The pest hasn't been removed yet. (CH. 8 XLIII)

A secret place.
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Hi there! Greetings my beloved reader :)


As soon as you're reading this note, It means that you've been reading the 100th chapter of this story. I actually didn't know that I'd reach this long. Thanks to YoonSic, and you, for inspiring me. Wow. 100th chapter and counting. Because seriously, CH. 8 and Frixion isn't done yet and I might have some one shots here and there (which is the purpose of this story anyway)


You all don't know how flattered I am. Seriously. *Virtual hug from me to you*


Again, Thanks! and, Happy 100th to the story! Also, Apologies but this isn't proofread yet.


I woke up and didn’t saw Sooyeon beside me and when I looked at the clock, its still morning she must be preparing breakfast and the snacks for the twins.  
Last night, I … I don’t know how could I sleep when my wife is crying beside me. I want to hug her to make her feel that she's not alone or at least, to comfort her when she needed it the most. The saddest part is that I'm the one who's causing her to be in that way. I know that she must've been thinking of that picture again. As far as I know her, she isn't the type of person who has a short term memory for the things that have hurt—cause her pain.  
It breaks me to see her that way. It breaks me that I cant do anything and is actually the one causing her to crumble to pieces just like how Yuri wanted. So I realized, how much more for her? How much … Is the pain she’s dealing with, inside her? Believe me, you wouldn’t want to know. 
Shrugging those thoughts off a little, I went down to the kitchen and saw Soyou with a bowl of cereal and Sooyeon is still cooking some stuffs, probably the snacks. 
"Good morning" I greeted as usual even if I know that she isn't having a good one 
"Good morning" she greeted back before going towards me and aiming for a kiss "Don’t act awkwardly in front of the kids” whispered her before pulling away. I thought that she was going to kiss me or after she whispered but no. She coldly turned away to resume what she was doing while I put on a smile to make it not awkward for Soyou who's busy with her breakfast anyway 
"Umma is having a good morning" remarked Nath with a grin "I saw that mommy kissed you and so here you are, smiling from ear to ear" 
"Of course she is" seconded Soyou. Oh how I wish I am. How I wish I really got kissed. Its been … Almost two months that I hadn't felt her touch nor have a kiss. Even a cuddle would be impossible now with our situation, heol. 
"What would you like for breakfast?" 
"Anything” chorused me and Nath. I actually don’t know if she asked me or did she asked him? 
"Mommy is running late today, would cereals do?" Asked her and I wondered why is she late when its only 8am. Her work starts at 9, and she usually leaves at 8:45 because she send Soyou to school on her way  
"Hmm, okay"  
"Still early mommy" voiced out Soyou. Thank you daughter for stating what's making me curious too 
"I left some unfinished work yesterday so I have to be early and finish them today" Answered her while looking at me cautiously. Only then I realized why is she going to work early- to avoid me. 
"If mommy is busy, then, how can I go to your office?" Asked Nath 
"Umma can pick you up then go home" 
"I don’t wanna. I left my colors in your office and I want to eat gummy bears, a lot" 
"There's gummy bears there?!" Asked Soyou with a shock 
"Yes! A lot" nodded him with his cheeky grin "Mommy buys me the food I want as I wait for her to finish work~" 
"Umma, dont fetch me today" she informed me before turning to Sooyeon “Mommy, can you fetch me? Oppa and I will play” 
"I can buy you the gummy bears. Mommy is busy, okay?" 
"But I don’t want. Mommy is the one who fetches me anyway" countered him and teasing Soyou in the process 
"We will play" I gave another deal just so that I could change her mind but I knew it wouldn't work as Nath kept on teasing her and even sticking his tongue out 
"Alright" Sooyeon answered and giving me a different breakfast from the kids. "Then, I wouldn't prepare snacks and we'll eat at the office" 
"Yay!" Soyou fist pumped in the air and sticking her tongue out to Nath 
"Thanks for the meal" I thanked her, despite being mad at me, she still prepared breakfast for me. Something I should really be thankful of. "I'll bring food in the office later. And I will clean the house since I don't have anything to do" 
"Okay" Agreed her before pulling out a bowl of cereals hidden in the counter before proceeding to sit with us 

After our small breakfast together, Sooyeon left with Soyou. She didn't go to work early like she said she would because the kids have been telling her a lot of stories. I prepared the rice and other stuffs I'll need for my Samgyetang that I have decided to cook later. 
Since I know I won't have anything to do, I'll just clean the house and make some arrangements here and there. I went to our room since that's where my focus is. 
As I move the albums, I saw the first one we had and it reminded me of the times I first saw her – The time I courted her – The time I gave her munchkin – And our first kiss. This photo album basically consist of our first moments together. 
My heart is racing so fast when I was casted back then but had the thoughts of giving it up when I literally do nothing and just training to I don't know if will make sense. But then, this unnie, she gave me the inspiration to held it in and pursue more. She talked about how she was dealing with the hardship and that what we're training for would be worth it soon. 
That unnie, she was separated from her family at a young age just so she could pursue to be a singer. Even if she wants to be with her family so bad, she told me that she thinks that someday all the work will pay off. She kept on telling me inspiring stories and humorous jokes. That was, the time I fell for that unnie. 
I like her, but I couldn't tell her because I'm afraid that she might find it awkward for the both of us. And when I heard that she and Donghae was dating back then, I decided to be just a friend she could count on. 
Would you blame me? That I got happy at the time they broke up because the CEO found out their relationship and threaten them about their careers. Of course they broke up- mutually at that. And yet, he isn't the only one in my way. After we have debuted and settled at dorms, she got closer to Taeyeon unnie. I was really jealous. They were closer than we did; maybe because they have the same vocal teacher. 
But it didn't work out too, She and Taeyeon unnie. I don't know with what reason but I heard her confess before that it was because they got scared of the circumstances ahead that they'll face and how it'll backfire at them. 
After Taeyeon unnie, I didn't let my feeling to go down the drain anymore; I don’t want them set aside every time someone would be more courageous than I am. I gathered up my courage and ask

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲