Chapter 11

President Soojin and Student Soeun


The bell rang signaling the end of school, Soeun bid goodbye to her friends since Monday was heading with Jaehee to her after school academy and Jiyoon was going home to study by herself. Soeun remembered that she was supposed to meet with a Soojin at the library but because she was never really the smartest student, she didn’t exactly know where the library was. 

She wandered around campus and finally found it at around 3:07. She opened the doors and headed inside looking for Soojin. She found the older girl studying at a table in the back. 

“Hello Soojin unnie” Soeun softly greeted. 

Soojin looked up from her work “Yah! You’re 7 minutes late!” she whispered angrily to Soeun. “I almost thought you weren’t going to show up” she continued but with a lighter tone. 

“Sorry, unnie. I didn’t know where the library was” Soeun embarrassingly responded back with a small smile. 

Soojin slightly grinned at the girl’s response letting out a small laugh, since Soeun’s reason for being late actually sounded plausible. “Okay, it’s fine.”

Soeun settled down into the chair across from Soojin and started taking out her books and notes from class. 

“Let’s start with the class that you need the most help in, which class is that?” 

“Umm... math? Or maybe physics? Oh but I’m not doing so well in Miss Naeun’s Economics class” Soeun rambled. 

Soojin was watching Soeun list off all of her classes and said “How about we just start with math first, okay?”

Soeun nodded and took out some practice worksheets. 

“In order for me to get a grasp of where you’re skills are try to solve as many problems as you can, and I’ll check to see if it’s right.” Soojin explained. 

Soeun nodded and started working on the math worksheet, but not for long as she realized that she honestly had no clue how to solve the problems. After writing for about 5 min. She hit a roadblock and slowly lifted her head up to Soojin and sheepishly smiled. 

Soojin saw Soeun’s reaction and raised her eyebrows in response “yes?”

“Uh I actually don’t know how to do any of this.”

“What? Really?” Soojin sighed and started explaining to Soeun how to solve the problems. 

After about 2 hours in the library, Soeun was caught up to where her math teacher was left off. “Now, don’t forget to pay attention in class and learn how to do the problems. I am not going to reteach you anymore. These are just study sessions/tutoring. So basically I'll just help review, practice, and check to make sure you're understanding everything" Soojin lectured. “This seems like a good spot to stop, tomorrow after school we’ll work on physics next”

Soeun nodded her head and smiled, “Thanks for helping me, unnie”

“No problem, you’re pretty smart Soeun, you just need to have more commitment and focus more”

The girls left the library and headed home. 


The days went on and Soeun continued to go to her tutoring sessions with Soojin. The two study at the library together everyday and have gotten a lot closer. 

However, Soeun couldn’t help but feel an unsettling feeling at the bottom of her stomach. She remembered what the cheerleading girls said about her at the dance, where she was unable to do anything without Soojin and a failure of a vice president for the club. Because of all the work and help Soojin has been doing for Soeun and the girls, she wanted to repay her by doing something special. 

Soeun decided to plan a Holiday Spirit week for the school since it’s almost December, she planned to have it set a week before midterms, so around 2 weeks before winter break. 

She got all the other members together and talked to the teachers and principal to make sure that it was allowed. 

“This is going to be so much fun!” Jihan said, when Soeun told them her idea. 

“Yeah! I remember doing these kinds of things back in middle school! It’ll be fun to do it in high school” Jaehee agreed. 

“Does Soojin unnie know about this?” Jiyoon asked since the older girl was the only one who wasn’t at the meeting. 

“No, I want it to be a surprise. Well, kind of a surprise since she’s going to see the posters for it up before it actually happens but meh” Soeun shrugged. “I wanted to show that since I’m vice president I can also lead a bit too and take initiative.”

The girls nodded and worked hard on creating ideas for the different days of the week, and also the posters to put on the school walls and hallways so the students would know. 


A few school days later, Soojin was walking down the hallway and overheard some girls talking-

“Hey, did you see the posters up for a holiday spirit week?”

“Yeah, it sounds like a good idea, to have some fun before the midterms” 

“I’m looking forward to hot chocolate day, where the cafeteria is offering out free hot chocolate” another girl said.

Soojin confused as to what they were talking about, looked around the hallway and found a poster that said-

🎄Student Council Club: Holiday Spirit Week🎄

Fun Holiday Events each day of the week!
Starts Dec. 9th - Dec. 13

Show your school spirit! 🎅🏻

Soojin surprised by the sudden event by the student council, grabbed the poster and texted the other girls to meet up at the student council room for lunch. 

“Hey unnie, what’s up?” The girls asked when they arrived at the student council room. 

“What’s this about?” Soojin asked and showed the poster. 

Soeun smiled in response and said “oh! That’s your surprise! We planned out a spirit week before winter break kind of like what middle school and elementary schools do. We thought that it would be fun!”

“Yeah! Don’t worry, Soeun made sure all the teachers, staff, and principal were alright with the idea” Jiyoon added. 

Soojin raised her eyebrows in surprise “Soeun planned all of this?” 

“Yup!” The other girls said.

Soeun blushed a bit, “W-well, I mean... the other girls helped out too, it wasn’t all me”

Soojin smiled softly “I think it was a great idea, Soeun” 

Soeun smiled back “don’t worry, I wanted to thank you for all of the help you’ve given to me, and for all the work you’ve done for this club” 

“Well, don’t thank me yet. You gotta wait until after midterms to see if your grades improve” 

Soeun pouted “but I’ve been working really hard.” 

“You never know what might happen” Soojin teased. 

The girls continued their lunch together and ended their day. 

—Spirit Week—

The week started off with a Christmas cookie day, where the student council baked various cookies and handed it out to students if they participated in wearing either green or red. 

“Thank you for showing your school spirit” the girls said as they handed out the cookies. 

Soojin had the most amount of students surrounding her, as she was very popular. Many of the students wanted her cookies. “S-sorry but I’m running out of the ones that I made” Soojin told the crowd, “But my other members made really good cookies too!” She said. 

The freshman duo also had a crowd as their cookies were popular too. 

The other members (basically the ‘02 line) had no crowd. “Hey! why doesn’t anyone want my cookies!” Soeun complained. 

Soojin glanced over to Soeun’s batch of cookies and laughed “It’s because your cookies are burnt” 

Soeun huffed in response to Soojin’s comment “In my defense, I’m not the best baker! But there’s got to be some people who like slightly toasty cookies, it’s just extra flavor!” 

Jiyoon snorted “I think your cookies are a little past toasty...”

Soeun glared at her friend “Well your cookies aren’t any better, there’s no flavor” she said as she picked one up and ate it. 

“Yah! Don’t eat it! I made those for the students!”

The two friends argued against whose cookie was worst, meanwhile Monday was sulking holding back her tears because no one wanted her cookies. T-T

“Wahhh! I worked so hard on them! Why do you people not see the love and care I put into my cookies!” Monday yelled out causing people to give her weird looks and avoided approaching her. 

Jaehee tried to calm Monday down, “Unnie, I think your cookies are great! But you’re frightening the students if you keep yelling at them.” 

Monday wiped her tears and hugged Jaehee “you’re so nice to say my cookies are good. *sniff* I know they taste like crap.” Monday said with a chuckle, feeling a bit better after calming down. 

After that the first day of spirit week was done. 


Soeun ate one of her burnt cookies while waiting for Soojin to finish her senior classes. 

“Hey, sorry did you wait long?” Soojin said. 

“No, it’s fine unnie” Soeun said taking another bite of her burnt cookies

Soojin frowned and grabbed the cookie out of Soeun’s hand “Don’t eat that, it’s burnt”

Soeun grumbled back “I don’t want to waste it, I spent so much time trying to figure out how to make these. Plus I skipped lunch and I’m hungry, this is all I have” she grabbed another cookie out of her tray and started munching on it. 

Soojin tried to grab the other cookie but Soeun kept moving it out of her grasp. “Fine, here have this instead” She said while taking something out of her bag.

Soeun looked over and saw some of the cookies Soojin made, her eyes widened in surprise “But I thought you ran out?”

Soojin smiled “I saved some because I wanted you to try it. Now don’t eat those burnt cookies they’re bad for you” and grabbed the cookie from Soeun. 

Soeun blushed and accepted the cookies from Soojin “Thanks” and ate some of it on the way to the library. “They’re really good, no wonder everyone wanted your cookies.”

The two continued walking to the library. When they arrived, Soojin decided to make sure that Soeun understood her math lessons and gave her another practice worksheet. 

Soeun determined that she could answer the problems grabbed the worksheet and started on it. After about 30 min. she finished and showed Soojin. 

Soojin reviewed the worksheet, “Wow! You did well! Only a few mistakes in the equations but overall much better” she said impressed. 

Soeun grinned “Haha! Yes! If I continue to work hard, I will be able to raise my grades!” She exclaimed holding her hands up in the air. 

The librarian then glared at Soeun silently telling her to shut up and not yell in the library. 

Soeun embarrassed slowly put her hands down. “S-sorry” While Soojin just laughed softly. 

“Alright let’s work on Economics now.” Soojin said. “Now this is the supply curve.... in response the demand would....” 

Soeun payed attention to the older girl and followed along. 

Their meeting was finished and the girls walked back to the bus stop. 

“Don’t forget tomorrow is ugly sweater day!” Soeun told Soojin, while she was entering her bus. 

Soojin nodded “Yup!” And waved goodbye. 


Spirit week continued and it seemed like all the students enjoyed having a bit of fun. 

The principal was wearing an ugly sweater as well and greeting the students entering. He was pleased to see all the participation. He noticed the junior trio and approached them. 

“Hello Girls! Studying hard?” He asked. 

The three responded “Yes!” 

He laughed “that’s good! I really like this idea you guys thought of.” He then turned to look at Soojin who was smiling happily talking to other friends about their sweaters. “It’s great that I get to see Soojin smile so brightly. Sometimes I feel like her father pushes her too hard, with cheerleading, studying, leadership, etc. especially with her birthday so close to midterms, I feel like she never gets to have this much fun. I’m happy you girls are making her senior year more enjoyable” he said. “But don’t forget as happy as you make little Soojinnie, if you don’t raise those grades, her father won’t allow you to stay friends” he warned. 

Soeun who was listening to the principal ignored his warning as she already was studying hard, and instead was surprised to hear that Soojin’s birthday was near midterms. “When’s Soojin unnie’s birthday, Principal Lee?”

“December 12th, which is dress up in Christmas attire for the spirit week” he told them. 

The trio nodded mentally noting that Soojin’s birthday was soon. 

“Thanks! Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to raise our grades up!” They told the principal.

He smiled back at them and waved as he walked back to his office. 

“Guys let’s plan something nice for Soojin unnie’s birthday!” Soeun said. 

The other two agreed and texted the freshman duo along with Zoa. 

This is going to be great! Soeun thought. 

—Dec. 12—

Today was Soojin’s birthday and Soeun planned it out to be a great day for the older girl. 

First early in the morning Soeun woke up, put on a Santa costume and went to school. She quickly put a note into Soojin’s locker asking her to go up to the roof before class. 

She knew that the older girl always goes to school early so Soeun had to wake up even earlier along with the other girls. 

The girls up on the roof, were filling up balloons, signing a birthday card, and getting the confetti canons ready for when Soojin opened the roof door. 


Soojin arrived at school and like always she was greeted by a crowd of students wishing her a happy birthday, She smiled and thanked them politely. She headed to her locker like always and when she opened it, it was filled with birthday cards and letters from various students. However one of them caught her eye out of the bunch, the envelope said: To President Soojin ♡ 

The whole school knew she was school president but only a few people addressed her like that, Especially for a birthday card. She picked it up and opened it, once she read the message to head up to the roof she immediately knew who sent the card. 

She ran up to the roof and opened the door. As soon as she did she was greeted by the 6 other girls, confetti, and a cake. 

“Happy Birthday Soojin unnie!” The girls said. 

Soojin smiled widely in surprise. “Thank you!”

Zoa handed her the cake that she was holding, “we bought that for you unnie, not sure what flavor you like so we just went with whatever was most popular” 

“Thanks Zoa! It’s so pretty, but aren’t you supposed to be at school?” Soojin asked. 

“Don’t worry about it. I can show up a little late to school, plus it’s still pretty early in the morning” Zoa explained. 

The girls took pictures with each other, ate some cake and soon it was time for school to start. They bid goodbye to Zoa and headed to their classes. It was fun for the girls to all hang out with each other especially since they (except for Zoa) were all dressed in Santa costumes for the spirit week. 

Before Soojin left the roof though, Soeun pulled her and whispered “Unnie, we are still meeting after school today for tutoring right?” 

Soojin jerked backwards at the sudden whispers on her ear, she looked to her left to Soeun and nodded while covering her ear since it was sensitive” Y-yeah, why?”

Soeun smiled “I wanted to give you your birthday present. See you after school” she waved and headed down the stairs. 

Soojin blushed, heart pounding, W-What was that? 


After school, Soeun waited at the library entrance for Soojin. She spotted the older girl surrounded by a crowd of students who were still gifting her with presents, flowers, etc. 

Soojin who was in the middle of the crowd tried to shuffle forward to get to the library as she was already late to her and Soeun’s scheduled time. “Sorry! Excuse me! Thank you! Careful!” She said to the people who were surrounding her. 

Soeun noticed that the older girl was having a hard time, so she walked to the crowd and nicely shoved her way through, once she saw Soojin, she grabbed her hand. “Sorry guys,” she said to the crowd, “I’m going to be borrowing her real quick alright?” Soeun then pulled Soojin through the crowd and rushed to the library for safety. 

Meanwhile when that was happening, Soojin blushed at Soeun’s actions and help. She said a final thank you to her fans and followed Soeun. 

The crowd stood confused as to what happened. “Who was that?” One person said. Another said “She just took Soojin” The crowd later dissipated once Soojin was gone. 

At the library, Soojin thanked Soeun for getting her out of the crowd. “Thanks” 

“No problem” she responded. “It looked like you were having a hard time getting out of that crowd.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s because it’s my birthday and also because of this Santa costume. Lots of people said I looked cute”

Soeun looked over to Soojin and blushed “... you do look cute” she mumbled to herself

Soojin heard Soeun say something softly and asked “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear what you said”



They went to a table and started studying.  “According to Newton’s first law of motion...” Soojin explained. She successfully helped Soeun with her math, and Econ and now Soojin was helping her with physics. It was almost midterms week so the two were working extra hard. 

Once their studying session was over they were walking to the bus stop. On their way over Soeun remembered that she wanted to give Soojin her gift. But she was also nervous, she didn’t know if the older girl would like it or not. She was hesitant in starting the conversation, Come on Soeun! Just give it to her! She reached into her pocket to get the gift. But her hand stopped before she took it out. What if she doesn’t like it though, She internally argued back to herself. What are you talking about! She’ll like it! But she might not! She kept having her internal argument and didn’t realize that she had stopped walking and was just standing still.

Soojin turned back around when she noticed Soeun wasn’t by her side. “Soeun? Are you okay?” She softly asked. 

Soeun snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the older girl. “Huh? Uh Y-yeah!” 

Soojin raised her eyebrows, confused as to why Soeun was acting strange when the younger girl was totally fine earlier. She then remembered that the girl wanted to give her a gift earlier. Maybe she’s nervous about her gift, Soojin thought, How cute. “Didn’t you say you wanted to give me something, earlier on the rooftop?” Soojin prompted. 

Soeun nodded “Yeah! Um, Here for you.” she quickly handed the gift to Soojin. 

Soojin accepted the gift and looked at it, it was a small box that was wrapped and it had a sticker that said “Happy Birthday Soojin unnie! ♡”

Soojin smiled, she was about to open it but she heard a bus arrive, she looked and noticed it was Soeun’s bus. She tried to grab Soeun’s hand to stop her from leaving as she wanted to open the gift with the younger girl but because Soeun was nervous as to how Soojin would react to her gift, Soeun quickly said “Sorry unnie, that’s my bus! I hope you had a great birthday! See you tomorrow!” And rushed to the bus. 

The bus then left leaving Soojin alone. Aw, I wanted her to stay with me, Soojin disappointedly thought. Since Soeun had already left her, she decided to just open her present. She tore the wrapping paper and opened the box to find a homemade bead bracelet inside along with a note that read; Happy birthday Soojin unnie! I made this bracelet for you! I hope you like it! 

Soojin smiled at the letter and looked at the bracelet, it was pretty, she put it on her wrist and patiently waited for her bus. This was such a nice birthday, Soojin thought, while twisting the bracelet on her wrist. 



Lol ignore the fact that the girls went to the library and rode the bus home in their Santa costumes. Totally forgot about that. Also for reference they are wearing the Santa costumes that are in their Seventeen Adore you Christmas edition (Santa ver.) cover. 

Not sure if this chapter was too confusing. There was a lot of things happening. Next chapter will focus on midterms. I plan on doing the future chapters on the girls winter break. Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!