Chapter 9

President Soojin and Student Soeun

—The first school day after the dance—

The three girls were on the rooftop again chilling, “Hey guys, what do you think happened to Soojin unnie after we left the principal’s office?” Soeun worriedly asked. 

“Not sure” Jiyoon responded. “Honestly a number of things could’ve happened. But I don’t think it would be too extreme since Soojin’s uncle is the principal.” 

“HUH?! Soojin’s uncle is the principal?” Soeun and Monday said surprised by what their friend just said. 

“Uh yeah, you guys didn’t know? Soojin unnie tried to make it seem like they're not related but, it’s honestly all over the Internet. She also addressed him as Uncle Lee yesterday when we were with the principal.” 

“Is that why he was more lenient about our punishment after Soojin unnie talked to him?” Soeun asked. 

Jiyoon nodded “I’m pretty sure.”

“Oh! Now everything makes so much sense” Monday said putting all the pieces together. 

At lunch, the trio decided to go to the cafeteria to have lunch rather than on the roof, because they had run out of snacks up there and Soeun forgot to bring some from her house. 

Inside the cafeteria, they saw Jihan and Jaehee at a table and went over to sit with them. “Hey guys” they greeted. 

The freshman looked up and saw them, “Hey Unnies” 

Monday sat down next to Jaehee, “Sorry about leaving you at the dance, the other night” she apologized. “Did you get home safely?”

Jaehee nodded “Yup, don’t worry about me, I went home with Jihan and Zoa. I’m more worried about you guys, what did the principal say?” 

Monday shrugged. “We have detention for 2 weeks, after school starting today.”

“What about Soojin unnie?” Jihan asked. 

The other three shook their heads “We’re not sure what happened to Soojin unnie” they said. 

While they were talking, Soeun looked up and saw Soojin walking into the cafeteria. “Oh look! She’s right over there!” 

Soojin saw the girls at their table and picked up her lunch tray. She headed over to them. “Hey guys! I’m surprised you’re not on the roof” 

“Yeah, we ran out of snacks” Jiyoon responded. 

“Ah, I see” 

“Anyway, we’re all interested in what happened to you, unnie” Soeun said. “What did the principal and your father say?”

Soojin explained that she had told the principal what had actually happened at the dance. She then told her father that the girls (student council members) were all really kind to her and that the cheerleading girls were not the nicest. After that her father fully agreed that the cheerleading squad were bad influences and Soojin were to quit immediately and focus on the student council club and her studies. 

The girls were listening to Soojin’s explanation and Jiyoon then asked “Are you disappointed about leaving the cheerleading squad? I mean, you’re head captain and all...” 

Soojin softly smiled “No of course not, the girls were not very nice to me, and I’m actually quite relieved that I don’t have to deal with them any more.” 

The girls all agreed, “yeah they were such b*tches” Soeun said. 

Soojin glared at Soeun and playfully said “Yah! Watch your language!” 

Soeun shrugged and laughed “Like your gonna do anything to us.” She then pinched Soojin’s cheeks when she was pouting and said “You love us too much” 

Soojin rolled her eyes and got out of Soeun’s grasp. “...ouch” while rubbing her cheeks. 

Soeun smiled back “Payback for the other day” 

The girls continued their lunch and later headed to class. 

-After school- 

The three girls headed to the security and administration office to see Miss Park Chorong for their detention. 


“Oh perfect you guys are right on time” Chorong said. 

Yoon Bomi who was also part of the department was there as well. She saw the three juniors and asked “What, did you guys finally get caught for going to the roof?”

The three laughed, lightening the tension in the air. “No! We got in trouble at the dance when we threw food and water onto a girl” 

Bomi heard what they said and started laughing “Ha Ha! That sounds hilarious! What was the girls face like?” 

Chorong who was watching the interaction quickly punched Bomi and said “Yah! Don’t encourage that kind of behavior!” 

Bomi scared of her unnie mumbled a sorry. 

The trio was actually relieved to hear their punishment from the principal, since they were close to Chorong and Bomi. 

“So what do you have planned for us?” Monday asked.

Chorong looked at them and said “you’re going to pick up trash around the school and clean the campus up” 

The three girls understood and changed out of their clothes into the janitors uniforms, they grabbed the rubbish pickers and a plastic bag and set out to pick up trash. 


Meanwhile, after school, Soojin headed to the gym for cheerleading practice. She had filled out the resignation papers and was heading there to give it to the coach. 

“Coach Namjoo!” Soojin called out. 

“Hello Soojin! How have you been?” Coach Namjoo said. 

“Great! But I’m really sorry, I’ve just been so busy with other things my senior year I haven’t been able to keep up with this club” Soojin explained. 

Coach Namjoo understood “Yeah, no problem. You’ve been very good at giving me a heads up whenever your not coming to practice and are very responsible. What’s the problem?”

“I’m leaving the team” Soojin said. 

Coach Namjoo was disappointed hearing Soojin’s answer. “Are you sure you want to leave? You’ve been such a good captain and cheerleader.”

Soojin nodded her head “I’m really sorry”

“No don’t worry about it. You’ve been such a good kid, you will be missed on the team.” She said and accepted Soojin’s resignation papers. 

Soojin thanked and apologized to her again and walked out of the gym. As she was leaving she heard her coach mutter “Aw man. Now I gotta find a new captain”

Soojin felt sorry but was glad to be out of the team and out of the drama. 


While she was heading to the bus stop she saw the trio in one suits picking up trash around the school. She decided to go pay them a visit. 

“Hey guys! Was this your punishment?” Soojin asked. 

The three looked up “yeah, for 2 weeks” 

Soojin nodded, “I see.” She then proceeded to grab a broom nearby and help sweep some leaves and trash into a dust pan. 

Soeun and the others looked at her confused “What are you doing?” 

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m helping you guys!” 

“Helping us with our punishment?”

“Yeah! It’ll be like a club bonding activity!” Soojin said. Plus she felt bad that the three were being punished, all they did was protect her from the cheerleading girls at the dance.

The other three shrugged and let the older girl do what she wanted. 


It’s been about a few days after the dance and the ‘02 trio kept reporting to their after school detention. It varied from picking up trash around campus, cleaning the storage room, and also gardening. Soojin was not the only one who came to help out, but also Jihan and Jaehee also came to help the three, and occasionally when she was free, Zoa would help out too. 

It was a fun time for the 7 girls as they all felt like they were becoming closer to each other. 

One day, during their after school detention, the girls were tasked to gardening. They put on their overalls, hats and gloves. Some girls were weeding the yards, Monday who could drive, was riding the lawn mower cutting the grass in the field and Soojin and Soeun were planting and watering flowers. 

Soojin dug a hole and placed the flower plant into it. “Hey Soeun, I need some water over here” she called out to Soeun who was watering the tree with the hose.

Soeun who looked over to Soojin, smirked “Sure” she then proceeded to spray the water onto Soojin. “Haha!” She laughed. 

Soojin surprised by the sudden water yelled out “Yah! Park Soeun!” She then started to run away from Soeun. 

Soeun chased the older girl around with the hose, laughing at Soojin’s attempts to prevent getting wet. 

“Jiyoon-ah! Help me!” Soojin cried out to Jiyoon who was watching the scene. She started to laugh at Soojin until, Soojin came and hid behind her. This caused Jiyoon to get sprayed in the face by Soeun. “Hey!” She yelled to Soeun. 

Soeun just continued to laugh hysterically. 

Jiyoon irritated by what happened, playfully threw some dirt at Soeun, while she was laughing. Soeun gagged after ending up with a mouthful of dirt. *cough, cough* “Ew, Jiyoon! Why would you throw that!” 

“That’s what you get for spraying us!” Jiyoon said. 

The girls all started laughing at what happened. 


While this was all happening, the girls hadn’t noticed a person watching from afar. The principal was watching the girls play around in the field from his office. 

He sighed and slightly smiled watching them. “Little Soojinnie, looks so happy with those girls” he said when he saw how bright Soojin’s smile was when playing with the student council club. Maybe those girls aren’t so bad. He thought. I can try use Soojin to help turn them into better students. He turned away from the girls and back to his desk to do his work. 



Don’t worry the principal is good-ish. This was just a light chapter. I hope you enjoy it. 
I was also wondering if you guys prefer longer chapters, like the one before this (chpt. 8) which is around 3,000 words but takes longer to update. OR shorter chapters like this one which is around 1,500 words but updates more often. 
Please let me know in the comments, if not I'll assume that the way the story updates doesn't matter. 
Thank you! *\(^o^)/*

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!