
A secret place.
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So I don't know where I got the thought to write this haha. I'll edit next time ._. P.S, I updated asap since I MIGHT not be able to do so for the next week and so. Or MIGHT update on Yoona's birthday already. Let's wish Jessica and Tiffany all the best for their solo (though Tiffany is already in the hot seat for that lipsync thingy). #FlyWithJessica! Won't be comparing which one is better because I'm biased lol She's my bias to begin with T_T 


So yeah, I hope you enjoy this :)




"What happened to you?" Yoona asked her roommate, Jessica. The girl had her back shoulder bleeding when she got to their shared apartment.

"No big deal."

"No big deal? You're bleeding!!"

"And it's none of your business"

"Let's go to the hospital." Yoona said holding Jessica's wrist which the girl pulled out instantly

"No. I don't want to go there."

"What?! You have to cure that one." Yoona was worried sick

"Look here, I think you're forgetting something. We agreed to share this apartment in one condition 'Mind your own business and don't meddle with the other' so tell me, to where that part you don't get?"

"How can i mind my own business when you give me so much reason to care?"

"Then don't! Simple as that."

"How simple is that? How can i not care?"

"Why do you care so much for? You don't even know me"

"Because i love you" Yoona confessed

"And i don't" Was Jessica fast rejection

"It's okay. Just let me love you in the way i can. Just let me love you on how you should be loved."


"If you don't want to go to the hospital, I'll go call a doctor, hmm?"


"Silence means yes"


Yoona dialed Dr. Kim's number "Dr kim, It's me Yoona. My friend has her shoulder bleeding. Can you come asap? Thank you"


So the doctor came and took care of Jessica's wound.

"It's a stab wound. Be glad that it wasn't that deep or it would be really dangerous."

"How about medications?"

"She can take pain killers if it really hurts."

"Oh. Thank you Dr. Kim"



Yoona was up earlier than her usual wake-up time and prepared a breakfast for Jessica.

"Jessica, Im coming in. I've brought breakfast for you." she said after she knocked to Jessica's room. She opened the door to come in when there's no one in the room. "Jessica?"

"..." She placed the tray of food in Jessica's bed

"Where are you?"



The room was neat. Nobody. Nothing.  And Yoona realized that fact.

"It can't be."

"Please don't ..." Was her silent hope in front of Jessica's cabinet. Her heart sank when she opened and found nothing too.


"What's your problem? Why are we here when you don't drink?" Yuri asked Yoona who's been drinking non-stop at a bar

"She .. She left me! So cheers!"

"Why are you so stubborn? You know it too well that she's still not over her ex and yet you're like that"

"I'm not asking her to love me back... But, can't she stay?"

"Maybe it's her way of telling you indirectly to don't have any feeling for her any further?"

"Well sad to announce but i've tried not to feel this the first time i felt it and fail misserably!"

"Even if you don't  know her much?"

"Your heart just beats and that's it. You may know someone for a very long time but still feel nothing and meet someone in a day then fall for her that instant. This .." Yoona said as she point out to her heart "This is a stupid piece of organ in your body. So stupid that it doesn't think who to fall for and who to not. You'll just wake up and feel stupid on how it beats for someone."

"Why don't you use your brain then? You're not smart for nothing"

"Whether you're the smartest person on earth, love will make you foolish."

"Is that so?"


"So it's that way. But still. Should we go home already?"

"Let's get drunk and make it last!"

"Why? If you get drunk now, would you forget her? You'll just end up with a hang over tomorrow and still feel the same thing about her."


"Silence means yes. You said so. So i'll get you home now. You reek, seriously. You don't even drink before."


"You, get yourself together and go to work. It's so not you."

"Yes ma'am"

"I'm going now. Hurry and go inside"

"Say hi and sorry to hyoyeon for me. Take care on your way"

"I will" Yuri said before taking the elevator



Jessica was contemplating whether to barge in with her usual cold facade or to come in and then hurriedly take the mail away. What's bugging her was Yoona. She don't know if the girl is inside or not. And if its yes, how would the girl react and how is she going to leave again. 

But she decided on just entering with her cold facade as usual. She was glad when Yoona is nowhere to be seen in the living room. 'Ah! Maybe she's sleeping already. But where is the mail?' she thought for a while as the said mail can't be seen in the living room. The pressing of their code was the one that panicked her and her thoughts.

"Wait, she was out? Even if its her OT, she never go home this late. Ugh! And I still can't find the damn mail!" Was her argument with herself as she walks to and at her room. She lay in her bed and took out her phone from her pocket then played some games. "I should wait for 30 minutes, right? She'll be sleeping by then"

5 minutes ...


10 minutes ...


15 minutes ..


"Oh seriously. You've got to be kidding me! Why do i need to use the restroom at this time?!" Jessica frustratingly said to herself as she squirm in her bed "Why do we have to share one restroom and why is it located near the kitchen? UGH!!"

"This won't do! I really can't hold it in anymore. Anyhow it's been 20 minutes already, i think?"

She eventually left her room and dashed to the toilet to grant what she really need. "Ah. Pleasure. And i can search for that mail again" she was going to wash her hands in the sink when she saw the passed out Yoona with a bleeding fist.

"Yah! Yah yah yah! What happened to you?!! Ya yoona!!!" She was shaking the girls shoulder real hard "YA YOONA!! WAKE UP!!"

Yoona slowly fluttered her eyes open and smiled as she hug Jessica real tight. "You're back"

"Yah! Are you okay?"

"I'm all better now that you're here" She whispered still not letting go of the hug

"Wait, Did you get drunk?" Jessica asked pulling out of the hug


"Why did you? As far as i can remember, even if there's an ocassion, you never drink. So why did you?"

"You get drunk when Tiffany left you so why can't i?"

"Are you that vain?"

"Are you that vain?"


"Then i'm feeling the same way."

"Let's get that wound taken care of." Jessica said as she stood up.

"Don't leave."

"I said that i'll take care of that. So i won't. Let's go." Yoona took Jessica's arm and wobbly stood up


"Does it hurt?" Jessica asked when she's cleaning Yoona's wound

"Yeah." Yoona answered as she hissed again

"Then you should've expected how it'll feel like when you punched the innocent mirror"

"Well, The mirror provoked me to do it. I forgot to think about the pain."

"Provoked you? I wasn't informed that mirrors can talk already"

Yoona hissed again

"Sorry. It's done now. Just gonna put the bandages on."

"I don't mind hurting as long as its you hurting me."

"What? I think you're really drunk right now."

"No. I'm serious. I don't mind hurting. If its you, it's okay."

"Why do you have to?"

"I love you that much. I know that you don't and still love Tiffany. But just let me be. Let me love you as much as how i do. Or let me love you until I don't"

"Why me?"

"I .. I don't know. I really don't know. Even myself can't know the answer."

Jessica smiled before answering "It's just your infatuation. It's just a crush and not love Yoong."

"It's love. I know it."

"You still haven't been in love before, right? You're just thinking that it's love because it's the first time you felt this way"

"Why do you keep rejecting me? Why don't you want me to love you?"

"For you not to feel anything for me any further. You'll find someone who will be the best for you some time later."

"Why don't you want me to love you??"

"Because you can't."

"I can't or you don't want?"

"That's just the same thing. It doesn't differ" Jessica replied as she finished putting the bandages and stood up.

"Okay. Why can't  i or you don't want me to?"

"Because i'm a dangerous person Yoonaya. Lots of people are after me."

"The let's runaway together!"

"That's the same thing she said and we did before. Look where she is now."

"If you don't want to runaway together, at least stay."

"You do know that i can't do that, right?"

"Then, Just like before, Leave then go back home. Go back here."

"I'll think about it. But don't hope much."

"Thank youuuuuu!!" Yoona said as she hugged Jessica very tight that they slumped on the bed



"Good morning" Yoona greeted with a grin undeniably sparkling.

"Hmm." But Jessica pulled the covers closer to her then turned to her side, Yep. Jessica stayed the night, they slept together. Jessica planned to leave that night but after a tiring battle to get rid of Yoona's arm that hovered over her, she gave up and soon fell asleep too.




"Hello? I bet you still haven't forget who's the owner of this voice"

"What do you want?"

"I want to say sorry that one of my boys hurted you. But don't worry. That won't happen again."

"I said, What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? You, of course."

"I'm not coming home. There's no home anymore. Let me live by myself and you're not my dad to worry about me. I'm a grown up."

"But i want you. Really want you."

"You're crazy! I'm your sis!"

"But i never once thought of you being one. I've always see you as someone special"


"Come with my boys if they ever see you. Or if you want me to come to your house in Yangpyeong specially, which i don't mind anyway, as soon as possible."


"What? You think i don't know? That i may think that you're in your shared house with Tiffany or your precious apartment before?"

"Shared house with Tiffany?"

"Yes? The one in Busan? Where were you last 2 weeks ago. And oh! You wouldn't be in that precious apartment before because that's where she took a suicide."

"Why do you want me?!!! Don't you get that i don't want it there?!!"

"I already said, i want you. Only you."

"And i don't!"

"I know that long long time ago. When you chose Tiffany over us."

"Whoever would choose to be with you and your illegal stuffs?"

"You. Whether you like it or not"

"Too bad. I'm not in Yangpyeong, Busan or anywhere in Korea."

"I know. As if you wouldn't be back in a day or two. Don't kid me. You can't fool me sooyeon" Was their conversation when Jessica was still in Sydney.



Going to the gym every Saturdays was Yuri's routine already. But seeing Jessica, was never expected.

"Fancy seeing you here" She said as she approach Jessica who's currenty beating out the punching bag

"Fancy? I don't even know you" She stopped as she wondered for a while. She's not familiar with the lady in front of her.

"I don't know you much either. I just know that my friend is way into you"



"Ah Yoona." She smirked 

"Wanna make a deal?"

"What deal?"

"Leave my friend alone?"

"I already left for about two weeks now."

"But she said you came back."

"Came back? I won't. I wouldn't. I was just there to fetch a damn mail which i didn't get anyway."


"Yes. It contained private and important stuffs"

"If you get that, would you leave?"

"I always do."

"I'll get that mail of yours without peeking what's inside it. Just don't go back to her. Specially that you're just giving her false hopes"

"I didn't give her false hopes. She's just hoping for something i didn't put a word in."

"So it's a deal? If i give you the mail, you'll leave?"

"Sure thing. But anyway, Please stop telling me to leave her alone when basically she's the one who you should distance to me." Jessica  replied heading towards the locker area


"Honey, Miss me?"


"I just want to tell that i miss you and i'll get you soon. Enjoy your little time left."

"Get me?"

"I told you that i want you, right? My boys are so stupid so i decided to get you by myself. You're that special to me."

"Where ... Where are you?"

"The same country you're in. The same country we live in." Answered the guy on the line 

"You're back?"

"I see your voice tensed up a little. Excited to see me or excited about our marriage? But anyway, I still have jetlag so let's start the chase when i'm all better. Let me have some kimchi first. Besides, i haven't had one in a long time"

"Where are you?"

"Why? Are you going to come and see me? If that's the case, please do come to our villa"

"I asked it so i could avoid that place so thank you for answering."


Jessica went to her girlfriend's house. Though Tiffany died years ago, Jessica can't seem to let go of the girl and still consider it as her girlfriend. She still wear their locket necklace, the ring, and every little things that connects to Tiffany.

"Babe, Jackson is here and yet, I can't find the damn mail my detective sent me" She informed as she holds Tiffany's picture beside a stuffed toy she gave for their 2nd year anniversary. "My detective told me that the cctv to prove the murder before is forged"

"I'm sorry that it's taking me so long and I can't do much about" She hugged the picture frame to her sleep.


Yoona was out with Yuri to have a celebration because their company just caught a big fish. Of course, Yoona isn't drinking. Her team already knows about it though.

"As we all know, I barely drink. And for today, I'd be killjoy again and just leave you to celebrate on your own. Drinks would be on me  though" She announced as she took out her credit card

"Wow!!!" The group cheered "Thank you ma'am"

"Yoong, You're going already?" Yuri asked Yoona who already left the room

"Hmm! Enjoy drinking with them"

"Where are you going?"


"I see, Take care then"

On her way out, she saw Jessica dancing with some stranger on the dance floor so she pulled her out, not minding the guy's rage 

"Oh? It's yoona" She pointed out when Yoona let go of her hold

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Clubbing. And you?"

"Taking you home" Yoona answered holding Jessica's wrist again but only to have their lips pressed against each other's. It confused her but Jessica is kissing her deeper that only made her to give in. Jessica is the one who started it, and the one who ended it. It was one passionate and her fist kiss.

"Thank you for putting on a show for me" She growled before craning her neck left and right for the direction she could take.

She didn't get to sleep that night. She was in a bliss. Even if Jessica left her at the dark, her kiss was enough to let it go.



Three days after that night, Yoona is just staying at home reading a book because it's Saturday and she doesn't have a work. The doorbell ringed so she went to the monitor to look at who could it be. IT was no one, the monitor didn't show anyone on the front but yet she went for the door to open it. It may be Jessica since the girl had done that countless times before. When she was drunk that it.

After opening the door, bunch of men ambushed her. They went inside the house without notice that she can't do anything about it. They were about 20 or so.

"You're Jessica's new toy?" Ask the guy with a blonde hair out of all the guy that went inside their shared unit "How could she possibly like 2 idiots at 2 different time?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh right .. The one wasn't stupid since it's a suicide ..."

"Who the hell are you talking about???!!!" Yoona lost it. She was being held by two buffed man yet one guy kept on spouting nonsense in front of him

"Doesn't matter who. Now answer my question" The guy took steps to get in front of Yoona "Where's Jessica?"

"I don't know" She answered and the guy gave her a slap 


"She left for about a month now. She's not coming here anymore!" She answered trying to hold her stinging cheek but the buffed men has a great hold of her

"Bring her with us!!" He commanded and soon the buffed me took her by force down to their convoy cars.



They were on a rooftop of a well built building. Yoona was tied in a wall by a rope with a tape on

"Mothering Jessica won't answer my call" He grunted throwin his phone who knows where "Give me her phone!" He pointed to Yoona and the guys were quick to scan Yoona's body for the phone. And when they got it, they gave it to the blonde

*2 rings*

*3 rings*

"Hello ..?"

"Gahd. You're so hard to reach recently" He grunted but soon smirked

"Who's this?"

"Honey, It's me Jackson your loves. And I say if you don't want your roommate who has the evidence to ing die, I say that right here, right now, you'll go to your daddy's good for nothing that failed business"

"I'll be there so don't you dare hurt her" Answered Jessica before hanging up.


Jessica was on a coffee shop with Leo, Tiffany's brother for a talk. She knows that the guy is still mad at her for what happened to her younger sister but still, she wants to get a hold of Tiffany's remains. Tiffany's remains that she realized could be a big help to the case since one of the stuff toy she gave before, has a camera in it's eye so that she could monitor her girlfriend while she was out.

"What makes you so confident that I'll let you have it?" He asked

"I promise I'll prove you that it wasn't a suicide but a murder. I'll make sure to put the one responsible of her death behind the bars and repent of that. I'll prove you that it wasn't my negligence that your sis died. You're an poilice oppa, so you should know how important an evidence could be"

"A stuff toy, really??"

"Trust me, will you?"

"Trust? My sister died because of my trust to you!" The guy raised his voice. The pain still hunts him, his family.

"Okay. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But I won't say sorry for what happened because like I told you that it's not my fault" She answered standing up to leave and taking her phone that's vibrating madly at her pocket for a long time already

'And I say if you don't want your roommate who has the evidence to ing d

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allayjadhule #1
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Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
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I miss them
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