Chapter 15

President Soojin and Student Soeun

It was Dec. 28 a few days after Christmas and the girls were packing up for their New Years trip. 


The next day all the girls met at Soojin’s house so that they could go to the amusement park. 

“So some girls can ride with me and Soojinnie, but you won’t all fit... Hmm what should we do?” Soojin’s father said, figuring out how to fit all the girls. 

“I can drive some people too” Monday offered. 

“Really?! That would be great!” Soojin’s father replied, relieved that Monday could drive them. 

The girls had separated so that Soojin’s father was driving his car, with Soojin’s mother riding shotgun and Soeun and Soojin would ride in the back. Since they had extra space they carried more luggage. Monday’s car included Monday who was driving, Jaehee who was sitting in the front with Monday, and Jiyoon, Zoa and Jihan were in the back. 

“Okay girls ready?” Soojin’s father asked them. 

“Yup!” They all replied and headed to the cars.


Soojin’s car

“So Soeun, how has your winter break been?” Soojin’s mother asked 

“Oh it’s been great! Thank you so much for taking us out on this trip” Soeun thanked Soojin’s parents again. 

“Haha! No problem!” Soojin’s father said. “I hope you guys have lots of fun!”

They drove in silence for a while until Soojin’s father decided to talk again. “So Soeun-ssi have you thought about what college you want to go to? Or plans after graduation?” 

“Huh?” Soeun responded, surprised by the sudden question. “Oh no, I’m still only a junior so I haven’t really given it much thought”

“Oh really? Soojinnie, over here, has started working on her college applications and what colleges to apply for. I know she’ll get accepted to all of them though,” Soojin’s father praised. 

“Yah...” Soojin whined in the back at her father suddenly talking about her college applications. 

“Oh honey, stop it” Soojin’s mother interrupted. “You’re embarrassing little Soojin-ah” 

“Oh I’m sorry” He apologized. “It’s just that I’m so proud of you Soojin, I know you’ll grow up to be great”

Soojin shook her head and gave her father a small smile. “Don’t worry about it” 

The conversation ended and Soeun couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward in the car. Shucks, if only Monday had more room in her car, I wouldn’t be stuck here. I like sitting with Soojin unnie, but having her parents in front of me is a bit awkward and nervous. How far is this place, is it going to be a long ride? Soeun thought as she looked out the car window.  She yawned and decided to take a nap on the rest of the ride there. 

Soeun woke up when she felt the car stop moving and a door slam. She felt a weight on her shoulder and looked over to her right. She saw Soojin sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. 

She then looked out the window and saw Monday’s car pull in to the parking structure. She assumed that this was the hotel that they arrived at and instead of ditching Soojin, like how she did that one time on the bus, she gently shook her shoulder and said softly “Soojin unnie, we’re here. Wake up” 

“Hmm?” Soojin groggily said. “Soeun-ah?”

Soeun blushed at Soojin’s voice, “Come on, we have to go” she said nudging her shoulder some more so the older girl would wake up and lift her head. 

“Aww, five more minutes?” Soojin cutely whined. 

“No, our friends are waiting outside. You can sleep some more in the hotel room” 

“Fine...” Soojin stretched her arms and opened the car door. 

The two got out and grabbed their bags heading to the front desk of the hotel where their other friends were waiting. 

“Hey lovebirds, finally woke up?” Jiyoon teased the two of them. 

Soeun scowled at Jiyoon, “yah!” She scolded.

Soojin, however was still a bit sleepy that she didn’t notice Jiyoon’s comment. 

“Okay, Girls!” Soojin’s father called our walking back from the front desk. “So my wife and I have one room to ourselves and we also have three rooms for the rest of you. Two rooms can fit two people and the last, third room can fit three, you all can decide how to pair up” he said. “Here’s the keys” and he tossed the keys to Soojin to let her decide how to sort it all out. 

Then Soojin’s father and mother went up the elevators to their room. 

The girls sat in the lobby of the hotel figuring out how to pair up. 

“How about we just choose it ourselves” Monday offered, wrapping her arm around Jaehee obviously wanting to room with her. 

Jiyoon shook her head and said “No, that’s no fun. How about we choose randomly. Here’s some papers” she grabbed some spare note paper from the front desk and wrote the numbers 1-3 with each having another pair so that it would be 1-1, 2-2, and 3-3-3. “so whoever pulls out the 1 and someone else who gets the other 1 will pair up.” She explained. 

The girls shrugged and just agreed since Jiyoon already went through all the trouble to make the papers. 

They put the paper in a bowl and each randomly choose one. 

“Okay! Now open your paper and see who your roommate is!” 

Soeun looked at her paper and saw a number 2. She looked around and saw that Jaehee had a 2 too. 

Monday also saw that Jaehee had a 2 and quickly looked at her paper to disappointedly find a 1. “Noooo!” She cried out. She looked and saw Soojin holding the other 1. “I don’t want to room with Soojin unnie” she complained. 

Soojin frowned and said “Hey!”

Jiyoon, Zoa, and Jihan all looked at their papers which said 3. “Looks like we’re all together again” Jiyoon said looking at the younger two. 

Zoa and Jihan both smiled back to Jiyoon but Zoa also mumbled “How come Jihan and I never get to be alone together...” 

The three walked over to Soojin to grab their room key and head up to their hotel room. 

The other four were still in the lobby. Soojin decided to just head to her room and told Monday to come in later, whenever she was ready. Soojin and Jaehee left to go to their respective rooms. 

Monday however was slumped in the lobby couch sulking. 

“Come on, dude. It’s just different roommates. It’s not like you and Jaehee broke up” Soeun told her best friend. She walked over closer to Monday and tried to pull the taller girl off the couch. 

When she tried to get Monday up, suddenly Monday grabbed Soeun’s collar and pleaded “Please let me switch with you! You’ll be able to room with Soojin unnie and I can be with Jaehee!” 

Soeun sighed. “If I switch with you will you get up now?”

Monday nodded her head frantically. 

“....fine, let’s switch. You’ll be in room 2 alright?” 

“Yay!!!” Monday shouted and jumped up, rushing to the elevators. 

Meanwhile a few moments earlier, Jaehee and Soojin were talking on their way to their rooms. “Unnie...” Jaehee softly called out. 


“Do you think you could switch rooms with me? I really want to be with Monday unnie.” Jaehee asked cutely. 

Soojin smiled, knowing how badly the couple wanted to room with each other. “Sure I don’t mind. Here’s the key to room 1.” And handed Jaehee the key. “I’ll be heading to room 2, now okay?”

Jaehee nodded and walked over to room 1, excitedly waiting for Monday. 

Soeun and Monday arrived on the hotel floor and Monday patted Soeun on the back saying “Thanks man” and walked over to room 2 thinking that Jaehee was there. 

“No problem” and Soeun walked to room 1. 

When Soeun arrived at room 1 she opened the door and was surprised to suddenly see Jaehee. 

“Huh?!” The two said at the same time. “I thought you had room 2?” 

“I traded with Soojin unnie” Jaehee explained. 

“Ohhhh, I see, what happened...” Soeun said. “I traded with Monday, so she could be with you and now we got the same roommates again since you and Soojin unnie switched and me and Monday switched.”

In room 2, Monday happily opened the door and said “Jaehee-ah! Wha-???” When she saw Soojin unnie who was currently on the floor since she was surprised by the sudden entrance. 

“Geez! What the heck? Monday?” Soojin said, her heart beating rapidly due to the sudden fright that Monday gave her. “I thought you had room 1?”

Monday quickly realized what must have happened and instead just quickly shut the hotel door and ran to room 1. “Yah! Come on, get out” she told Soeun, when she opened room 1 and saw Jaehee and Soeun there. 

Soeun laughed and raised her hands above her head in a surrender position “Haha alright, man. I’m leaving, don’t worry” and she grabbed her stuff and headed to room 2. 

She knocked on the door for room 2 and slowly opened it, “Soojin unnie?” 

“Hey Soeun” Soojin responded from inside the room. 

Soeun plopped her stuff down onto the bed and told Soojin what happened with the rooming situation. 

“Yeah, I can imagine how confusing that was” She agreed. “I was so surprised when Monday barged into this room, when I was expecting you” 

“Haha well I was surprised to see Jaehee instead of you, unnie”

“At least it’s all sorted out now” 

“Yeah,” Soeun said as she laid face down on the bed, exhausted from the ride to the hotel and from sorting out the rooms. 

“Yah! Don’t fall asleep on the bed without taking a shower again” Soojin scolded. 

Soeun just waved her hands and muffled out a “So what! Your bed is over there” and just pointed across from her. 

Soojin looked at Soeun with an amused face and crossed her arms while saying “What, the imaginary bed?”

Soeun groaned and got up and looked across the room saying “No that bed right ther- Huh?” She got a better look at the room they were staying in and saw that it was a simple hotel room that had one queen sized bed. What? I thought that there would be two single beds. I have to sleep with Soojin unnie? No wonder, Monday wanted to be with Jaehee, she probably wouldn’t have wanted someone else to sleep with her. Soeun just stood still in her thoughts, when Soojin walked over to her. 

“I guess my dad must have thought it was alright to share a bed. I wonder what Jiyoon, Zoa and Jihan got.” She then walked past Soeun and headed to the door. “Come on, my father said that they are waiting downstairs at the hotel restaurant for dinner.” Soojin then exited the room. 

Soeun followed heading down the elevators with Soojin. 


After dinner, the girls went to their rooms and decided to head to sleep early since it was a busy day. 

“Hey can I take a shower first?” Soeun asked Soojin 


Soeun got her stuff from her bags and went to the bathroom.

When she finished her shower she headed out and told Soojin that she was done. “Unnie, I finished. You can go now” she said as she dried her wet hair off with a towel. 

“Okay, let me go get my stuff” Soojin responded looking through her bags. When she had everything, she looked and saw Soeun standing at the bathroom doorframe watching her, while drying her hair. Soojin blushed, because Soeun looked really good, with her wet hair, crop top, and shorts. She spaced out and stared at the younger girl. 

Soeun who saw Soojin staring at her, felt a bit uncomfortable under the intense gaze and looked around awkwardly. “Uh Soojin unnie? You alright?” 

Soojin snapped out of her trance and shook her head. “Huh? Oh y-yeah, sorry” she got up and rushed past Soeun. “You can borrow my hair dryer if you like” she told Soeun noticing that the towel wasn’t really drying her hair that well.

“Okay thanks” 

Soojin finished her shower and dried her hair preparing to go to sleep. As opposed to Soeun’s clothes, Soojin just wore a simple sweatpants and t-shirt. 

The two were standing next to the bed awkwardly, remembering what happened at Soojin’s house during Christmas. 

“Uh, wait a second” Soeun said and went to the hotel closet to grab some extra pillows and form a barricade separating the bed into two sections. 

Soojin smiled at Soeun’s thoughtfulness and headed to the left side of the bed. Soeun went to the right. They both drifted off to sleep. 


Soeun woke up and somehow the barricade had been kicked to the floor and she ended up spooning Soojin. Yikes this is awkward. She thought. She shifted in the bed and carefully was able to get out without waking Soojin. She walked to the bathroom and freshened up for the day. 

Soojin was sleeping peacefully, when she suddenly felt a coldness on her back as if her blanket was gone. Confused she tossed and turned but decided to wake up. She looked over to her right to look for Soeun but was greeted with an empty bed space. Where’s Soeun? She wondered. She sat herself into a sitting position on the bed and rubbed her eyes. She then heard the bathroom door open and Soeun came out fully dressed. 

Soeun changed her clothes in the bathroom and was going out to wake up Soojin when she saw that the older girl was already awake. “Oh? You’re up?” She walked over to Soojin who still looked tired. 

Soojin cutely nodded her head. 

Soeun smiled and pet Soojin’s head cutely, reminding her of a little puppy. “The others are downstairs having breakfast already. I’ll wait until you’re ready and we’ll go down together?” 

Soojin just agreed to tired to think. She got off the bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready. 


After breakfast the girls were hyped to go to the amusement park. 

“Alright guys! Y’all ready to have fun at the amusement park today?” Jiyoon excitedly said. 

“Yeah!” “Heck Yes!” “Woohoo!” The girls cheered. 

They all ran to the parking structure ready to go to the amusement park. 

When they arrived at the amusement park, Soojin’s parents left to leave the girls on their own. 

The girls rode some roller coasters, ate some food and had lots of fun. 

When they were eating lunch, Jihan asked “What ride are we going to go on next?” 

“Hmm, I don’t know?” Zoa responded. 

“Oh! I know!” Jiyoon said, when an idea popped into her head. “How about we go to the haunted house?”

“Eeek No!” Jaehee said. 

Jihan nodded as well scared of going to the haunted house, she hid behind Zoa.

Monday laughed and put her arm around Jaehee “It’ll be fine, I’m there to protect you right?”

“Okay!” Jaehee said, snuggling closer to Monday. “If unnie goes I’m sure I’ll be fine” 

“Awesome! Let’s go!” Jiyoon cheered and jumped up, heading to the haunted house. 

Jiyoon was leading the group whereas Monday and Jaehee were following, then Jihan and Zoa. At the back there was Soeun and Soojin. 

Soojin looked a bit nervous, so Soeun asked “Soojin unnie, you alright?”

Soojin jumped a bit in surprise, and said “Huh? Oh yeah I’m fine”

Soeun saw Soojin’s reaction and grinned, “Are you scared, unnie?” She teased 

“N-no of course not.” 

Soeun shrugged and decided not to press any further. We’ll see about that unnie, when we’re in the haunted house. 

They arrived and the haunted house attraction and the employee said that 2 people can enter at a time. 

The girls were trying to figure out how to split up. Obviously the couples were going to go in together so Monday and Jaehee went first, and then Jihan and Zoa. 

Soeun decided to tease Soojin some more knowing the older girl was already scared. “Yah, Jiyoon, wanna go together with me?”

“Huh?” Soojin said hearing what Soeun said. 

“Sure” Jiyoon responded and went over to Soeun. 

“W-wait, does that mean I have to go alone?” Soojin said nervously. 

“Oh I didn’t think about that” Soeun teased. “I’m sure you’ll be fine, unnie. After all you said you weren’t scared. Plus you’re the oldest” 

“Awwww” Soojin whined and cutely pulled on Soeun‘s shirt. “Soeun-ah, don’t make me go in by myself”

While the three were talking, the park employee kept trying to get one of them to go, since the line was backing up and it was the next turn. 

“Oh my goodness, you two” Jiyoon said. “I’m going by myself, meet you two at the end!” She headed into the haunted house. 

“Yah! Jiyoon wait for m-“ Soeun tried to follow Jiyoon but was pulled back by Soojin who then said “No, you’re going with me” 

“But I thought you said you weren’t scared” Soeun teased again, to which Soojin flicked her forehead. “Ow...” they were about to start bickering again when the employee said that they could go in. 

Soojin started to walk slowly to the entrance, but Soeun disliked the slow pace and grabbed the older girl by her hand and pulled her into the haunted house. “Come on, old lady you’re walking too slow” 

“Yah...” Soojin started to complain, when suddenly a ghost popped out and surprised her “Aaah!!” She screamed 

Soeun shook her head and said “calm down, unnie”

The two were walking through the dark house, with various jump scares. Soeun decided to prank Soojin, since the older girl was so scared. She deliberately let go of the older girl’s hand and got out of her grasp. She quickly ran in front pretending to have fun. “Wow unnie, come check this out” she ran further away from Soojin and into the darkness. 

“Yah! Soeun-ah don’t go too far, come back” Soojin said. When Soeun didn’t answer, Soojin took small cautious steps through the haunted house. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as she was scared to be left alone, since Soeun ran off. “Soeun?” She called out again. 

She turned around one of the corners and Soeun jumped out wearing one of the haunted house monster masks. “Boo!” She yelled. 

Soojin screamed startled by the sudden appearance of a monster right in front of her. 

“Hahaha” Soeun started to laugh at Soojin’s reaction. “That was so funny-“

*sniff* *whimper*

Soeun suddenly heard the sounds of crying and looked over to Soojin. Soojin had her head down, wiping tears from her eyes. 

“Hey, it’s just me” Soeun said softly, taking off her mask and coming closer to Soojin. She pulled the older girl into a hug, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were that scared, unnie” She gently grabbed Soojin’s hand again, “Come on, let’s get you out of here” she lead Soojin out of the haunted house. 

At the exit the rest of the girls were waiting for them.

“There they are!” Zoa and Jihan said. 

“What took you two so long?” Monday asked. 

“We just got a little lost” Soojin said, trying to cover up the fact that she was scared. 

“Yah, Jiyoon. Soojin unnie was so scared that she cried” Soeun teased.

“Really?” Jiyoon responded, surprised. 

Soeun nodded “I mean, I knew she was scared but I didn’t think she would cry”

“Yah!” Soojin grumbled. She hit Soeun’s arms to get the younger girl to stop teasing her. 

“Oh hey girls!” Soojin’s father said. “Having fun?”

“Oh hey Mr. Lee” they greeted. “We’re having lots of fun”

“Great! Since it’s getting late, I was wondering if you were all ready to leave and head back to the hotel?”

The girls nodded and they all went back. 


The girls ate dinner and went back to their rooms. Soojin took a shower first and got ready for bed. She was tired from spending the day at the park and wanted to rest since tomorrow will be just as crazy. 

She finished and was lying down on her side, while Soeun took a shower. 

She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to dreamland. 

Soeun exited the bathroom finished with her shower and dried her hair quietly with a tower since she didn’t want to wake up Soojin. She decided to stay up a bit to let her hair dry, and because she wasn’t that tired. 

It soon became late and Soeun got up to head to bed, when she walked over to the bed she saw Soojin sleeping, and quietly lifted the covers to go to sleep. Right when she was about to lie down she heard Soojin mumble “Soeun-ah...”

Surprised Soeun looked down at Soojin only to find the girl lying peacefully with her eyes closed. Confused Soeun shook her head, thinking she must be hearing things. 

“No... Soeun. Don’t leave me...” Soojin sleep talked, with her eye brows furrowed, arms hugging the pillow barricade they remade again. 

Soeun amused by Soojin’s sleep talking, raised an eyebrow in question. Wonder what she’s dreaming about. 

Suddenly Soojin jolted, kicking the pillow to the floor saying “Yah! You scared me!” 

Soeun was surprised by what happened and thought that Soojin woke up and saw Soeun staring at her. But the older girl still had her eyes closed and the breathing went back to its steady pace. What the heck? Is she dreaming about me scaring her at the haunted house today? Whatever, it’s late, I should go to sleep. Soeun thought and laid down. She was facing the opposite direction of Soojin and looking at the wall, trying to go to sleep when suddenly she felt Soojin wrap her arms around Soeun. 

“Hmm... Don’t scare me... like that, Soeun...” Soojin mumbled in her sleep. 

Soeun’s heart started beating as she tensed up, feeling Soojin’s arms hugging her and the older girl’s breath on the back of her neck. Sh*t I should’ve put the pillow barrier back up. I totally forgot to do it after she rudely kicked it away. She tried to turn around to move Soojin back to her spot, but when she turned around she realized how close she was to the older girl. 

Their faces were inches apart and Soeun blinked, holding her breath in case her breathing woke up Soojin. She looked at the Soojin’s sleeping face and carefully brought her hand up to brush away a strand of hair that was covering Soojin’s eyes. Soeun could hear and feel her heart pounding in her chest. *sigh* I must really like you, unnie. 

Soojin shifted and rolled the other way in her sleep, giving Soeun more space. As soon as she was free, Soeun got up and put the pillows back in place in order to avoid another awkward situation. She finally fell asleep and the two woke up the next morning normally and went to get ready for the park again. 

“Hey unnie, did you know you sleep talk?” Soeun asked, while brushing her hair. 

“I-I do?” Soojin said surprised. No one has ever told her that before since she usually sleeps by herself. 

Soeun nodded her head, “Yeah you said some pretty funny things last night”

“I d-did? Like what?” Soojin asked, genuinely curious about what she said last night. 

Soeun smirked and leaned in close “do you really want to know?” She whispered. 

Soojin blushed and leaned her head back to get some space from Soeun, and nodded. 

“Well, I’m not going to tell you” Soeun replied and went back to brushing her hair. 

Soojin pouted, upset that Soeun wasn’t going to tell her, and left to go brush her teeth. 


(Notes: if you don’t know what Disco Pang Pang is just search in YouTube and find the videos for them. They are pretty funny and romantic at times)

“Come on guys, Let’s go on the Famous Disco Pang Pang ride!” Monday shouted. 

The girls all lined up to ride the famous ride. 

On the ride the seven of them sat down and grabbed the railings on the side. The ride began to spin and bounce as the DJ (the ride operator) looked at all the riders. The DJ noticed the girls and commented “Ooh look at these pretty girls over here! Are you all single?”

The two couples (Jellyday and Zoahan) shook their heads, signaling no. 

“Ahh I see, how about the other three?” He asked as he bounced the ride causing Soojin, Jiyoon and Soeun to bounce up and down. The three stayed silent and the operator took that as a yes. 

“So they are single, let me see if there are any nice partners for you” And he went spun around the ride again looking for any boys to bully. “Ah too bad. It looks like there are a lot of females on this ride today, and only young kids. Oh well, I’ll just make this ride a fun one for you all” the DJ said and turned the music back on spinning the ride rapidly and bouncing it at certain times. 

Monday and Zoa were both tall and strong, so they were able to protect their girlfriends on the ride, they had their arms around each other and prevented their partner from flying too much. 

Soeun was having a great time on the ride, as she was also pretty strong and was able to enjoy the spinning and bouncing of the ride without too much problem. 

On the other hand, Soojin and Jiyoon were both pretty weak and were both not doing too well. 

Soojin kept shifting in her seat and the force of the ride kept causing her to bump against Soeun. At one point the DJ tilted the ride and spun it, causing Soojin to fly to the right, and lose her grip on the railing. She was about to fall until Soeun grabbed her by the waist. 

Soojin was now sitting on top on Soeun, with Soeun’s arm securely around Soojin, when the ride calmed down a bit, she put Soojin back onto the seat. 

“Thanks” Soojin gratefully told Soeun and Soeun just nodded smiling at the older girl. 

However, later on in the ride, Soojin had accidentally let go of the railing again. She kept getting butter fingers and her hand kept sweating, causing her to keep falling. At one point she fell onto the floor. 

The DJ saw this and kept bouncing and tilting the ride so that it was hard for Soojin to get back to her spot. She kept losing her footing and kept flopping down. 

Jiyoon, Monday and Soeun was laughing at the older girl, until Soeun decided to take pity and let go of the railing. She balanced carefully and grabbed Soojin leading the girl back to the seat. After that Soeun kept one of her arms over Soojin, keeping the older girl in her spot. 

“Aww, what a nice friend you have. By the end of the ride you two will become a couple.” the DJ teased and continued with the ride. He noticed how now Soeun was protecting Soojin from flying off so he decided to go a little bit harder with the ride. 

Monday, Soeun and Zoa all worked hard to keep their partner safe and secure. 

Whereas Jiyoon was seventh wheeling and was holding on the the railing for dear life as her feet and kept flying off. Then her arms couldn’t handle it any more and she ended up flying to the ground. 

She tried to get control of her body but she was already pretty dizzy from the spinning and couldn’t stand up correctly. She floundered in the middle of the ride and looked to her friends. 

The DJ was laughing and commented “Looks like all your friends already have someone to take care of!” 

Jiyoon glared at her friends, and Monday and Soeun laughed back. 

“Here, how about you go to this girl over there” the DJ said and bounced the ride so that Jiyoon plopped over by this other girl that was alone. The girl felt bad for Jiyoon and reached out to help and pulled her up. After that the two sat next to each other for the rest of the ride and it finished. 

They all got off the ride and Soeun helped Soojin walk a bit since the other girl was exhausted from the ride. 

“Yah!” The six of them heard a voice from the side. 

They turned and saw Jiyoon. “How dare you all pair up like that and leave me to my lonesome?” She angrily said. 

“But you can’t be that mad at us,” Soeun pointed out. “Those four (Zoa, Jihan, Monday and Jaehee) are couples and Soojin fell off before you. You only had to hold out for a while more”

Jiyoon shrugged, she honestly wasn’t that made at the others since she understood that, of course Monday and Jaehee would be together and Jihan and Zoa as well. She also understood that Soeun and Soojin had this unspoken relationship between the two so it was obvious that she would be the odd one out. “Whatever. At least I got that other girl’s number” Jiyoon said, grinning confidently, holding a piece of paper with the girl’s number. 

“Eyyy! Let’s gooo!” Monday said and slapped Jiyoon on the back. “She was pretty hot”

Jaehee then pinched Monday’s arm and whined, upset that her girlfriend was talking about another girl being hot. 

“Okay, okay I’m sorry” Monday apologized and kissed Jaehee’s forehead. 

The rest of the girls rolled their eyes at the sudden PDA, and walked to the arcade to play some games. 

On their way to the arcade, Soeun and Soojin were waking together, Soeun saw Soojin rubbing her hand and asked “Is your hand okay? The ride was pretty intense,”

“Huh? Oh yeah, I must have been gripping the railing too hard.” 

“What are you talking about? You hardly gripped the railing, for the beginning part of the ride you were flailing around” Soeun teased. 

Soojin rolled her eyes, “whatever...”

Soeun laughed at Soojin not being able to come up with a clever response. “Hahaha”


At the arcade the girls were playing various games.

Monday won the bottle ring toss, getting Jaehee a big teddy bear as a prize and Zoa won playing some darts and she got a cute bunny toy, which she then gave to Jihan. Soeun went around playing the games as well but was very unlucky with all of them. “What a waste, they’re all scams” 

“Nah, you just at them” Monday responded. 

Soeun huffed and went to the next game determined to win something. As she was walking around she saw Soojin at a claw machine trying to win a cute dog stuffed animal. When the claw wrapped around the toy and failed to pick it up, Soojin stomped cutely in frustration “Urgh, why won’t you pick up?” She grumbled to the machine. 

“Whatcha doing” Soeun suddenly asked. 

Soojin turned around and saw Soeun standing right behind her. 

Soeun peered around Soojin and saw the toy that Soojin wanted. “Move, I’ll get it for you. I’m quite good at this” 

“Really? I’ve tried three times already and wasted $3”

“Yeah, see you gotta line it up perfectly and check the sides” Soeun ran around the machine and checked to make sure she was lined up perfectly and then pressed the button. “And that should do it”

The claw machine lowered the claw and wrapped around the toy but it was still wedged in. The claw returned to its original position empty. “What?!” Soeun said. “Wait a minute, Soojin unnie, I’ll get you that toy, it’ll just take me some time” 

For the next hour, Soeun wasted her time on the claw machine and spent about $25. 

“Stupid machine!” Soeun angrily yelled at it. She then began to shake it and kick it violently. 

“Yah! Soeun-ah it’s alright!” Soojin said to Soeun when she saw the younger girl start fighting the machine. “You’re gonna get in trou-“

“Hey! Excuse me, miss! You’re not supposed to shake or damage the machines.” A park employee scolded. 

“Ah I’m so sorry!” Soojin apologized. “Well just go head out now!” And dragged Soeun away while bowing politely to the employee. 

Meanwhile, Jiyoon was watching the whole time while playing pac man and went over to the machine when Soojin and Soeun left. She worked on getting the toy out, especially after Soeun violently attacked the machine it made it easier to access the toy dog. She won the toy and put it in her backpack to give to Soeun later. 


Since it was New Year’s Eve the girls decided to finish up their day at the amusement park and ride the Ferris wheel. Then head back to the hotel to watch the fireworks. 

On the Ferris wheel the girls were planning on giving the couples their alone time. Jiyoon, Soeun and Soojin planned on sitting in the compartment together. 

It was their turn to enter, Soeun entered first and next Soojin sat on the opposite side in the compartment. Jiyoon stuck her head into the ride and said “You know what, it looks a bit too small to fit three people, I’ll take the next one” and ducked her head out. 

She was in the process of telling the employee when Soojin said “No, No there’s plenty of room” 

Soeun scooted over on the bench to make room for Jiyoon but she had already left and the ride door was closed. 

The compartment moved upwards and Soojin asked “How come Jiyoon-ah didn’t want to stay with us?”

“Who knows?” Soeun responded and sat quietly on the ride. 

The two enjoyed the peaceful ride and when they were about to reach the top the sun set turning the sky a beautiful orange pink. 

“Wahh! Soeun look!” Soojin said staring out the Ferris wheel compartment and looking at the sunset. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

However Soeun wasn’t looking at the sunset but rather the girl right in front of her. “Mmm, Yeah it is” 

Soojin turned her head to look at Soeun and caught a glimpse of Soeun staring at her. 

Soeun on the other hand, quickly turned away and looked at the sky, hoping Soojin didn’t catch her spacing out. 

Soojin smiled and slowly stood up to go sit next to Soeun, however that caused the carrier to tilt and Soojin fell forward. 

“Oof” Soeun grunted when Soojin landed on top of her. 

“Sorry” Soojin apologized

“No it’s okay,” Soeun laughed it off, and eye-smiled. “Reminds me of the disco pang pang”

Soojin blushed, remembering what happened at the disco pang pang. “Y-Yeah. I’m really sorry for making you hold me and stuff” 

“Haha, no, no it’s alright. It looked like you were having a hard time so I just helped you out” 

“You’re a really nice person, Soeun-ah” Soojin said. She grabbed Soeun’s hand and looked into her eyes. 

Soeun stared back at Soojin, feeling her heart pound in her chest. “You’re a nice person too, Soojin unnie” Soeun picked up on the atmosphere and thought, Should I confess my feelings to Soojin unnie? I feel like this would be a perfect time, the sun is setting, we’re by ourselves, I should do it! If I don’t when will I ever get another chance. 

“Soojin unnie... from the first time I saw you, I-“


“Hello ladies! Have fun on the ride?” The park employee asked as the ride stopped and the door swung open. 

“Huh? Oh yeah” Soeun said embarrassed that she was about to confess when the ride was ending. I’m so stupid. She then got out of the ride and walked down to the other girls who were waiting at the bottom. 

“Hey! Soeun wait up!” Soojin yelled from behind her. 

Soeun was embarrassed but also relieved that she didn’t completely outright confess to Soojin. She stopped and waited for the older girl to catch up. 

“Sorry you got interrupted, what were you saying?” Soojin asked Soeun

“Uh it’s nothing, don’t worry about it, I’ll tell you some other time” Soeun told Soojin. 

“Hey guys how was the ride?” Monday asked when she saw Soeun and Soojin. 

“It was fun! The sunset was super pretty” Soojin said. 

“It was really pretty!” Jihan agreed 

“Where’s Jiyoon unnie?” Zoa asked when she saw Soojin and Soeun together, the three of them were supposed to ride in one compartment so she didn’t know why Jiyoon wasn’t with them. 

“Oh she wanted to ride it by herself” Soeun said and shrugged as she didn’t know why. 

“By herself? Like a loner?” Monday asked. 

“Yah! Who’s a loner?” A voice said behind the group. 

They all turned and saw Jiyoon. 

“You’re the loner” Soeun said. “Why didn’t you want to ride with us?”

Jiyoon shrugged “I have my reasons...”

“And they are?” Soojin continued 

“It’s classified” Jiyoon smiled. “Now let’s go get some final desserts from the amusement park before we head back to our hotel to watch the fireworks!”

The girls went to eat some funnel cakes, churros and ice cream and headed back to their hotel at night. 


The girls were heading up to the hotel rooftop to watch the fireworks. While they were heading up, Jiyoon pulled Soeun off to the side and talked to her privately. 

“Hey dude, did you confess to Soojin unnie yet?”

Soeun confused said “W-what? No”

“What?! You still haven’t yet! Geez you must really be a coward” 

“Huh? Wait, what? How did you know I like Soojin unnie?”

Jiyoon stared at Soeun with a “seriously?” face. “Uh it was pretty obvious. I knew you liked her, since the beginning of school with the relay race when you fell down and only listen to Soojin unnie”


“And after that, you two have always been together and stuck at each other’s side since then. Plus you two always have this strange tension between you” Jiyoon continued. 

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Soeun said to stop Jiyoon from talking about her and Soojin. “But I tried to confess in the Ferris wheel but it didn’t go so well” 

“What? She rejected you?”

“Eh?! No! I didn’t get to finish my confession, hence the word ‘tried’” Soeun said. “What should I do?”

Jiyoon smirked and said “Don’t worry, little Soeunnie, it just so happens that I, God Jiyoon, am a relationship expert” 

“You’ve never been in a relationship before” Soeun deadpanned 

“Hush! You just don’t understand!” Jiyoon glared back. “Tonight would be perfect to confess to Soojin unnie. Just imagine you convey all your feelings to her, under the night sky, fireworks in the air and with THIS!” Jiyoon took the dog stuffed toy out of her bag and showed it to Soeun. 

“Hey isn’t that the toy Soojin unnie wanted?”

“Exactly, yours truly, was able to win it. Now you give this to her and boom! She’s yours”

Soeun looked at Jiyoon skeptically, “You sure this will work?”

Jiyoon shrugged. “Honestly I have no clue. But I’m sure it’ll help”

“And you got this for me to give to Soojin unnie? Why go through such lengths?”

“Cause I’m your wingman!”

“My wingman?”

“Yup! I let you and Soojin unnie have the shifts together at the homecoming game, rejected studying with you so that Soojin unnie could tutor you privately, helped fix your midterm problem when you were avoiding Soojin unnie by making the two of your talk to each other, let the two of you go to the haunted house and Ferris wheel together, etc. I even tried to hold onto the disco pang pang linger than Soojin unnie so that you could help her. I’ve helped you out a ton as your wingman” Jiyoon explained. 

“Huh I guess you did” 

“What?! That’s all I get! Not even a ‘thank you so much Jiyoon, what would I even do without you’ I get a ‘Huh’!!” Jiyoon exploded. 

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Soeun apologized and took the stuffed dog plush. “Thanks Jiyoon-ah” 

“No problem. Now go get Soojin unnie! Fighting!” Jiyoon cheered and went to the rooftop. 

Soeun smiled and looked at the dog plush. And breathed in and then exhaled “Haaa come on Soeun, you can do this!” She headed to the hotel rooftop. 



I love Jiyoon’s character in this story. Hahaha.

Thank you for reading! 

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!