Chapter 20

President Soojin and Student Soeun

—About 1 year later—

Soeun was running around XXXX University campus, heading to her next class. Sh*t! Why didn’t I plan out where my classes are. I didn’t think the campus would be this big! I have to get from the Science building all the way to History in 10 min. which is nearly impossible since they are like on opposite ends of the campus. 

Soeun quickly opened the lecture hall doors. 


D-Did I make it in time? Soeun thought all out of breath. 

“Even if you are late, please enter the lecture room quietly, so it doesn’t disturb the rest of the class” The professor told Soeun, as she was taking a seat in the front of class since all the ones on the back were filled. 


Soeun sat through her 2 hour long history class in embarrassment. Once the class was finished she quickly left. Thank god I have a long break in my schedule now. As she headed to the library. 

She flopped down on one of the individual desks and planned to do some homework before her next class. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a glimpse of a girl wearing a pink sweatshirt walk past her. That girl kind of looks like Soojin unnie. She thought staring at the girl discretely. No! Stop staring that’s weird. Despite telling herself to stop staring she couldn’t help her curiosity and she tilted her head and furrowed her eye brows in concentration. She kept looking at the girl and saw a something sparkle on the girl’s wrist. She grinned once she had confirmed who the girl was. 

Soeun packed up her stuff, preparing to go talk to the girl. *inhale* *exhale* she took a deep breath. Okay, Soeun, be cool. 

She walked over to the girl who was currently studying with earphones in. Soeun stopped by the empty chair in front of the girl and said “Is this seat taken?” 

The girl was surprised by someone suddenly talking to her and she quickly took out her earphones and looked at the chair in front of her. “Huh? Oh no,” she gestured to the seat so Soeun could sit down. She then looked up to see who was talking to her and said “Soeun?!” 

Soeun eye-smiled, once Soojin recognizes her, “Long time no see Soojin unnie!” 

Soojin immediately got up and hugged the younger girl. “Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?” 

Soeun smiled happy that Soojin was surprised but the older girl was getting a bit too loud in the library. “Hey let’s go catch up outside, people are staring at us.”

Soojin realized that she was probably disrupting other students so she agreed. “Oh right, yeah let’s go.”


The two found a nice bench outside and settled down. 

“So how have you been?” Soeun started off. 

“I’ve been good! Studying business is quite hard but I’m trying my best.” Soojin said. 

“It must’ve been so hard that you couldn’t keep in contact with us...” Soeun said back. 

Soojin was startled by Soeun’s response but knew Soeun had every right to be upset. “I’m sorry, I know I promised and everything but it’s just been so stressful and my father-“ 

Soeun smiled and grabbed Soojin’s hands that were shaking, “Hey, I was only joking. I know you’re really busy and stressed. And you did visit us whenever you could.”

“But still...” Soojin still felt guilty. She then looked down at their hands and smiled seeing Soeun wearing the bracelet that she gave her. “What happened to your watch?”

Soeun looked down and laughed, she gestured to the bracelet, “This felt more comfortable. I’ve been wearing since your graduation” 

“Really?!” Soojin was surprised. 

Soeun nodded. 

Soojin blushed. “I- I see...” 

The two sat peacefully together when Soojin asked “So what are you doing here?” 

Soeun laughed “I go to college here” 

Soojin looked at Soeun with wide eyes and mouth open. 

“Hahaha!” Soeun laughed even more. “Geez, unnie, you don’t have to look so surprised.” 

“B-but, I... You... How?” Soojin couldn’t speak. 

“I worked hard to be with you again. Once you had decided to go to XXXX University, I thought everything was over, that you were just on a different level than I was. But after going to the after school academy, and raising my grades I thought I might have a chance.” Soeun explained. “After you graduated, I kept my word and became student council President. As President I worked extra hard with the school and doing extracurricular activities. The after school academy also helped me prepare for college entrance exams and I was able to get a high score. When it became time to apply to colleges, I asked Principal Lee, who seemed to have taken a liking to me, and also Hyojin for help in applying here” 

“My uncle and Hyojin helped you?” Soojin said. 

“Yeah,” Soeun said. “I was really disappointed when all I got was waitlisted but I mean this is a really prestigious college. I figured I just wasn’t cut out to go. But a few weeks later they said that a spot opened up and I was accepted!” 

Soojin smiled proudly at Soeun. “That’s great!”

Soeun then looked down, “But because I was accepted so late, I wasn’t really sure what classes to take and now I realized one of my classes is nearly impossible to get to in time. And I just embarrassed myself in front of 40 other students.”

“It’s alright,” Soojin tried to cheer Soeun up. “I’ll help you with your schedule planning. There’s still time to change it and drop classes so just go the registration website and...” 

Soeun opened her laptop and went to the registration site. “Okay”

Soojin leaned closer so she could see Soeun’s laptop. “’s your fall semester. You would like to move your history class so that it’s not so far away right” she double checked with Soeun, turning to face the younger girl and not the laptop. 

Soeun blushed at the sudden closeness and eye contact. “U-uh yeah” 

“Okay! So click the class” Soojin turned back to the computer. “And you should see the available open seats of other professors. Here! That one is close to the science building, and it has three spots left. You should sign up for that one and drop the one that you are already in.” She explained. 

Soeun was blanking as she was flustered by Soojin being so close. “Uh, what? T-this one?” Her hand was not functioning and her brain wasn’t processing what Soojin was explaining. 

Soojin went and laid her hand over Soeun’s which was on the mousepad, “No this class” she clicked it and successfully fixed Soeun’s schedule. “There you go!” She pulled away from Soeun. 

Soeun just blinked blankly. “Great!” What just happened. “I’ll remember that for next semester” I don’t even know what she tried to explain to me. I couldn’t hear her over the sound of my pounding heart. 

Soojin just smiled to Soeun who was spacing out still. She raised her eyebrows cutely and called out “Soeun-ah?”

Soeun snapped out of it and shook her head. Friends! She thought, while hitting her head. We’re just friends! 

Soojin looked at Soeun confused but also with a smile. “What... are you doing?”

“Huh? Oh nothing” 

“Okay?” Soojin said. “Anyway, when is your next class, how much time do we have to catch up?”

“I have a long break. My next class isn’t till the afternoon. I was just planning on spending it in the library until I saw you” Soeun answered. 

“Cool! I’m done with my classes today! Maybe we can go have lunch together?” Soojin asked. 

“Y-yeah! That sounds good!” 


They headed to a nice restaurant on campus to have lunch together. 

“So are Monday and Jiyoon also here?” Soojin asked curiously. She figured that if Soeun went to XXXX University, the other two may also go. 

“No, they didn’t really want to go to XXXX University since it was not really what they wanted to do” Soeun answered. “But they are doing well” 

“That’s good! What are they doing?”

“Jiyoon decided to just go to an art school and help her father out at the art store. Monday, on the other hand decided to take a gap year. She’s currently sneaking into Jaehee’s classes and recently got banned from PlayM High’s campus. She was so depressed that she kept standing and waiting by the gate until Principal Lee agreed to let her back on campus as security with Chorong and Bomi. She works part-time there now and can spend more time with Jaehee” 

“How cute,” Soojin said. 

“Yeah,” Soeun agreed. “Don’t worry, Monday also helps out Jaehee and Jihan with the club too. Even though Jaehee and Jihan already have everything all sorted out. It was great having Zoa as an official member!” 

“Wow! That’s awesome!” Soojin exclaimed. “I should’ve visited you guys more often...” 

“Don’t worry about it, I assumed you were busy with Hyojin, right?”

“Huh? Well, in the beginning maybe, but towards the end of the year we broke up. It would probably be around your prom maybe? Or when you were preparing for college” Soojin thought back, to when Hyojin and her broke up.

“What? That would be pretty recently,”


“What about your father? I thought he wanted you and Hyojin to get married and be heir to their companies?”

“Well, he was upset at first. He showed me another couple of suitors to choose from but I told him that I don’t want to just continue to date random business guys for the sake of his company. I’m still studying business management so that I can be the CEO in the future but I want to choose who I fall in love with.” 

“That’s great! I’m so proud of you unnie! But who broke it off first? You or Hyojin?”

“It was me” 

Soeun gasped surprised. “Really?! B-but I thought you liked Hyojin” 

“Mmm, I guess but I only saw him as a friend, or maybe someone I could look up to. I think we both saw it coming. I don’t think Hyojin really thought of me as a girlfriend. Besides I have someone else I like” 

“You do?!” 

Soojin smiled and nodded her head, laughing at Soeun. “Yeah.”

Soeun got disappointed hearing that Soojin already has someone else she likes. Oh man, once I find out Soojin unnie is single, I also find out that her heart is already set on someone else. “A-ah, I see. T-that person must be very lucky” Soeun mumbled while scratching her neck awkwardly. 

Soojin bit her lip and tried not to laugh at Soeun’s response. “Mmhm, that person also went to PlayM High...” 

It must be someone in her year then. Soeun thought. 

“She is also a year younger than me and was in the student council club...” Soojin continued, looking at Soeun’s reaction. 

Soeun furrowed her eye brows, after hearing what Soojin just said. She titled her head confused. “She...?”

Soojin continued to hold in her laugh and give some more hints. “She is also taller then me and was vice president...”

Soeun’s brain tried tying all the pieces together and suddenly she gasped figuring it out. 

Soojin looked at her expectantly waiting for the answer. 

“Monday!!” Soeun shouted confidently.

Soojin just shook her head, “Aish, Soeun-ah!” She whined. “I don’t like Monday, I like you!”

“Well that’s good cause Monday has a girlfri-“ Soeun blanked processing what Soojin said. “Wait...” Soeun’s eyes widened with realization. “M-me?” 

Soojin smiled brightly. 

“A-are you sure? I don’t believe you” Soeun said, still in shock. 

Soojin sighed and wrapped her arms around Soeun’s neck and brought the taller girl closer, and kissed her cheek. “Is that enough proof for you?”

Soeun stood still holding her cheek that Soojin just kissed. She took a moment to think while blinking her eyes. Then she gave Soojin a goofy smile, laughing. 

Soojin couldn’t help but also start laughing as well. “Hahaha, what? Why are you laughing?”

Soeun just continued to laugh, showing her bright eye-smile to Soojin. Between her laughs she said “I’m just... I’m so happy!” She chuckled some more. 

The two calmed down from their laughing. And Soojin repeated again, more seriously “I like you Soeun. I know I rejected you before but I realized that I like you a lot more than just friendship.” She then looked down, her tone softening a bit. “But I know feelings change and you probably don’t like me anym-“ 

“No!” Soeun cut off Soojin. “I-I mean... I didn’t mean to cut you off but I still like you a lot too! A-and it’s cool that you rejected me before I knew you had Hyojin and everything, so I could wait. I was fine waiting and being friends. I mean I did get a little jealous sometimes but that’s because I still had feelings for you! Even right now! My heart is beating so fast, and like I followed you to your university just to be with you again! Oh geez that sounds kinda creepy... but anyway that's not the point. With the help of Hyojin, your ex-boyfriend, and Jiyoon, they were both my wingman’s and they kept trying to get the two of us together and—“

Soojin pulled Soeun close again, but instead of just kissing her cheek she kissed Soeun. 

It was a short kiss but was effective in calming Soeun down. Soojin slowly broke apart their kiss. “A-are you good now?”

“Y-yeah!” Soeun squeaked out. 

The two sat in silence again. 

The moment of silence allowed Soeun to clear out her thoughts and she kept glancing over to Soojin. She bit her lip awkwardly, she wanted to ask the older girl a question that has been on her mind after their kiss. 

Soojin noticed the glances and looked over to Soeun. 

Soeun noticed and took this as an opening to ask the question. “So, uh... are we dating now?”

Soojin smiled, “Yeah, we are” and grabbed Soeun’s hand and intertwined them. 


“So when I was giving hints as to who I like, why did you answer Monday? I thought that the vice president hint would be a big enough clue?” Soojin asked, while eating the food that they ordered for lunch. 

“Oh that’s because Monday was vice president the year I was president. So I assumed that since you had already rejected me before, it had to be someone else so I assumed Monday.” Soeun replied.  “I mean, she went to PlayM High, is a year younger than you, was part of student council club, taller than you, and vice president, she fit all the characteristics”

“Monday was Vice President?”


“Wow, I would’ve thought it would be Jiyoon.” 

“Yeah well, Jiyoon is more of a behind the scenes sort of person so she helped the two of us but let us have the official titles.” 

“That’s nice” 

They continued to eat their food, until Soeun held out a bite of her food out to Soojin, “Ahh” 

Soojin was surprised and blushed, she leaned forward and opened .
But Soeun swerved and shoved the food inside her own mouth. She chewed it, while also laughing at Soojin’s face. 

Soojin pouted cutely realizing Soeun tricked her. “Hmfp...” she grumbled and ignored Soeun, going back to eating her own food.

“Haha, you should've seen your face, it was so-" Soeun stopped herself seeing Soojin all upset. "Hehe, I’m sorry, I just... I thought it was funny" Soeun said and held out another bite of food to Soojin. “Here, for real this time.” 

Soojin eyed her skeptically but decided to trust Soeun and leaned forward again to try the food. 

Soeun kept her word and fed the food into Soojin’s mouth. 

“Mmm! It’s good!” Soojin said trying Soeun’s food. 

“It is?”

Soojin nodded while wiping . 

“Here, you can have some more” Soeun said cutting her food and placing some onto Soojin’s plate. 

The two finished eating their food and decided to talk a little bit more before leaving the restaurant. 

“I was wondering, unnie” Soeun started to ask. 

“What?” Soojin replied sweetly. 

“Um... why did you suddenly ask us to be in the student council, when we first met?”

“Ahh” Soojin said. “Well, I noticed someone staring at me from the rooftop for like 10 minutes on the first day of school that year” 

Soeun blushed, “I- You- you knew I was staring?”

“I mean you did stare at me for a long time, and our eyes did meet.”

“B-but when you went to the music room and called me out you were asking if you knew who was on the roof. I thought you didn’t know who it was?” 

Soojin just rolled her eyes at Soeun’s cluelessness. “I did know it was you. Remember when you were trying to make excuses and I told you not to lie to me” she said trying to jog Soeun’s memory. 

“Ohhh. That makes so much more sense.” Soeun realized. “A-anyway I was just staring at you because I was amazed at how you could be so confident and help all those students. Back then I couldn’t even imagine doing anything like that. I was just a boring regular student”

“Hmm, yeah, but I wouldn’t call you a boring student. Back then you were... interesting.”


“Yeah. I heard about you from my uncle, always complaining about the three students on the roof, skipping class and I was intrigued by you guys. I was never close to anyone like that all my friends were just studious, rule-following students.” Soojin said. “I wanted to be friends with you. So I invited you to come to the student council...” 

“Forced" Soeun clarified. 

“...fine, forced you to be part of the student council- that's not the point, Monday, Jiyoon and you, all joined and we were able to get to know each other better. After spending more time with you guys, I realized that you all weren’t as bad as everyone makes you out to be. Sure you caused trouble at the homecoming dance but it was to defend me from the cheerleading girls, and that was the first time I tried to stand up to my uncle so you guys wouldn’t get punished as badly. He was surprised by how I acted and I guess my father was too, they both didn’t understand why I was so close to such troublemakers. I think that’s why my father forced my uncle to make you three do better on your midterms.” Soojin explained. 

“Yeah, we had to like prove ourselves or something and be ‘smart’ enough to be friends with you” Soeun recalled. 

“I feel really bad about that I didn’t mean to make you guys stressed out about your tests.” Soojin apologized. “But my Uncle saw how close I was to all the student council members and I guess he figured you were alright. My father was a different story...”

“I remember when I first met your father, he scared the crap out of me.”

“Mmm, but he eventually warmed up to you and Monday and Jiyoon. I don’t know what would have happened if he ended up not liking you and separating us.” 

“Let’s just be glad that he didn’t.” Soeun ended with a laugh. 

“Yeah, I’m not going to go through the entire story of us again, but I’m just so glad that we met and became friends. And besides you're not just a boring regular student, you were vice president and also president” Soojin concluded. "You helped me out so much when you were vice president and then you were able to handle leading the club all by yourself. You should give yourself more credit. I'm so proud of you." 

"Well, I mean... it wasn't entirely by myself and like you know I had some help but yeah I guess I did do some successful things back in high school." Soeun smiled.

The two finished having lunch with each other and Soeun said that she has to go to her next class. 

“Sorry I have to go to my Writing class now” she told Soojin. 

“I’ll walk with you there” Soojin said, grabbing Soeun’s hand. 

Soeun smiled and the two walked together to the writing hall. 

“What time does your class end?” Soojin asked on the way to there. 


“Is that your last class for the day?” 



They reached the writing hall and Soeun stopped in front of the door. “This is my class, I’ll see you later?” 

Soojin tiptoed and kissed Soeun’s cheek quickly. “See you later. Bye Soeun-ah” 

“B-bye!” Soeun replied and opened the door heading inside. 


All whole heard of students exited the hall once the writing class was over. Soeun was one of the last few people to exit the auditorium. She was walking out with a friend she just met in class. 

“Soeun-ah!” A voice called out. 

Soeun looked around and saw Soojin waiting in front of the door. 

Soeun reached Soojin and said “You waited for me?” 

“Yeah, I thought maybe we could head to the dorms together and hang out some more” Soojin said. 

“Sounds good! I would love to spend more time with you” Soeun replied. 

“Who’s this?” The friend asked Soeun. 

Soeun answered “Oh! This is Soojin unnie, my...” she looked over to Soojin and wrapped her arm around the older girl. “My girlfriend." 

Soojin looked back up to Soeun and hugged her tighter. 

Soeun’s friend nodded, giving her a friendly punch on the arm. “Nice catch! See you next lecture” and walked away, waving goodbye. 

Soeun let go of Soojin and the older girl said “Come on, let’s go to the dorms. I’ll show you around” She smiled brightly at Soeun offering her hand out for Soeun. 

Soeun happily grabbed it and the two walked together to the dorms. 

~•~•~•~The End~•~•~•~


Yay!! It’s the end! Sorry for the kind of boring and short ending. 

Soeun and Soojin do get together and I felt like this was the opportunity to get to know Soojin’s character a bit from the earlier chapters since most of the story I felt focused on Soeun. However I didn’t want to go through the entire story with Soojin’s perspective. 

I hoped you enjoyed reading my story, it was long and pretty mediocre but I enjoyed writing it. I was surprised at how much the story changed from what I had imagined in the beginning, at first I didn’t want to write that long of a story and just keep it short since this was my first time writing. However I decided to make the story longer and it grew to be much more complex then I had intended. I hope it wasn’t too rushed at the end but I did want to finish it before school started. 

Thank you to all who commented, subscribed, and upvoted! I didn’t know what kind of response I would get for my story but I’m glad that many of you enjoyed reading it.

~Weeekly123 ✿ (´^ω^)ノ

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!