Chapter 10

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Thank you for the feedback on the previous chapter, since I already had this chapter drafted out, it's on the shorter side. But I promise to try make the future chapters longer (at least 3,000 words), however it will take more time for me to write them. 
A few weeks have passed and the girls were finished with their detention after school. It was getting closer to winter break which meant that midterms were around the corner. 

During lunch the trio decided to hang out on the roof like always, whereas Jihan, Jaehee and Soojin went to the cafeteria instead. 

“Ugh, I hate studying” Monday said on the roof. 

“I know, it’s the worst” Soeun replied. “Wanna skip Mr. Seungwoo’s Physics class?” 

Monday looked over and nodded “okay!” 

Jiyoon just shook her head at her best friends. “You know, your presence in that class is dearly missed” 

“Meh, I’m sure he won’t miss us for one more class” Soeun said. 

Lunch was almost over and the three headed to English. After English was over Soeun and Monday we’re planning on skipping their last class for the day (physics) and hang out on the roof until Jiyoon was done. 

As they were heading to the roof, they bumped into Soojin who was heading to her next class. 

“Oh hey! Where are you guys going?” Soojin asked. 

Monday and Soeun looked at each other nervously “U-uh were heading to physics” Soeun lied. 

Soojin looked at them suspiciously “oh really? But if I remember correctly, Mr. Han Seungwoo’s class is in the opposite direction of where your headed.”

Monday quickly responded, “O-oh we were just heading to the bathroom before going there, right Soeun?”

Soeun nodded “Y-yeah!” 

Soojin frowned and crossed her arms, not believing the two, “the way that you guys were headed only leads to the rooftop. Were you planning on skipping class?” 

“N-No!” Soeun denied. 

Soojin rolled her eyes “Guys, if you miss any more classes the teachers are going to report you and you will be in big trouble. Right now, you aren’t even doing that well with your grades.” 

The two accepted their fate and headed back to class. 


“Ah glad you could join us, Park Soeun and Kim Jimin, better late then never” Mr. Seungwoo said. 

They glanced briefly to the teacher and headed to their seats. 

Jiyoon looked over and whispered “What happened?”

Soeun responded “Got caught be Soojin unnie”

Jiyoon laughed “well that ”

Mr. Seungwoo continued with his physics class. 

At the end of school the three girls were about to be released from the last class until they heard an announcement through the schools speakers. 

*pst* Park Soeun, Shin Jiyoon, and Kim Jimin *pst* Please report to the principal’s office after school. *pst* thank you. *beep*

The three girls looked at each other confused they silently passed around the message did you do something? But they all couldn’t think of a reason as to why they would have to go to the principal’s office. 


At the principal’s office the girls were awkwardly standing there unsure of what was happening. 

“Okay, so before I talk to you guys, I just want to be clear that you haven’t done anything bad...”

The three sighed in relief but tensed up again after hearing the principal continue. 

“...But your grades are not the best. Now this wouldn’t be an issue as your grades are not horrible. Actually, Jiyoon is fine but I wanted to address Jimin’s and Soeun’s GPAs. The reason why this is so important is because of your association to Soojin. Her father will allow you to hang out with Soojin, if you are not negatively affecting her. While your personalities are great...” he looked at them again. 

“...Well, great according to Soojin. The only problem is your grades. On top of that, technically to be in the student council club your grades are supposed to be at least a 3.8 but we made an exception due to the shortage of members. However to be associated with Soojin try to improve your GPA to a 3.5 at least. We will watch your improvement on the upcoming midterms. If you are unable to show any improvement, you cannot be friends with Soojin” The principal finished. "Also please do not tell Soojin the reason behind why you’re trying to improve your grades, it would be burdensome to her. Dismissed” 

Before the three girls could even say a thing, they were pushed out of the room. 


Soeun looked at her friends confused “What... just happened?” 

Monday replied blankly “I have no clue”

Jiyoon then said “I think we have to improve our grades.” She then paused and thought for a bit. “Well, technically your grades” pointing to her two best friends. 

Monday sighed “but that’s impossible! Did he think we weren’t trying or something!” 

“Well, I mean, you guys weren’t really. You skip class and if not sleep in class. You’re not really learning the material” Jiyoon said. 

Soeun and Monday glared at their friend “Yah! Who’s side are you on!” they then started to pretend to beat up Jiyoon. 


The girls after meeting with the principal decided to swing by the student council club because, why not. 

When they arrived, they were surprised to see Soojin, Jaehee, Jihan, and Zoa. 

“What are you guys doing here? Did we schedule a meeting and miss it or something?” Soeun asked. 

Soojin shook her head “No, there was no meeting. Jaehee and Jihan needed some help figuring out how the testing system worked here since it’s slightly different from middle school.” 

“Yeah!” Jihan agreed “Before all we had were quarters, like quarter 1, and then quarter 2, quarter 3 and then quarter 4 each one having a test. But here there are midterms and finals.” 

The three girls proceeded to sit down on the table as well. 

Soojin looked at the three of them and asked “So why did you have to go to the principal’s office again?” 

Jaehee surprised by what she heard asked Monday “you had to go there again?” 

Monday nodded “yeah, he wants Soeun and I, to improve our grades”

Soojin curiously asked “why? How bad are your grades? What’s your GPA?”

Jiyoon responded “mine’s a 3.6, Monday is 3.2 and Soeun is 3.0. So it’s not terrible but it’s clearly not what the school wants.” 

Soojin agreed “yeah, this school is pretty prestigious they would kick out anyone with less than 2.5 and 3.0 is below their liking.”

The two girls slumped down in defeat “How are we supposed to improve? We’re dumba**es” Soeun whined. 

Jaehee noticing Monday’s mood, tried to help “Hey, what if we help you out. I can tutor you, Monday unnie, even though I’m only a freshman, I go to an after school academy and they teach far beyond that. I’m sure I can help improve your grades.” 

Monday perked up hearing that and grabbed Jaehee’s hands, “Really?! That would be awesome, Jaehee!” She then hugged the younger girl, “Thank you! Thank you!” 

Jaehee blushed “N-no problem!” 

Soeun, who was still slumped against the table, watched the two girls interaction, “Yah! What about my grades?” She whined. 

Soojin thought that Soeun looked so cute whining against the table. 

Jaehee awkwardly got out of Monday’s grasp “W-well I suppose I could help you out too, Soeun-unnie” 

Soojin frowned when hearing Jaehee’s response. Why do I dislike the idea of Jaehee and Soeun, even though Jaehee is practically glued to Monday and vice versa. Does that mean I dislike other people getting close to S-Soeun?? But why? N-no I’m just thinking about this too much...

Soeun lifted her head off the table slightly “really?” 

Jaehee was about to respond “Yeah, that’s fi-“ until Soojin interrupted “I can tutor you, Soeun” 

Soeun surprised by Soojin’s offer completely lifted her head up “Huh?!” 

Soojin turned to Soeun and looked at her “I can help you, I know all the content already, I’m above a 4.0 GPA, and you can’t learn from Jaehee since she is helping Monday. Besides your GPA is worse than Monday’s so you’re gonna need more help than her”

“My GPA isn’t that bad compared to Monday’s, it’s only a 0.2 difference” Soeun complained. 

“Oh wow! At least I know you can do math” Soojin teased 

Soeun was getting upset from the teasing and said “well, what if I don’t want your help! I’ll ask Jiyoon to help me! Jiyoon will help me, right?” She looked over to her best friend.

Jiyoon, who was watching the scene from afar, was surprised that she suddenly got involved in the argument “W-What? No! I need all of my time to study for my own grades” she responded.

Soeun looked at her friend in disbelief “what! You’re gonna ditch me for your own benefit?”

Jiyoon nodded her head “It’s a dog eat dog world out there, you know”

Soeun sighed at her friend’s response. She looked around the room and slumped back down into her seat. “.....fine. I’ll take you up on your offer, Soojin unnie.” 

Soojin smiled at Soeun’s acceptance but decided to tease the girl some more. “Oh, sorry, that was a limited time offer and you missed it.”

Soeun looked up at the older girl with open “B-but, you... I, w-what?”

Soojin and the rest of the girls started laughing at Soeun’s priceless expression “I’m kidding, we’ll start tomorrow after school. Meet me at the library okay?”

Soeun glared at Soojin pouting because the older girl tricked her again. Soojin continued to smile at Soeun and checked her watch “Oh sorry, I have to go, my father is picking me up. Don’t forget, meet me at the library, after school at 3:00” she then winked at Soeun and left. 

Soeun blushed at the older girl’s wink and waved goodbye. 

The other girls watched their interaction and smirked with knowing faces. 

Jiyoon teasingly said “Ooo, you must be happy that Soojin unnie is tutoring you?” 

Soeun scoffed at her friend’s words and playfully pushed her. “Shut up” 

The girls finished their work in the student council room and all went home. 



Yes, this story is cliche. But hey, I did warn you guys that this was going to be a typical high school story. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also sorry if the GPAs were unrealistic, I wanted to use this for the plot line, but I didn't have the heart to give the girls anything less than a 3.0. 
Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!