Chapter 6

President Soojin and Student Soeun

——Sports day——

Sports day soon arrived and the girls were wearing their new Student Council “Weeekly” shirts. 

“Hey guys! Are you ready?” Jihan excitedly asked. 

“Hell yeah!” Monday said. 

Soojin then explained that since they were only participating in the relay race, they would have to help out by passing out water to other clubs and cleaning the event afterwards. Soojin also explained that they were participating in the second relay race which was for girls. Since it would be unfair to pair the guys to the girls. 

While they were offering water to the other clubs, Soeun noticed another club participating, “Hey, isn’t that the cheerleading club?” She asked, confused as to why Soojin was with them and not with the cheerleaders. 

Soojin then looked at where Soeun was looking and said “Yeah, but there are already a lot of members in that club, so I asked them if I could be with you guys.” 

Soeun blushed at Soojin’s response and was happy that Soojin choose to be with them and not with the cheerleaders. 

“Don’t worry unnie, I’m sure we’ll beat them” Soeun said confidently. 


Soon it was time for the relay race and the girls were preparing by stretching and going over their plan. 

“Okay guys, now remember to pace yourselves but also have some speed” Jiyoon explained, “Soojin and Soeun don’t mess up your transfer now, okay?”

The two girls then looked at each other and nodded “Don’t worry we’ve been practicing, and we haven’t dropped it since the last time”

After some time watching the other sports, it was time for the relay race to begin. While they were heading to the field they heard a loud “Unnies! Fighting!” And they looked to the person who was yelling. 

Surprised all of them said “Zoa?!” And soon a mixture of questions were asked “what are you doing here?” “I thought you had school!” “How did you get here?” “Are you skipping class?”

Zoa, who was bombarded by the questions then tried to calm all the overprotective unnies “stop, stop calm down. I came here because I got permission from my school. I told them that I occasionally help out with this club, and they thought that it was a good extracurricular activity and will look good on my record. So in return if you have any activities they will let me go to them” Zoa explained. 

All of them sighed out in relief. 

Zoa then said “I heard you guys are doing the relay race! Fighting! I’ll be cheering you guys on!” She then ran off to the bleachers. 

“Okay guys! Zoa is watching us, so you have to do well!” Jihan cheered. She and Jiyoon then walked over to where Zoa was to cheer on the other 4. 

The other 4 walked down to the track field and Monday then got ready in her spot, preparing to run. 

“Are you ready, clubs?! Three! Two! One! Go!” The student announcer then blew the whistle. 

The clubs then took off. Monday was doing well and took the lead, she knew she had to run fast in order to increase the gap since Jaehee wasn’t necessarily the fastest runner. 

Jaehee and Monday had a smooth transfer, and Jaehee even though she was trying her best, she was pushed into second place. She then passed the baton to Soojin. 

Soojin did well in keeping their spot of second place. The girls were happy since technically their club is only the student council so getting second place is pretty good. 

First place was still the track and field club, and while Soeun was getting in position she was determined to beat them. I played some track and field when I was in middle school, Soeun thought. I can easily beat them. Plus my legs are really long and I’m tall. I got this. 

Soojin then was gradually getting closer and Soeun was getting ready, Soojin passed the baton to Soeun, who then grabbed it. For a mere second their hands touched and Soeun blushed for a bit, but the feeling didn’t last long as she was determined to win. 

Soeun took off running and for a while thought, Wow I’m doing really well, I think this is the fastest I’ve run. She gradually decreased the distance between her and the first place, Yes!! I just need to speed up a bit and it’s ours. She then forced herself to run faster and passed the track and field club, she heard her friends cheering and supporting her. Yes! I did it! I’m going to bring home the gold to the student council club. However, Soeun was so deep in her thoughts and inner celebration that she didn’t realize the rock that was on the floor. 

Soeun was running and had stepped on the rock, which then caused her leg to tense up, as if stepping on a lego. Soeun then lost her balance and her weight leaned forward, she then face planted and the force from her running caused her to scrape against the ground.

The other teams then passed her and when she had finally stood up, she realized that she had messed up badly... they were in last place. 

Her student council teammates quickly ran to Soeun, and worriedly asked, “Are you alright?” “What happened?” “Can you walk?” And while they were asking her, Soeun caught Soojin’s eyes. Soojin was worried about Soeun, but Soeun was so embarrassed by what happened, she just ran off. 


Soeun ran off, and just wanted to be left alone. Humiliated by what happened, she couldn’t bring herself to face the other girls. She locked herself on the roof, as she’s the only one with the key, and decided to just cry. 

Soeun heard the knocking on the door, which she already knew were her best friends, Jiyoon and Monday. 

“Hey Soeun!” They yelled. “Open the door! It’s not that bad! We’re not mad at you! We just want to make sure you’re okay!” 

Soeun ignored them, knowing how the two would eventually give up and she’ll talk to them tomorrow. 


Jiyoon and Monday frustrated by their friend’s stubbornness, then talked to each other. “What should we do about Soeun?” 

“She won’t talk to us or let us in”

They tried thinking of ideas of how to get the girl to open up, until Soojin came walking up the stairs. 

“Soojin unnie?” Jiyoon said. “Did you come looking for Soeun?” 

Soojin then looked at the two and said “Yeah, Jaehee, Jihan, Zoa, and I wrapped up the sports day event and I sent the girls back home since it’s already pretty late. Jihan went back with Zoa and I think Jaehee is waiting for you, Monday.” 

Monday then looked at Jiyoon for permission to leave with Jaehee. “Yeah it’s okay, Soojin unnie and I will deal with Soeun” Jiyoon allowed Monday to leave. 

Monday then ran down the stairs and headed to the bus stop where Jaehee was waiting. 

Soojin then looked at Jiyoon and asked “So how long has she been up here?”

Jiyoon then responded “She’s been up here since the end of the relay race”

Soojin sighed in frustration as she had originally thought Soeun would head to the nurses office for her cuts and scrapes she got from the fall. “So, she’s just been moping up there?”


Soojin then told Jiyoon that she could go home if she wanted to, but Jiyoon decided to stay and help just in case. 

Jiyoon then said “Try ask her to open the door, she might listen to you”

Soojin skeptical that the girl would listen, thought that it didn’t hurt to try. She walked up to the doorway and knocked “Soeun-ah? Open the door, don’t worry about the relay race.” 

Soeun tensed up at the sound of Soojin’s voice. 

“It’s alright, Soeun. There’s plenty of other times for our club to get more recognition” Soojin said softly. 

Soeun then felt bad about being a bother to all her friends and decided to just open the door. She made her way to the door and unlocked it. 


Jiyoon smiled to herself when she heard the sound of the door unlocking, she thought, Hmm... There must be something going on between Soeun and Soojin unnie since Soeun is so obedient with her, Soeun also occasionally stares at her, I think Soeun likes Soojin unnie, Jiyoon concluded. 


Soeun opened the door with her head down. She had wiped all her tears before opening the door but it was still hard to face the other girls. “Sorry” she mumbled. 

Soojin then saw how devastated Soeun was and tried to cheer her up, “Hey, it’s okay,” she then looked at Soeun legs and arms and saw how scratched up she was. “Oh my god, we have to go to the nurses now!” 

Soeun didn’t want to make a fuss and said  “No... it’s alright, it’ll heal on its own,” and headed down the stairs. However each step she took she winced at the pain. 

Soojin frowned at Soeun’s stubbornness, she grabbed Soeun’s hands and gently led her to the nurses. “No, come on we have to clean the wounds before it gets infected”

Jiyoon just followed the two not wanting to interrupt them. 


At the nurse’s room, Soeun flopped down on the chair while Soojin looked for the nurse. 

“I think since it’s past school hours the nurse left already” Soojin said. 

Jiyoon was looking around the room and found some supplies “I found some stuff in that cabinet, we can just use it to patch Soeun up real quick and then head home” 

Soojin then nodded, she then took the supplies and examined Soeun’s cuts. “Sorry, this will sting a bit” Soojin warned before cleaning the cuts with alcohol. 

Soeun hissed in pain. “Argh, Ah it stings! I’m dying!!” She writhed and over-exaggerated. 

“Shush, your fine! Now stop moving,” Soojin scolded. 

Soeun then shut up, and fought the pain. 


Once Soeun was all patched up, they were heading to the bus stop. Jiyoon then said that her father was going to pick her up so Soeun and Soojin waved goodbye. 

Soeun’s bus arrived first and she then said goodbye to the older girl. “Bye unnie, thanks for patching me all up, sorry about losing the race” she apologized. 

Soojin then waved her hands “no, no don’t worry about it, you’ll be able to get home okay, right?”

Soeun then nodded and teased, “you didn’t forget your bus card again, right unnie?” 

Soojin then whined and pouted “‘No! That was just one time!” 

Soeun then laughed and smiled at the older girl's cuteness. She then walked up to the bus door and said “Thanks for making me feel better! I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Soojin smiled back and said “See you tomorrow, Soeun” 

The bus took off and they waved each other goodbye. 



Sorry about making the girls lose, but I figured this way it was more interesting. I hope you enjoy the story!

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!