Wants what it wants (CH. 8 XVI)

A secret place.
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Days ...

Weeks ...

Month ...

It's been more than a month since the last time Jessica and Yoona lost everything they had in a blink. The one gave up because she doesn't get the feels if she's ever going to savage the relationship they had while the other one have let go.

Coincidence or not, The two was at the place where they went first before they had their first date. The same old church.


"Want to go out on a date? Erhm .. Our first date ..."

"Uhm okay! Where to?"

"I don't really have a plan ... I just want us to ... date ... yeah" She answered back scratching her nape

"There's this place i want to go to ... Can we spare some time to it?" Jessica asked shyly fumbling with her fingers

"Of course. Wherever you want us to go"


The two headed out of their dorm and Jessica is leading the way to the younger.

"Where are we going? Yoona asked holding Jessica's hand

"We're almost there. Are you tired of walking?"

"It's okay. I was just wondering where are we going"

"We're already here." She informed leading Yoona closer to the Church



"I don't mean it in a bad way, but why are we at the church?"

"I know that what we have started is risky. So i want to visit his home place for guidance. I want him to be the one of the few who knows our relationship best. So, we're here to ask for his forgiveness because it was said that Men are Women and vice versa. But at the same time, we're going to ask for his blessing. That he may guide us through every hurdle we may face in the future" Jessica answered smiling towards Yoona while their hands is still holding tight on the way inside the church. They stayed there for a couple of minutes before touring around, dating.


Yoona was at the back row while Jessica was at the front. Both just sitting and have let out a sigh.

"Why did you let go?"

"Why did you let me go?"

Was the question they have for themselves as it would only be left unanswered anyway. Soon Jessica's phone vibrated from her pocket so she fished it out to look who's calling her

'Jessi, I'm already at the intersection.'

'Okay Clint. I'm gonna wait outside" She answered taking her things with her.

"But ..."


"Aren't you ... At least, going to say goodbye to her?"

"Clint, We haven't talked since that day. And now you're telling me to say goodbye to her just to what? Break her even more? Say that I'm leaving her, not to add that it's not the first time? If she's healing about our break-up, i don't want to come in and crumble her walls because i know that i wouldn't stay to comfort her afterwards."

"I was just thinking that, even as a friend and not your ex, she deserves to know"

"I don't think so" She answered and she heard clinton sighed before dropping the call. He's defeated again. She finally stood and walk to the door as Clinton may arrive anytime now.

"Sooyeon ..." Yoona called out to her when she was walking in the aisle and Yoona happened to look at her way

"It's been a while" She smiled faintly as they're lessing the gap they had

"I know it's out of the blue question but ... don't i deserve a second chance?" She asked or more like a plead. She never wanted to break-up before because she didn't expect Jessica to agree. She was just testing their relationship but everything turned a 360 flip when the latter agreed and all they had, ended that night.

"Second ... Third ... Fourth ... We never run out of chances to give. But we sure do have risk we minimize. And i don't plan to risk anymore. I'm sorry"


"Maybe if we're not a little late right now, then maybe. Just maybe." She answered back giving another faint smile before walking pass Yoona and on her way to the door


Just about when she reached outside the church, she felt her stomach churning and she know it too well that she's going to vomit so she crane her neck sidewards to look for a place to do so but too late because she feels it going up in so she let it all out at the side of the church. Yoona saw her when she followed her out, still unsatisfied with the answer she received. She want to know more. She wants to know why. Jessica doesn't want to give up a thing without trying to work it out first. She knows how persistent Jessica could be. Furthermore, the way she answered maybe instead of shutting her off was a give-away. Clinton was at the entrance that time so he immediately parked near them

"Are you okay?" She doesn't get it and she knows that Jessica is far from being okay but she happened to ask anyway

"" He cursed "What happened? The- There's blood again. How are you feeling?" asked him when he saw Jessica's vomit. He even gave Jessica his hanky to be used to wipe off the staint in her face "We probably should get going" he said assisting Jessica to walk in case the latter isn't feeling that well

"Let's g--" Before she could even finish her sentence, she already passed out. Good thing that Clinton was alert and held her. If not, Jessica could've knock her head to the floor

"Sooyeon! What's happening? What happened?" Yoona panicked. Jessica just passed out and she saw it her very own eyes.

"Calm down. If you want to know, come with me and help me bring her to the hospital" Clinton answered rather calm. Yoona nodded before opening the door instantly so they could head to the hospital as soon as possible. He was carrying Jessica in bridal style all the while



"Is she sick?"

"I said that if you want to know, you can come with me. But i didn't say that the information would come from me" Clinton answered. He was relieved when there were less traffic on the way to the hospital than when he was on the way to the church. Jessica was immediately pushed in the Emergency room and the two was waiting for Jessica's doctor to come out when Yoona asked that question.

"Are you Clinton? So stupid of me to ask this just now"

"Yes i am"


"What's with the oh?"

"Oh that she has someone to take care of her" Yoona answered before standing up because the door have opened and nurses is pushing Jessica out it in a stretcher with a blood pack connected in her arm via an IV line on the way to a ward.



"It's a relief that its just a usual vomiting blood. Her doctor have passed me the medication he gave to her and it seems like she's taking it well. Unfortunately, it seems like her ulcer have attacked so that's why she passed out" The doctor informed 

"Would there be any medications for her?"

"She can take what her doctor asked her to. Just don't let her skip a meal so she won't vomit blood again to the point of passing out. It's dangerous since she's anemic too. Also, she needs that blood transfusion because she vomited quite a lot. Rest assured, the nurses would check on her time by time"

"Ah. That was a relief. Thank you doctor for the effort"

"Pleasures." Dr. Oh answered and Clinton left her office with Yoona.



They were walking towards Jessica's ward,

"I assume that you heard what the doctor have said"

"She .. she have an ulcer .. ?" She's still lost at what's happening. Jessica is sick and how come she doesn't know it. The anemic part sure is a given but the ulcer .. and what medication is the doctor talking about? Was it long time ago or recently that she can't know since they we're distanced and not to mention that they have broken up?

"Krys!" Clinton saw Krystal worriedly checking the wards, she's looking for the number clinton have told her to.


"How is she?"

"She's fine. She's inside still asleep."

"I .. I only have a little time to spare. Can i come in alone first? Thank you" She said before opening the door of Jessica's ward so she could enter inside. The two obeyed the younger sister's request and stayed out first. He bought coffee for him and Yoona so they have something to warm up their stomach. They settled to sit at the chairs available outside the ward

"I'm surprised that you don't know about her ulcer"

"Since when did she have it?"

"More or less ... 5 years?"

"A .. and you know it .. since then?"

"No. I only knew when i saw her medicines. I thought you know it because you two lived together"

"I don't see medicines tho .."

"But hey ..."


"When she wakes up and asks if you knew, pretend that you don't. You're the only person she wanted to hide this from. I may not get it but, she said that if its hurting her, it would be killing you. And she doesn't want to be the one to kill you"

"She- .. She said that?" Yoona managed to ask creakingly. Her heart is crushing inside her and she can't do anything about it. Why is everything on her way now? Why is there a lot of hurdles recently? Why are the odds against them? What have they done to deserve such torture?

"Yeah. When i found out and ask if you know it too."

"She talks about me to you?"

"There are times that she would share some of your memories together when she feels like it. For  example, she saw a spaghetti. She would open up how much she messed up the first time she cooked it for you. She said that she made it taste like spag and carbonara at the same time"

Yoona smiled faintly remembering what had happened back then. Sure Jessica wasn't the type to cook but she's the type to learn do so. It just happened that the spag and carbonara sort of mixed-up that time so she prepared it mixed too. Later that discovery, Jessica made it fancier by adding seafoods instead of meats and mushrooms. The couple called it SSS (Sooyeon's Seafood Spaghetti)



"Clint .."


"Thank you for telling me about what

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲