Something. (CH.8 V)

A secret place.
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Yoona just finished her schedule for today and read the message she have from Jessica "Yoong, Do you have schedule today? Can you go home before 5:15?" She replied with a "Just finished my schedule for today. I will" before joining the others for their meal out 
"Yoongie, Are you busy?" Asked Jessica in her message when Yoona haven't reached her yet 
"Don't worry, I'm on my way there. I miss you too" 
"There where?" 
"Home. Aren't you at home?" 
"I'm not." 
"Then where are you?" 
"At the park with huggy" 
"Park where?" 
"The one in our neighborhood" 
"I'll be there. I'm just parking my car in the garage." 
Yoona walked to the said park which is 15 minutes' walk from their home. She was going to call Jessica to ask where she is when a dog came to her. 
"Huggy!! Where's the cat?" As if the dog could understand her much, the dog walked back to where Jessica is. Laying down on a blanket under the tree with a basket on the side 

"Jessi wake up~" Yoona taps give Jessica's body a little shake to wake her up 
"Jessi, Wake up~" 
"Rise and shine~ You have her waiting for you" 
"Who is she? It's still early. Tell her to come back later." Jessica answered pulling the covers closer 
"Early? It's 1 pm already" 
"Let's sleep more" Jessica whined as she hovered her arms over Yoona 
"Open your eyes and look, She's here with me." Having no choice, Jessica decided to slowly open up her eyes 
"Liar. No one would be here. Why do you want to wake up now?" Jessica pouted at Yoona who's smiling brightly at her 
"She who? I don't think you would bring someone over and ruin the peace we have in here." 
"She!" Yoona answered and showed the golden retriever puppy that she have behind her  
"Omg!! She's so cuteee!!" She squealed with delight "Who's puppy is this?" 
"Hmm. You said you want a real one, so I bought you one." 
"REALLY? What's her name?" 
"You name her what do you like." 
"Are you sure? Because the last time I check, You name our stuffs and it's food related." 
"Nah. You do it this time." 
"Uhm, how about huggy?" 
"Yes. Because she's so huggable." 
"How about me?"  
"Lovable ~" 
"Hehe ~ " 
"Thank you for this. Really. I know you don't like dogs much." 
"It's not that I don't like dogs, Shih Tzu shreds hair so much. Hani is way too loud. I searched about Golden retrievers and they aren't like that. And about Sunny unnie's cat, that's because you're my only cat" Yoona whispered huskily and then huggy them. "See, She agrees" And Jessica giggled. 
Indeed, It was a Good 'morning' for the both. 

"Oi, What are you doing there?" She asked, making her way towards Jessica 
"Waiting for you" Answered Jessica nonchalantly 
"Did you miss me or did you miss me?" 
"I did. Huggy missed you too." 
"She did?" 
"Hmm. She said 'Arf miss you'" Jessica said and the dog barked 
"How about my cat?" 
"I meowss you too." She answered as if a purr and laying down with her head on Yoona's lap 
"How about you? My deer doesn't seem to miss me"  
"I miss you too. So deerly" 
"You don't have schedule anymore?" 
"I don't have one, I'm going to be home!" 
"But why are you here?" 
"Just taking her for a walk." Jessica pointed to huggy who's laying down beside them 
"Walk? With the basket of food and a blanket you're laying down on?" 
"Because I planned to stay here till a little later" 
"Hmm… Just want to." 
"No reasons at all? That doesn't seem so Sica-ish at all" 
"Fine. I messaged you to come home today, right?" 
"Yes, And?" 
"Well, I heard it at the news that there would be a blue moon today." 
"And you want to see it with me?" 
"Why here though? There's no telescope or we're in a cool place to be" 
"Like hello Yoongie, that was in the news. So obviously, people would come out to see it for themselves too. And this is a cool place because A, you're here with me and B, Our neighbors isn't even around. So yeah." 
"Uhm okay. But what is so special with the blue moon?" 
"Blue moon is very rare to happen. They say that you're lucky if you see it." 
"Ahh! The saying of once in a blue moon?" 
"Yes! Also, I've been reading book the past few days and found out something amazing." 
"What is it?" 
"It was said to believe in a myth that whoever you are with when blue moon happens, that someone would love you till the end" 
"And that's what we're doing here?" 
"With blue moon or just the usual moon today, I'll love you till the end" 
"Cheesy but nah. I want to see it with you" 
"What if it's just a hoax?" 
"Then, We're spending time with each other here till a little later" 
"But why did you bring huggy with you?" 
"Whyyyy? She behaves well and just running here and there then go back" 
"I'll change her name to Hoggy." 
"Why hoggy? You just changed a letter" 
"Because she keeps on hogging you." The dog barked "You don't agree? You're with her most of the time" then Yoona 
"She wants to get closer to you too" 
"Do you?" Hoggy barked 
"See! You're disliking her when she likes you that much." 
"Still. Your name from now on would be hoggy. And not huggy anymore. Get it? Okay?" Hoggy barked as if agreeing with Yoona's statement "Good girl. Have some treats" Yoona gave her the treats Jessica have in the basket 
"I miss having night outs like this."  Jessica admitted as she scooted closer to Yoona. Hoggy and the basket aside, hoggy is sleeping. Yoona used her fingers to comb Jessica's hair; just like how Jessica likes it the most 
"I miss it too, I miss everything we do that was so easy. We can be together with them being oblivious of us. When we can just act friends most of the time. Unlike now … We have to act like we're of no relation at all" 
"Are you … Are you slowly getting tired of us?" 
"Are you giving up on us now?" Jessica asked with tears flowing from her eyes 
"I'm confused …" 
"What?" Jessica sat and asked shockingly. She didn't expect such response from her girlfriend 
"Tiffany makes me feel things that I don't with you." 
"Are you happy?"  
Yoona nodded 
"Do you think she'll make you happy?" 
Yoona nodded again 
"Okay then" Jessica faked a smile as she wiped some of her tears then grabbed hoggy's chain. "Let's go huggy" She stood and then starts to walk away from that place. 
"Sica …" 
"Sica …" 
"You're crying. Bad dream?" 
"You fell asleep and was crying just now so I woke you up. Should we go home?" 
"I fell asleep?" Jessica asked as she sat 
"Hmm. You said that we'll wait for the blue moon but you slept on my lap" 
"I … You …" 
"You're not confused?" 
"To you? Right now, yes." 
"No … Your feelings … Aren't you confused?" 
"How should I feel? I'm happy right now. Is there anything more I should feel?" Yoona raised a brow, still confused at the questions Jessica is throwing to her 
"Because … Because …" Jessica's lips was quivering so Yoona held her hands 
"Because you said you're confused with your feelings with mine and Tiffany's" 
"Silly girl. What should I feel for Tiffany unnie?" 
"You said she makes you happier than how I do and … and that she makes you feel things that you don't with me" Jessica managed to explain as her tears flowed from her eyes 
"Is that what you dreamt of? How am I going to be confused when I even told you that even if we don't see the blue moon today, I'll still love you till the end. Aigoo" Yoona answered as she pull Jessica to her embrace. Now she's at Jessica's back, with her hands encircled at Jessica's waist and their fingers intertwined with each other. "If in that dream I told you that Tiffany makes me feel things, then you make me feel a lot of undeniably and unexplainable feelings. She can make me happier but still, you're the only one who can make me the happiest. Always remember that." Yoona explained to her softly. 
"You're not getting tired of us?" 
"You said so before, it but we're working it out. We'll work it out." 
"You're not giving up on us?" 
"Would never do. So stop crying. I don't like seeing you cry." Yoona said as she turn Jessica around to wipe those tears. And Jessica immediately hugged Yoona 
"Hmm, really." 
"I'll have hoggy as a witness. Promise. I'll love you till the end" Yoona made a promise and then showing out her pinky. 
"Hmm. Promise, Lock, Stamp and Save" Yoona said as she 'pasted' it on Jessica's forehead. "And it seems like hoggy isn't my only witness." 
"Then who?" 
"The blue moon" Yoona pointed out to the vast view of the blue moon and Jessica craned her neck to look at it. It was indeed a best place for them. The blue moon is just hovering on top of their heads. 
"Wow ..." 
"So I made a promise, and also that myth would come true." 
"What if you have a change of heart?" Jessica gazed at Yoona's eyes 
"I'm scared." She admitted. Right, Jessica wasn't the type of person who would want anyone to see her vulnerable side; Krystal aside. 
"I'll be home for months so there's nothing to be afraid of. Such a jealous cat" Yoona kissed her in the lips "That dream won't come true, okay?" 
"Hmm." She nodded, assured with Yoona's words 
"Should I buy you a ring already?" Jessica scoffed with matching rolling of her eyes "Now you won't believe it" 
"Let's go home, shall we?" 
"I want to lay down and just cuddle you. Or watch TV and cuddle you or even eat while cuddling you" 
"What's the difference? We could cuddle here" 
"I need privacy" 
"Then you're planning to do something more than cuddling" 
"No" Yoona answered with a flushed look on her face 
"Ooh. Seems like it" Jessica teased 
"Then, Can I do that something?" 
"Hmm… --" Jessica's answer was cut short as she answer her phone 
'Hello, Mom?' 
'Yes sooyeon it's me. Do you have any plans over dinner?' 
'Nothing much. Why?' 
'Then, Meet me and your dad at The Geeks restaurant. He has something to say to you.' 
'Can't that be said over the phone?' 
'He doesn't want to and wants you to come over here personally. See you at 8' 
'Mom, That's like an hour from now. How am I supposed to get there on time?' 
'You said you have nothing much to do. So what is there for you to reason out on not getting here on time?' 
'Ugh, Okay mom. I'll try my best to be there on time.' She grunted at her mother's authoritative tone 
'Just make sure. You don't want to get your dad mad, do you?' 
'Yes mom' Jessica sighed when her mom hanged up. 
"It's mom. They want me to go to The Geeks at 8 right now." 
"Then go?" 
"How about you? How about the something?" 
"We can do that next time." Yoona chuckled at Jessica's innocent yet sulky question 
"Eish. Such a moment ruiner" 
"It's okay! Let's go now. Don't be late." Yoona said as she stand up 
"You still haven't had dinner." 

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲