Chapter 8

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Sorry for not updating the past few days. Here's a longer chapter to make up for it. :)


"Yah! Park Soeun!” Soeun was awaken by Monday’s yelling, bright and early on a Saturday. 

“What?” Soeun rolled out of her bed and stretched. She then yawned and opened her bedroom window to find her best friends, Monday and Jiyoon in her yard. “Hey! Don’t you guys know it’s Saturday!” Soeun yelled back at her friends. 

Jiyoon then yelled “We have to head to school today for the club! Didn’t you see Soojin unnie’s message?!

Soeun confused at what her friend said, checked her phone on her nightstand and saw a chain of messages in their group chat. She quickly skimmed the messages and read that Soojin wanted to meet today in preparation for the Homecoming dance that usually takes place the night after the game. 

Soeun groaned realizing she had put her phone on silent last night and just wanted to get to sleep, after the busy game. 

Soeun poked her head out of her window again and told her friends that she’ll get ready to leave soon. 


All the girls were meeting in the student council room and like always the three juniors were confused as to why they were meeting. 

“So why did we have to meet on a Saturday right after the game?” Jiyoon asked. 

“Yeah! I’m tired!” Monday complained. She then proceeded to cuddle with Jaehee on the couch in the room. Jaehee smiled at Monday’s grumbling and said “it’s because we have to prepare for the homecoming dance.”

“What? There’s a dance after the game?” Soeun asked. 

Soojin sighed and thought, What did I expect from the three of them. “Guys, could you act a little bit more interested in school activities? Also, remember I wrote that we have to meet today for the dance in the group chat" she said while holding up her phone as proof.  

Soeun then grumbled “Well I didn’t think being in this club would be so busy, it involves so much volunteer work. Our school must think we are free labor or something.” 

“Well, too bad. Since you guys signed up for the club you’re stuck with having to help us.-“ Soojin responded. 

“Technically you forced us to be in the club” Soeun muttered while Soojin was talking. 

Soojin rolled her eyes at Soeun’s grumpiness. “Stop complaining.” She then grabbed Soeun’s cheeks and pinched them while saying “I know you love being in this club”

Soeun waved away Soojin’s hands off her cheeks and pouted afterwards. “Ouch.” She mumbled while holding her cheeks. 

“Anyway,” Soojin continued. “Like Jaehee mentioned we have to prepare for the homecoming dance. Since it’s not a formal dance it will be held in the gym and we have to put up just some decorations and grab the tables out from the storage rooms. We’ll first start with the simple decorations in the gym and then start doing the heavy moving afterwards. Sound like a plan?”

All the girls then agreed. 


At the gym, Soojin and Soeun were filling up balloons, Zoa and Monday were putting up streamers since they were the tallest, and Jiyoon, Jaehee and Jihan were trying to put together the electronics (speakers, lights, and music sound systems). 

“Hey guys! Since Soeun and I have filled up enough balloons we’re gonna head to the supply room to find any more decorations okay?” Soojin asked the other girls. 

The other 5 girls gave the okay, and Soojin and Soeun headed to the supply room. Once they arrived at the room they turned the lights on and searched through all the boxes. There was lots of old decorations but a lot of them were old, brittle, dusty, and cheap. 

“Hey, what about that stuff up there?” Soojin said. She had found a box that didn’t look that old and thought there might be newer things in there. 

Soeun who was on the far side of the room looked over and said “Okay, let me get the ladder so we can reach it” 

Soeun brought the ladder to Soojin and Soojin climbed up. Soojin tried to reach the box on the second highest step of the ladder but still couldn’t reach it. She stretched and stretched but decided that she had to go a little bit higher on the ladder, “Soeun-ah, I can’t quite reach it so I’m going to go one step higher” she let Soeun who was holding the ladder know. 

“W-wait, unnie. That’s a bit too high, you shouldn’t go up that far on the ladder, here come down and I’ll go up. I’m taller then you” Soeun warned. 

“I’ll be fine, I’m used to heights and balancing since I’m part of the cheerleading squad.” Soojin said and walked up one step. However, what Soojin didn’t realize was that the ladder- like a lot of the other supplies in the room- was old. 

Soojin grabbed the box, but that caused her weight to shift on the ladder, the step that she was on had a loose screw which caused that step to become uneven. This caused Soojin to fall from the ladder. “Woah!” The box that she was holding went flying along with whatever was inside. 

Soeun who saw Soojin lose her balance, tried to catch the older girl to prevent her from any injuries. “Unnie!” 


Soeun looked around her to figure out what had happened and realized that she was on the floor with Soojin on top of her. Apparently when she had tried to catch Soojin, all she did was just help her break her fall and Soojin landed on top of Soeun. 

While all of this was happening, there was paper flowers and hearts falling around them. (The box that Soojin was holding, had fake flowers and decorations.) 

“H-hey unnie, are you alright?” Soeun asked. 

Soojin opened her eyes after she fell realizing that she didn’t fall as badly as she had expected. “S-Soeun? What happened?” She looked at Soeun and their eyes met while they were in that awkward position. 

Soeun who was staring at Soojin, answered “Well, you fell from the ladder and I tried to catch you”. Obviously it didn’t work. But at least unnie doesn’t look hurt. Soeun thought. 

“Oh I see” she responded while they were still looking in each other’s eyes. 

“U-um, do you mind getting off of me, my back kind of hurts” Soeun told Soojin, breaking their eye contact. 

Soojin blushed and her eyes widened when she realized that she had been on top of Soeun the entire time. “S-sorry about that!” 

They two got up from the floor and looked around. Right after they had gotten up, the supply room door opened, the 5 other girls had finished with their decorations and came to check on the other two. 

“What happened in here?” Monday asked. 

The room was covered in the paper hearts and fake flowers decor that fell out of the box. The ladder had been kicked over in the process and Soeun and Soojin looked as if they had been hit by a bus due to the messed up hair, and dust and dirt on their faces from the floor. 

“Yeah, you guys look like a mess. What were you doing?” Jiyoon commented. 

“Uh, I was helping Soojin unnie, with the decorations and we um... accidentally dropped them?” Soeun said. 

The rest of the girls looked at them with doubtful looks but shrugged it off, “okay then, we should clean this up and head to the storage room for the tables. No need for any more decorations” Jihan said. 

The girls swept the floor and cleared the boxes. They then carried the tables to the gym along with having to take multiple trips back and forth from the supply room for all the chairs. 

After the gym had been set up, the girls were out of breath and exhausted. They were heading to the bus stop to head back home. “Phew, I’m tired” Zoa said. “Yeah, me too” Jihan agreed. 

Soojin then said “yeah, we should rest up before the dance. You guys are coming tonight, right?” 

“Do we have to?” Soeun asked. “Because if not then I’m just going to relax at home, since parties and large events aren’t my thing”

Soojin frowned at Soeun’s response disappointed that the girl wasn’t going, “Well it’s not required, but I was hoping that you all would go” 

Jiyoon then saw Soojin’s reaction to Soeun’s answer and said “Come on Soeun, we’ve never been to one before it might be fun. Kind of like all the other events we’ve had to do before for this club” 

Monday agreed. “Yeah! Like the sports day and the homecoming game! All of those events have been pretty fun! Let’s go!” 

Soeun saw her best friends reactions and was still hesitant “B-but-“

Soojin then grabbed Soeun’s hands “Please Soeun-ah,” she looked at Soeun with pleading puppy eyes. 

Soeun then gave up, caving in to the older girl. “...fine”

Soojin smiled brightly at Soeun, “Great!” She let go of Soeun’s hands and went to the gym door. “Don’t forget to wear semi-formal clothes!” She then ran off when her bus arrived. The girls all waved goodbye and headed their desperate ways. 

—Homecoming dance—

After the girls arrived at their houses they decided to prepare for the dance. Soeun was looking through her closet for any semi-formal clothes that she could wear. “No not that,” she threw out a shirt, “definitely not that one” and threw out an old dress from when she was younger. “Hmm What about this?” She looked at one nice shirt, “nah!” And tossed it to the side. 

Frick. What am I going to wear to the dance? I know I told Soojin unnie I’ll be going but I can’t show up wearing a sweat shirt and jeans. I’ll ask my brother if he has any nice clothes. Soeun thought. 

“Hey! Bro!” Soeun called out to her brother while walking to his room. “Do you have any nice clothes I can wear to the homecoming dance?”

Soeun’s brother opened his bedroom door and said “What? Since when did you go to stupid things like that” 

Soeun rolled her eyes, “My friends want to go and they’re dragging me along, so do you have any nice clothes or what?”

He allowed Soeun to enter, “Here have a look yourself, if you find anything you like feel free to take it” 

Soeun looked through her brother’s closet and picked out a nice black long-sleeved dress shirt. “Bro I’m borrowing this okay?” And walked to her room to change. 

Soeun dressed into the black dress shirt and black pants and waited for Monday to pick her up. 

Since they didn’t want to ride the bus with their nice clothes, Monday offered to drive them since she was the only one with a license. 

Monday arrived with Jaehee and Jiyoon in the car. 

“Hey dude! You look nice” Monday complimented Soeun. “I didn’t think you had any nice dress clothes” 

“They’re my brother’s” Soeun explained. 

Jiyoon teased “aww, who are you trying to impress?”

Soeun rolled her eyes at Jiyoon’s question, “no one” 

Jiyoon whispered to Soeun “You sure about that? You’re not trying to impress Soojin unnie are you?” 

Soeun blushed “N-no of course not, I just wanted to look nice okay!” 

“Hey guys, hop in! The dance is gonna start soon!” Monday yelled. 

The girls got into the car and headed to the dance.


Once they arrived at the school gym, Jaehee went to use the bathroom and the girls were waiting outside. 

“Hey, so why’s Jaehee with you, Monday? I thought you were just driving me and Jiyoon” Soeun asked. 

“Well that’s because Jaehee is my date to the dance” Monday responded. 

Jiyoon was surprised, (but not that much) by Monday’s response. “Oh wow, Monday! This is the farthest you’ve ever gotten in a relationship. Usually you give up on your crushes but this one is going well!”

Soeun also commented, “yeah! Sooner or later you’re gonna be dating” she nudged Monday with her elbow  

Monday smiled and laughed along with their comments “Haha, Yeah, but I don’t want to rush it too fast.”

Jaehee came out of the bathroom, “Hey guys, ready to go in?”

“Yup!” The three responded and headed into the gym. 

The gym was crowded and packed with students from various grades. Unlike prom which is usually only for juniors or seniors the homecoming dance is a school wide event for all students. 

The four girls found a table and sat down. A little while later they saw Jihan and Zoa at the snack bar. “Oh hey!” They called out to them. 

The Zoahan duo turned around and saw the other girls, “Hello!” They greeted. The six of them decided to hang out at the dance together and have some food. 

After a while, Jaehee and Monday decided to go dance, Jiyoon and the maknaes went to the desert table to have some deserts and Soeun was left alone at their table. 

What should I do? All my friends left me and I don’t like crowded places. Maybe I should go get something to drink. Soeun thought. She got up and walked to the drinks table and got some water, while she was heading back, she noticed Soojin surrounded by a crowd of people. Wow! Soojin unnie must know a lot of people. She looks really pretty in that dress though... While she was watching Soojin from a far, she noticed another group of girls approach her. Soeun didn’t recognize the girls but noticed Soojin’s express change a bit and become slightly tense but she quickly covered it up. 

“Hey Soojin! I heard you couldn’t make it to cheerleading practice, again!” One girl said. 

Soojin awkwardly laughed “uh yeah, I had to help the student council club put this dance together” 

“Oh really! So you spent this entire morning making this crappy dance?” Another girl said.

“I know, look at these tacky decorations and the food tastes horrible” 

“I can’t believe you actually spent time working on this” the girls said. 

Soojin tried to be polite to the girls and respond nicely to all their comments. “Well, the school didn’t really give us a lot of budget so we had to make use of whatever was given to us.”

“Yeah right!” One of the girls said. “What? Your uncle didn’t want to give you any more money?” 

Soojin frowned at the girl’s response, irritated by what she said. Soojin’s uncle was the principal and not many students knew that, since she tried to keep it a secret. It’s not like her uncle used his position to help Soojin, in fact she wasn’t that close to him. But her father wanted her to go to this school because of the family connection. She was about to respond until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Surprised she turned around and saw Soeun. 

Soeun smiled at Soojin and said “Hey, Soojin unnie. How are you? Who are these girls?” Soeun gestured to the girls in front of her. 

“Oh, um... they are part of the cheerleading squad” Soojin said to Soeun, calming down slightly with her presence.  

Soeun immediately tensed when hearing that the girls were from the cheerleading squad. These girls must be the ones who were talking about Soojin unnie the last time at the game. They must be bothering her again. “Oh I see.” 

The other girls looked at Soeun and asked “Who the frick are you? And why are you butting into our conversation?” 

Soeun raised her eyebrow at the girls question and attitude. “I was just talking to Soojin unnie since she’s the student council president and I’m the vice president” 

“Oh so you’re the vice president” the girls said. 


“Well, do your fricking job better. Why do you always have to have Soojin go to every club meeting and initiate it all the time?! She’s supposed to be practicing with us!” Another girl said. 

“Yeah! What, the vice prez. can’t do anything by herself, huh? What a loser.” 

Soeun clenched her teeth hearing the girls talk. They kept talking and talking until Soeun decided to splash her drink of water onto the girl in front. 


“Whoops! Sorry I didn’t see you there” Soeun said with a straight face. 

The girl drenched started screaming “OH MY GOD! You IDIOT! Do you know how much this dress costs?!!”

Soeun looked at her innocently, “um I don’t know, $25? It honestly looks like something from Walmart” 

The girl looked at her in anger, shouting various swear words and mean comments. 

The girl was so loud that she started creating a huge scene in front of everyone at the dance. Jiyoon, and Monday looked over and saw Soeun being yelled at by the screaming girl. They immediately ran over thinking their friend must have done something. 

“Who do you think you are! My father's going to hear about this!”

Jiyoon and Monday arrived at the scene “Woah! Woah! What happened?” “Yeah! calm down” they tried to diffuse the whole situation. 

The girl calmed down slightly when she noticed a crowd forming around them and said “this idiot over here-" she then points to Soeun "-decided to splash her drink all over me!” 

Monday and Jiyoon looked at each other and then behind to Soeun who then just shrugged. “Meh, she was being a b*tch” Soeun blankly stated. 

They sighed. “Well, we know our friend wouldn’t do something unless there was a reason to, what did you say to her?” 

The cheerleading girl merely repeated what she said before. “Well, what I was telling these idiots about was how retarded the student council club is and how fricking horrible this dance looks, and... and...“ 

While listening to what the girl said, Monday and Jiyoon looked at each other and nodded. They mentally sent each other the message, This girl’s an a**hole. 

The girl continued “...and then she proceeded to spill her drink on my $2,000 designer Gucci dress. That’s what happened, now do you see why I’m mad!”

Soeun then butted in “It’s just water, it’ll dry, and why the hell would you wear a $2,000 dress to the homecoming dance? Save that sh*t for prom"

Monday and Jiyoon, nodded keeping a poker face, understanding the whole situation. Monday then looked at Jiyoon and silently passed a message, Jiyoon held up an ok symbol with her fingers. The taller girl then quickly grabbed the cheerleader and Jiyoon (who had held her plate from the desert table) picked the cake up and smashed it into the girl’s face. The two started laughing along with Soeun, “Hah! That’s what you get, for messing with the student council club!" the three said. 

Soojin who was watching the scene also let out a giggle, seeing the cheerleading girl's face covered in cake. Soon the whole gym was laughing at the cheerleading squad and the girls left embarrassed and irritated. 

“Yeah! Get outta here!” Jiyoon yelled. “No b*tches are invited!” 

They high-fived each other pleased at the outcome. 

Once everything died down, they saw the principal walk in, and say “Park Soeun! Shin Jiyoon! And Kim Jimin! Get over here now!”

The three looked at each other nervously and headed to the principal. When they arrived near him, they saw the cheerleading girls and the girl who was in front with a wet dress and cake face smile smugly. 


At the principals office the three girls had their heads down. 

“What do you think you’re doing at a school dance?! Throwing cake! Dumping water on a girl?” The principal lectured. “I know you three joined the student council, but you three do not have the best record. Hanging out on the roof, skipping class, sleeping in class. What do you have to say for yourselves?”

The three looked at each other and said “we’re sorry” 

The principal sighed. “What am I going to do with you three..." he muttered. 

A few moments later the door opened and Soojin entered. “Uncle Lee, it’s not their fault. The girl was saying bad things to them.” She explained. “Please believe me, they’re not bad kids”

“Soojin, whether or not they are bad kids is something that I decide, now just wait outside. We will discuss your association with these students, with your father later.” 

Soojin looked at her friends and felt terrible that she couldn’t do anything. “B-but” 


Soojin exited the room. The principal sighed again, “Alright, since Soojin decided to protect you guys and say you’re not bad kids... I will believe her for now. You will have detention for the next 2 weeks. Report to Park Chorong, who is head of the detention responsibilities on Monday after class, understood?”

The three nodded their heads. 

“Alright dismissed.” 

By the time, the three were leaving the room, they saw Soojin in the hallway with her father. The principal called them in and the two entered the room. Soeun, Monday and Jiyoon decided that it was best to just head home and ask Soojin about what happened later. 



This is the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoy the story so far. I was thinking that this story will follow the life of the girls during the school year. Not sure what else I have planned but hopefully it will be interesting. Thank you for reading!

Also I had to censor the swear words, lol. I didn't realize that. Sorry. (。-_-。)

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!