Chapter 7

President Soojin and Student Soeun

A few more weeks passed since the sports day. Soeun, Jiyoon and Monday started to hang out more with Jihan, and Jaehee. Ever since the sports day, Soeun has tried to catch the attention of the older girl, since she genuinely likes Soojin’s company. Occasionally they would hang out with Soojin but the president was always busy with senior classes, cheerleading or club activities. 

The girls were hanging on the roof without Soojin, who said she had to prepare for one of her classes. Soeun sighed. Man why does Soojin unnie have to be so busy all the time. When is the next time the student council club will meet, I want to see her. 

Jiyoon caught Soeun’s lovesick expression and inwardly smiled to herself. “Hey, why are you all mopey?” She asked even though Jiyoon knew the actual reason was because Soeun missed Soojin, she was wondering if the girl would actually admit it. 

Soeun then perked up at her friend’s question. “What are you talking about? I’m not mopey”

Monday laughed and said “are you sure about that, bro?”

Soeun rolled her eyes at her friends and said “I’m fine” she then prepared her bag getting ready for their next class. “Come on guys let’s go, class starts in 10 min” 

The girls then stood up and went to class. 


After class, Soeun got a message in the group chat from Soojin saying that there will be a quick student council meeting at 3:00. 

Soeun smiled excited that she will get to see the older girl again. 

—school ends—

Jiyoon, Soeun, and Monday walked to the freshman classes to pick up Jihan and Jaehee. The 5 then headed to the student council room and saw Soojin talking to the principal. They all entered the room and started settling down. 

The principal quickly greeted the girls and thanked them for their hard work, and took his leave. 

“Hey guys!” Soojin greeted the girls, once the principal left. 

Soeun smiled at Soojin and said “Hey Soojin unnie, why’re you taking to the principal?”

“Oh, it’s nothing he was just making sure everything is in preparation for the homecoming game.” 

“Is it that soon?” Monday asked. 

Jaehee then playfully pushed Monday and said, “Shouldn’t you know when it is, you’re in the student council.”

Monday then shrugged, and looked at Jiyoon for help. Jiyoon was about to answer until Soeun said “it’s this Friday, right?” 

Everyone in the room was surprised by Soeun sudden answer, especially since she actually got it right. 

“Wow! I’m surprised you knew! How did you know?” Soojin asked impressed by Soeun. 

Soeun then embarrassed by her sudden answer said “Well, it’s because the last time you lectured me about being the vice president and not knowing when the student council events were. So I tried to look into some and remember the dates.”

Jiyoon then blankly said “Oh my god. Soojin unnie actually made Soeun study something.”

Soeun then playfully punched Jiyoon “Yah!” 

The group then laughed at Jiyoon’s statement. 

Soojin then calmed the girls down and said “Yes, Soeun’s right, the homecoming game is this Friday and I just asked to quickly meet to make sure that we have all the things prepared and we know who were working with and what shifts we have.”

The girls then quickly went over those things (note: if you forgot you can quickly check chpt. 3). 

“Okay, I’ll also send another reminder in the group chat when it gets closer” Soojin wrapped up. “See you guys then!”

—Homecoming Game—

The girls arrived early to the game to set up the ticket booth and snack bar. Jaehee, Monday, Jiyoon and Soeun we’re getting the place set up, whereas Jihan and Zoa were coming a bit later. Soojin was with the cheerleading girls bus and also arriving later. 

“Hey! Where are the drink cups?!” Soeun yelled. 

“There over on the counter!” Jiyoon responded. 

“How do I turn on the stove?!” Jaehee asked the other girls. 

Monday and Jiyoon then looked at each other with a worried face, they both thought, Oh geez, I hope we don’t set the place on fire. They went to the back to help Jaehee in the kitchen. 

After a while they were able to prepare some snacks and foods. Soon it was time for the game to start and the girls changed into their uniforms, and greeted the guests. 

“Thank you for coming! Follow that door and head to your assigned seats!” Jiyoon and Soeun told the guests. 

Monday and Jaehee were taking orders, “One French fries and a large drink, coming right up!” 

Earlier before they crowd the girls saw the Zoahan duo and told them to have fun with each other but reminded them about their shifts. 


Soeun was about to greet the next person when she was surprised to see Soojin. “Hello! Thanks for supporting our sch- Soojin unnie?” 

Soojin was standing at their booth dressed in her cheerleading uniform. “Hey guys! How’s it going? Everything okay?” She asked making sure there was no problems. 

Soeun was shocked by Soojin’s sudden appearance in her cheerleading uniform and stood there with gaping and eyes wide. . She looks so cute in that, Soeun thought. 

Jiyoon looked at her friend’s reaction and patted Soeun. “Yeah don’t worry about us unnie, we’ve got it under control. You should head back to your cheerleading squad, the games about to start in 15 min.” 

Soojin nodded and ran off waving goodbye to her friends. “Okay! I’ll be here at the last shift!” 

Soeun was still standing there like a statue, eyes following Soojin as she headed back to the bleachers. In order to snap Soeun out of her trance, Jiyoon then grabbed some ice from the drink machine and put it down Soeun’s shirt. 

Soeun surprised by what happened quickly, started jumping from the cold ice in her shirt and yelled “Yah! Shin Jiyoon!” 


Since the opening crowd died down and people settled to watch the game the girls separated into their shifts with their partners. The Zoahan pair still wanted to watch the game a bit more and also see the band and cheerleading arrangement they didn’t take the next shift. Soeun was assigned to the last shift with Soojin, so Monday and Jaehee offered to do the next one. 

Jiyoon was worried since they would have to stay there since the opening shift and have no break but Monday reassured her, “Yeah, it’s alright don’t worry about us. There’s hardly anyone coming and me and Jaehee can rest here for a while by ourselves.”

Jiyoon and Soeun then went inside the stadium and found some seats in the back. 

The band first played some songs building the excitement and then it was the cheerleading squad next. 

Soeun heard the announcement and instantly looked to the field. She spotted Soojin in the front with the pom-poms. She wore a bright smile and cheered with the other girls. There was a large fan base of guys and girls cheering for her. “Soojin!!” “You’re so pretty!” “Marry me!!” 

Man she’s really popular, Soeun thought while watching Soojin. Well I guess I can see why, she’s nice, and pretty and kind, and cute and.... 

Jiyoon glanced at her friend beside her and smirked. “You know, if you keep staring at her, she’s bound to notice” 

Soeun broken out of her thoughts “W-what? Staring? Me?! No way!” She denied.  “I was just watching Soojin unnie, to see if she messes up and then I can for it later.”

Jiyoon then eyed Soeun warily and said “okay, if you say so” and left to do her shift at the booth with Zoa and Jihan. 

(Note: there is some slight bullying and swearing in next paragraph, but nothing too serious)


The game continued on and towards the end it was time for the last shift at the booth. Soeun got up and looked at Soojin who was sitting at the front of the bleachers with the other cheerleading girls. Since the cheerleaders had already finished their routine, they also got up and were heading to the locker rooms to change. Soeun ran over to the older girl, so that she could walk with her to the booth for their shift together. 

“Hey, Soojin unnie! Wait up!” Soeun called out. 

Soojin turned around and waved to Soeun, “I’ll meet you over there, I have to change out of this uniform and into the weeekly one” 

Soeun caught up to Soojin, and said “it’s alright I texted Jiyoon that we may be a bit late to our shift, I’ll walk you to the locker rooms” 

Soeun grabbed Soojin’s bag and headed out first. Soojin blushed at Soeun’s kindness and followed the girl. 

They arrived at the locker rooms last, due to their conversation at the bleachers. They were about to enter until they heard some cheerleading girls talking, “Yah, you know that girl, the head cheerleader one” 

“Yeah, she’s such a ” another girl responded. 

“She continues to hang out with the student council club over ours and doesn’t even practice with us that much” 

“She’s probably just trying to be a goody-two-shoes”

“I know, her personality is so fake” 

The girls then laughed while making fun of Soojin. 

Soeun, who was standing at the door, was frozen after hearing what the girls said. She then tensed up in anger. Those ing girls, don’t even know what they’re talking about. How dare they talk about their captain like that! Soeun angrily thought. I’m about to give them a piece of my mind. She was about to bust the door down, and stomp in there, but Soojin grabbed her hand that was squeezing the door knob. 

“Soeun, stop.” Soojin said. 

Soeun surprised by Soojin’s words turned around and stuttered. “B-but unnie, they are saying things that aren’t true! How can you let them do that!” 

Soojin then smiled. “Don’t worry about it, rumors are rumors, and the girls will always gossip. You just have to not let it get to you.” 

Soeun confused by Soojin’s words looked at the older girl, and even though Soeun had just met the older girl earlier this school year, she saw through her facade. Soeun knew that Soojin was just trying to fake being alright. 

Soeun sighed. She wanted to bust in that room and teach those girls a lesson but she knew that she was just a regular student, what could she do- only make the problem worse. “Come on, unnie. I think I saw another bathroom on the far side of the bleachers”

Soeun and Soojin then walked away from the girls and Soeun texted Jiyoon that something has come up and they might not be able to do their shift. 

Jiyoon responded to the text with, “Don’t worry about it. Jaehee and Monday are helping out right now”. 


At the far away bathroom, it was pretty much empty and deserted, probably because it wasn’t the cleanest and no one ever goes to it. 

Soojin was changing into the student council t-shirt and some shorts, so she didn’t have to wear the cheerleading uniform. Meanwhile, Soeun was waiting outside for the older girl. 

After a while Soojin came out in the Weeekly t-shirt, Soeun looked at the older girl and smiled while saying “I think you look better in this uniform then the cheerleading one” 

Soojin then also smiled at Soeun’s kind comment and teased, “But when I was in the cheerleading one you couldn’t take your eyes off me” 

Soeun blushed at Soojin’s comment, “w-well, t-that’s because u-uh” she tried to think of a good comeback but was too flustered to.

Soojin smiled and laughed at Soeun’s honest response and hugged the taller girl, “Thanks for making me laugh, Soeun-ah” 

Soeun initially was frozen from Soojin’s hug but eventually relaxed and hugged the girl back. 

They were still hugging, appreciating the comfort of each other’s arms, until they heard a “There you guys are!” 

Surprised by the sudden voice the two quickly separated and tried to act normal. 

Jiyoon, Monday, Jaehee, Jihan and Zoa, were walking to where they were, and Monday said “we were looking all over for you, guys!”

Soeun was awkwardly standing against the light pole by the bathroom and Soojin was about 3 feet away. Jaehee then asked “what’s up with you guys, why are you acting so weird?”

Soojin and Soeun looked at each other briefly and quickly said “what? We’re not acting weird” 

Jiyoon watched the way the two were behaving and knew that something must have happened, “okay, if you say so.” She then continued “The game ended already and we’ve cleaned everything up.” 

Soojin surprised at how fast the game ended quickly apologized “oh my god! I’m sorry, I didn’t get to help you!” 

Jiyoon then said “no, no don’t worry about it, Soeun texted me that something came up so it must have been pretty important”

“Yeah don’t worry about it! You can depend on your members!” Jihan told Soojin.

Soeun then smiled at the group and looked at Soojin, “Yeah unnie, don’t worry, we’ll always be here to help you.” 

Soojin genuinely smiled back at the girls “Thanks, guys” 

The seven then walked to the bus stop to head home from the game. 



The homecoming game is over! I hope you all enjoy the story so far. Is it going to slowly? Please let me know if the pace is good or not. Thank you!

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!