked in victory. 

"Someone's jealous~" 

"Even so. This toy is staying right here" She pointed at the innocent bread stuff toy "And before i forgot, you should give munchkin a bath! You complain about hoggy being stinky but that stuffed toy is the worst. Since when was the last time you actually cleaned it?" 

"Then, you do it. You're the slave" Jessica handed the toy but pulled it back when Yoona was going to grab it from her hold "No effin way" 

"Munchkin is stinky! You always bring it anywhere without a wash" She complained standing up as she already finished arranging the toys 

"Don't you dare try to hold munchkin. Master's command" 

"Tomorrow you won't be the master anymore" 

"I can be. If i use my other one" 

"Next next day" 

"Wife's command! Don't you dare touch this friend of mine or else you'll really die in my hands" Jessica frowned hugging 'her friend' protectively. It was the same teddy bear Yoona talked about that appeared in Jessica's weibo ahead of her. 

"Be thankful that I'm not letting you to be a widow at early age" 


They finished arranging the playroom and even their room. Polaroids is sticked to the wall behind their bed just like how it is in their old-house. The boxes are all unpacked and they're ready for the housewarming tomorrow. 

"Slave! Ppali" Jessica called out sitting on her place while Yoona is scooping some rice for the both of them 

"Wait up okay?  

"Hurry! We still have to do some shopping and etc" 

"Shopping can be done in an hour. And since you're not helping, it'll only take us longer" 

"That's because I'm the master and you're not" 

"Then, at least, be less whiny alright?" She gave Jessica her bowl of rice before sitting in her place "I'm already complying so you don't have to whine" 

"Because you're so slow" 

"For goodness sake my lovely wife, you didn't marry an octopus. I'm only a girl with two hands" Yoona answered exasperately before picking up her chopsticks 

"Right. I married a deer" 

"Yeah right. Go eat" 

The two had what Yoona / 'slave' prepared before going to do some grocery shopping since what they have isn't enough for the party tomorrow. Everybody who is invited to the wedding is invited to the housewarming and now, even their close neighbors from their old house. 

"Slave, get one of that and that" 

"Yes master" She complied with a smile taking a bag of cheetos, one hot and one that is not. 

"You're so creepy. Why are you smiling?" 

"I don't mind being a slave if it's having a privilege like this" Yoona answered. They were pushing the cart while Jessica is holding onto Yoona's arm and her head is leaning against it. "And it's your dream too" 

"I think I'm in trouble" 

"Why?" She looked around in case Jessica might be referring that someone saw them or anything "How come?" 

"I married my own stalker" 

"I didn't stalk you. You told me that one" 

"I don't think i did" 

"You're so forgetful. You don't remember? I even told you that I'll give you son instead of a daughter" 

"Really? I don't think that happened since we shopped together a lot" 

"It was during that one time when i told you that someday we'll get married and not only the both of us is going to shop" 

"Then .. with who?" 


"Nathaniel?! Who is that?! Are you cheating on me?!" Jessica pulled away to sulk with her brows furrowed 

"You said that's what you're going to name your son" Yoona answered giving Jessica a flicker in the forehead before pushing the cart near those giving free taste 

"Son??? I told you i want a daughter" 

"Are you seriously complaining that to me? It's you who told me that one" 

"Where did i get that one?" 

"Babe ..." Yoona tugged Jessica's hand to walk to the next shelf "You're full of surprises, do you know that? How would i know an idea that only popped to you?" 

"Yoong ..." 

"Hmm?" She hummed a reply as she grab a sugar from the shelf 

"What if ... What if one day i woke up and i don't have an idea who you are?" 

"What happened to you? Why are you thinking like that?" 

"Just answer" 

"Hmm.. If a time comes that you forget who I am, then, I'll make sure that YOONHAHAHA isn't forgotten here" She answered placing the pack of sugar to their cart before pointing to Jessica's chest. "Don't think that way. It's scary" she added giving a light pinch on Jessica's cheeks 

"I just asked a what if. You know my friend, right? The guy in her drama has a dementia or something. It's really sad" 

"Friend who?" 

"Minyoung unnie" 

"What drama?" 


"Remember but the guy has dementia?" 

"Yeah. He used to have a photographic memory but got dementia just like his father. Jin woo is really handsome!" 

"Please, you're talking to your wife" 

"Ah wife ... My wife is the best actress" She answered with a nod, still holding at Yoona's arm 

"The ratings is not that good" 

"The ratings doesn't define the greatness of the actor/actress. You just got unlucky with the timeslot. You were totally cute during love rain" 

"Oh i see... Go get the ketchup, to your left" Yoona answered and commanding Jessica at the same time "Pepper and Vinegar too" 

"Heyyyy! You're the slave here" 

"It's just beside you. I hope you're not lazy" 


"Wifey …" 

"Let me guess, you're hungry?"  Jessica nodded cutely "Both you and Krystal ... *sigh* What do you want?" 


"How about we get it after buying all the stuffs we needed to?" 

"Aing~" Jessica sulked  

"Fine fine fine. We'll get the Pretzel" Yoona relented pushing the cart towards the stall where the said food could be bought "Look at this girl. If I were a stranger, I would doubt that you're already married" 

"The stranger doesn't need to know anyway" 

"You're really acting cute for the sake of food huh" 

"I want the almond one~" 


"What are you going to cook?" Yoona asked, still in the middle of shopping "You should cook something for our guest" 

"I'm ... in charge of finger food" She answered munching the food and also letting Yoona to have a bite 

"You should've chosen Kimchi Fried Rice" 

"Ah! Dad said that he'll bring his fried rice" 

"Or SSS" 

"Mom with Baked Mac" 

"Or a dish" 

"I don't know yet but unnie and soojung said they'll bring something. Plus we a

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
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Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲