Chapter 3

President Soojin and Student Soeun

After school ended, the three headed out to go find the student council room. They were wandering the campus grounds, since even though the three were juniors neither of them knew where the student council room was since it was kind of a irrelevant and unpopular club. After a while, they found where it was located after asking a teacher, and found that the student council room was actually a small and secluded building at the back of the campus where not a lot of students go. 

Soeun knocked on the door and entered, “Hello? We’re here to join the student council club?” 

As the three entered the club, they were surprised to see that it was empty. “Hey where is everybody?” Jiyoon asked. 

“No clue” Monday responded. 

The three decided to just settle down on the center table in the room and wait for the other members. 


A little while later, they heard the door open and saw the student council president, Soojin, alongside Jaehee and Jihan carrying in some boxes with papers. Seeing as the three were struggling to carry the boxes and their bags, the other trio quickly got up helping them carrying the boxes. Soeun grabbed Soojin’s box, Monday grabbed Jaehee’s box and Jiyoon grabbed Jihan’s box. 

“Thanks for coming and helping us!” Soojin happily said to the other three, who were placing the boxes down on the table. 

“Yeah no problem, especially since you’re the one who threatened us to come and join.” Soeun replied. 

Soojin rolled her eyes at Soeun’s response and continued “Okay, so today is our first meeting as the student council club, let’s have a brief introduction of all the members! I’m Soojin, a senior and president of this club!” After she finished she looked to Jaehee to introduce herself. 

Jaehee smiled, (to which Monday also smiled back) “Hello, I’m Jaehee, I’m a freshman at PlayM school and secretary of this club!” 

She then let Jihan go next. “Hello everybody! I’m Jihan and also a freshman, my position is the treasurer for the club!”

The trio were the next to go, so Soeun started “Hi, I’m Soeun, a junior at PlayM highschool” then Monday “Hey, I’m Monday, I’m also a junior” and lastly was Jiyoon, “Hi everyone! I’m Jiyoon! And like the other two, I’m also a junior” 

After the introduction’s Soeun then asked “So where’s everybody else?” Usually the student council is supposed to have more than just three members plus another three, that’s only 6 people. 

“Well I have another friend who’s in middle school, that offered to help out with the club” Jihan mentioned. “Her name’s Zoa, she’s coming to the club later today once her school finishes”

“Oh now I see why Soojin asked us to be in this club, since there’s literally no one in the club” Soeun muttered. 

Soojin smiled hearing what Soeun said, “you’re correct, Soeun. I needed more members in the club and so I asked you three for help. Now we still need a vice president of the club to help out occasionally, which one of you three would like that position?” Soojin asked. 

Monday and Jiyoon both looked at each other and said “Not it” before Soeun could even get the message. “Hey! You can’t just do that! I wasn’t ready!” Soeun complained. 

“Perfect! Soeun can be the vice president of the club” Soojin said. 

“Ugh fine, I guess” Soeun accepted her fate and just went with whatever they forced her to do. 


While the club members were sorting out some flyers and cleaning up the room. They heard a loud bang from the door and then “Hey Unnies!”

They all looked to the door and Jihan got up “Zoa!” She ran to the door and happily greeted the younger girl. 

“Is this your middle school friend, Jihan?” Jiyoon asked Jihan, pointing to the extremely tall girl who had just entered the  room. 

“Yes, I’m Jihan’s friend, Zoa! I go to PlayM middle school”

“Hello! I’m glad you came to help out the student council club” Soojin said thankfully. 

“No problem!” 

“Okay since everyone is here let’s start with our first event. As the student council homecoming is one of the first events we have to deal with” Soojin explained. 

“First we’ll start with the homecoming game, where we have to manage the ticket booth and snack bar. Zoa will you be free on the homecoming game day to help us out again?” 

“Hmm I should be free” Zoa responded. 

“Okay great! I think that the initial opening of the game will be quite busy so I think about 5 members should run the booth in the beginning to handle the tickets and snacks. After the Initial opening, we can take shifts where two people must be at the booth at all times. The other members who aren’t managing the booths can relax until it’s their turn.” Soojin planned out. 

“Okay but how are we going to plan out who goes with who?” Soeun asked. 

Soojin was happy at how involved all the other girls were despite them just joining. “Hmm I think you can just decide that among yourselves right?” Soojin suggested. 

Monday quickly agreed, throwing her arms around Jaehee “I call pairing up with Jaehee!” 

“I call paring up with Zoa!” Jihan said.

Jiyoon looked at the members deciding on who to do it with, “hmm I think I’ll also go with Jihan and Zoa since Zoa is only a middle schooler and Jihan is a freshman. They might need some extra help” 

Soeun who was listening to the discussion, then realized that, with those pairings it meant that she would have to work with Soojin. “You know, I think it would be better if I go with the maknaes, especially if I’m the vice president”

“Hmm I don’t think that will be necessary, Soeun and I can take the last shift towards the end of the game, especially since I’m head cheerleader for the school, I won’t be able to help out in the beginning” Soojin explained. 

“What? You’re head cheerleader?” Monday asked. 

“Yeah, I thought only tall pretty girls are supposed to be head cheerleader” Soeun teased. 

“Yah! I am pretty! And I’m not that short, 165 cm. is pretty tall!” Soojin argued. 

The 2002 trio continued to tease Soojin and while they were teasing her, Soeun noticed that Soojin is pretty cute when teased. And from then on Soeun thought that maybe being in the student council club wasn’t so bad, all the members were really nice. 

“So who’s gonna be the beginning 5 members taking care of the initial opening?” Jaehee asked. 

“I think that Jaehee, Monday, Soeun, and myself should be enough to run it.” Jiyoon suggested. “Then the two maknaes can relax and Soojin can prepare with her cheerleading squad”

“Yeah we’re fine with that” Jaehee, Monday and Soeun responded. 

“Wait! Since I’m only in middle school and not high school yet, I should get all of your numbers first so that we can have a group chat to communicate” Said Zoa. 

“That’s a good idea!” Soojin agreed. Passing her phone around to the other members. 

Later each member started doing the same until they all had each others contacts. 

“Okay, so since the homecoming game is not for a while, we should first create some sort of uniform for our club, such as club t-shirts.” Soojin suggested.

“Oh! I can create some t-shirts!” Jiyoon said. “My dad owns an art store and I can get some supplies from there to create a student council club t-shirt.”

“Okay cool! That sounds great!” Soojin said. “As long as it’s done in about 2 weeks that would be awesome!”

“Yeah, I’ve already got some ideas!” Jiyoon exclaimed. 

“Okay so this is a good spot to end our first meeting.” Soojin concluded. “I’ll let you all know when the next one is and when we should start preparing for the game. For now you all can relax until then. Thanks for joining our club!” 


Soeun was walking back home, thinking about what happened today at the club, she thought, Wow, what a change this year has been. I originally planned to have my junior year go the same boring way my previous years were but now everything has changed after meeting Soojin unnie. I can’t believe I was originally scared of her and planning on avoiding her until she graduates. She’s not as bad as I thought, plus she’s cute when being teased. Soeun continued to walk home smiling at how her friend group has expanded to include the student council members. Hopefully this was going to be a great school year. 



Zoa finally entered the story! Yeah it’s still pretty slow paced, but I will continue to write and hopefully the story will go somewhere. Also I have no idea what Jiyoon’s father actually does, I just made up the idea that he owns an art store.

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!