Sunny's revelation (CH. 8 LVI)

A secret place.
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Penny for your thoughts as I have changed the plot (and the ending!)? Anyways, Enjoy ㅋ





'Wifey/My Yoongie, 
Greetings, my love~! As much as I want to fill this letter with love and cheesy stuffs that you're so fond of, I don't want to beat around the bush too much. So, here it goes. 
We both know how dangerous it is for us to be seen together right? Like before, No, It is more frightening than that. The media and the threat is far way scarier this time, heck, our son's life is at stake here. I don't want to risk it, wifey. 
I am not breaking up with you. I wouldn't choose to. Please take off that frown off your face now. What I'm saying is, between the two of us, you're far stronger than I am. You're my pillar of strength, and you know it. Because, things works better when it's the two of us working in it. 
I am busy, and so you are. It's like a routine already because we only wanted what's the best for the twins, right? However, We always meet like there's a force that pulls us together. We're inseparable, and even ninja-ed to many countries without anyone noticing it. 
And so, that's the purpose of this letter. I just want to tell that, If ever I ignore you or walk past you, that's not because I want to. If I don't return the gesture, that doesn't mean I love you less. I won't do that just because I choose to. But it's because I am asked to. We were so happy during the time you were home so I didn't want to be the one to remove the smile off your face. 
I know, that this isn't any different at all. I just, don't know if I could tell you all of this in person because you always draw me into the pit of your loving gaze from your love to the core. You can say that I'm whipped. Because I don’t see anything wrong with a wife being whipped to her significant other. 
Forever Yours, 
Yoona heaved a sigh after she finished reading the letter for the 3rd time since the time she first saw it in her luggage. Jessica have slipped it into the pocket of her luggage when she was busy taking a shower. 
"Yoong?" There was a knock on the door before someone entered. It was Sunny "It's time to eat" 
"I don't  have the appetite, unnie" Answered her and sitting up while leaning on the headboard to give space for her unnie to sit on 
"I knew you'd say that" She reiterated and tapping the bed as she answers before she looked up to face Yoona with a sad smile "How magical is this room of hers, that whoever gets their turn here, only makes you to miss her presence" 
"I know" She returned the gesture "it's like there's a force that is up your oxygen and making you run out of breath" 
"I wanted to comfort you, but I couldn't agree more" 
"But you're still eating" 
"If not with us, then what are you waiting for? Call her then meet!" Sunny huffed before glaring and standing up to leave "P.S, You're welcome, and I'll take care of your alibi" winked her. 
Yoona felt so happy and alive. She wanted to express her gratitude by giving Sunny a hug, but Sunny already went back to the dining area as fast as a flash. 
"Ba—Wifey …" Jessica smiled upon the arrival of someone on the door, expectant of Nath who is going to be sent home by Ryeowook. But to see Yoona instead, her smile faded – not because she's not happy, but because she's wondering at what Yoona could possibly be doing at home. 
"Are you not happy to see me?" She sulked. She can't think of anything but to be home and be with the kids, and missing her wife more and more, but the feeling isn't mutual? 
"I was expecting Nath, I didn't know the bigger version came instead" Smiled her and giving her wifey a peck "What brings you home?" 
"Dinner. I don't have the appetite to eat there" 
"Aiyoo~ What does my wifey want to eat?" 
"Whatever you can prepare" 
"Are you rushing?" Yoona shook her head so Jessica pulled her to the kitchen 
"Why are you alone? Where's Soyou?" 
"She slept already. We had an early dinner. While Nath is still with appa so I'm waiting for them since appa said that he'd bring Nath home tonight" 
"Why aren't you joining me to eat?" 
"Soyou and I ate already" She pouted "I didn't know that you'd be home for dinner" 
"But you prepared seafood for me" Yoona smiled contently before taking the buttered shrimp in one go 
"Thought you might miss em', and you're not rushing to go back anyway. Was it sumptuous?" 
"Hmm, you make it extra sumptuous" 
"I'd rather not ask as to why is that so" Huffed Jessica and taking a bite of her ice cream bar – the only one left in the fridge. 
"Why do you have that solemn look again?" Jessica asked Yoona who stood by the balcony of their room 
"Solemn?" Yoona asked raising a brow as she turn around to meet Jessica's gaze. She wanted to check on Soyou, so Jessica did the initiative of washing the dishes – saying that it's her vacation leave so she doesn't have much to do 
"Yeah, the look that you have meaning that you're overthinking with your thoughts. Besides, you usually go to the open area when you want to sort it out" 
"What's bothering you? I'm all ears" She added when Yoona bit her lip "You can start wherever, I wouldn't mind" 
Yoona have decided to spill the beans – to tell Jessica what has been bothering her. 
"It's about your letter" Said her 
"The recent one?" Asked Jessica and holding Yoona's hand, urging her to go on 
"What about it?" 
"I'm … hurt" Yoona confessed with the last part almost coming as inaudible but Jessica caught up with her. "I'm scared"  
"Shhh" She hushed Yoona and as if that's the only thing needed, Yoona buried her head on Jessica's shoulder while tears profusely go out of her eyes. "I'm sorry if I sounded mean, but, I just want to tell you, you know?" She encircled a hand on Yoona's waist while the other rubs Yoona's back for comfort and for her to pacify her wife "This misery would end soon" 
"H—Huh?" Yoona pulled away to look directly on Jessica's eyes even though shes still confused as hell
"No one, beside my family, can boss me around. I don't like it" Answered her and wiping off the tears flowing out of Yoona's eyes "He wanted me to cower with fear, wanting me to comply as if he's my boss" Scoffed Jessica 
"D—didn't you say that you don't want to risk it?" 
"Yeah. But I won't sit back and do nothing either way" She cupped Yoona's face this time "So hush now, alright? Don't overthink yourself too much, and do what you have to do" 
"I told you that I don't want you doing all the stuffs by yourself" 
"My dorky friends are helping me, don't worry. I'll show you our plans" Jessica tugged Yoona inside the house and went to the playroom "My friends are just bunch of dorks, but they can be serious and be the smartpants that they are" 
Yoona looked on at the laptop. Everything is barely understandable to her. 
"I don't understand much" 
"Me either" Giggled Jessica. "It's only planned and there are no execution talk unless they come here personally to visit the site" 
"It's dangerous" Yoona held her wrist firmly 
"We'd be really careful. They're worriedsick of their godchild so I can't do a thing about it. And besides, we won't risk Nath, or anyone in this. It's better than doing nothing" Explained Jessica and giving Yoona a comforting hug 
"How can I help?" 
This time, It's Jessica who bit her lip 
"Tell me"  
"You just need to follow what's written in the letter and keep your jealousy in check" 
"How is me accepting that you'd ignore me would be of help?" 
"Because that's one of his condition, or else one of the bomb would blow" Sighed Jessica "That's why we're doing our best to finish this as soon as possible, for us to go back to usual in the soonest possible time" 
"I know that I'm mean to you and hurt you before, but please don't leave. Don't leave me" Pleaded her and hugging Jessica closer, not minding that her tears started to flow again 
"No one's going to leave. We're a family, and we would stick to that. No matter what" Jessica assured her firmly 
"Is this how you've felt when I was drifting away from you before?" 
"Let's not compare. But just like I did before, I would appreciate it if you would hold on tighter and trust me more. Cause there's no way in hell that I'd let you go. Not now, not ever" She pinched Yoona's cheek before giving an assured smile "You should wash up and return back to the dorm" 
"I don't want to go. I want to stay for the night. I want to be with you" 
"But Yoongie …" Yoona gave a pleading look so Jessica relented "I'll give someone a call" 
"Call Sunny unnie. She's the one who let me meet you" 
The ringing of the doorbell cut off whatever Jessica is going to retort back. 
"Give her a call. I'll get Nath" Commanded Jessica and aiming for the door 
But Yoona followed Jessica downstairs and didn't do what she's asked to. 
"Are you two fighting?" Ryeowook raised a brow when Yoona went near him to give a kiss on the cheek 
"No appa. We're not" Answered Yoona 
"Are you sure?" 
"Yes appa" Smiled Jessica and taking Nath from Ryeowook's hold "She's just being

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allayjadhule #1
Chapter 37: I read yoonsic ch again and again 😄
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 156: So cute …
Chapter 156: Yoonsic i miss youuu. Thanks for this one authornim 🥹
915 streak #4
Chapter 156: Awwwww my Yoonsic
926 streak #5
Chapter 42: My parents I missed you so bad 🥺🥺
Comeback to us YoonSic 😭😭
Sad… i miss them :(
Chapter 155: Sh*t this was sad huhuhu missing them together T.T
kungfuboy #8
Chapter 155: So sad.
You make me miss them more
kungfuboy #9
Chapter 154: Thank you for this update.
I miss them
Chapter 154: Aaaaah i miss them 🥲