Chapter 13

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Soeun was relaxing at her house when she heard her phone ring. *ring* She walked over to it, “Hello?” 

“Hey Soeun-ah, how have you been?”

Soeun smiled immediately hearing Soojin’s voice “Good! What about you?”

“I’ve been good too. Listen, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about meeting my parents sometime over break”

Soeun gulped “W-why?”

“Because I want them to know how great all of you are, plus we have to talk to him about that midterm GPA stuff, you know”

“I see. Sure, when do you want us to meet him?”

“Hmm, how about tomorrow night?”

“Okay I’m free then, but you should text it in the group chat to make sure the other girls are free too” Soeun mentioned. 

“Oh good point!” *ping*

Soeun heard her phone ring at the sound of the text message. 

“Just sent one” Soojin said. 

“Okay, that’s great! Looking forward to seeing you there?” Soeun asked

“Yeah I’ll see you then” 

“Okay bye unnie”



Soeun flopped back on her bed in happiness and nervousness, she was looking forward to seeing Soojin, but was nervous about how her parents would react to their friends and also about herself. Don’t worry! I’ll just have to make a good impression on them. 


Tonight was the night the student council club will meet Soojin’s parents. To be honest, Soeun thought it was a little weird to meet the parents of a friend in such a formal setting but I guess if it’s for Soojin she would do anything. 

She arrived with Monday, Jaehee and Jiyoon. Jihan and Zoa were getting dropped off by their parents a little later. 

The four of them walked up to the door and knocked. *knock knock*

The door swung open and the girls were greeted by Soojin, who looked very nice dressed in a cute blouse. The girls entered  the house and Soojin smiled to Soeun who entered last, Soeun smiled back and playfully winked. 

Soojin felt butterflies in her stomach at Soeun’s wink but rolled her eyes at the younger girls action knowing it was just a tease. 

“Wow! Your house is amazing!” Monday said while looking around the living room. 

Soeun also looked around the house, which was more like a mansion with beautiful decor, paintings, etc. Well I kind of expected Soojin unnie to be rich but not THIS rich. 

Soojin chuckled watching her friends reaction to her house. “Yeah, sorry I guess I should have warned you all about this, my father is a CEO, which explains the house. I would have been fine in an apartment or something but he wouldn’t allow it”

Her friends nodded listening to Soojin’s explanation. They were just relaxing on the living room couch when they heard the door from the back open. 

“Hello, Soojin are these your friends?” A deep voice asked from behind. 

“Yes father, these are my friends, two more are coming later” Soojin said. 

The girls immediately stood up and turned around bowing to the new individual. “Hello! We’re Soojin unnie’s friends from school.” They introduced nervously. 

The man looked at them, glaring at each one as if he was inspecting them. The girls gulped and held their heads down, unsure if they should maintain eye contact with the scary man. 

Soojin saw her friends reactions and lightly pushed her father “Um, father you’re scaring them...”

He huffed out. “Don’t touch or break anything. I’m going back outside to finish grilling dinner. Your mom is in the kitchen, Soojin, you should introduce your friends to her” 

Soojin nodded “alright,” she turned around to her friends and said “come on, I’ll introduce you to my mother”

The four girls were standing still in front of the couch, “that’s your father?” Jiyoon squeaked out. 

“He’s very intense” Monday added on. 

Soeun just stood with wide eyes, with a million thoughts going through her head. Sh*t with a father like that there’s no way I can still stay friends with Soojin unnie, he’s gonna kill me when he hears how stupid I am. Should I make a run for it?

“Uh guys? I know my father can be a bit uptight, scary, and intimidating, but once you get to know him, he’s not so bad. Come on let’s go to the kitchen”

The girls walked into the kitchen and saw Soojin’s mom cutting some vegetables, preparing for dinner. 

“Oh Soojinnie,” 

“Hi mom! These are my friends, Jiyoon, Monday, Soeun, and Jaehee” 

“Hello girls! Did you all get scared from Mr. Lee?” She said noticing how rigid and tense the girls were. 

“Uh huh” they nodded. 

Soojin’s mom laughed. “Oh aren’t you all such cuties. Don’t worry Soojin, I’ll prepare dinner here by myself, you can spend time with your friends” 

“Okay! I also have two more friends coming, they’ll probably come closer to when we eat dinner, they have an after school academy that’s why” Soojin told her mom and left the kitchen with the girls following behind. 

Once they were in the living room again and Soojin’s parents were not around the girls finally relaxed. “Oh my goodness, that was tense” Jiyoon exclaimed. 

The girls were relaxing on the couch when the doorbell rang, Soojin got up to get the door, “that’s probably Jihan and Zoa” 

“Hello unnie’s” the two greeted, Soojin left the other four in the living room and introduced the Zoahan duo to her mom. 

Meanwhile the four girls were on the couch talking about Soojin’s father. 

“How am I supposed to talk to her father about my grades” Soeun worriedly said. “Once he finds out how stupid I am he’s not going to let Soojin unnie be my friend” 

“Yeah, good luck with that” Jiyoon said. 

Soeun glared at her friend “thanks for the support.”

Monday laughed “well even though Jiyoon and I raised our grades there’s a possibility that Soojin unnie’s father will not like us too. I’m sure he’ll like Jaehee, Jihan and Zoa since they are all model students”

Soojin’s mother and the other three girls exited the kitchen and helped plate the table. Soeun, Monday, Jiyoon and Jaehee also stood up to help. “Oh my, all you girls are so sweet” Soojin’s mother said. Her mother went back to the kitchen to prepare more things

Soojin’s father came back into the house briefly to drop off some cooked steaks, he saw all the girls and said “Soojin, you should get some drinks for our guests” 

Soojin nodded in response and headed to the kitchen. Soeun said “wait I’ll help too” and followed Soojin to get some drinks. 

The two filled up some glasses with water and left the kitchen. While they were leaving the kitchen, Soojin accidentally tripped on the rug causing her to fall, breaking the drink glasses.  


Soeun surprised by Soojin’s sudden fall, quickly placed her drinks onto the table and went back to help the older girl up. “Are you alright unnie?”

Soojin nodded “y-yeah” she slowly stood up with Soeun’s help. 

Soeun looked at Soojin’s hands that were bleeding due to the broken glass “you’re bleeding! Here, let me get something” she started looking around for something to help with the blood. When suddenly Soojin’s father entered the room “WHAT HAPPENED IN HERE!”

Soeun jumped from the sudden intrusion, she looked to the owner of the voice, and was greeted by a pissed off Soojin’s father. “U-uh sir, w-what happ-“

He snapped his head to look at Soeun and Soojin and then to the broken glasses and then to Soojin’s bleeding hands. “Miss Lee Soojin!! I told you to bring out drinks for your friends and I hear a big crash and come into the kitchen to find this MESS!” 

Soojin held her head down preparing to face her father’s lecture and punishment. 

Soeun noticing Soojin’s behavior, didn’t want Soojin and her father to get into an argument or for Soojin to get into trouble. She bit her lip deciding to take the blame. “I’m sorry, I dropped the glasses, I tripped on the rug and dropped them” she said standing in front of Soojin, protecting her. “Soojin unnie got hurt trying to help catch the glasses. Don’t yell at her” 

Soojin’s father turned his head to look at Soeun and raised an eyebrow “Hmm... Park Soeun right? I’ve heard about you from my brother (the principal). He told me to watch out for you, since you’re not the best student – going to restricted areas like the roof, skipping classes, sleeping in classes, starting fights, etc. but appears to be getting closer to my daughter.”

Soeun gulped nervously. 

“And now, you’ve been invited to my house as a guest, however you also caused my daughter to get hurt, ruined my designer rug, and broke some of my fine china.” He continued harshly.

Soeun looked down, Sh*t I’m in trouble. 


Soeun looked back up hearing a change in Soojin’s father’s voice But?

“ protected Soojinnie and took the blame for her mistake. You covered for her and didn’t want her to get in trouble so you sacrificed yourself. I think I’ll forgive you”

“...What?” Soeun asked confused as to what was happening. 

Soojin’s father smiled at Soeun “based off of what you just did for my daughter I can tell that you’re a good person with a kind heart. I already know from the principal that you didn’t raise your grades but I think I’ll let that slide. I can see how much you care for Soojinnie, and how much she enjoys spending time with you” 

Soeun and Soojin blushed hearing Mr. Lee talk about their relationship. 

“So... I can still be friends with Soeun?” Soojin asked with puppy eyes. 

“Yes” her father confirmed. 

The girls smiled widely and looked at each other, happily jumping up and down. “Yes! Yes!”

Her father surprised by the sudden celebration, was worried about the broken glass and the jumping girls. “Hey! Careful!”

Soeun looked down and saw what he was worried about. “Oh” she calmed down. “Sorry I guess I got a little excited”

“It’s okay, I can see how stressed you must have been because of what I said before” Mr.Lee said. “Now go take Soojinnie to the bathroom to help clean and patch up her cuts, while I clean this up okay?”

Soeun nodded and took Soojin to the bathroom. 


They sat in silence while Soeun was focusing on putting on bandaids for Soojin. 

“Hey” Soojin said. 

Soeun looked up and met Soojin’s eyes “what?”

“My fathers not so bad right?”

“Yeah, he’s scary at first but cool”

Soojin smiled “thanks for standing up for me, but you really didn’t have to. I was worried that he would have even more things to prevent us from staying together” 

“But I didn’t want you to get yelled like that by your father”

Soojin shrugged “usually he’s pretty uptight and strict, so I’m used to it”

“Mmm, the principal said something similar, like how he puts a lot of pressure on you to be the perfect daughter”

Soojin nodded her head in agreement “That’s why I’m glad that I met you guys,”


“Yeah, ever since I met you, my life has been so exciting and different.“ Soojin said while looking at Soeun. 

Soeun grinned back “me too, I mean... mine too, wait does that make sense? I just meant t-that my life has changed a lot too after meeting you, Soojin unnie” she rambled, nervously because her heart was beating so fast after looking into Soojin’s eyes and the atmosphere was really strange. 

The older girl smiled at Soeun’s nervousness. “Come on, let’s go”

“Y-Yeah, the others are probably waiting for us” 

They headed back to the dining room, where the other girls were eating dinner. 

“Hey! you didn’t want to wait for us?” Soojin asked. 

Her mother and father laughed “sorry we didn’t want to keep the other girls waiting, plus these two over here (Zoa and Jihan) have to be home by 9pm since they have a test at their academy tomorrow” her father said. "Such good students, going to study at an academy even though it's winter break." 

Soojin’s father found all the girls to be really friendly, he was glad that Soojin had made so many nice friends. “I’m so happy that little Soojinnie made so many friends, she’s never brought home anyone and also never asked us to meet her friends before, so I was really surprised when she said she wanted to introduce us to some friends that she made”

“Yah!” Soojin complained hearing her father talk about her. 

“But Soojin is really popular at school” Jihan said confused as to why Mr. Lee would say Soojin has no friends when almost everyone at school is knows her. 

“Yes, I know Soojin is popular but none of those people actually know her that well, I can tell that you all are close to her” he responded. 

Soojin rolled her eyes at her father being all sentimental. “Let’s just eat” 

They finished eating and the girls were packing up, ready to head home. 

“Come again!” Soojin’s father said. 

“Bye” they all said and left. 


Soeun entered her house and headed to her room. 


Her phone rang, she received a text message from Soojin unnie. She opened it and it read. 

Soojin unnie: Hey, did you get home safely?

Soeun smiled and texted back: Yeah, Monday just dropped me off. You sure your hand is okay?

Soojin unnie: Yep! It’ll take a while to heal but once it does, I have something great planned out for Winter break now that my father knows who you all are.

Soeun thought for a while but was confused as to what Soojin was planning. She responded: Okay, unnie, I’ll look forward to then, Good night! 

Soojin unnie: Good night Soeun-ah <3

Soeun looked at the message blushed at the heart emoji. Soojin unnie and I are just friends, she thought. Don’t get too excited now. She then flopped onto her bed and drifted off to sleep with a smile. 



“Gah!” Soeun woke up the next morning at the sudden yelling coming from outside her window. She stuck her head out the window and yelled at her two best friends “Is this going to become a normal thing now?!” 

The two shrugged trying to look innocent.  

Soeun shook her head and closed the window, she heard her friends snickering and laughing in the background. She sighed. What do they want now? I don’t even need to set a darn alarm clock with these two. She dressed up in her winter coat and headed outside to greet her friends. 

“What’s up?” She said. “Also, Good job this time, no shoes were thrown”

The two looked at her, chuckled a bit at the shoe joke and said “Hey dude! Go get your skates, we’re going to invite the girls to go ice skating at the lake in the park” Monday said. 

“Are you dragging us to another date with Jaehee?” Soeun asked Monday. 

“No” Jiyoon responded, “plus Soojin unnie said she’s coming, and I figured you would want to see her right?” She wiggled her eyebrows at Soeun

“Whatever. Wait a few while I get my skates”

While Soeun was heading back up to her room, she heard Jiyoon tell Monday, "See, I told you if we mentioned Soojin unnie, she would immediately agree" 

Soeun just rolled her eyes and went to get her ice skates  

The girls were walking to the park carrying their ice skates. When they arrived they already saw Zoa and Jihan building a snowman by the lake. 

“Hey guys! Did you bring your ice skates?” Jiyoon asked heading over to the other two girls. 

“Yup!” They both said. 

“Cool” Jiyoon responded and found a stick for the snowman’s arms. She helped the maknae line build the snowman, whereas Monday looked around and didn’t see Jaehee. 

“Hey guys! I’m going to go walk to Jaehee’s house to check up on her okay?” Monday yelled to her friends. 

Soeun gave Monday an Okay symbol, and Monday walked down the street to Jaehee’s house. 

Soeun decided to just relax on a bench, and watch Zoa, Jihan and Jiyoon play with each other. After a while she closed her eyes breathing in the cool winter air, when suddenly she felt hands encircling her head, and a presence behind her. 

“Guess who?” The voice whispered into her ear. 

Soeun who was on the bench with hands covering her eyes, smirked and decided to play around a bit, “Monday?” She said even though she knew that the person behind her was Soojin. 

“Awww” the voice whined. “You’re no fun” 

Soeun smiled and grabbed the hands that were covering her face and brought them down. She turned around laughing when she saw Soojin pouting cutely. “Haha, I knew it was you, unnie”

“Hmph” Soojin huffed and went to sit besides Soeun on the bench. “How’d you know it was me?” 

“Mmm, I could tell by your hands. It was the same bandaid that I put on you the other night when you fell down on the glass” Soeun said while tracing the bandaid on Soojin’s hand. 

Soojin blushed a bit, “I see...”

“Are you sure you should be ice skating with your injured hand?” Soeun asked worriedly. 

“I’m not sure, honestly? I haven’t ice skated in a long time so I might be a bit rusty” Soojin said.

Soeun frowned hearing what Soojin said. She was worried about Soojin falling if she isn’t a strong ice skater and landing onto her injured hand. “...just be careful” 

“Alright guys! Jaehee and I are back!! Let’s go ice skate!” Monday yelled excitedly. 

Soeun and Soojin turned to look at Monday and Soeun grinned “Alright!” She quickly got up and put her ice skates on. She was about to go run after Monday and Jiyoon who were already skating but saw that Soojin was having trouble tying up the skates because of her hand injury. “Here, let me do it” Soeun said and bent down to tie Soojin’s skates. 

“N-no it’s okay I can do it” Soojin argued and leaned over to tie her skates

“No let me do it” Soeun argued back. 

The two fought for a bit with Soojin pushing Soeun’s hands away and Soeun pushing Soojin away. The two finally tied Soojin’s skates and Jiyoon called out to them “Hey lovebirds! Are you coming or what?!”

The two blushed and Soeun said “Yah! We’re not lovebirds! And we would have been a lot faster if Soojin unnie accepted my help!” 

Soojin rolled her eyes and said “I’m fine, Soeun. You don’t need to baby me just because of my injury.” She then stood up off the bench and walked to the lake to go skate with Soeun following behind. She was about to go onto the ice when she realized how horrible she was at ice skating. As soon as her foot touched the ice she slipped and was about to fall backwards when Soeun caught her from behind. 

“Yah! Can you stop falling down all the time?” Soeun said and helped Soojin regain her balance on the ice. 

“I’m just a little rusty with my ice skating skills okay? I’m fine, now see?” Soojin said and tried to glide over to where Jihan and Zoa were. She glided for about 3 seconds and then face planted back into the ice. “Ouch...” she said and slowly got to a sitting position on the ice. She could hear Soeun laughing her a** off in the background. 

“Pwah hahaha” Soeun laughed and skated over to Soojin, she held out her hand and said “are you alright?”

Soojin upset at Soeun laughing at her, ignored the hand stretched out to her and tried to get up by herself. But she was struggling and kept flopping back down into her . Soeun noticing how Soojin was ignoring her hand instead grabbed the older girl by the shoulders and pulled her up. “Here I’ll help you skate” Soeun said and held Soojin’s hands. 

Soeun was skating backwards while facing Soojin helping the older girl get used to skating. 


The girls were all skating around the lake, Soojin got better at skating but Soeun still had to skate besides her and hold one hand, to help support the older girl’s balance. Not that Soeun minded, she enjoyed holding Soojin’s hand. 

The seven of them played in the snow until sunset and they all decided to go home before it got too late. 

“Keep the rest of winter break free, okay guys?” Soojin told the girls. “Once my hand heals I have a great surprise for all of you”

“A surprise?” Jihan asked excitedly

Soojin nodded

“Wow! That sounds interesting, we’ll look forward to it!” Jiyoon said. 

“Okay girls, get home safely” Soojin said as all the girls headed their separate ways. 



Geez, Soojin and Soeun already seem like they are together but for now they are just close friends. I hope you enjoy the story! Thank you for reading! :)

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!