Chapter 18

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Sorry for taking so long to update. I was having so much fun with Weeekly's comeback I didn't really get a chance to sit down and write. 
Soeun, Jiyoon and Monday were studying hard since it was their junior year and they were preparing for the college entrance exams. Taking those after school academy classes has greatly helped out the three improve their grades. 

Throughout the second semester, the girls hardly met with each other. Soon it was almost the end of the year, and Soojin called the student council back together to prepare for the end of the year events. 

“Alright guys,” Soojin started, “School is almost over and we have a lot of events to plan for. I know you all have been extremely busy with school and exams but let’s just make this final push!” 

“Aren’t you stressed out too?” Soeun asked, the older girl must have been really busy as well since she has to finish all her senior classes before graduation. 

“A bit” Soojin admitted. 

“First on the list is prom. What should we do?” Jaehee said. 

“It’s just been so busy can’t we have a combined prom?” Monday asked. “Just combine senior and junior prom. The students don’t really care”

Soojin agreed “That would be easiest for us to manage as well. Only one day to be busy, and also most of us are juniors and seniors.” 

Soeun nodded. “Sounds good to me! Where should we go though? If it’s going to be combined we need a place that is large enough to accommodate all those students” 

“Not sure. I’ll have to look into our funds and also available places” Jihan said. “Hopefully if we price the tickets correctly it should be able to work out fine. Usually parties with lots of people are more expensive because of the need for more food and space but sometimes it can be a better deal since the location might be more open to larger parties.” 

Jaehee and Jihan said that they would focus on planning out prom since the unnie line was busy with school. Plus the other two were secretary and treasury so they wanted to take on the costing as well. 

“The next issue we have on hand, which is a little bit further than prom but still important is graduation” Soojin said. 

“I’ll help plan it” Soeun volunteered immediately. “It’s weird for you to plan your own graduation, Soojin unnie. Just think of it as a final test for me as Vice President. I’ll plan out a great graduation for you and the senior class” 

Soojin looked surprised and thankful for Soeun stepping up. “Really?”

Soeun smiled and nodded. 

“Thank you so much, Soeun-ah. I know it’ll be in good hands” 

“Once Jiyoon, Monday, and I, finish preparing for the college entrance exams we’ll work together on the graduation plans. The other two can work on the prom. You can just relax for a while and prepare for college and also spend time with Hyojin” Soeun said. 

“Okay, I don’t want to waste any of your guys time any more so since we have everything  planned out, let’s just call it a day!” Soojin concluded. “If you need any help though, I’m always willing to help.” 

The others just nodded saying that they’ll be fine. 


The rest of the year went on with the girls still staying busy. It was getting closer and closer to the end of school and all the students were feeling a lot happier ready for it to end. 

Prom season was soon and the students began doing extravagant promposals. Soeun as Vice President has been helping out Jaehee and Jihan with planning out the prom whether it was the food, decoration, theme and favors. 


One day, Soojin arrived a bit later to school and whenever she did that, she would always look to the rooftop to see the three juniors waving at her, teasing her for being later than usual. She looked up at the roof top but was surprised to only see Monday and Jiyoon smiling at her. Where’s Soeun? She thought. She’s probably just sleeping on the roof and didn’t notice I came late. She assumed. 

However as the day went by, the girls didn’t really meet up that often but today, they decided to eat lunch together. Soojin was sitting with Jaehee and Jihan when Monday and Jiyoon arrived with their school lunch tray. 

“Hey guys!” They greeted. 

Soojin looked at them, her eyes scanning over the two and looking behind them. 

Jiyoon noticed Soojin’s actions and said “Soeun’s not here today.” 

“She’s absent?” Soojin asked surprised. 

Jiyoon nodded. 

Monday added on “She’s been absent for the past three days. I thought you knew” 

Soojin shook her head. “Is she alright?” 

Monday and Jiyoon both shrugged. 

“You can check up on her later, if you like.” Jiyoon said. “I’ll send you her address. Me and Monday were thinking about going to visit her but she’s got a date with Jaehee-“ 

“I do?” Monday said confused. To which Jiyoon elbowed her. “Yeah, Nevermind I guess I do” 

“...and I have to help my father with the art store”. Jiyoon continued. “Soeun will be happy to see you.” 

Soojin thought about it for a while and smiled. “Yeah I’ll drop by later and see how Soeun is. Thanks Jiyoon-ah” 

Jiyoon nodded. “Don’t worry about it.” 


Soojin was nervously walking to Soeun’s house after school. Why am I so nervous? Soeun’s my friend, I’m just checking up on her. This is the first time I’m going to her house, and we’ve been friends for almost a year now. She was lost in her thoughts and ended up staring at Soeun’s front door. Well... here goes nothing. 

*knock* *knock* 

Soeun groaned hearing the sound of her front door. She wanted to just lay in her bed, and make her brother answer but her brother is at work now. She was confused as to who would knock on her door, since if it was Monday or Jiyoon they would just barge in. 

Soeun got up from her bed and forced herself to walk to the door. She opened it and squinted at the bright afternoon light. “Hello?” She asked, her voice all hoarse from her sore throat. 

“Soeun? Oh my gosh, you look terrible.” Soojin said when she saw Soeun open the door. Soeun was dressed in a wrinkled grey sweatshirt and pants, her face looked congested. 

Soeun chuckled a bit, but then started to cough. *cough* *cough* “Nice to see you too, Soojin unnie. What are you doing here?” 

“You were absent from school for three days, so I came to check up on you.” Soojin said. 

Soeun shrugged. “Yeah, I got a bit sick, but don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Soojin shook her head “A bit sick? You don’t look very fine to me.” She leaned in close to Soeun and touched her hand to the younger’s forehead. “You’re hot!” 

Soeun eye smiled, and smirked. “I know I am.” 

Soojin rolled her eyes, and playfully slapped Soeun, “I didn’t mean it like that!”

Soeun laughed. “Well what I said was true for both ways. I’m both temperature hot and the other hot” 

Soojin laughed along with Soeun.

Soeun opened her front door wider and invited Soojin in. “Sorry it’s a bit messy”

“It’s fine”

“You really didn’t have to come check on me, unnie. After a few pills I should be alright. I was gonna go back to school tomorrow.” Soeun said, while plopping down on to the couch. 

“Shush, you don’t look well enough to go back to school.” Soojin argued back. “Plus you must not be in your right mind, tomorrow’s the weekend. Have you eaten anything yet?”

Soeun shook her head. “Eating makes me feel sick, I’ve just been sleeping and taking medicine” 

“You’re taking medicine on an empty stomach?” Soojin was shocked. “No! Don’t do that! Here let me make you something.” 

Soeun stood up and shook her head “What? No!” She didn’t want to bother Soojin more as she knew that the older girl was already really busy. But when she stood up that quickly it caused her head to spin and she soon fell down. 

Soojin turned around from the kitchen and ran to Soeun. “Are you alright?” 

Soeun nodded slowly. 

“This is why you should eat something. Go rest for a bit.” She helped Soeun walk to her room. 

“You don’t need to make anything special” Soeun told Soojin. 

Soojin smiled and walked out of Soeun’s room. She looked inside the fridge and cabinets to look for something to make for Soeun.

“Soeun!” Soojin called out and went to check on her friend. “There wasn’t much food anywhere, all I found was some ramen” 

Soeun got up and sat at the table. “No worries! Thanks for making this” 

Soojin just smiled and watched Soeun eat. Once Soeun was finished eating, she washed the dishes and told the younger girl to take some more medicine. 

Soeun took some medicine and decided to relax some more on the couch. “Hey unnie, I’m going to watch a movie. Wanna come?”

“Sure” Soojin walked over to the couch and sat down. “What are we watching?”

“Anything you like”

Soojin shrugged. “I don’t really mind. What do you want to watch?”

“Let’s watch Frozen” 

“Isn’t that old already?”

“What are you talking about? Frozen never gets old. ♪Let it go! Let it goOOo♪” Soeun’s voice cracked a bit due to being sick. *ahem* “Sorry...”

Soojin started laughing “Nah it’s okay, it just sounded like you were going through puberty. I didn’t know you could sing”

Soeun shrugged. “I sing occasionally. Monday is the real star though. You should hear her sometime.” 

The two continued to watch the movie and talked. About halfway through the movie Soeun’s phone beeped. Soeun looked at her text messages and saw one from her brother.

It read: Sorry Soeun. Work is busy, I won’t be home tonight. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon. 

Soeun texted back: Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. 

Soojin saw the messages and was worried about Soeun. “Your brother is not coming home? Will you be alright by yourself?”

Soeun nodded “Yeah I’ll be fine.” 

Soojin looked at Soeun skeptically and decided to check on the girl’s temperature. She reached out to Soeun’s face when the girl was checking her phone. 

Soeun was surprised to feel Soojin’s soft hands on her face again and turned to look at the older girl. “Wha-“

“Hmm... you still feel pretty warm” Soojin worriedly looked at Soeun. 

Soeun blushed realizing how close the two were. She stared at the other girl’s face feeling butterflies in her stomach. Wait... was it butterflies or... Soeun quickly moved away from Soojin and ran to the bathroom. She felt the ramen coming back up and proceeded to throw up her food into the toilet. 

Soojin surprised by Soeun suddenly sprinting away, quickly followed the girl into the bathroom. “Are you alright? Oh gosh... maybe the ramen wasn’t such a good idea. Do you have the stomach flu? Maybe that’s why you can’t keep food down.” She said while patting Soeun’s back. 

Soeun continued to throw up until her stomach felt better. Once it was calm, Soojin helped to clean up the bathroom. 

“How about you take a quick shower?” Soojin suggested to Soeun, who was rinsing out. 


Soeun went to take a shower while, Soojin left the apartment quickly to pick up some groceries for Soeun. 

Soeun exited the shower, changed into some simple new clothes she looked around for Soojin but couldn’t find the older girl. She shrugged assuming Soojin had to leave to do something more important. Since Soeun had threw up her food, she decided not to eat anything else and just go to sleep. 

Soojin arrived back at Soeun’s house with ingredients to cook some chicken soup the next day. She looked around the house, but didn’t see Soeun. She didn’t faint in the shower did she? Soojin slowly opened Soeun’s bedroom and saw the girl resting on the bed. Oh, she’s just sleeping that’s good. Soojin noticed Soeun frowning while she slept. She walked over to the bedside and felt Soeun’s temperature again. Sh*t she’s burning. It must be because she threw up the medicine along with her food. Soojin went to grab some wet towels to help cool Soeun down. She changed the towel every so often, and rolled Soeun’s desk chair near the bed so she could sit down. While she was getting the chair she noticed that Soeun had taped their Christmas Polaroid onto the wall and also had the bead bracelet that Soojin gave back on the desk along with the bracelet that Soojin had made. Soojin smiled looking at the two bracelets noticing how similar the two were. Her smile faded slightly when she realized that if the bracelet was on the desk next to hers, then Soeun had also stopped wearing Soojin’s one as well. Now that I think about it, Soeun’s been wearing a watch instead. Soojin recalled. 

She looked at the time and saw how late it was already. She decided to text her father that she wasn’t coming home and staying at a friend’s house. She took care of Soeun the entire night and eventually fell asleep. 


Soeun woke up, realizing that she had slept through the entire night. When she stood up slowly from her bed, a semi-wet towel flopped onto her lap. Huh? When did this get here? She then looked to the left and saw Soojin hunched over her bed, while sleeping on a chair. Had she been here all night taking care of me? Soeun slowly got up and went to the bathroom trying not to wake Soojin. When she exited she noticed Soojin stretching her back. 

“Oh you’re awake?” The older girl said. “How do you feel?” 

“Strangely, I feel a lot better” Soeun smiled. 

“That’s great! I’ll go cook something.” Soojin said and went to the kitchen. 

Soojin had prepared some simple oatmeal for Soeun to eat. Soeun took some more medicine even though she felt loads better for some reason. 

“Uh... don’t you have to go home?” Soeun asked Soojin who was preparing to start cooking some chicken soup. 

“Don’t worry I already told my father. Plus it’s the weekend now, so we don’t need to go to school.” Soojin explained while cutting some carrots. 

“I guess.” 

Soojin got the soup started and asked “Do you mind, if I go take a shower? I haven’t showered since yesterday.” 

“Sure! Yeah! Um... I can lend you some clothes” Soeun said. 


The two left the soup cooking. They went to Soeun’s room and Soeun handed Soojin some clothes and a towel. 

Soeun went back to the kitchen to make sure the soup wasn’t on fire. A few minutes passed until Soojin finished her shower. 

“Thanks again.” 

Soeun heard Soojin’s voice and turned around to see the older girl in her clothes. She blushed thinking that Soojin looked really cute in her big clothes. The pants and shirt were a bit too long making Soojin look like a small puppy. “Y-Yeah no problem” 

“How’s the soup coming along?” Soojin asked while heading to the stove. 

“I’m not sure I don’t cook much” Soeun responded honestly. 

Soojin opened the lid and tried some of the broth. 

While Soojin was trying the soup, Soeun decided to wrap her arms around the older girl in a back hug. She rested her head on Soojin’s shoulders and asked “Is it good?”

Soojin blushed a bit at the sudden skinship “What’s up with you? Why’re you clingy all of a sudden?” 

Soeun shrugged, still stuck to Soojin’s back. 

Soojin smiled slightly “The soup is coming along good. It should be ready by lunch” 


*ring* *ring* 

Soojin’s phone started ringing and she got out of Soeun’s back hug to answer it. “Hello? Oh! Hyojin-ssi. What’s up?” 

Soeun heard the name Hyojin and immediately tensed a bit, regretting her actions. Stupid! Why did you back hug Soojin unnie! She has a boyfriend. Don’t confuse things between our friendship. We’re just best friends. She reminded herself. 

“Yup! Yeah! Alright, don’t worry. Bye” Soojin hung up. 

“That was Hyojin-ssi? Do you need to go now?” Soeun asked. 

“Huh? No, he was just wondering about my weekend plans. I guess I was in such a rush to check up on you yesterday I forgot to tell him. We let each other know about our weekend plans in order to see if we have to plan a date out because of our fathers or if we can have time to relax. Since I’m busy, he’s going out to sing with his friends.” Soojin explained. 

“Hyojin sings? Wow guess you learn something new everyday” Soeun said surprised. “Speaking of Hyojin, did he ask you out to prom?” Soeun knew that everyone at school was excited for prom, she’s seen a few promposals already. 

Soojin laughed awkwardly, “Haha, Yeah. He did it when you were out sick. Though I don’t think the other girls know about it either.” 

Soeun nodded her head “that’s... good” 

There was a silence between them. Whenever Hyojin gets mentioned things become awkward between the two. But no hate to Hyojin, he is a nice guy it’s just you know. 

“Uh... are you excited for prom? You’ll be graduating soon” Soeun said trying to lighten the atmosphere. 

“Yeah! Jihan, Jaehee and you are all working so hard. I’m really looking forward to it” Soojin smiled. “How did your exams go?”

Soeun smiled back, “Good! Not sure what my results will be but I felt confident about it.”

“You must have been really stressed out, working on graduation plans, helping the ‘04 line with prom and also studying for your exams. That must’ve been why you got sick. You’re pushing yourself too hard” Soojin said while furrowing her eyebrows together with worry. 

“You’ve been pushing yourself just as hard as I am, unnie” Soeun countered back. “Don’t worry about me” She put her hands on the older girls shoulders reassuringly. “I’ll be fine.”

Soojin sighed, and gave Soeun a small smile.


The two looked to the front door and Soeun’s brother entered. He looked at the girls in front of him, and saw Soeun’s arms on Soojin’s shoulders and how they were staring into each other’s eyes before. “Uh... was I interrupting something?”

Soeun coughed awkwardly and looked at Soojin. “No! I... I was giving Soojin unnie a shoulder massage.” She proceeded to massage Soojin’s shoulders. Soeun never really gave anyone a massage before so she didn’t know how much force to use. 

“Ah! Ow! Ow! Soeun-ah! Stop!” Soojin whined. “It hurts!” 

Soeun immediately stopped. “S-Sorry Soojin unnie!”

Soeun’s brother just looked back and forth between the two. “Whatever. Soeun you look better. Are you over your sickness?”

“Yup! Soojin unnie stayed over last night and helped me. She’s also cooking some chicken soup for lunch. Should be ready soon, you can have some as well” 

“Cool. I’ll be in my room then” he said and went to his room. 

“Argh, my shoulders are going to be sore now...” Soojin mumbled, while rolling her shoulders around. 

Soeun felt guilty and apologized again. “Sorry about that” 

“Hahaha no worries.” Soojin laughed it off. “Now let’s check on the soup” the two walked into the kitchen. 


Once the soup was done, Soeun, Soojin and Soeun’s brother ate it and packed it up for later. Soeun thanked Soojin for coming over and helping to take care of her. 

“Thanks so much Soojin unnie” Soeun said while walking Soojin to the door. 

“No problem. I’ll see you in school?”


“Bye!” They both said and Soojin left. 

Soeun closed the front door after Soojin was gone, and saw her brother leaning up against a wall. 

He was smirking, “Sooo... Was it fun getting taken care of by Soojin? Are you guys together yet?”

Soeun shook her head at her brother’s comment, “She has a boyfriend.”

Soeun’s brother choked, his eyes wide. “What?!!” He got over his initial shock and went over to Soeun staring at her carefully “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know”

Soeun laughed it off, “Nah don’t worry about it.”


Soeun went to school again, and was greeted by her friends up on the rooftop. 

“Soeunnie!” They yelled and ran up to hug her. 

“You feelin’ better?” Monday asked. 

“Yeah! Soojin unnie came to help take care of me.” Soeun told them. 

Jiyoon grinned, knowing her plan to make Soojin unnie visit Soeun worked out well. "That’s great!”

“Now that our college entrance exams are over, we can work harder for the club!” Soeun told them. “How’s Jaehee and Jihan doing?” 

“Jaehee told me that she’s been alright. They were having some trouble but according to Jihan the place where they decided to host the prom is a subsidiary of Kim Enterprises and Hyojin is helping out with things behind the scenes.”

Soeun nodded impressed, “Wow! That’s cool. Is that why he’s allowed to come to prom? I thought it was weird how someone 7 years older could go”

“Yeah, that’s probably why. Plus I think Principal Lee knows about Soojin and Hyojin’s relationship so he allowed the guy to go to the prom.”

“I see... I’m assuming you’re bringing Jaehee to prom right?” Soeun asked Monday changing the subject. 

“Yeah, I already asked her. You know, gave her some flowers,” Monday said. 

“Who are you taking to prom?” Soeun asked Jiyoon. 

“No one, unless someone asks me, but I’m pretty sure no one will. Why?” 

“Well, since Soojin unnie and Hyojin are going together, I thought maybe we could go together as friends.” Soeun suggested. 

“Awww, Do you like me Soeun?” Jiyoon teased. 

Soeun rolled her eyes at her friend “Aish, never mind.”

“Hahahaha!” They all laughed. 

“I don’t mind going as friends” Jiyoon answered Soeun. 


-Time skip to prom-

The student council club all met at WM Hotel to help set up prom. Jaehee and Jihan were telling the other members how to decorate. Each table must have a centerpiece and prom favors, napkins, etc. Hyojin also helped out the girls with making sure the lighting and electronics were all good. In order to help out the girls he went out and found a DJ for the prom, and also set up a good menu for the dance. 

Once the prep was all done the members went home to get ready for the dance. 

“Yo!” Monday yelled out when she arrived at Soeun’s house. 

Soeun exited and told her brother good bye. “Hey dude” she said as she got into the car. “Where’s Jaehee?”

“I picked you up first” Monday said. 

Soeun smiled, “Awww how nice!” 

“You’re my photographer that’s why” Monday said bluntly. 

Soeun’s smile left her face, “Geez you could have said it a little nicer. Hmpf what if I don’t want to take you and Jaehee’s picture” 

“Then I’ll go pick up Jiyoon and she’ll take the picture.” Monday said. 

“Whatever, let’s go to Jaehee’s, she’s probably waiting for you” 

They arrived at Jaehee’s house and Monday knocked on the door nervously. 

Soeun noticed and patted her friend’s back. “Hey, chill.”

Jaehee opened the door, dressed in a beautiful light blue prom dress. “Monday unnie!” 

Monday smiled brightly seeing Jaehee and gave her a matching blue corsage. 

Soeun looked at the couple and proudly smiled. “Oooh Monday!! You came prepared didn’t you” she noticed that Monday had worn a blue tie to match with Jaehee and also bought Jaehee a blue corsage. “You two look so cute together.” Soeun took their prom pictures and they went back to the car to pick up Jiyoon. 

At Jiyoon’s house, Jiyoon was wearing a simple white dress. “Hey guys.” 

Soeun cringed seeing Jiyoon in a dress. “Ew why’re you wearing that?”

“I thought you said we would go as friends. But then I thought that even if were going as friends we will probably get paired up together and I knew you would wear a suit so I wore a dress.” Jiyoon explained. “Pretty right?” She spun around. 

“No. Come on let’s go” Soeun said and grabbed Jiyoon to go in the car. 

“Wait what about your picture?” Monday asked teasing them. 

“That’s right, sweetie” Jiyoon played along. She clung to Soeun’s arm and leaned her head against Soeun’s shoulder. 

“Aish, you guys are annoying” Soeun complained and shook off Jiyoon. “I regret asking you to come with me.” 

Monday, Jiyoon, and Jaehee laughed their heads off. 

The four had arrived at the WM hotel ballroom for the prom. They were early to arrive which was good since they had to double check that everything was in order. Jihan and Zoa arrived next. 

“Zoa?!” The other four said shocked to see the maknae. “You’re allowed to come to our prom?”

Zoa cutely nodded her head. “Remember I get special treatment since I’m part of the student council club even though I’m in middle school.” 

“Ohhh that’s right, cool. At least you can come with Jihan, who’s part of the student council club too” Jiyoon said. 

“Yeah, cause technically you both aren’t juniors or seniors” Monday added on.

“Well technically Jaehee’s not a junior or senior either” Soeun pointed out. 

Monday put her arm around Jaehee, “But she’s my date.”

“I can’t believe we’re at prom!!” Jihan said excitedly. 

The six girls were all talking excitedly, since it was the first time for any of them to go to a prom. Zoa was still in middle school, Jaehee and Jihan were freshman, and Soeun, Jiyoon and Monday were only now just Juniors. “This’ll be so much fun!” 

People were starting to enter the ball room so Jaehee and Jihan went to the reception desk to start checking in the attendees. 

Since the ‘04 line was doing the first reception shift, Soeun, Jiyoon, Monday and Zoa sat at their table and relaxed.

“Hey guys!” A voice said behind them. 

They all turned around and was greeted by Hyojin and Soojin. 

Soeun stared at Soojin, who was wearing a fluffy, light pink, off shoulder dress. She had open, immersed in Soojin’s beauty. Woah! She looks so pretty. 

Jiyoon noticed Soeun’s staring and elbowed her friend. 

Soeun snapped out of it and gulped, hoping Soojin and Hyojin didn’t notice. 

“I have to go check on some behind the scenes management” Hyojin said to them. “You can stay here with your friends, Soojin” and smiled to the girl. 

Soojin nodded and sat down at the table with the others. “You guys all look nice” she said while looking at all of them. She noticed that Soeun was wearing a nice black suit and tie, it suited the girl well. “Is that your brother’s again?” She asked Soeun, pointing to her suit. 

“Huh? Oh yeah. I had to ask him to borrow some nice clothes. This is actually his old suit from his prom. It doesn’t fit him anymore so he let me use it” Soeun told Soojin. 

“It looks nice on you” Soojin smiled at Soeun. 

Soeun blushed “T-thanks. You look quite stunning as well” 

Soojin blushed back at Soeun and the two were staring at each other until-

“Alright! Everything looks good and in order” Hyojin said while walking up to their table. 

Soeun couldn’t help but notice that Hyojin was wearing a super expensive fancy, designer suit with a pink tie to match with Soojin. She looked at the two of them, and was once again reminded of how good together they look. 

“I’m gonna go do the check in shift, Jaehee and Jihan have done so much already. Jiyoon wanna come with me?” Soeun said wanting to avoid Soojin and Hyojin. 

“Sure” Jiyoon replied. 

They headed off to the reception desk.

Soojin’s eyes followed the two, confused as to why they suddenly left. A few moments later Jaehee and Jihan arrived at their table and sat at their girlfriend’s sides. 

Hyojin looked at the two couples, noticing the matching clothes and made the connection “You guys must be girlfriends right?” He said to Zoa and Jihan, and also Monday and Jaehee. 

They nodded their heads. 

Soojin looked over to Hyojin asking “You don’t mind, right?”

Hyojin shook his head “No of course not. I think you guys look cute together.” He scrunched up his face thinking. “Is Soeun and that other girl together?” He tried to recall Soojin’s friends names but had a hard time. He could only remember Soeun’s. 

Monday looked up at Hyojin “You mean Soeun and Jiyoon?” 

Hyojin nodded. 

“Hahahahaha” Monday started laughing crazily. “Oh my gosh. That’s f**king hilarious. No, No. They’re just friends” 

Soojin for some reason sighed in relief hearing Monday’s answer even though she knew that Soeun and Jiyoon were just friends. What was I all anxious about. 

Hyojin nodded “Oh I see. I didn’t think they were but I didn’t know for sure since they seem close.” 

Monday was still laughing her a** off and Jaehee had to scold her to be more quiet. “Haha omg my stomach hurts from laughing. I have to tell Soeun and Jiyoon about this when they come back” 


Meanwhile at the reception table Soeun and Jiyoon checked in the entering guests. At one point, Principal Lee arrived and he complimented the girls about how nice the prom looked. 

“Wow, you guys have worked so hard this year.” He told them. 

Soeun smiled. “Jaehee and Jihan planned most of this, you should be proud that Play M High has two freshman who are so responsible and hard working” 

Principal Lee looked at Soeun, “But I heard from Soojinnie that you’ve been working hard too. I expect great things from you and your friends now. I’m sure Soojin’s graduation will be just as impressive”

Soeun nodded slightly “Y-Yeah...” 

“Have a nice prom, you two” he said to them and entered the ball room. 

Jiyoon saw how Soeun was hesitant to talk to the principal about graduation. “Hey, what’s up?” 

“Hmm? Oh it’s nothing” Soeun shook it off. 

“Are you sure?”


“Alright. You can always talk to me.” Jiyoon told Soeun 

“I know. I’m just a bit stressed about Soojin unnie’s graduation” Soeun sighed. 

“Stressed? About planning the graduation or about Soojin unnie leaving?” Jiyoon asked. 

“A little bit of both.”

“I see...” 

“Nevermind... it’s nothing” Soeun didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Looks like Monday and Zoa are here to do their shift. Let’s go”

Soeun and Jiyoon were walking to their table when they noticed some senior girls surrounding the table. 

“Come on Soojin let’s go have some fun” the girls said. They tried to pull Soojin up and lead her to the dance floor. 

“B-but” Soojin hesitated 

Hyojin smiled “Don’t worry, go have fun with your other friends.” He shooed her away. 

Soojin got up with her friends and left, right when Soeun and Jiyoon arrived. 

“Where’s Soojin unnie going?” Jiyoon asked. 

“She went to hang out with some of her senior class friends.” Jaehee said. 

“Oh cool” they replied and sat down. 

The table was relaxing for a while, eating some food. Monday and Zoa had already finished the check ins and came back to sit with them. 

“Soojin unnie is dancing?” Monday noticed when she arrived. 

“Yeah” Hyojin responded. 

“Oh. Come on Jaehee, let’s go dance too” Monday called out to Jaehee and led her girlfriend to the dance floor. 

Zoa and Jihan followed them as well. Leaving Jiyoon, Soeun and Hyojin alone at the table. Jiyoon noticed the ballroom staff preparing the dessert table and told Soeun “Hey, I’m going to go stand by the dessert table so I can have first pick of the desserts. Wanna come? I heard that the chocolate cake here is awesome” 

“Nah it’s alright. You go by yourself” Soeun said to Jiyoon. 

Jiyoon looked at her friend and saw Soeun not even paying her much attention because she was busy staring at Soojin on the dance floor. Jiyoon chuckled “Okay, try not to stare too much now.” She whispered to her friend. She then made her way to the dessert table. 

Soeun still had her eyes glued to Soojin, watching the girl on the dance with her other friends.

Hyojin looked back and forth between Soeun and his girlfriend. He smiled knowingly, and said “You like Soojin” 

Soeun heard what the guy said and turned to him surprised, she couldn’t believe what just came out of his mouth. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” She asked while still processing everything. 

He laughed, “You like Soojin, don’t you?”

Soeun shook her head, “No, No, she’s just a friend.”

Hyojin tilted his head to the side “Hmm...” he kept looking at Soeun. “You’re Soeun right?”

Soeun nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“No it’s just that, Soojin always talks about you whenever we’re on a date. It’ll be Soeun this and Soeun that.” 

Soeun blushed. “O-oh”

“That’s why I can only remember your name out of all of Soojin’s friends. I only know Soeun” he said with a smile. “I can see how much she likes you”

“S-she doesn’t like me.” Soeun denied. 

Hyojin still had his head tilted, he grinned “Are you sure?”

“Yeah I confessed but she turned me down” Soeun told him. 

“So you do like her!” He exclaimed. 

“Wha- No. I...” Soeun was lost for words. 

“Soojin turned you down because of me right?” Hyojin assumed. 

Soeun nodded. 

“... and now you guys are ‘just friends’ because of that. Right? But does she know that you still like her?” Hyojin asked. 

“I don’t like her” Soeun insisted. “We’re just friends!” 

Hyojin frowned and stared at her skeptically. “Hmpf whatever you say. I was going to help you with her but I guess not” he turned around and faced away. 

“W-wait. Can you do me a favor?” Soeun asked suddenly. 

Hyojin turned back to look at Soeun with his eyebrows raised. “What is it?”

“I... You helped Jihan and Jaehee set this prom up right?” 

Hyojin nodded. 

“...I was wondering if you could help me with the graduation planning as well. I volunteered to lead the planning for the graduation since I didn’t want Soojin unnie dealing with it when she’s the one graduating. I decided to take charge and she’s looking forward to it, but... I don’t really know what to do. I wasn’t ever in the student council before and this is my first time planning something so important like graduation. I honestly have no clue how. Could you help me with planning the graduation?” Soeun confessed. 

Hyojin was listening to Soeun’s long explanation of everything that was happening, and sighed. “Sure. I’ll help you” 

Soeun eyes lit up happily, “Really?!”

“But only if you say that you like Soojin” 

Soeun frowned. “Why do you want me to say that? Aren’t you her boyfriend? You shouldn’t want me to like your girlfriend.” 

Hyojin laughed. “Technically Soojin and I are dating but I don’t really see her in that way. She’s more like a little sister to me” 

“Then why don’t you break up with her?” Soeun asked confused. 

“Hahaha, do you want me too?” Hyojin asked back. 

Soeun nodded. Of course she would want Hyojin to break up with Soojin then that would give her a chance. Right? She thought. 

Hyojin grinned again, “Sorry Soeun-ssi, but I don’t plan on breaking up with Soojin yet.”

Soeun frowned again, disappointed. 

“Don’t worry I don’t have any feelings for her, but here, just think. If you think about it, if I break up with Soojin, her father is just going to force her into another arranged relationship and Soojin doesn’t have the courage to turn her father down yet. What if some crazy guy ends up being her boyfriend and forces Soojin to do things that she doesn’t want to.” Hyojin explained. “As long as I’m with her, her father is satisfied and Soojin is with a good guy... Me” 

Soeun stared at him not quite following along. 

Hyojin sighed again and patted Soeun on the shoulder. “Just don’t worry about it. I plan on just staying with Soojin until she gets enough courage to stand up to her father and can live her life on her own. When that happens I’ll break up with her and she can choose whoever she wants to date.” 

Soeun slowly nodded kind of understanding. “So... I just need to tell you that I still like Soojin unnie and you’ll help me with graduation?” 

Hyojin chuckled. “Yeah” 

“I... I s-still like Soojin unnie?” Soeun said skeptically. 

Hyojin laughed. “Well if you say it like that, no wonder she turned you down. But I’m a man of my word, I’ll keep my promise and help you out.” He looked over his shoulder and saw Soojin returning back to the table. “I’m going to go get some dessert. See yah later Soeun!” He walked off. 

Soojin was walking back to their table because she saw Soeun and Hyojin talking for a long time and couldn’t help but her a bit curious as to what they were talking about. One was her best friend who confessed to her and the other was her arranged boyfriend, who knows what could happen if they were left alone. She made it to the table and saw Hyojin walking off to the chocolate cake. “Where’s Hyojin going?”

“He wanted to eat some dessert.” Soeun replied. 

“Oh I see.”

Soojin was awkwardly standing by the table and Soeun was sitting sipping her water. They were both like that for a good few minutes when Soojin decided to break the tension. “T-then I’ll just go back to dancing.”

“Can I come?” Soeun blurted out. After she realized what she said she blushed and shook her head. “N-Nevermi-“

“Sure” Soojin said. 

Soeun looked at her surprised. She then smiled and stood up walking to the dance floor with Soojin. 

The two were dancing for a while when Soojin smiled “You’re a good dancer Soeun”

Soeun smiled back “Of course I’m a good dancer. You’re not so bad at it either, unnie”

Soojin laughed “it seems as though whenever you find something I’m good at it’s surprising” 

Soeun laughed along with Soojin, the two having a great time with each other. 


At the dessert table, Jiyoon was on her third plate of cookies, cakes, and other various desserts. She was about to try some pudding when she saw Hyojin walking over. 

“Hello! Jiyoon, right?”

Jiyoon nodded her head. “What’s up?” 

“Nothing. I was just wondering if the chocolate cake here was as good as people say” he said taking a slice of the cake. 

“It’s very good!” Jiyoon responded. “But I also like the custard pie”

Hyojin nodded taking a slice of that as well. 

The two were having fun eating desserts when Jiyoon looked over at their table and saw Soeun and Soojin get up and dance together. “Hey... why’s Soojin unnie and Soeun dancing together?” She asked Hyojin who was at the table before. 

Hyojin just shrugged, with a small smile. “Who knows.”

Jiyoon eyed him suspiciously. “Hmm...” she felt like something was odd but decided to just put another cookie in to distract her worries. 


Soon prom was over and all that was left was the clean up. 

All the guests/attendees left and the student council along with some hotel staff started cleaning up.

Soojin and Soeun were both all smiley after dancing and having fun together. They then saw Hyojin and Jiyoon, Hyojin smiled seeing the two girls together but then waved to Soojin. Soojin was about to go to Hyojin but was called over by her uncle, Principal Lee. She looked at her friends and they shooed her away to go follow the Principal. She left, leaving Hyojin, Jiyoon and Soeun alone. 

Hyojin looked over to Soeun smirking “So did you and Soojin have fun together?”

Soeun turned around, surprised. “You saw?”

Hyojin shrugged, and chuckled “Well you two were having so much fun together, who wouldn’t see that”

Jiyoon heard this and frowned. She then looked at Soeun *dramatic gasp* “How could you?!”

Hyojin and Soeun looked at Jiyoon confused. 

“I'm your wingman, he’s not your wingman! Why’s he helping you with getting together with Soojin unnie” Jiyoon complained. She then paused and thought for a while. “That’s why you went to the dessert table!” she said pointing to Hyojin. “I knew something was up!”

Soeun shook her head “Calm down Jiyoon. He’s not my wingman, you are, okay?”

Jiyoon huffed “You got that right.” She then went to clear out the chairs and stack them nicely, muttering to herself. 

Hyojin had an amused face after what just happened, “Wow... that’s quite the friend you got there” 

“Yeah, Yeah, that’s Jiyoon. She’s a bit... extra. So is Monday, but they grow on you and you end up loving them” 

Hyojin nodded impressed. “I see.” 

The two turned around when they felt a presence behind them. 

“Soojin unnie”


The two said at the same time. 

Soojin looked at both of them, “um... yes?”

“N-nothing” Soeun said and went over to help Jiyoon stack the chairs. 

The group finished cleaning the ballroom and went home. 

Monday dropped Soeun off at her house and she was about to go rest after a long night. 


Soeun heard her phone ring and went to see who texted her. She opened it and it was from an unknown number, it read: Hey, this is Hyojin. I got your number from the student council member information handbook. 

Soeun furrowed her eyebrows together. There’s a student council member information handbook? She shook the thought off and continued reading: Don’t worry I’ll still help you with the graduation, but it’ll be a bit hard since I do have other work projects as well. Just try your best, Good luck!

Soeun smiled, relieved that Hyojin was helping her out. Her phone rang again. She opened it and read the last message- PS: You and Soojin look good together. I’m rooting for you two. From your other wingman- Hyojin. 

Soeun chuckled at that joke and sighed. Thanks for rooting for us, but I don’t know if that will ever happen. 



Another cliche part of the story with Soeun getting sick, I just had to. Hahaha prom is over! Maybe because I didn’t go to prom I wasn’t really sure how to write this part, so the chapter didn’t really come out that great. But oh well.

There’s only a few more chapters and then the story will be over. Sorry again for the long wait, but I want to finish this story before school starts up again (in probs about a week) so I’ll update the next chapter soon, (hopefully). I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading! :)

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!