Chapter 8. Reuniting with Angel

The Lion's Pride

The intercom went off startling the members of 4D who were watching one of their favorite horror movies “Rose Red”. Even Melody liked the movie claiming it wasn’t really a horror.

Pausing the DVD they all looked at one another surprised.

Yhinny hopped up to go see who was at the door and with a delighted squeal let the people up.

“You’re never going to guess who’s here!”

Flinging open the door more than a handful of people spilled into the dorm.

Melody’s hand flew to her hair where it was pulled into a messy ponytail. Her eyes darted around the dorm checking to see if it was messy and noting with dismay that they had never finished washing the dishes from earlier.

Without thinking she shot to her feet planning to greet everyone and then hide the dishes. The moment she did she remembered why they had decided to take it easy tonight, the ache in her leg shot up her body and she gritted her teeth as she forced herself to stand.

With barely a limp she made her way over to everyone with the rest of 4D beside her.

Doojoon smiled, “Noona I brought this rascal to finally meet you since he seems to always disappear when we meet up.”

The tall young man beside him bowed and greeted them all politely.

Melody watched Summer from the corner of her eye and saw the young girl standing frozen as she stared at him.

She was not the only one who noticed the reaction and Dongwoon stared back at Summer equally intrigued.

 When the other girls introduced themselves he was exceedingly polite but his gaze rarely strayed from the small blonde girl who seemed unable to speak.


Melody saw a familiar face peeking behind them and smiled in delight.

“Peniel! Come here and give me a hug.” No sooner had she finished speaking then he bounded over to pick her up and swing her around for a moment.

She laughed delightedly and swatted at his arm while he went to hug the other girls.

“Dongsaengie.” The older man rumbled as he reached for his favorite little sister and gathered Melody in his arms.

“I brought you a present.” Melody looked at Rain in surprise then let out a squeal as Eunkwang tugged someone out from behind him.

“ANGEL!” She cried as she practically tackled her friend.


Doojoon and Dongwoon looked on in shock at the reunion that was equal parts of laughter and tears.

Eunkwang moved up to them grinning. “I’ve never met women who are always so happy to see other people. You will get used to it. I still sometimes get surprised by them.”

Dongwoon looked at him thoughtfully. “You spend a lot of time with them hyung?”

He nodded, “A fair amount. Peniel and I are helping them with learning Korean and they are helping me with my English so we practice together.”


“Noona. What movie is this?” Peniel called from near the TV.

Melody looked up to tell him and burst out laughing when she saw that Trina had paused it when Emery was in the middle of making one of his infamous faces.

Finding out that they all were interested in staying and watching the movie Melody and Angel whipped together a bunch of snacks while the others got comfortable in the other room.

“Angel I’m so glad to see you. I’m sorry I haven’t been over to see your exhibit yet.”

Angel’s green eyes shone with tenderness as she hugged Melody.

“Don’t worry love, I know you have been busy. I hope you don’t mind us coming by. I wanted to see you and Ji-Hoon and I ran into the others on the way.”

Melody peeked over at her friend and smiled.

“How are things with you and him?”

The expression of pure joy on Angel’s face said more than any words ever could.


“He is the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. Melody I can’t thank you enough for introducing us to each other. If someone had told me two years ago that I would meet the man of my dreams and move to South Korea to paint I would have said they were crazy. I feel like all my dreams are coming true.”

Seeing the flash of sorrow cross her friend’s face Angel mentally kicked herself. Reaching over to hug Melody she asked softly if she had seen Leo recently.

Seeing the slight shake of her friend’s head Angel frowned.

Ji-Hoon had explained to her about the dating ban and how things worked in South Korea in that aspect with idols dating.

She understood what he was telling her mentally but her heart rebelled at the idea of people being kept apart to keep fans happy.

Just then Eunkwang came into the kitchen area to see if he could help and as Melody stepped away to show him what he could do Angel watched the two of them together thoughtfully.

She had nothing against the other boy Leo but...Melody and Eunkwang seemed so perfect together and all things considered she was a little confused as to why their company seemed to be okay with the two groups spending so much time together if they didn’t want to risk a dating scandal.

Angel hid a smile as she watched Eunkwang take more then he should to help ease what Melody would need to carry.

Lifting a plateful of cut veggies she followed the pair towards the others her mind racing with ideas… 


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Chapter 20: Jeeeez. Went back from the beggining of this trilogy and then BOOM jeez feels.
starlighthoney #2
Chapter 19: omg too many ships i want to ships. cant wait for more updates~
xD im reading this over the manga that has so many chaps but yeahh <3
Chapter 17: Aahh, why you stopped at so good part x.x I'm soo wanted to read more
mizukki #7
Chapter 17: Oh my goshhhh.
Updates please!!!
Chapter 13: This was just so precious!!!!!!