Chapter 17. Saying Goodbye

The Lion's Pride

Whistling Taekwoon punched in the code to go inside 4D’s apartment. Melody had asked him to come by and he could not wait to see her.

“Noona?” he called out as he opened the door. He was surprised to see Rain sitting on the couch with Angel on one side and Melody on the other.

When Melody stood he embraced her and was surprised at the tension he could feel coming from her as she stepped back.

“What is wrong?” He asked confused.

Melody looked to Rain and he nodded at her.

“Leo…Taekwoon… I can’t see you anymore. I…I gave my word before I came here that I would end our relationship and I need to honor that.” Her words were calm and precise but as he stared at her he saw the brightness in her eyes.

He reached out and took her hand and felt them shaking.

“I…we can’t be together anymore.” Her voice finally cracked on the last word and he saw her lips trembling as she strained to keep them straight.

“Noona, I love you.”

Yanking her hands out of his she shook her head wildly. “No, you don’t. I’m an infatuation for you. Please go Taekwoon.”


He stared at her hard before he turned to walk to the door. Reaching for the handle he heard a choked sob behind him. He stopped and took a deep breath; suddenly he knew why Rain was there. He was Melody’s proof that she had ended things with him.

“No.” he said softly.

“Pardon?” the question came from Angel who had been sitting quietly on the couch.

“I won’t leave.” Another muffled sob reached his ears and he turned around to see Melody with her hand tightly over .

“Noona, I have loved you from the moment you swooned in my arms. The moment you were there and felt so right I knew I would never love another woman. You can tell me I’ll meet someone else and you can tell yourself if you need too that I will but it won’t be true.”

Her body shrunk back in pain at his words and he hated himself for doing this but he knew it had to be done.

“You can send me away and I will go but, I will only leave when you tell me you don’t love me, that you have never loved me, and mean it.”

clenched as she struggled to say the words. “I don’t love you.”

“You’re a liar.” He said confidently.

Angel snorted indignantly on the couch and started to rise but Rain caught her arm and shook his head.

“Go away!” Melody choked out before whirling around and racing to her bedroom.


With a nod towards Rain, Taekwoon walked calmly to her bedroom and opened the door to find her on the bed her body shaking with the force of her sobs.

“Silly noona. I know why you are doing this. I understand it, I do, but I love you too much to give you up.”

“Don’t you know how much this hurts me? I lost you when I lost my memory but still part of me knew I had lost something precious. At least then I didn’t know what was causing the ache in me. Now I have to lose you and know what I am losing. Don’t you see? If it was only me I wouldn’t care and would give it all up for you, but how can I do this to Yhinny? To Summer, or Trina? How can I be selfish and take away their dreams for mine?”

“We can stop seeing each other in person and go back to how it was when you first came Noona. As long as we are careful no one will be the wiser.”

There was a rap on the door and Rain’s voice came through clearly.

“Melody, Angel and I are going out for a bit. We’ll be back in a couple hours. Please make sure Taekwoon is gone when I return.”

Her voice shook as she called out that she understood.

Taekwoon reached over and wiped the tears away before leaning down to kiss her.

“We have two hours together noona, let us make memories that will get us through this long time apart.”

Melody’s eyes widened in shock as Taekwoon stood and took off his jacket.

“Wha…what are you doing?”

Taking off his over shirt he stood before her in just his jeans and a tank top. “I am going to make you understand that I belong to you and you belong to me.”

Tossing his tank to the side he reached over and shut the lights off before slipping out of his jeans.

He heard Melody’s squeak as he slid into bed next to her. “Please noona, always you have made us stop before, this time, let us go to the stars together so that we will always have this memory.”

Taekwoon grasped her hand and brought it to his mouth so he could kiss it.

Leaning down he brushed his lips against her own, making her moan softly when he moved away.

“Tell me to go and I swear I will.”

Her hands cupped his face and her thumb rubbed over his lip. “I can’t. I can’t deny you tonight any more then I could deny my lungs air.”

Hungrily he kissed her, his body aching with need.

“I love you noona.”

“I know, I love you too.” She whispered softly before tugging him down on top of her… 

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Chapter 20: Jeeeez. Went back from the beggining of this trilogy and then BOOM jeez feels.
starlighthoney #2
Chapter 19: omg too many ships i want to ships. cant wait for more updates~
xD im reading this over the manga that has so many chaps but yeahh <3
Chapter 17: Aahh, why you stopped at so good part x.x I'm soo wanted to read more
mizukki #7
Chapter 17: Oh my goshhhh.
Updates please!!!
Chapter 13: This was just so precious!!!!!!