Chapter 17

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Soojin and Soeun continued their friendship the way it was before the confession and the other girls immediately noticed the change in tension. 

“I’m assuming you talked to Soojin unnie?” Jiyoon asked her best friend, when they were relaxing on the roof. 

Soeun grinned and said “Yup! We’re just good friends, close friends”

Jiyoon raised her eyebrows hearing Soeun’s response. “And you’re alright with that?”

Soeun shrugged “I... Yes. I want the best for Soojin unnie, and if her father wants her to be with that other guy, then who am I to argue with that.”

Jiyoon frowned “But what about your feelings for her”

“So what about my feelings. I’ll support Soojin unnie as her friend.” Soeun responded. 

Jiyoon just sighed. “Alright...” 

The school bell rang, and the two headed to their classes. 


At lunch time the girls got a text from Soojin, asking to meet for student council again. 

They all met up for lunch at the student council room and Soeun asked, “So why’re we here again?”

Soojin laughed and said “Because I wanted to let you all know that this Saturday, I won’t be able to go to the annual Student Council New Year’s Clean Up Campus Day.”

Soeun frowned, “How come?”

“Because of personal reasons” Soojin said. 

“What personal reasons?” Soeun pressed on further. 

“Why do you need to know?” Soojin teasingly asked, while crossing her arms. 

“Because we’re your friends” Soeun explained. 

Soojin just shook her head at Soeun’s reasoning and said “Sorry but I really can’t tell you all.”

Soeun pouted, sad that Soojin was hiding things from them. 

“I trust you, Soeun, you’ll be able to be a good Vice President and lead on without me, right?” Soojin said, looking at Soeun confidently. 

Soeun shrugged, still upset. 

“Alright that ends our meeting today!” Soojin wrapped up and clapped her hands. “You all can go to your classes now, No skipping!” 

The girls all left and headed to their classes. 

“Pst” Jiyoon whispered to Soeun, while in Seungwoo’s Physics class. 


“I know why Soojin unnie can’t come to the Clean up day” Jiyoon said. 

“Why?” Soeun asked curiously. 

“She has a meeting with her boyfriend” 

“What?!” Soeun suddenly shouted, after hearing what Jiyoon said. 

Mr. Seungwoo frowned “Do you have a question, Soeun-ssi?” 

“Hehe, uh... no?” Soeun said embarrassed and sat back down into her chair. 

Monday and Jiyoon were silently laughing at their friend. 

“Yah! Cut that out!” Soeun scolded, irritated by her friends. “Explain more about Soojin unnie’s date” she looked at Jiyoon. 

“I don’t know all of it, but I think I saw on her text messages that some guy wants to meet her at the cafe near school, down by the mall on Saturday.” Jiyoon said. 

“Hmmm...” Soeun said, while thinking. 

“What do you think we should do?” Monday asked, looking at her other two friends. 

“I’d say we spy on them!” Soeun said. 

“Good call!” Monday agreed. 

Jiyoon looked nervously at the two, “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea...”

“Why?” Soeun said. “Soojin unnie tried to hide it from us, and she should let all of us meet her boyfriend too! I wanna see what kind of guy he is”

“But what if there was some sort of reason behind why Soojin unnie not telling us about meeting him. Maybe the guy doesn’t want to be bombarded by a whole bunch of girls” Jiyoon said.

“So what?!” Soeun argued. “I’m Soojin unnie’s best friend, I’m going to support her and in order to support her I must see who her boyfriend is first. Plus she promised me that when she meets him she would let us know. But instead she decided to be all secretive about it”

*Sigh* “But what about the clean up day?” Jiyoon asked. “Soojin unnie hoped that you would be the one to lead it as you’re her best friend and Vice President”

“F**k clean up day!” Soeun yelled. “Monday!”

“Yes!” Monday shouted and saluted. (^o^)7

 “You’re going to be the temporary Vice President for the clean up day! I trust you!” Soeun said, putting her hands on Monday’s shoulders. 

“Yes! I’ll do my best!” Monday responded. 

Jiyoon just shook her head at her two idiot best friends. “No, no, no... Monday you’re not going to be Vice President for the clean up day, and Soeun start using your brain!”

The two looked at Jiyoon confused. 

“Since you’re so determined on spying on Soojin’s date, how about we just move the clean up to next weekend. How’s that? As the Vice President, I’m sure you’ll be able to ask the school board to move it a bit.” Jiyoon suggested to Soeun. 

Soeun’s eyes brightened at Jiyoon’s suggestion. “Shin Jiyoon... You’re a genius!” 

Jiyoon cockily laughed and swished her hair. “I know, I know, they don’t call me ‘God Jiyoon’ for nothing” 

“I’ll talk to the school board tomorrow about moving the clean up day.” Soeun said.

Monday and Jiyoon nodded and went back to paying attention to physics. 


“I would like to push the student council clean up day to next weekend!” Soeun asked politely to the school board. 

Principal Lee looked confused and asked “umm... Okay but why?”

“B-because all of the members are busy this weekend.” Soeun made up. 

“....All of the members are busy??” Principal Lee repeated skeptically. “Are you sure?”

Soeun nodded her head. Monday also nodded her head too, while Jiyoon face palmed. Seriously Soeun that’s the best excuse you could think of? 

Principal Lee just shrugged and gave them permission to do the clean up next weekend. “Sure whatever”

Soeun, Monday and Jiyoon all smiled and cheered, once they left the office. 

“Okay guys! Don’t forget Saturday we spy on Soojin unnie.”

Monday nodded “I know Jiyoon said it’s at cafe near school but what time?” 

Soeun’s face slowly blanked out. Sh*t “Uhhh... You know Monday, that’s a really good question... Jiyoon?” She looked over to her smart friend hoping that her wingman knew. 

Jiyoon shook her head “They’re meeting for lunch at 12.” 

Soeun grinned at her friend and punched her excitedly. “Way to go! I knew I could count on you!” 

Jiyoon smiled back and said “What would you do without me.” 

The three laughed and went to the bus stop. 

“See you all on Saturday!” Soeun bid goodbye to her friends. 


Soeun waited outside a nearby clothing store which was across the street from the cafe where Soojin and her boyfriend were supposed to meet. She planned on meeting the other girls at the clothing store as opposed to the cafe since she didn’t want Soojin to know that they were spying on her. 

“Hey dude!” Jiyoon said, smiling. “Looks like you’re ready to spy on some peeps”

Soeun looked at her outfit, which was a simple all black wardrobe and cap. “Well of course. Looks like you’re dressed up too”

Jiyoon was wearing similar black clothes like Soeun but instead a black beanie. 

The two were waiting for Monday to arrive so they can spy on Soojin, when they suddenly saw the whole group walking to them. 

“What the heck?” Soeun asked, when Monday, Jaehee, Jihan and Zoa all arrived wearing black. “Why’d you bring the youngsters?”

“Well, Jaehee wanted to come with me and the other two also wanted to see Soojin unnie’s boyfriend” Monday explained. 

Soeun just shook her head and just decided to deal with having a large group. “Alright let’s go, we’ll just look like a whole bunch of ninjas walking into the cafe”

“Hopefully they don’t think we’re burglars” Jiyoon commented. 

“....yeah I hope not” Soeun mumbled. 

The 6 girls entered the cafe and saw the back of Soojin sitting at one of the tables. They silently went to sit at the table behind Soojin so they could look at the guy sitting across from Soojin. 

“Pst, is that the guy?” Monday whispered. 

“I think so” Jiyoon replied. 

“Ooh let me see I didn’t get a good look at his face” Zoa said. 

Jihan and Zoa moved their heads so they could look at the guy. “Wow! He’s kinda cute” they both said. 

Soeun heard this and perked up a bit “What?” She looked at the guy and saw a good looking guy with slightly dark reddish brown hair. 

The girls were all looking at the guy, that he noticed all the staring. He looked over at the table awkwardly, wondering why they were looking at him so intensely. 

“H-hello!” Soojin greeted. 

The boy looked back to Soojin and decided to ignore those other people. “Hi!” He said and bowed his head slightly. 

Soojin did the same and offered a handshake, “Nice to meet you, I’m Soojin” 

“Ah hello! I’m Hyojin” he said and shook her hand gently. He was a bit awkward as he didn’t really know the girl. His father had suddenly told him to meet up with a girl named Lee Soojin for business purposes. “My father works for Kim Enterprises” 

“Oh! My father is friends with your father.” Soojin said, as she vaguely recalls remembering her father mentioning something about Kim Enterprises. 

“Yes. I’ve heard of the Lee Corporation, your father is very well known in the business world” Hyojin said. “D-do you perhaps know why we have to meet? I know I reached out to you first, but it was only because my father told me too” 

Soojin was surprised that Hyojin didn’t know they were in an arranged relationship. She thought that CEO Kim would tell his son about meeting up with a girl, like how her father did. “A-ah, um... my father told me that he chose you to be my arranged b-boyfriend” Soojin explained. “My father and your father worked it out together for the two of us to date in order to help both of their companies gain more attention. Sort of like a partnership kind of deal."

Hyojin was listening carefully to Soojin’s explanation. “I see.... sounds like something my father would do behind my back” He frowned, upset that his father suddenly forced a relationship on him. He realized that he probably looked a bit scary to Soojin, when he noticed the girl looking at him worriedly. He smiled and laughed, relieving the tension a bit “Haha, don’t worry. It’s just a lot to take in suddenly” 

Soojin nodded understandably. The two talked for quite a while getting to know each other more. 

“Oh so you work at your father’s business right now?” Soojin asked after hearing that Hyojin was 7 years older than her and currently a manager at Kim Enterprises. 

“Yes my father wants me to work for the family business, so later I can become the CEO” Hyojin explained. “What about you?”

“My father also wants me to work for his company but I’m still in school. I’ll be graduating and heading off to college soon” Soojin responded. 

“Oh that’s cool!” Hyojin grinned. “Have you decided on a college?” 

Soojin bit her lip thinking. “Hmm... I’ve been accepted to a lot of them already but haven’t decided yet.” 

“No, that’s fine. If you need any advice you can always ask me!” Hyojin offered. “I went to XXXX University” 

Soojin gasped and covered shocked. “Wow! That’s a really good university! I applied but I’m still waiting for a response. My father really wants me to go there, so I’m hoping they get back to me soon” She said worriedly. 

Hyojin blushed a bit and shyly tried to downplay it. “Nah, it’s not that good. I’m sure you’ll probably get accepted there. You seem to be a really smart and talented girl” 

Soojin smiled sweetly at Hyojin’s compliment and they continued talking. 

Meanwhile the girls were still at the cafe eavesdropping. The two couples lost interest in Soojin and Hyojin and instead just decided to have their own personal dates. Jiyoon was busy drinking a bubble tea and shoving a slice of cake into . Soeun on the other hand payed close attention to the conversations of the other two and got tired of seeing them look so happy with each other. 

She sighed and stood up, deciding that Soojin’s boyfriend was a nice guy and the two looked good with each other. “Come on guys. No need to eavesdrop any further.” 

The other girls looked at Soeun and quickly packed up their things. They left the cafe and on their way back home talked about Soojin and Hyojin. 

“Wow, that Hyojin guy seems really nice” Jaehee said. “No wonder he has Mr. Lee’s approval” 

“Yeah! He’s super cool looking and handsome. Soojin unnie’s got quite the catch right there” Jihan said. 

Zoa nodded. “I heard he’s the son of the famous CEO Kim from Kim Enterprises. No wonder Soojin unnie’s father wanted to get them together” 

While listening to all of her friends talk Soeun just felt herself get more depressed inside. 

Jiyoon noticed this and put her arm around her friends shoulder. “You alright?”

Soeun smiled, trying to put a facade back up so her friends couldn’t tell that she regretted spying on Soojin. “Yeah! I’m fine! Soojin unnie’s boyfriend looks really nice. I-I’m happy for her” 

The group went home. 


The weekend was over and now it was school again. Soojin headed to the student council room for their meeting again. She texted the members to meet after school. 

-After school-

The group was at the student council room when Soojin entered. 

“Hey guys! How did the clean up go?”

“O-oh right! The clean up...” Monday said, looking up at the school roof, to avoid eye contact with Soojin. “We, uh, we actually didn’t do it” 

Soojin frowned. “What?! Why not?” She looked at Soeun for explanations since she was the Vice President. 

“I asked Principal Lee to move it to next weekend. That way we’ll all be able to do it together” Soeun said. 

Soojin sighed, she was frustrated because she thought that Soeun and the others would be able to handle the clean up day by themselves but she also felt a bit happy that the girls wanted to do it with her as well. “Principal Lee said that was okay?”

Soeun nodded. 

“...fine. The clean up day will be on Saturday then” Soojin said. “You all will be there right?” 

The girls all nodded. 

“Okay see you then!” Soojin said and dismissed the meeting. 

The school week went on like usual and it finally hit the weekend. 

—Clean up day—

“Okay! Since it’s the New Year! We should start with a clean school!” Soojin said. “Here are some supplies from Chorong and Bomi sunbae.” 

The girls all grabbed the supplies and started working. They swept the floors, cut the grass, cleaned the windows, wiped the whiteboards, etc. 

While Soeun was scrapping gum off of the floors, she called out to the others. “Hey doesn’t this remind you all of the time, us three idiots (referring to the ‘02 line), got detention” 

Jiyoon smiled remembering back then after the homecoming dance. “Oh yeah! We threw cake on that one b*tchy girl and ended up having to do detention” 

“Yeah I know, I don’t understand why though, I thought what we did was right and then we get punished. What sort of unfair justice system does this school have, Hmfp.” Monday said. 

The girls all laughed and soon the day was over and the clean up was done. They went to return the cleaning supplies to the storage room when they bumped into the principal. 

“Hi girls! How was the clean up?” He asked. 

“Good!” They all said. 

He laughed. “Thanks for all your hard work. Also Here, Soojinnie.” He handed Soojin an envelope. “This was addressed to you” 

Soojin took the envelope a bit confused as to what it was but decided to open it up at home later. “Thanks, Uncle” 

Principal Lee then left and the girls walked to the bus stop to go back home after the long day of cleaning. 

“Hey! Soojin!” A voice called out. 

The girls at the bus stop turned around and saw a nice black sports car drive up to them. A familiar dark reddish brown haired, handsome guy exited out of the drivers seat. Hyojin smiled and said “I’ll take you back home!” 

The girls were surprised to suddenly see the guy. 

Hyojin noticed the girls around Soojin and recognized them from the cafe, as the girls who were staring at him. He pointed at them and said “Oh! You girls are fro-“ his voice slowly died out when he noticed the girls suddenly start glaring at him and mouthing ‘No’ while shaking their heads. He looked at them confused but decided to let it go since they didn’t want him to say it out loud. 

“Sorry, Hyojin-ssi, you were saying something about the girls?” Soojin asked while looking at her friends, who immediately stopped their actions and smiled innocently to Soojin.

“A-ah, no I thought I recognized them from somewhere but I don’t” He nervously covered up. 

“Hmm I don’t think you would know them...” Soojin said. “These are my friends! Soeun, Monday, Jaehee, Zoa, Jihan and Jiyoon. They are part of the student council club" she introduced. 

The girls bowed. 

“H-hello! I’m Kim Hyojin, Soojin’s boyfriend” He introduced himself to the girls. “Soojin-ssi, your father asked me to pick you up today. What’s that?” He asked when he noticed Soojin holding an envelope. 

“Oh... My uncle gave it to me.” Soojin looked at the envelop and saw it was from XXXX university. “Oh my gosh! It’s from XXXX university” 

“What?!” “Really?!” “Unnie, you should open it!” “I know you’ll get accepted” her friends around her said. 

Soojin slowly opened the envelope and looked at it. “Dear Miss Lee Soojin, we are pleased to let you know that you have been accepted to XXXX Univeristy...” Soojin read out loud. 

“Wahh!!!” They all screamed happily. 

Soojin out of her happiness went and hugged the nearest person to her. Hyojin was surprised by the sudden hug but hugged the younger girl back. “See! I told you, you would get accepted.” He said sweetly.

Soeun saw the two hugging and her smile quickly left her face, she felt her heart clench slightly but shook it off. “Guys, our bus is here” she told the other girls. 

Soojin heard Soeun say something and looked at the younger girl. “Monday didn’t drive you guys?” 

“Huh?” Monday said surprised. “No, I only drove Jaehee” 

“Yah! You said you took the bus!” Soeun said angrily. “Give us a ride back!” 

“Ehh! But all of you don’t fit!” Monday argued back. 

Zoa and Jihan saw their unnies arguing and didn’t want a fight to start out and quickly said “We’ll take the bus unnies don’t worry about us” 

All of them heard what the younger two said and looked at them worriedly. “Are you sure? Jiyoon and I can take the bus” Soeun said. 

Zoa and Jihan nodded “Don’t worry. We’re gonna go on a date now since we hardly ever have time by ourselves” they ran after the bus that was stopped. “Bye!!” They yelled. 

The rest stood awkwardly with each other and Soeun broke the ice. “Uh, so well just go now and leave you two with your privacy” 

Soojin felt bad but knew she couldn’t do anything about the situation. “See you guys.” And waved as Monday drove off with Jaehee, Soeun and Jiyoon. 

“Come on, Soojin-ssi. We should head back too” Hyojin said. “Your father is waiting for you” 

Soojin entered the sports car and the two left school as well. 


At her house, Soeun was lying on her bed depressed. Soojin unnie and that Hyojin guy look so good together. They’re both smart, good looking, responsible, talented... She then remembered how happy Soojin looked when she got accepted into XXXX University. She smiled, I’m so happy Soojin unnie got accepted. *sigh* what am I doing with my useless life. Maybe I should start working harder and do something more worthwhile. She fell asleep and decided to worry about that tomorrow. 

While walking to school, Soeun passed by an after school academy. There were flyers showing 50% off your first month! Improve your school work immediately! Soeun decided to take a flyer and talk to her friends about it. 

“What??? An after school academy? Since when did you care about school?” Jiyoon asked curiously, reading the flyer Soeun showed them. 

“I’m thinking about improving my grades and reputation” Soeun said. 

“I thought you already tried to improve your grades?” Jiyoon said. 

“Well yeah but I think this will help. Plus the student council club doesn’t have too much activities right now, and Soojin unnie is busy with Hyojin-ssi and also college preparations. I have a lot of free time on my hands” Soeun said.  

Jiyoon looked at Soeun, trying to figure out if her friend was really committed to going to an after school academy. 

"Please Jiyoon-ah, it'll help keep me busy" Soeun pleaded. "I don't want to go without you guys"

“*sigh* Well... sure! Let’s go sign up tomorrow?” Jiyoon said, giving in to Soeun. She knew that her best friend only ever thinks about Soojin being in a relationship so the academy would help take her mind off of that.

Soeun smiled, thankfully at her friend, when she heard Jiyoon's agreement.

“What are we signing up for?” Monday suddenly asked, butting into the conversation.

Soeun and Jiyoon looked at their friend confused. “Were you like not listening for the past 5 minutes?” 

Monday shook her head. “Nope! I was admiring Jaehee’s beauty” 

Jaehee blushed. “They were talking about an after school academy” She let Monday know. 

“An after school academy? No way! I don’t want to waste my time there” Monday grumbled. 

“But it’s the same one I go to” Jaehee said.

“Really?” The other three said. 

Jaehee nodded, “Jihan and Zoa go to a different one, but that one” she pointed to the flyer “is the one I go to” 

“Cool! I’m down! Let’s go!” Monday said changing her attitude immediately after hearing it was the one Jaehee goes to. 

“Alright let’s sign up after school tomorrow” Soeun decided. 

“I’ll go with you guys” Jaehee said. “Help show you around and stuff”

Monday smiled at her girlfriend. “Aww aren’t you just so sweet” 

The two went back to flirting while Jiyoon and Soeun relaxed on the rooftop. 


Jaehee helped the trio sign up for the after school academy and the three diligently worked hard studying. 

All the student council members were busy doing their own things for the school year, with Soojin working hard on scholarships and college prep along with getting together with Hyojin. Soeun, Jiyoon, and Monday worked hard to improve their grades with the after school academy, and Jaehee, Jihan and Zoa all continued to work on school work. The girls hardly ever got to hang out with everyone and soon it was almost Valentine’s Day. 

Soojin sent out a message to her friends to meet for an emergency student council meeting. 

“Oh my gosh! I’m so stupid. How could I forget” Soojin mumbled to herself. 

Soeun entered the room first and saw a stressed out Soojin, pacing around the table. The other girls weren’t there yet so she went up to Soojin and asked “Hey, what’s up? What’s the matter?”

Soojin looked over and saw Soeun looking at her confused. “Oh hey, Soeun-ah. I forgot to plan something for Valentine’s Day for school. Usually the student council is in charge of school wide events but I’ve just been so busy that I forgot” 

Soeun nodded her head, listening. She knew the older girl had been really busy preparing for college and also the stress from her father and on top of that managing time to meet with Hyojin must have been hectic for her. 


Soojin looked at her phone and groaned. “Ugh now?!” 

Soeun eyed Soojin and the phone. “What happened?”

Soojin ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. “No, it’s nothing. Hyojin said his father wants to meet me tonight but I’m busy with the club right now so I don’t have time to get ready.” 

“It’s alright unnie.” Soeun said. “You can go home and get ready to meet Hyojin’s parents and I’ll take care of the student council Valentine’s Day event.” 

Soojin looked at Soeun surprised. “Really?”

Soeun nodded and grinned. “Yeah! Don’t worry. You can trust me, I’m the Vice President” she reassured Soojin. “It’ll be fine. Besides if something bad happens then I’ll just blame it on Monday, and Jiyoon can fix it” 

“Yeah!” Jiyoon said when she entered the room. 

“Excuse me? ‘Blame it on Monday’? No I don’t think so” Monday complained when she heard what Soeun said. 

“Aish you know I’m just kidding” Soeun said. 

The three looked over to Soojin. “The club is in good hands, alright? You should go and get ready to meet Hyojin’s family” they said. 

Soojin looked at them gratefully, “Thanks guys” she left the room and went back home. 

Jiyoon looked over to Soeun and said “Alright Captain, what’s the plan?”

Soeun purses her lips together thinking about some ideas for Valentine’s Day at school. “Hmmm.... what about flowers?”

“What about flowers?” Monday repeated. “What are you gonna do with flowers?”

“What if we just decorate the school with flowers and hearts and stuff from the storage room” Soeun suggested. “That time when Soojin unnie and I fell down we found those boxes of flowers and hearts and stuff. We can use that” 

Jiyoon nodded. “Sounds good to me. We don’t really have to do anything too special since a lot of students will be bringing their own Valentine’s Day gifts. Let’s wait till the freshman duo and Zoa arrive so we can put up the decor” 

The other two nodded and waited. Once everyone arrived they started to decorate the campus and after a long while the school was decorated. 

“Woo! Nice work guys!” Soeun said and high-fived her friends. 

They all went back home late at night since it took them a while to prepare school for Valentine’s Day. 


On the other hand, while the girls were decorating school, Soojin was having dinner with Hyojin’s family and her family. They decided to meet up with each other the day before Valentine’s Day. 

“Hey, Mr. Lee!” Hyojin’s father greeted, Soojin’s father when they entered Soojin’s house. 

“Hi Mr. Kim! Looks like your getting older!” Soojin’s father joked. 

“What are you talking about? I’m only a few years older than you!” Mr. Kim responded.

They both started laughing. 

“Come in, Come in!” Soojin’s father said. “Ahh, Hyojin-ssi, you look so handsome. How is it working for your father?” 

Hyojin bowed and smiled “It’s nice. The employees are all friendly and hard working” 

Mr. Lee patted the boy on his back, “That’s good. You must be a good leader. I’m hoping Soojinnie over here will be a good one too, once she graduates from college. Did you hear she got accepted into XXXX University?” 

“I did. She’s very smart” Hyojin said. 

“She is!” Mr. Lee exclaimed. “Let’s have dinner now, you must all be hungry!” 

They all sat at the table and started eating. 

“Hyojin and Soojinnie look so good together, don’t you think, Mr. Kim?” Mr. Lee asked. 

“They do. Have you two been getting along well?” Mr. Kim asked the two of them. 

Hyojin and Soojin both tensed and looked at each other and then to the two parents. “Um... yes?” 

Mrs. Lee slapped Mr. Lee. “Hey, you’re scaring them. You too, Mr. Kim.” 

“What? I just want to make sure Hyojin is nice to Soojin” Mr. Kim defended himself. 

“Oh, Hyojin-ssi is very nice.” Soojin reassured Mr. Kim. 

“That’s good.” 

“You know if you two get along well, then later on you can get married!” Mr. Lee suggested. “That would be great for our two companies!” 

Soojin choked on her food and Hyojin almost spit out his water. *cough* *cough* 

“W-what? Marriage?” Soojin coughed out. 

Hyojin gulped down his water and said “I don’t think we’re ready for that” 

“What are you talking about? Hyojin, you’re getting older, I want you to have a stable relationship and focus more in life” Mr. Kim said. “You always go off and sing with your friends, when you could be doing more important things.” 

Hyojin glared at his father, “What I do in my free time doesn’t concern you. I’m already working as a manager for your company. Don’t push it” 

Soojin and her father looked back and forth at the other two and Mr. Lee awkwardly laughed to try to relieve the tension. “Hahaha it’s fine. I guess it’s still a bit early but if you two continue dating, it’s definitely plausible once Soojin graduates from college.” Mr. Lee said. 

Soojin just frowned and didn’t want to talk anymore. She didn’t like how her father just freely talked about marriage with Hyojin. *Sigh* I wish I could be with the Student council club. But I can’t oppose my father

“Soojinnie.... Soojin.... Hey!” Soojin broke out of her thoughts and looked around the table. “Sorry yes?” 

“Mr. Kim was asking about how school is?” Mr. Lee said. 

“Oh...” Soojin started explaining how school is, the club and also college preparation. 

The dinner soon ended and Hyojin and his father left. 

“Soojin, I heard from my brother that PlayM High rankings have increased a bit since that Soeun girl and her friends are improving their grades!” 

Soojin smiled a bit hearing the good news from her father, “Yes, Soeun, Monday and Jiyoon all joined an after school academy to help improve their studies.” 

“Great! Your influence on them must have rubbed off a bit, huh?” Her father said and went back to cleaning the dishes. “I know it’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow, so you should have something prepared for Hyojin right? We had this dinner tonight but you should get him chocolates and stuff. I’m sure he’ll have something spectacular for you!” 

Soojin nodded “Yes, father. I’ll get him something” and headed to her room. 


Valentine’s Day is here and love is in the air at the school campus. The school was decorated quite nicely by the student council and when Soojin arrived she was surprised at how much work her friends put in, considering it was so last minute. 

The student council club, along with Principal Lee was standing out in front of the school passing out roses to other students. 

Soojin came by smiling to the girls “Oh my gosh, you guys did a great job! The school looks wonderful!” 

They laughed and said “Yeah, we spent a lot of time yesterday working on it.”

Principal Lee looked at them proudly. “You know all of you guys, especially you three” he pointed to Soeun, Monday and Jiyoon. “are shaping out to be great students. Thank you for leading them well, Soojinnie!” And handed Soojin a rose. 

Soojin accepted it and smiled. “They were always great students to begin with” 

Principal Lee looked a bit unconvinced and rolled his eyes teasingly. “....I don’t know about that.”

All of them started laughing. 

“Alright enjoy your Valentine’s Day! I have to report to my office now” and Principal Lee left. 

They all said goodbye to the Principal. Soojin looked over to Soeun, her eyes gleaming with happiness “I knew I could trust you! Everything looks great!” 

Soeun smiled softly “I’ve told you before, you can always count on us. How was dinner with Hyojin?” 

Soojin smile slowly faded. She always found it awkward to talk to Soeun about Hyojin. “I-it was alright...”

“That’s good” Soeun didn’t push further. “...Um we better get to class” Soeun said looking at her two best friends. 

“Wait!” The girls all looked at Soojin. “Here, some chocolates for Valentine’s” she handed one out to all of her friends. “Also here’s an extra, Jihan. It’s for Zoa” 

Jihan thanked Soojin, “Wow! Zoa will be so happy!” 

They all left and went their separate ways. 


At the end of school, Soeun, Monday and Jiyoon were waiting at the bus stop with Jaehee and Jihan. Soojin was waiting by the pick up area for her father. 

While Soojin was waiting, suddenly a familiar black sports car drove up. Hyojin exited the car dressed in his nice business attire, holding a bouquet of red and pink roses and a box of chocolates. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Soojin” he said, giving her a bright smile. 

Soojin was surprised with the sudden appearance of Hyojin. “Wha-? Hyojin-ssi?” 

Hyojin smiled sweetly and wrapped an arm around Soojin. 

This caused a lot of attention since Soojin was so popular at PlayM High. 

“Soojin has a boyfriend?” 

“Omo he’s cute!” 

“No way! He’s the son of the CEO of Kim Enterprises” 

“He’s the famous Kim Hyojin” 

All the students started mumbling and rumoring about Hyojin and Soojin. 

“What are you doing here?” Soojin whispered to Hyojin. 

“My father forced me to come make our relationship public. Sorry for not telling you” he apologized. “Listen up! Soojin over here is my girlfriend. So all you guys out there don’t make any moves on her or you’ll regret it” he announced. 

Soojin was extremely embarrassed but knew that if Hyojin was forced to do this, her father must have also been part of the decision. In order to make it look more official, Soojin gave a shy smile, and kissed Hyojin on the cheek quickly. 

The students all cheered and roared, seeing the new couple. Soojin and Hyojin went into his car and escaped the hoard of students. 

Soeun and the others watched the scene from a far and were surprised by the sudden kiss but not that surprised. 

They all looked at Soeun worriedly, especially Jiyoon. 

Soeun saw all of her friends stares and laughed it off “Guys, I’m fine. Soojin unnie looks really happy with Hyojin-ssi, as you can see he treats her very nicely” 

They still looked at her worriedly so Soeun made more of an effort to show them she was fine. “Don’t worry about me. Now let’s try some of this chocolate” she said opening the box that Soojin gave them. She threw one in and said “Mmm! This is good, you should try it!” And offered it to her friends who all calmed down and ate some chocolate. 

Their bus arrived and they all went on the bus to go back home. While on the bus, Soeun listened to some music while chewing on the chocolate. *sigh* Since when did chocolate taste this bitter. She thought and looked at the passing cars out of the window. 



Hahaha the mystery guy is Kim Hyojin from ONF. I honestly had no clue who to pair Soojin with and then I remembered about Mixnine and these two were the original just dance centers. 
Also the name of the college is XXXX, I was lazy to try and think of a name so that's what it's called. It's not like a mystery or anything.

Thanks for reading and for all the support! :)

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!