Chapter 5

President Soojin and Student Soeun

The group arrived at Jiyoon’s fathers art store. “Appa! My friends are here!” Jiyoon told her dad. 

“Hello!” Her dad came out of the supply room, covered in some paint. He looked at the girls and was surprised to see unfamiliar faces as he thought that Jiyoon only knew Soeun and Monday. “O-oh I didn’t realize more friends were coming. I would’ve made myself look nicer” 

“It’s alright appa!” Jiyoon patted her father, “these girls are from the student council.”

“Did you get into trouble?” Jiyoon’s father asked, confused as to why her daughter would be associated with the student council. 

“No! I joined their club!” Jiyoon clarified. 

“Oh, phew!” Jiyoon’s father “I thought I would have to explain to your mother about why you got into trouble or something.” 

“A-Ah Appa!” Jiyoon grumbled. “I’m a good kid!”

Watching the small banter between the two, Soojin then interrupted, “Hello, I’m Soojin, President of the student council, Jiyoon told us that she was working on some t-shirts for the club. We’re here to see how the progress is going” 

“Oh yes! There in the back!” Jiyoon’s father said. 

Jiyoon then led the girls to the back to show them what she had worked on. 

“Tada! How do they look?” 

The girls looked at the t-shirt design, it was just a normal t-shirt with text in the front that said “PlayM Student Council” and on the back it had the word “Weeekly”

Soeun then said “Dude, you spelled weekly wrong”

Jiyoon rolled her eyes at her friend and scoffed, “I wanted to be creative and create a name for just the 7 of us. Kind of like we’re the student council and hope to bring a new and special week to our campus, or like we try to help out our school every week.” Jiyoon explained.

Soojin smiled at the effort Jiyoon had put into their uniform. “I love it!” She then hugged Jiyoon. “Thank you so much for making them!” 

Jiyoon surprised by the sudden skin ship blushed, “y-yeah no problem”

Meanwhile Soeun watched the two, feeling something unsettling about Soojin hugging Jiyoon. Why am I feeling like this, Soeun thought while frowning. 

Soojin then suggested, “Jiyoon you’re so good at art! You should be in charge of the club’s graphic designs such as making posters, our social media, etc.” 

Jiyoon then laughed, “really? It’s just a hobby of mine, but if you want me too, I will.”

“Thank you so much!” Soojin was excited to see how well the club was going. 


A few more weeks have past and it’s about a month before the homecoming game. Soojin scheduled another meeting for the club. 

“What’s this meeting for?” Soeun asked, while settling down in the student council room. 

Soojin then grumbled “Yah! You’re the vice president you should know why we’re meeting!” 

“Okay, okay sorry!” Soeun apologized. “But I really don’t know!”

Jihan then interrupted their argument, “we’re meeting for the sports day that takes place before the homecoming game” 

Jaehee then added on “its an event where all the clubs compete against each other in various sports” 

“Oh!” Monday remembered. “That’s the day that we would always skip right?”

Jiyoon then agreed “that’s right! We wouldn’t really care about sitting in the sun in the bleachers watching a whole bunch of kids that we don’t know, so we would just skip” 

Soojin sighed at the lack of school spirit the three juniors had. “Well even though you skipped for most of your high school years, you are going to participate this year, because as the student council we are in charge of planning and also participating in the event”

“What?!” Soeun complained. “But I don’t like large crowds and peo-“ 

Soojin then cut her off with “too bad, it’s required.” And smiled at Soeun’s look of defeat. 

“Fine” Soeun mumbled. 

“So who wants to do what sport?” Jihan asked. 

Monday shrugged, “I don’t really care, I’m pretty much good at everything. I’ll be the ace for the club”

“Okay so Monday will participate in everything for us!” Jaehee suggested. 

Monday then almost fell out of her chair from that suggestion, “Wait, I know I said I’m good but if I do everything I’ll pass out”

Soeun then laughed, “I vote for Monday for participating in everything”

Monday then glared at her friend and punched her, “Yah!”

Jiyoon then agreed “I second that suggestion!”

The trio then started laughing and teasing each other. 

“Alright, alright settle down” Soojin said. “Monday is not going to be doing everything, we all have to participate.” 

Monday sighed in relief. 

Soeun then said “okay but what are we going to participate in?”

Jiyoon then suggested “why don’t we just participate in the relay race? Then only 4 members have to participate. The rest can just be there for support.”

Soojin then nodded her head, thinking. “I think that’s a great idea. Who wants to be the runners?”

“I think Monday should go last, if she is the most athletic” Jaehee suggested. 

Jiyoon and the rest then looked at each other thinking who would best fit running. 

“I think that Monday should go first, and Soeun should go last” Jiyoon said. “Monday can start us off strong and Soeun can finish for us since I know that the two are both pretty athletic even though Soeun doesn’t seem like it”

“Okay” Jihan agreed. “But we still have 2 spots left, too bad I can’t ask Zoa, she would be really good but she’s in school.”

Soojin then offered “I’ll be a runner” 

To which Soeun then started to tease “yeah but the last time we saw you run, was when you were running to the bus stop and it looked like you were gonna pass out” 

Soojin then whined “yah! I can be a good runner! I’m pretty athletic if I’m a cheerleader, you know”

Soeun then laughed at the presidents cute response. “Okay you can run, but just don’t slow us down.”

Now there was just the issue of who to choose to be the fourth runner, between Jiyoon, Jaehee and Jihan the three were all fairly weak and not athletic. 

“I think Jaehee should run,” Soeun said. “Maybe if Monday runs and passes the baton to Jaehee, it will motivate her to run faster.”

Jihan agreed, “yeah I think it would be best for the lineup to be Monday, Jaehee, Soojin and lastly Soeun”

The girls all agreed and have a thumbs up. “Sounds good!”

“How about we have some practice before the actual sports day?” Jaehee suggested. 

“I’m cool with that” Monday agreed. 

The girls then moved out to the track field and used a ruler as a baton since they couldn’t find one. Monday crouched down and got into position. 

“Okay! Ready?! Set! Go!” Jiyoon yelled.

Monday then took off running, she was doing great she then smoothly passed the ruler to Jaehee. Jaehee was running as fast as she could but was still a little slow. She then passed the ruler to Soojin who picked up the pace. Soojin kept running and Soeun got ready to receive the ruler. While Soojin was passing it the two ended up fumbling with it and that cost them a lot of time. Still Soeun ran on and finished their practice. 

The four girls were out of breath and resting when Jiyoon then said “Well that was a great practice, until the part where Soojin and Soeun messed up”

Soeun then groaned, “we would have been fine if Soojin unnie passed the baton properly”

Soojin then argued “Hey! My pass was fine, the problem was Soeun’s butter fingers!”

Soeun and Soojin then had an argument as to whose fault it was, until Jihan broke the argument “guys, guys, calm down. With a little practice I’m sure we’ll do fine. Jaehee has to build her speed a bit, and Soojin and Soeun and improve their trade off.”


After a few days of after school practice the girls were a lot better with their relay race. They were confident that they would do well. 

“Hey guys! Nice work for the past few days. Sports day is tomorrow so rest well and don’t forget to wear your uniforms” Soojin told the girls. 

The girls then all went home, tired and exhausted but also excited for tomorrow. 



Sorry this chapter is a bit short, it was mostly a filler chapter. The next one will focus on the sports day, and the later chapters will be on the homecoming game. Hope you enjoy the story!

Also this chapter was more or less me wanting (and wishing) to see weeekly participate in ISAC. >.<

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!