Chapter 19

President Soojin and Student Soeun

There was only about a week before graduation and Soojin couldn’t help but feel very excited. She was about to graduate and go to one of the best colleges. She talked to all of her senior friends and almost all the senior classes were filled with excitement. Every time she entered a class the teachers would have to keep yelling at the students to stay focused since not many seniors were paying attention. Soojin smiled, I can’t believe I’m almost done with high school


On the other hand, Soeun was freaking out of her mind, along with Jiyoon and Monday trying to plan the graduation. The one thing they didn’t really have to worry about was that the graduation would take place at school on the football field but they still had to plan out how the graduates would walk, what order to be called in, etc. Hyojin had thankfully helped them out with the preordering and distributing the graduation gowns to all the senior students. 

However not everything was going wrong since Soeun did try her best to prepare for the graduation and a few weeks before prom when she was multitasking helping Jihan and Jaehee with prom, she also asked the Principal for the Senior class roster with all the students expected to graduate this year. She then created a google forms that was sent out to the senior class to fill out so that she would know their First and Last name, Future plans: whether it be college, work force, military, or etc. and also height, so that they would have more information for how to seat the students and also could buy gown sizes that would fit the students. 

Soeun was talking to Jiyoon and Monday after school at the school field to plan out how to arrange the students. 

“I think that the students should sit on the field on chairs and the parents sit up in the bleachers” Monday suggested. “That way we don’t need to worry about height since the parents would be above and they can see all the students.”

Jiyoon nodded “If we go with that plan then is it going to be alphabetical order?”

Soeun thought. “Yeah I think that would be easiest since we don’t have much time to plan and we need to have something ready.” 

They had a huge piece of paper with a printed picture of the field and started drawing out how the chairs would look and where the podium would go, how the students would walk in. They had to get the plan soon so that the senior class can start practices at least a few times so that on graduation day it’s not a big mess. 

Once they were done they ran the plan through with Hyojin making sure that he agrees with it, plus with his management experience he could have a better idea. 

“Looks great to me!” Hyojin said. “It’s going to be a very simple graduation then. I also think that while the mixture of the male and female is not that common since we had bought one color for both the male and female I think it’ll look great. Plus nowadays splitting it male on one side female on other could cause some controversies. This way everyone is the same.” 

Soeun, Jiyoon, and Monday agreed. 

Once they were done discussing everything with Hyojin, they went off to check with Principal Lee. 

At the principal’s office, the trio plus Hyojin told Principal Lee what they had planned. 

“So the students will sit here, and the parents there. The podium will be in front to the side and we’ll also have a section someplace else for the teachers.” Soeun explained. 

Principal Lee nodded “So far it looks good. I’m sure we have enough chairs in the storage for all the students and staff, the parents are sitting on the bleachers so no need to worry about them. Hmm... I believe the graduation is planned for the late afternoon/evening so hopefully it won’t be too hot or sunny. I think it’s good. If you get the football field all set up then as soon as it’s ready you can start initiating the graduation practices” 

Soeun, Jiyoon and Monday smiled happily “Really! Yes!” They all high-fived each other. 

“Let’s go get Jaehee, Jihan and Zoa to help us move chairs and line them up.” Soeun told the other two. “We’ll meet them at the storage in the back of school.”

Monday and Jiyoon texted the others and headed off to the storage. 

Soeun turned around and thanked Hyojin “Don’t worry, I think we got this now. Thank you so much for all the help.”

“No problem! I don’t think I did much any way. Aside from place an order for the gowns but that’s all. I can’t wait to see how everything goes! I gotta go back to work now. Good luck!” Hyojin cheered, and went back to the school parking lot to head to work. 

Soeun took a deep breath, “Haa... Let’s go!” She followed her friends to the chairs. 

It took a while to bring the chairs from the back of the school storage all the way to the football field, but with the help of moving carts and the other girls, they were able to finish setting up the graduation layout. 

“Was the podium in the storage room as well?” Jaehee asked. 

“Oh...” Monday thought about it. “Not sure, Yo! Jiyoon!” she called out. 


“Where’s the podium?” Monday asked. 

“I don’t know! It wasn’t in the storage room?” Jiyoon responded. 

Monday looked over to Jaehee who shrugged. “We’re not sure!”

“I’ll go check!” Soeun yelled at her friends. She went to go walk all the way back again to see where it was. On her way back, she saw Soojin walking in the hallways, “Oh hey, Soojin unnie!” 

Soojin heard someone call her name and she turned around. Her face immediately brightened when she saw Soeun. “Soeun! What are you doing?”

“The girls and I are working on preparing the graduation down by the football field. I’m checking to see if the podium is in the storage room.” Soeun told Soojin. 

“Do you guys need any help? I’m free!” Soojin offered. 

“Sure you can come with me to look for the podium.”

The two went off to the back of school to the storage rooms. 

While looking around, Soojin found the boxes of flowers and hearts from Valentine’s Day. She smiled remembering back when they were in the storage rooms together and first found the box. 

“Hey!” Soeun called out, snapping Soojin out of her trance. “I found it!”

The podium was still in fairly nice condition, it was made of wood so it’ll be heavy for them to move to the field. It was also wrapped in plastic so they could move it to the football field and if it rained before graduation it wouldn’t get ruined. “Cool! Let’s load this onto the cart so it’s easier to move” she told Soojin. 

Together they were able to get the podium onto the cart and Soeun was pushing/wheeling it back to the field. 

“Hyojin told me that he helped you guys out a bit with ordering the graduation gowns.” Soojin said. 

Soeun nodded. 

Soojin smiled slyly, “I was wondering why suddenly all the students had to pick up their graduation gowns at the company where Hyojin works.”

What the frick? Why did Hyojin order the graduation gowns through his company? Soeun thought. I’m screwed.

“Don’t worry a lot of the students thought it must have had something to do with me, since he is my boyfriend and I’m the student council President.” Soojin continued. “You guys got lucky. Anyways He’s a nice guy right?” 

Soeun just stayed silent. She knew Hyojin was a nice guy, but she was still upset that Hyojin and Soojin were dating even though Hyojin already said he doesn’t like Soojin in that way. Soojin could always like Hyojin, especially now that Soeun knows how nice a guy he is. On top of that, Soojin never really told Soeun her feelings and all she knows is that the older girl just wants to be friends. “Yeah whatever. I just asked him for a little help. We all know how wonderful your boyfriend is” she said, maybe a bit too harsh. 

Soojin was surprised by Soeun’s response. “Well, someone’s a bit grumpy” she teased hoping to improve Soeun’s mood. 

Soeun rolled her eyes, “I’m not grumpy. I’m just tired and stressed, not everyone can spend their days relaxing and having fun because they’re graduating in a week, and are accepted to one of the most prestigious colleges.” 

Soojin stopped walking. “Hey! What’s your problem? Why’re you so upset?” She was genuinely confused as to why Soeun was acting like this. 

Soeun also didn’t know why she was acting like this, was she stressed because she procrastinated the graduation planning, irritated and jealous because Soojin could actually like Hyojin, worried because Soojin is graduating and the older girl wouldn’t be around anymore. Soeun just didn’t know. “I’m not upset!” Soeun yelled coming to a stop as well. 

Soojin crossed her arms over her chest, “It sure seems like it! If you were stressed because of the graduation planning, I’ve offered many times to help you out, but you rejected all my offers. Now look! Everything is so last minute and rushed! What kind of Vice President waits till a week before graduation to finally start planning everything!” As soon as those words came out of Soojin’s mouth she immediately regretted it, after seeing Soeun’s hurt face. 

The two stood in silence for a while, with Soojin’s words hanging in the air. 

Soojin bit her lip, guiltily, “Soeun-ah...” 

Soeun was hurt by Soojin’s words and didn’t want to talk to the older girl anymore. She turned around, with her head hanging down, “I... I’m busy, as you can see everything is already so last minute so don’t bother me anymore!” She ran off pushing the podium down to the football field as fast as she could to avoid Soojin. 


When she arrived at the field the other girls had already finished the chairs and also putting post it notes on the chairs with the name of the student. 

“Hey! I see you brought the podium!” Jiyoon went over to Soeun. 

“Hmm? Oh yeah.” Soeun said nonchalantly. 

Jiyoon looked at her friend, sensing that something was off. “Something happen? What’s up?” 

“N-nothing. Let’s go put this in its spot.” Soeun said, grabbing one side of the podium whereas Jiyoon grabbed to other. 

The two moved the podium to where they planned it to be. 

Everything was all set up and in order, so the girls went to Principal Lee and told them that they would schedule the senior class tomorrow after school to practice. 

“Phew! I’m exhausted!” Jiyoon said, to the girls when they were waiting for the bus. All their arms were sore and tired from moving the chairs and getting everything ready. “Next year, we start planning this earlier so we’re not so stressed.” 

“Agree!” Monday said. 

Soeun just stayed silent knowing that it was all her fault that her friends were so stressed because she wasn’t prepared earlier. 

“Next year?” Jaehee suddenly said. She then smiled brightly, “Does that mean next year you guys will still be in the Student Council Club?” 

“Huh?” Monday and Jiyoon said. “Of course!”

“Even though Soojin unnie forced us to be part of the club, you guys are like family! We wouldn’t just quit!” Monday said hugging her girlfriend. 

Jihan cheered happily, “Yay! Zoa will finally be officially part of the club too! She’ll be a freshman!”

“And Soeun unnie will be President!” Zoa blurted out. 

“Wait, what now? President?” Soeun said confused. 

Zoa nodded, “Yup! Aren’t you Vice President right now, it makes sense if you’re President next year” 

“No, no, I’m not going to be President.” Soeun denied. 

Zoa, Jihan and Jaehee all frowned in disappointment. “Awww” 

Soeun laughed at the disappointed response. “Don’t be too sad. I’ll still be part of the club but I don’t think I’m cut out enough to be President. I think Jaehee or Jihan would be a great President or Vice President.”

The freshman duo laughed, “We can’t be president or vice president.“ 

“How come?” 

“You have to be an upperclassman in order to be the vice president or president. Next year, Jaehee and I are only going to be sophomores” Jihan explained. 

“So next year it has to be one of you three” Jaehee added on. 

“What???” The three juniors said. 

“I think Jiyoon should be President” Soeun said. 

“What? No! Monday would be a better choice” Jiyoon deflected the attention.

“Heh? Nobody ever trusts me! Why would you make me president! Soeun should do it she’s already Vice President!” Monday argued back.

“If I’m Vice President now, wouldn’t it make sense if I continue being Vice President I already know how to do the job!” Soeun replied. 

The three kept bickering and arguing while the Jihan, Zoa and Jaehee just shook their heads. 

While they were all distracted, they didn’t realize that a bus had arrived and was about to leave. 

“Yah! Our bus!” Soeun shouted. 

They all got up laughing, and ran to the bus before it could depart. 


The next day after school, all the seniors were at the football field waiting to practice their graduation walking. The principal and some teachers were there as well to help out, along with Hyojin and the rest of the student council. 

Principal Lee was standing by the podium and using a megaphone to yell at the students since they haven’t set up a microphone or any speakers yet. 

“Alright, everyone can I have your attention please!!” He yelled. “This is the first day of graduation practice. I hope all of you listen to what you have to do and please pay attention to the student council since we are running a bit behind schedule this year.”

Among the senior class, many students complained “Yeah! Why’s graduation practice this year so late?!”

“My mother almost thought we weren’t going to have a graduation!” 

“What’s the student council even doing? F**king Useless!” 

“Isn’t Soojin supposed to be the President, why is the graduation planning so horrible?”

“No! I heard that it was someone else in the club who was in charge” 

“Psh, then that person must be stupid, I’m so glad I’m graduating this year so I don’t need to deal with a sh*tty student council that can’t even do their job. The only smart one was Soojin” 

Soojin who was in the crowd of seniors heard all these words that were bashing the student council members. She looked over to Soeun and the others who looked very nervous and hurt. 

“Yah!! Be grateful they spent a lot of time and effort working on this for you!” Principal Lee yelled out at the students to get them to be quiet. “I’ll bring up the people who will tell you the plans.” He looked over to the student council club, expecting one of them to get up and talk to the seniors. 

They all looked over to Soeun. 

Soeun wasn’t paying attention to what was happening as all of the complaints that the seniors were grumbling about were running through her head. Sh*t I’m so stupid for thinking I could even do this. What am I supposed to do? If I go up there I’m going to be hated on. She could feel her hands shaking from all the nerves, her stomach felt like it was turning inside out. 

Hyojin was staring at Soeun, and seeing how she was. He wasn’t deaf, he heard what all the seniors were yelling about, and he also wasn’t blind, he could see how it was affecting Soeun. 

The principal was still looking at them, waiting for someone to take charge of the graduation practice. 

Hyojin stepped forward, to the podium and grabbed the megaphone. “Testing, Testing...” He said. He looked at the megaphone and found the switch to turn it on. “Hey! Everybody!” He yelled once he got the megaphone to work. “I’m Kim Hyojin, who helped with the graduation planning. What we have planned is just a simple graduation setup.” 

Now all the seniors had their eyes and attention focused on Hyojin as he confidently explained how the students were going to sit and how to walk in. 

“Please follow the yellow tape you see on the field in an orderly fashion when walking to and from the stage. Your name will be called by Principal Lee and you will walk up to the front and receive your diploma, pausing to take a few pictures, before returning back to your seat” Hyojin continued to explain. “Let’s practice! You can find your seat with a post it note of your name, everything is in alphabetical order starting from your last name. Last names that begin with the letter A is in the front and Z in the back! Once you find your chair please sit down!”

Soeun, and the others were shocked at how well Hyojin was doing with explaining their plans. 

They took a break for a while, waiting till all the seniors found their chair. 

It seemed like the seniors have calmed down from complaining. Soeun would have to thank Hyojin for saving her a**. 


Graduation practice continued with Hyojin leading it. 

“Alright! That’s good! Let’s practice one more time to get it perfect!” Hyojin yelled out. 

The students stood up and walked. 

“Good! Again!”

They stood up again and went though the whole process. 


The cycle continued. 

On about the fifth time, one of Soojin’s friends went up to her, all out of breath. *pant* “Soojin, please tell... your boyfriend to stop. I’m exhausted” 

Another friend agreed “I feel like my legs will fall off.”

“We’ve been practicing for 5 hours, and I know everything is last minute but do we really need this much practice? Everyone is doing just fine, we already remember where to sit and what to do” 

Soojin nodded, understanding that the senior class was reaching their limits. “I’ll talk to Hyojin.”

“Okay Everyone! Five minute break and we start again!” Hyojin announced in the megaphone. 

The whole senior class groaned. 

Soeun, Jiyoon and Monday all looked at each other worriedly. They didn’t expect Hyojin to work the senior class this hard, but they didn’t want to bring it up to him since he was helping them with it. 

“Hey, Hyojin” A voice said. 

The student council turned around along with Hyojin to see Soojin walking up to them. 

Soojin and Soeun eyes met for a split second but they quickly looked away. They haven’t talked to each other since the last time they fought. 

“The seniors are all pretty tired, they want to call it a day for practice already. We can continue to practice another day,” she told Hyojin. 

Hyojin looked at the time and realized how late it had become. “Oh Woah! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m a perfectionist so I want to make sure everything is perfect. We can continue to practice tomorrow or some other day before the real graduation.” 

He turned to the students who were sitting on their chairs relaxing. “Okay! That’s a wrap for today! Thank you all for your hard work!”

The seniors all cheered, glad that they could go back home. 


Hyojin took off time from his work to help out the graduation practice. His father allowed him to, since it was Soojin’s graduation and he wanted to make sure his son showed how capable and responsible he is. 

At the end of the last day of graduation practice, Soeun talked to Hyojin and thanked him for everything he did. 

“Hey Hyojin-ssi, thanks for helping us so much” Soeun said. 

Hyojin laughed “Haha, no worries. It was part of the deal we made so, you know” 

Soeun smiled back. 

“Alright Hyojin, I’m all packed up, we can go n-“ A voice cut off suddenly behind the two. 

They both turned around and saw Soojin. 

“Oh! Soeun...” Soojin said when she saw Soeun. She wanted to talk to the younger girl about that time with the podium but could never got the right chance yet. 

Soeun frowned, and avoided Soojin’s eyes. “Um... yeah, I’ll just-“ she gestured behind her and ran off. 

Hyojin was surprised by Soeun suddenly running away. He looked to Soojin who looked disappointed, her eyes following Soeun running away. Something must have happened between the two. He thought. He gave a small smile to Soojin, “Shall we go?” He asked bringing the girl’s attention back to him. 

When they were driving back to Soojin’s house she said “T-thanks for helping out Soeun with the graduation.” 

“No problem.” Hyojin responded when they arrived at her house. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the graduation, then?” 

Soojin nodded and waved goodbye. 

—Graduation Day—

About 3 hours before the graduation, the student council club, aside from Soojin were at their school’s small football field making sure everything was in order. 

They were working with Chorong and Bomi to figure out the electrical stuff such as the microphones and speakers. 

Once it was all set up they tested it to make sure that there was no feedback sound and also to make sure it was loud enough. 

They also decorated the field with nice plants and flowers from a florist that Hyojin had ordered. During the practices he felt as though the field looked a bit too boring so he went ahead and ordered some flowers and plants to decorate the rows of the student chairs and also the podium where the Principal and others would give speeches. 

Since the girls were only helping out with the graduation, they all wore a nice white long sleeved shirt along with black pants. Their jobs were to just help out with passing out the programs to the parents/guests and collect tickets. 

The seniors weren’t scheduled to arrive until about 1 hour before all the parents so there was still time left once the girls finished preparing. Since the program would go through dinner, Chorong and Bomi offered to take them to have a quick snack before the graduation. 

“You guys worked really hard preparing this” Chorong complimented the girls. 

Bomi nodded her head in agreement. “I thought you three were just the school’s typical lazy students. Who would’ve thought you would be able to plan a whole graduation.” Referring to Monday, Jiyoon and Soeun.  

“Well, we did get a lot of help...” Soeun said sheepishly. 

“Naww, you guys did great” Bomi cheered them up. “Come on its about time to head back.” 

They all got up and headed back to school. 


“Hey, I was wondering where you guys were.” A voice said, once they came back the school field. Hyojin had been waiting there for them along with Soojin to check in with them. 

“Oh sorry, Chorong and Bomi sunbae took us out to eat a snack” Jiyoon explained. “Everything is in order and ready to go.”

“That’s great!” Soojin responded, but she was quickly pulled to the side by her senior friends wanting to take pictures with her and hang out. “Sorry,” she apologized and went with her friends. 

Hyojin watched Soojin leave, he then turned back to the girls. “Cool, the seniors are checking in now and we’re gonna let the parents sit down soon, you guys should go to the check in table to accept their tickets.” Hyojin told the girls. 

All of them nodded, except for Soeun who was staring at Soojin in her graduation gown and cap. I can’t believe it, she’s really graduating. 

Soojin was having fun with her friends when she turned back to look at Hyojin and the others, her eyes locked again with Soeun’s. She smiled at the younger girl, and started to walk over to Soeun, thinking that she wanted to talk to her. 

Soeun’s eyes widened when she saw Soojin making her way over to her and she panicked, running away to the entrance to the field to start checking in the parents. 

Soojin frowned and stopped walking. She sighed, It seems like Soeun still doesn’t want to talk to me. It's all my fault... She headed back to her friends, taking out a sheet of paper from her graduation gown, practicing her speech as class president and representative valedictorian. 

Jiyoon noticed how Soeun and Soojin were acting and asked “What happened between you and Soojin unnie?” 

Soeun shrugged it off, “Nothing” and continued to accept parents tickets, letting them into the field. 

“It doesn’t seem like that.” 

“It doesn’t matter, after today she’s going to be moving away, going to XXXX University. This is probably the last time we will see each other.” Soeun knew that the last time Soojin and Soeun argued, Soojin wasn’t at fault, she was the one who was acting rude to Soojin, bringing up Hyojin, and XXXX University. She didn’t want to face Soojin, which is why she continued to run away. 

Jiyoon shook her head hearing Soeun’s response. She was about to go off on how stupid Soeun is acting, when Hyojin called out, telling them that all the parents were seated and the graduation was going to happen soon. 

Zoa, and Jihan got up excitedly, and Jaehee and Monday followed. “You two coming?” She called out to Soeun and Jiyoon. 

Soeun got up, “let’s go” 

Jiyoon followed. 


“Welcome, welcome, everyone!” Principal Lee announced. “Thank you all for joining us on this very special day...” 

Principal Lee finished his opening speech for the graduation ceremony and the next speaker was the superintendent of the department of education. 

Soeun and Jiyoon were standing off to the side by the bleachers, along with Jaehee, Monday, Zoa and Jihan who were all hanging out with each other ignoring the speeches. 


Soeun looked over to Jiyoon. 

“I think the graduation is going well, no?”

Soeun nodded. “I hope it continues to go well”

About one hour into the graduation, Soojin was called to the podium to give a speech as the head valedictorian. 

Despite Soeun and Soojin’s argument, Soeun couldn’t help but give her full attention to Soojin. She stared at the older girl as she made her way to the podium. 

At the podium Soojin stood nervously, she’s used to presentations but having to speak in front of a crowd this big was a first for her. She looked at her speech quickly, took a deep breath, and greeted the audience. 

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, teachers, students, and most of all the graduates. It is a big honor to speak to all of you on this very special occasion. 

First, I would like to congratulate all the seniors. Over the last four years here at PlayM High we’ve learned so much. We’ve all worked hard in order to graduate and achieve our dreams.... 

-Continue on with a typical Graduation speech-

... I would also like to thank all of the PlayM instructors for giving us encouragement and advice when we needed it and also most importantly for your passionate teaching.” Soojin paused slightly. Her eyes met Soeun’s in the audience, causing her to become a bit distracted and lose focus. 

Soeun noticed Soojin stop and nodded her head encouragingly, with a small smile. 

Soojin looked at Soeun and back down to her script. 

“I...” she bit her lip, debating whether or not to go off script but she did. “I would also would like to thank PlayM High’s student council for working hard all year to ensure school wide events were celebrated. Without you guys...” she looked over to where her friends- Zoa, Jihan, Jaehee, Monday, Jiyoon and finally Soeun were. “I wouldn’t have known what to do. Thank you so much, I know you guys will do a great job next year.” Soojin ended with a smile. 

She then turned her attention back to facing the general audience and continued with her speech, talking about the graduating class, and all the memories made, and also the future. 

Soeun was surprised by Soojin’s actions, she looked over to her other friends and they all had the same reaction. 

Jiyoon smiled happily “Wow! I can’t believe Soojin unnie, just mentioned us!” 

Monday rolled her eyes sarcastically “What are you talking about, we’re part of the student council, of course she has to mention us” 

“Well she didn’t have too, she could’ve said anything she wanted, I mean it is her speech” Jaehee pointed out. 

Soeun just laughed watching her friends bicker while she twisted the two bead bracelets on her wrist. 

Jiyoon noticed and asked “Hey, I noticed you haven’t been wearing that, why’d you decide to wear it today? And why do you have two??” 

Soeun ignored Jiyoon’s comment, and continued to watch Soojin give her speech. “Just cause.”


The graduation soon came to a close, and all the seniors turned their tassel on their cap. After that there was loud cheers and some students threw up their cap, while others cried, and some jumped and hugged their friends. 

Family and friends were invited to go down onto the field and give out leis, balloons, take pictures, etc. 

The girls still hung out off to the side as they didn’t want to interrupt the post graduation ceremony. Some students were about to leave as the parents who coordinated project grad were calling out to the students. 

Once the field cleared off a bit, Soeun and the others went to clean it up. 

Monday and Jaehee were in charge of looking for any trash and clearing off the bleachers of rubbish. Zoa and Jihan cleaned the football field floor of any lost items from students and also trash, and Jiyoon and Soeun were on the field stacking the chairs up again so that they could be moved to the storage room. 


A few moments before the student council club members started clearing off the field, Soojin was happily smiling with her friends and family taking photos and exchanging gifts. It was getting late and her family dragged her off to the school parking lot so they could all head home. 

“Come on now, Soojinnie, let’s go” her father called out to her. 

Soojin was still busy having too much fun. 

Mr. Lee sighed, “Soojin-“ 

“It’s alright, Mr. Lee” Hyojin cut off Soojin’s father. “You can head home with Mrs. Lee, I’ll bring Soojin back later once she is finished spending time with her friends.” 

Mr. Lee smiled, hearing Hyojin’s suggestion. “Great! I have a big company meeting tomorrow so I would like to get back home quickly to do some quick review of the contract.” He patted Hyojin on the back. “I’ll leave Soojin in your care then.” 

Hyojin smiled reassuringly to Mr. Lee. “Don’t worry” 

Once Soojin was finished with her senior friends and they all left to go the project grad she turned to Hyojin. “Okay! I’m all set now!”

Hyojin looked at where Soojin’s friends were going off to, “You’re not going with them?”

“Hmm? Oh no, I decided that I didn’t really want to go to project grad. It was optional and only the popular kids are going. Wasn’t my type of thing so I declined.” 

Hyojin nodded, understandably. He then proceeded to pat his pockets, looking for his car keys. “Huh?” He checked his pants again. “It seems I must have left the keys at the football field somewhere. Can we go back and look for it?” Hyojin asked Soojin. 

“Uh... Sure!” Soojin agreed and the two walked back to the field. 

When they arrived they saw the girls packing up all the graduation stuff. 

Soeun was carrying a large load of chairs, heading off to the storage room in the back when suddenly she bumped into someone on the shoulder. That caused the chairs she was carrying to tilt and fall. “Whoa!” 


“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Are you alri- Soeun?” 

Soeun heard Soojin’s voice and got up surprised. “Soojin unnie!” She dusted off her clothes and started to pick up the chairs again. “Uh... Sorry I couldn’t really see where I was going and I guess I must have bumped into you. I didn’t expect anyone to be around still so I was rushing, since the chairs were heavy and...” Soeun quickly explained.  

“No! No! It’s alright!” Soojin said while helping Soeun with the chairs as well. 

Hyojin was also watching the two and helped pick the chairs up too. “Wow! Soeun!” He exclaimed once all the chairs were stacked up again. “This is quite the heavy load, no wonder you were rushing to put it away.” 

Soeun looked away embarrassed. “Well... yeah. I um... I can take that back if you like. If not I’m going to go and help the others some more.” She said, still being a bit awkward with Soojin. She was already inching away slowly trying to excuse herself from Soojin and Hyojin. 

“Soeun, wait” Soojin said, grabbing Soeun’s hand before she could run away. “Can we talk?”

Soeun eyes widened with Soojin holding her hand. “Uh- what? Sorry... I’m a bit busy now. And shouldn’t you be heading home with Hyojin now?” 

Hyojin grinned slyly. “Nah, her father said that she could come home whenever she likes as long as I take her back. It seems I left my keys somewhere in the football bleachers so I’ll have to look for them. But for now I’ll go help you guys out and put these chairs back at the storage room for you.” He said heaving the chairs up. “You two can talk in private.” He winked at Soeun before leaving. 

Soeun glared at the guy, knowing he must have planned this. Man he’s just as bad as Jiyoon. She thought. When he comes back I’ll have to

“I’m sorry” 

Soeun’s thoughts were interrupted by Soojin’s sudden apology. She looked at the older girl confused. “What?”

“I’m sorry, Soeun. I yelled at you the other day when you were already so stressed out about the graduation. I- you’re a great Vice President, the graduation turned out to be a wonderful and amazing event. Thank you so much, I’m sorry. The things that I said must have really hurt your feelings.” Soojin apologized. 

“No, I’m sorry Soojin unnie. I was acting rude to you when all you were doing was having a nice conversation. I snapped at you about Hyojin and XXXX University. I just... I don’t know why I did that. I didn't know what I was thinking.” Soeun said, hanging her head low. 

Soojin shook her head. “It’s fine, this was your first time planning a graduation, I’m sure you were just stressed.”

There was a moment of silence, until Soeun whispered softly “...I’ll miss you, unnie” 

Soojin looked at Soeun, after hearing what the younger girl said, but the girl was avoiding eye contact. “I’ll miss you too, Soeun-ah. But XXXX University isn’t that far away, and I’ll try my best to keep in contact with everyone-“ 

Soeun hugged Soojin, cutting off the older girl. “Promise?” 

“I promise.”

Soeun broke their hug and eye-smiled to Soojin. 

Soojin smiled back. 

“Hey! Soeun!!” Monday’s loud voice travelled across the football field. “We’re trying to move the podium and we need some help!” 

Soeun turned around breaking their eye contact, “Sorry I better go” 

Soojin reached out again to grab Soeun, “W-wait! I’m not done talking to you!” 

Soeun turned back to Soojin confused. 

“Yah!! Soe-mmph!!” Monday yelled in the back. 

Jiyoon covered Monday’s mouth with her hand to stop her from interrupting Sooso’s private time. “Stop yelling! Can’t you see their having a moment!!” Jiyoon smiled at Soeun and Soojin, shooing them away. “Carry on, you two!!”

“Ow!!” Jiyoon yelled, shaking her hand that Monday just bit. 

“Pah!” Monday gasped. “Geez, I get it! But you don’t have to suffocate me!” She grumbled to Jiyoon. “Don’t worry! We got it over here!!” She yelled back at Soeun and Soojin. 

Soeun and Soojin watched the scene between Jiyoon and Monday and laughed. Soeun turned her attention back to Soojin. “So what were you saying?”

“I heard from Monday and Jiyoon about how you are going to be Student Council President.” Soojin said happily. 

“Huh? No I’m not going to be President.” Soeun declined. 

“What? But-“ 

“Oh my! You guys are still here?” A voice said to them. 

Principal Lee was walking back on the field. “I’m surprised! I didn’t think you all would work to put away everything so soon!” He saw Soeun and Soojin talking to each other off to the side and smiled brightly. “Is the previous president giving some tips to the future one?” 

“No... I’m not the pres-“ Soeun started to decline again until Principal Lee patted her on the back. 

“Nonsense. You’re student council form for next year had your position written as President.” Principal Lee said. 

Soeun was confused until she thought back to when she turned in her form. 


“Hey guys! I’m running late to my next class, can you turn in my student council form for me?” Soeun asked Jiyoon and Monday. 

Jiyoon and Monday looked surprised at first but their expressions quickly changed to a mischievous one. “Oh of course, we’ll turn that in for you, Soeun.” Jiyoon readily agreed. 

“Mmhm,” Monday said nodding her head up and down, while slowly leading Soeun away. “You can trust us, your form is in good hands” 

Soeun looked at her friends confused but shrugged it off. “Thanks?”

*End of Flashback*

Soeun groaned internally, I never should have trusted those two.   

“Well, see you when school starts!” He said to Soeun. “You take care now, Soojinnie” he hugged his niece and left. 

Soojin glanced at Soeun and saw the girl sulking now that she’s President. “Oh don’t be too upset. Being president isn’t that bad. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“Hmpf... Can’t I drop out of the position?” Soeun whined. 

“No, I promise to help you out and keep in touch. Please Soeun?” Soojin pleaded. 

“Don’t you think Jiyoon would be better?” 

“Soeun-ah, you would be a great President.” Soojin said holding Soeun’s hands. 


“Whipped!" Monday yelled out behind them.

Soeun heard this and was about to beat Monday up but Soojin swung Soeun’s arms excitedly, once she heard her agreement. “Thank you! Thank you! You’ll do great!” 

Hyojin came back from helping out the others and asked “Did I come back too soon?”

Soojin shook her head, “No I’m all finished.” She looked back to Soeun checking with the younger girl if she had anything else to say. “You good too?”


“Okay” Soojin walked over to Hyojin. 

“Wait! This is for you, unnie!” Soeun said and placed something inside Soojin’s hand. 

Soojin looked down and saw the bracelet that Soeun had given her for her birthday. 

“I- I figured you could keep it with you when you go to college” Soeun said, avoiding eye contact with Soojin since it was a bit awkward. 

Soojin started at the bracelet and quickly ran back to hug Soeun. She whispered in Soeun’s ears “Thank you” 

Soeun smiled and hugged back “No problem.”

They broke apart and Soojin went to Hyojin. “Did you find your keys?” 

“Huh?” Hyojin looked at her confused. 

“I thought you said you lost them at the bleachers” 

“Oh right!” 

“We cleaned the bleachers earlier and I didn’t see any keys” Jaehee said. 

“Ah! They were actually in my back pocket. Whoops” Hyojin said. 

“At least you didn’t lose them!” Soojin said brightly, while Soeun shook her head, knowing why Hyojin lied about his car keys. 

“Alright, I’ll take you home now, Soojin” 

“Could you take a picture of us real fast?” Soojin asked Hyojin. 


The seven girls all lined up and smiled. 


“Nice! It looks good. Here, Soojin” Hyojin handed Soojin’s phone back. She texted the pic in the group chat so everyone would have it. “See you guys!” 

“Bye!!” “Bye Soojin unnie!” “Make sure you keep in touch!” “We’ll miss you!” They all said as Soojin left. 



The story is almost finished! The next chapter is the last one. It’ll be pretty short though. Hopefully the story didn’t suddenly speed up too fast towards the end. 

Also ignore my horrible speech writing skills, obviously I wasn’t the valedictorian speaker Hahahaha!

Also I’m sorry for not responding to comments like I usually do, I was busy writing this chapter so I could finish quickly since school is almost starting again. 

Thank you for reading! 

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!