Chapter 14

President Soojin and Student Soeun

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Weeekly!

Soojin’s hand healed over the few days and it was almost Christmas. The girls were planning on spending their Christmas with their families but for New Year’s Soojin has something special planned. 

She called up Soeun, and heard the other girl pick up the phone “Hello?”

“Hey Soeun-ah! How’s your winter break been?”

“I’ve been fine, how about you unnie? Did your hand heal?” 

Soojin smiled “Why? Are you worried about me?” She teased. 

“Of course” Soeun bluntly responded through the phone. 

Soojin blushed, feeling her heart beat a little faster “O-oh I was just joking” she stuttered out. 

“So why’d you call unnie?” 

“I wanted to ask if you were free after Christmas to go on a trip with our friends?” Soojin asked 

“A trip?”


“For how long?”

“It’ll be a few days before New Years and then we’ll head back the day after” 

“Do the other girls know about this?”

“No this is the surprise that I kept talking about.” Soojin explained. “My father liked all of you guys so much that he payed for some hotel rooms near the amusement park and said we could spend winter break with everyone during New Years” 

“Wow! That sounds amazing!”

“I’ll send a group chat later to make sure all the girls are alright with it” Soojin said. 

“Okay I’ll be looking forward to then, Bye unnie”

“Bye Soeun-ah”

*click* *beep* 


A few days passed and it was Christmas Eve, all the girls agreed to Soojin’s surprise amusement park trip but decided to spend Christmas with their families.  However Soeun was lying aimlessly on her bed, bored. *sigh* It’s Christmas Eve and I’m all alone. Should I ask Monday or Jiyoon to let me go visit them? It’s so boring here. 

She was about to play on her phone when suddenly it started vibrating and ringing. She looked at the caller and was surprised to see Soojin calling. “Hello?”

“Hey Soeun-ah hows your Christmas Eve? Excited for Christmas tomorrow?”

Soeun shrugged and responded “meh, it’s pretty boring here”

“Oh does your family not celebrate it or something?”

“Huh? Oh no, my parents are currently living with my grandparents to take care of them. They don’t live with us since my grandparents live in the countryside. They trust my brother and I to live by ourselves”

“Oh really? Is that why I’ve never seen your parents and also why you always take the bus or gets a ride from Monday?”

“Yeah, so because my parents aren’t here, the Holidays are a bit boring. Usually for Christmas I would spend it with Jiyoon or Monday if they invite me, or sometimes go to my brother’s girlfriend’s place but that’s awkward”

“I see...” Soojin responded. “What if you spend Christmas Eve with me? My family is going to have a party tonight, you can come too. Then you won’t be alone”

Soeun was surprised by Soojin’s sudden invitation “is that alright? Your family won’t think it’s bothersome?”

“Nah it’s fine. Please Soeun-ah, I would love to spend Christmas Eve with you” Soojin said sweetly. 

Soeun blushed over the phone “U-uh sure I’ll go.”

“Really?! Yay! I’ll see you tonight?”

“Mhm see you tonight Soojin unnie”


Soeun smiled and got up, excited that she would get to see Soojin again. Sh*t I don’t have a Christmas present for her. She remembered. Are stores open on Christmas Eve? Gosh darn it. What should I do? She looked around her house and came across some socks that were given to her from a friend a long time ago. They were brand new and cute, with cartoon dogs and puppies, polka dots and stuff. Perfect! She quickly found a nice Christmas bag and wrapped up the socks nicely. She also went into the kitchen cabinets and found a tin of Christmas butter cookies from last year. She checked the expiration date and... Yes! The cookies were good till 2023. She put a nice bow on the cookies and planned to give it to Soojin’s parents since she didn’t want to show up empty handed.  


Soeun’s brother dropped her off at Soojin’s house, and headed off to his girlfriends party. 

“Don’t do anything dumb now” her brother said as Soeun was getting out of his car.

Soeun laughed and said “I should be telling you that,”

They both laughed and bid each other goodbye. 

Soeun walked over to the front door and knocked. She was greeted by Soojin who was wearing a nice red blouse for Christmas. “Oh! Soeun? You’re here early?”

Soeun stood awkwardly on the porch “Uh yeah, my brother’s girlfriend’s party started earlier and I wanted to get a ride from him so he just dropped me off early. Is it too early? I’ll just wait some place else then.” 

She turned around and was about to go to the nearest bus stop until Soojin grabbed her hand and turned her back around saying “No, no it’s fine, come inside” and pulled Soeun in. 

Soojin’s house was decorated in Christmas decorations and lights all over. There was only a few relatives there which Soeun was introduced to. 

“Soojin unnie,” a little girl pulled on Soojin’s sleeves.

Soojin looked down and saw one of her little cousins. “Yes?”

“Who’s that?” The girl said and pointed to Soeun who was next to Soojin. 

“Ah, that’s Soeun. She’s a friend from school” 

“Hello Soeun unnie” the little girl said. 

Soeun smiled back and waved “hello” 

The little girl became shy and ran back to her parents who were someplace else. 

Soeun was confused, she knew she wasn’t good with kids but didn’t think she did anything wrong then, “am I scary or something?”

Soojin laughed “no, she’s just shy” 

“Ah I see” 

The two walked around Soojin’s house and came across Soojin’s parents talking to the Principal in one room. 

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Lee, and Principal Lee” Soeun greeted with a bow. “I brought this for you” and she gave them the Christmas cookies. 

“Oh aren’t you just a sweetheart” Soojin’s mother said. “I’ll put this with the other deserts” and she walked back to the banquet table. 

Soeun gulped a bit nervous to be with Soojin’s father and the Principal. She sat down in one of the chairs. 

“Good afternoon, Soeun.” Soojin’s father said. “Enjoy the party so far?”

Soeun nodded and politely said “its very nice”

“Hahaha!” He laughed. “Loosen up a bit, I already said that I like your personality and Soojin likes you a lot too” he slapped Soeun on the back. 

“Yah!” Soojin embarrassedly said and lightly punched her father. 

“When she asked if she could invite you to the party tonight, I was like Sure!” He continued. “Right now, I was just telling my brother that he didn’t need to be so hard about your grades. As long as you’re passing it’s all good”

The principal nodded of the side but with a bit of an upset face. 

Soojin’s face perked up a bit after she remembered something she had to tell her father. “Oh! Father,”


“One of the lights outside fell down and is blowing in the wind, I was wondering if you could go fix it?” 

“Okay, go get the ladder Soojinnie, and meet me outside”

Soojin and her father got up, Soeun also stood up offering to help too. 

“No, I don’t want to bother my guests like that” Soojin’s father said. “Soojinnie can help me”

Soojin smiled to Soeun and reassured her that she would come back as soon as it was fixed. 

Soeun sighed and sat back down into her seat, left alone with the Principal. 

“So I heard that my brother is letting you stay friends with Soojin despite your grades” Principal Lee said. 

Soeun looked over to the principal and nodded “yup, he likes all of my friends so that’s a relief”

“I see. Well... I guess that’s good.” He said. 

“Yeah...” Soeun responded. 

They both sat in silence for a while since it was awkward. 

“Well, if you excuse me, I’m going to go talk to some other relatives” Principal Lee said and stood up from his chair. 

Soeun waved goodbye, thankful that she didn’t have to sit awkwardly with the principal anymore. Phew. That was awkward. When’s Soojin coming back? I’m left alone at her family Christmas party. She thought and pouted. 

Meanwhile in another room Principal Lee was making small talk with other relatives but also thinking, I wonder how those girls were able to get on Mr. Lee’s good side. Shucks if only I could have had them raise their grades more it would have looked good for the school. Oh well, as long as they make Soojin happy, and my brother is alright with them, then I can’t complain. 

It took a while for Mr. Lee and Soojin to fix the lights. Most of the relatives had already arrived and Soeun ended up giving her chair to one of Soojin’s older relatives. “Here you can sit here” Soeun said to the lady and got up. 

“Why thank you dear,” the lady said and sat down. 

Soeun smiled in response was about to go look for Soojin. She wandered around the house aimlessly and remembered that Soojin and her father were fixing the lights outside of the house and not inside. She made her way outside but was confused to see that the two were not there. 

Soojin had finished helping her father fix the Christmas lights and went to put the ladder back around the house. She entered from the back door of her house and went to the room where she left Soeun. She walked to the table but was confused to see one of her aunties sitting Soeun’s chair. She turned her head side to side wondering where Soeun went when her auntie asked. “Soojin sweetie, are you looking for something?”

“Huh? Oh yes. The girl that was sitting here, did she say where she went?”

Her auntie thought for a while and said “oh yes, the nice young girl, Hmm... I don’t recall her saying anything”

“I see...” Soojin said disappointedly. “It’s alright” and she headed off to look for her friend. 

Soeun walked back inside after looking around outside for Soojin. Hmm maybe unnie went back inside? She walked back through the front door and went pass the banquet table, the living room and was heading back to the table that she was sitting at earlier since she thought that Soojin maybe would go back over there to look for her. 

On the her way to the table Soeun accidentally crashed into another girl. “Oops sorry” she said and looked down to find Soojin staring back at her. 

“Soojin unnie?”

Soojin smiled at Soeun “Hi Soeun”

Soeun smiled back, relieved to see the older girl. “Hey,”

“Where did you head off too?” Soojin asked. “I was looking all over for you,”

“Sorry” Soeun sheepishly said. “I gave my seat at the table away to one of your relatives since they wanted to sit down. Then I figured I would go look for you and ended up getting lost for a bit, and then I went outside but you weren’t there and so I came back and now here you are” she rambled. 

Soojin just shook her head listening to Soeun explain what happened. 

“But unnie! You’re the one at fault here! You left me alone at your family Christmas party!” Soeun whined. 

“I’m sorry Soeun-ah,” Soojin apologized. She grabbed Soeun’s hand and said “I promise I won’t leave you alone anymore” 

Soeun blushed and pulled her hand out of Soojin’s grasp. “O-okay good. B-but you don’t need to hold my hand” She was embarrassed to be around so many of Soojin’s relatives and holding her hand. 

Soojin laughed at Soeun’s reaction. “Why? We’ve held hands before” she said and grabbed Soeun’s hand again. 

Soeun’s eyes widened and she took her hand back and shoved them into her pockets so Soojin couldn’t hold them anymore. “W-What?” she asked when she saw Soojin pouting, upset that Soeun was not holding her hand. 

She then turned around and awkwardly walked to the banquet table. “C-come on let’s go, I’m hungry” 

Soojin followed behind Soeun, have a small smile on her face watching the younger girl walk with both her hands in her pockets to the banquet table. 


The two ate dinner with all the relatives. Soeun sat next to Soojin and her parents and Principal Lee since she didn’t really know anyone else. 

The dinner went well with everyone eating and having some small talk. Once dinner was finished the kids went to go play some Christmas games. “Soojin could you go watch the kids?” Her father asked. 

“Sure, Soeun can come too” Soojin responded, but felt a pull at her shoulder. She looked over and saw Soeun frowning. 

“What?” Soojin whispered. 

“I don’t really like kids” Soeun whispered back, hoping Soojin would tell her dad to get someone else to play with the kids. 

“Too bad” Soojin said and winked at Soeun. She got up and went after the kids “Hey guys! Wait for me”

Soeun frowned and walked behind Soojin. 

The kids were playing with some Christmas toys while Soeun and Soojin sat on the couch together. 

“Are you two girlfriends?” One kid innocently asked whiling looking at the two. 

Soeun and Soojin immediately blushed and said “N-no” 

“Are you sure?” Another one asked tilting his head in confusion. “You guys are always together and are even wearing matching colors”

Soeun surprised by what the kid said looked down at her shirt and was surprised to find that it was the same color red as Soojin’s blouse. “Haha, it’s just coincidental”

“Also we’re just friends” Soojin added on. 

“Hmmm...” all the kids looked at them with suspicious eyes. 

“I think you two are a couple.” One of the kids said again. He then ran off saying “Mommy, Mommy, Cousin Soojin noona has a girlfri-“ 

The kid was cut off after Soeun grabbed his shirt and pulled him off the floor so that the kid was dangling. “Listen here kid, if you don’t cut that teasing girlfriend sh*t out then I’m going to-“

“Wahhhh!!!” The kid started crying at Soeun’s threats. 

Soeun’s demeanor changed and she was confused as to why the kid had suddenly started crying. “Wh-What? Yah! Kid stop crying!”

Soojin rushed over and grabbed the kid gently from Soeun, and carried him nicely. “Shh, calm down.” She said, once the boy had stopped screaming she put him back on the floor and offered him a cookie. “Stop crying now, okay?” She said gently and smiled to the kid. The boy stared at Soojin’s pretty face and smiled back “okay Soojin noona” he took the cookie and went to play with the other kids again forgetting about what they were talking about earlier. 

Once that incident was over, Soojin turned around, glared at Soeun and crossed her arms on her chest. She raised her eyebrows as she said “why on earth would you treat a child like that?” 

Soeun shrugged “I told you that I’m not good with kids”

Soojin sighed and instead of having the kids play more, she suggested that they all watch a Christmas movie. The adults were having fun drinking and the kids were getting bored, a movie would be a great solution to have some fun, quiet and not let Soeun scare the kids. 

The kids wanted to watch The Grinch and Soojin went and put the movie on. The kids were having fun and when the Grinch appeared, the kid that got picked up by Soeun shouted “Ya know who else is like the Grinch, that girl over there” he pointed to Soeun who was sitting next to Soojin on the couch again. 

The kids all started to laugh along with Soojin who was laughing beside Soeun. Apparently Soeun did not have that great of a first impression with Soojin’s little cousins. 

Soeun looked over to the little boy and glared at him jokingly, she stuck her tongue out at the kid who did it right back. Soeun rolled her eyes and focused back on the movie which then all the other kids did too.

Once the movie finished, it was nearing 12:00 am and suddenly there was jingling noises. “Ho Ho Ho!” A voice said from outside

All the kids excitedly got up, jumping in excitement “It’s Santa! It’s Santa!” They all said. 

The back door of the house opened and a man entered wearing a Santa Costume, with pillows stuffed in the belly and a white fake beard. “Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!”

Soeun and Soojin turned around and saw the fake Santa Claus. Immediately Soeun started laughing “Pwahahaha that’s not Santa! That’s Principal L-“

Soojin jabbed Soeun in the stomach to stop her from spoiling Christmas for the kids. 

Soeun looked over to Soojin and shut up after seeing the older girl glare at her. 

Each kid individually went to Santa and received a present. 

“The next present goes to miss Lee Soojin?”

Soojin was confused for a second but then glared at her father who was laughing in the back. She went over to Santa and got her present, she then asked “I’m not too old to be receiving a present from Santa?”

The Santa (principal Lee) responded “according to my list from my elves it says that you’re never to old to get a present from Santa”

Soeun was laughing in the back along with Soojin’s father, she was taking a video of Soojin getting called up to Santa. 

Soojin was walking back to Soeun and her father glaring at the two of them cracking up. They kept laughing until Soeun heard “And the very last present I have goes to... Miss Park Soeun”

Soeun froze confused as to why there was a present for her. Soojin’s father started laughing even louder. It was Soojin’s turn to start laughing and pushed Soeun to go up “Come on Soeun, Santa called you”

Soeun kept still and said “that’s okay I don’t need to go up, I’ll just ask Santa for my present later”

One of the kids heard what Soeun said and yelled out “Hey look! The Grinch doesn’t want to take her present” 

Soojin started to laugh a little more and Soeun sighed in frustration. She stomped over to Santa and took her present. 

“Aw come on kid, smile?” Santa (Principal Lee) said teasingly. 

Soeun just decided to accept everything and laugh it off. She smiled and Soojin took a picture of her with Santa. 

All the presents were given out and Santa said “okay kids, there’s no more presents, Santa has to go now and deliver to other kids. Bye-bye!” Santa then exited out the back door and walked away. 

The kids excitedly started opening their presents which were various toys, stuff animals, etc. 

Soojin and Soeun hanging out in the living and Soojin’s father came by and patted Soeun on the back. “Ha Ha! Isn’t this all fun!”

Soeun nodded “Yes Mr. Lee. This party is very fun!” 

He looked down to see Soojin and Soeun still holding their present from Santa. “You’re not going to open your present from Santa?”

“Huh? Oh sure” Soojin said and started tearing open the envelope. Soojin and Soeun both received simple envelopes from Santa. 

The present was just a Christmas card along with some cash. Soojin accepted it as it was usual for her to receive money from her parents for presents but Soeun tried to give it back as she felt that it was too much of a present. 

“Mr. Lee, sir, this is too much, I didn’t get you guys anything special. I can’t accept this. And also you went out of your way to pay for a trip for us during New Years...”

Soojin’s father chuckled and told Soeun “Nonsense! It’s Christmas! You’re here as Soojin’s friend so we had to give you a gift too! As for the vacation trip just think of it as a fun bonding time with my little Soojinnie, don’t worry about it!”

“....well Thank you!” Soeun said and accepted the money. 

Since it was already really late and all the activities for the Christmas party finished, Soojin’s family relatives started leaving. 

“Bye Soojinnie! Take care!” They all said as they left. 

Soeun was with Soojin when she was sending off all of her relatives. They all pretty much ignored Soeun aside from the usual goodbye. However there was one kid that recognized Soeun, which she also recognized as the annoying little boy. The boy was heading off with his mother but before he left he hugged Soojin goodbye and looked to Soeun and said “Yah! Mr. Grinch you better treat Soojin noona well”

Soeun tilted her head and said “what did you just say? ‘Yah’?” She reached out to try grab the kid again, but Soojin stopped her. The boy was following his mother and stuck his tongue out at Soeun. Soeun just shrugged and huffed “you know, I don’t like that kid” 

Soojin laughed in response. 


It was about 1 am in the morning and Soeun was left at Soojin’s house, all of Soojin’s relatives have left but Soeun stayed back helping Soojin’s parents clean up. 

Once they were done cleaning up, Soeun was unsure of what to do, she didn’t expect the party to last so long. She tried to call her brother to pick her up so they could head home together, but he didn’t pick up. Soeun assumed that he must be spending the night with his girlfriend. She couldn’t take the bus since it was too late to try catch a bus. She then went to Soojin who was sitting near the Christmas Tree. “Hey Soojin unnie,”

“Oh Soeun-ah”

“I tried calling my brother to come pick me up but I think he fell asleep at his girlfriends place. I can’t take a bus now, do you think your father can drive me home?” Soeun asked.

Soojin looked at the time on her clock and saw how late it was. “Oh my gosh! I didn’t even think about that! Umm... what if you just sleep over?” She suggested. 

Soeun was surprised “sleep over?”

“Yeah, it’s late so you can just sleep here until morning, well I mean it already is the morning but just rest here for a while and then your brother can pick you up later.”

“Alright, sounds good” Soeun agreed. 

Soojin went to tell her parents that Soeun was staying the night. Afterwards she led Soeun over to her room to look for some extra clothes so the taller girl could wear it to sleep. Soojin left Soeun to look through her wardrobe while she went to take a shower. 

Soeun was looking through all of Soojin’s clothes but couldn’t find any that suit her tastes. She was so tired from the party and it was so late that she instead just flopped onto Soojin’s bed. *sniff* *sniff* Ahh it smells like Soojin <3, Soeun thought as she drifted off to sleep. 

“Hey Soeun-ah, I finished my shower you can go n-“ Soojin cut her words off when she entered her room and saw Soeun passed out on her bed. Aish this big idiot. She’s sleeping on my bed without showering first. She walked over to Soeun and tucked a piece of hair that fell down behind the younger’s ear. *sigh* she must have been really tired. Soojin smiled and went back to the bathroom to dry her hair. Once her hair was dry she went back to her room and tucked herself into her bed. Her bed was fairly large so Soeun didn’t take up too much space. “Goodnight Soeun-ah” and she turned the lights off. 


“Girls! Breakfast is ready! I made pancakes!” Soojin’s mother yelled from the kitchen. 

Soeun and Soojin both groaned a bit hearing the sudden yell and Soeun groggily opened her eyes confused as to where she was. Ugh what happened? Did I accidentally fall asleep on Soojin’s bed? Why are my arms sore? She looked down and saw Soojin sleeping peacefully in her arms. The two were cuddling each other while they were sleeping. Soeun immediately blushed after realizing that she slept with Soojin. She was unsure of what to do since Soojin was sleeping on one of her arms. She tried to wriggle out of the hug but that caused Soojin to wake up. Sh*t Soeun thought and just closed her eyes again to pretend to sleep. 

Soojin slowly opened her eyes and saw Soeun sleeping right next to her. Their faces were so close, she couldn’t help but stare at the younger girl’s features.

Soeun felt uncomfortable since she felt like someone was staring at her. She eventually snapped her eyes open and ended up staring right back at Soojin’s. The two girls ended up in some sort of trance staring into each other’s eyes, they were both unsure of what to do, who to get up and move first, so they both stayed still. 

“Girls!! Breakfast!” Soojin’s mother called them again and the two snapped out of their trance. 

Soojin got up first, jumping out of the bed, and rushing to the bathroom to freshen up and also avoid Soeun since she was a bit embarrassed. Soeun on the other hand was in pain, since Soojin was lying on her arm and when the older girl suddenly got up it caused her to push down hard onto Soeun’s arm. Argh, I almost thought she broke my arm. Soeun then eventually got up and shook her arm, since after the initial pain from Soojin, it got pins and needles due to the lack of blood flow circulation. 

Soojin exited the bathroom, and had her hair up in a loose bun, she told Soeun “you can go to the bathroom to freshen up now. I’ll meet you downstairs okay?”

Soeun nodded and blushed after Soojin left. Soojin in pajamas- cute. Soojin in pajamas and her hair up- adorable. Soeun went to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her hair and then put her hair into a low ponytail. Soeun was still wearing her clothes from yesterday but didn’t mind since nothing in Soojin’s closet suited her and also probably wouldn’t fit. She made her way down to the table for breakfast. 

“Good morning girls! Merry Christmas!” Soojin’s father greeted them. 

“Merry Christmas” they both responded. 

They ate breakfast together and had some small talk. Once it was finished, Soojin’s mother went to wash the dishes and Soojin’s father went to help. This left Soeun and Soojin alone. The two were a bit awkward after sleeping with each other. 

Soeun then fake coughed and said “Um when should my brother to come pick me up? Now?”

Soojin looked over to the other girl and said “a-anytime is good.”

“Okay I’ll go call him now” Soeun said and left to table to call her brother to pick her up. 

Soeun came back and told Soojin that her brother will come pick her up in 15 min. 

Soojin nodded and got up from the table to go tell her parents that Soeun was leaving soon. 

 Her father said. “You’re welcome to come back anytime. Alright Soeun?”

Soeun smiled and thanked Soojin’s parents again for inviting her and spending Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with her. 

Soeun was about to leave Soojin’s house when she remembered her (regifted) present she was supposed to give to Soojin. “Oh wait!” She ran back to the table where she left the bag and grabbed it. “Here Soojin unnie” she handed the bag to Soojin. “Merry Christmas! It’s nothing special.” 

Soojin accepted the present saying “Thanks Soeun-ah, here’s your present”. She reached inside her jacket pocket and took out a small wrapped present.

Soeun smiled and accepted the present. 

*Honk* *Honk* 

The two turned around and saw Soojin’s brother honking the horn of the car. “Ready?” He asked Soeun. 

Soeun shouted “yeah!” And ran towards the car and hopped in the passenger seat. As they were leaving she waved goodbye out the window to Soojin who was waving back. 


In the car, her brother asked “Have fun?”

“Yeah! It was great! You?”

“Me too!” Her brother responded back. 

The two had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas, despite their parents not being around. 

“Hey so, who’s this Soojin girl?” 

“Huh? Oh she’s a new friend I made this year” 

“Oh really?”


“Is she just a friend?”

“Uh yeah? Why?”

“You seem to act differently around her, especially with suddenly dressing up, acting good in front of her parents and stuff like that. Even the way you look at her is different then when you are with Monday and Jiyoon” her brother pointed out. 

“Psh so what. We’re just friends” 

Her brother shrugged, not believing Soeun, “Alright, just wondering” 

Once the two arrived back at their house they relaxed in their own rooms after calling their parents and wishing them a Merry Christmas. 

There was then some knocks on the front door and Soeun’s brother answered it and yelled out “Soeun! Monday and Jiyoon came to see you!” 

“Okay!” She yelled back

Monday, Jiyoon and Soeun were all relaxing with each other in Soeun’s room. 

“Hey so what’d you do on Christmas Eve?” Monday asked 

“Did you go to your brother’s girlfriend’s party again?” Jiyoon asked knowing that Soeun didn’t go to Monday’s house or her house. “Or did you spend Christmas Eve by yourself?”

Soeun rolled her eyes at Jiyoon’s last comment “No! I went to Soojin unnie’s place”

“Ooooooh” the other two teased. “You went to Soojin unnie’s place? You must have enjoyed it then”

Soeun hit her two friends playfully. “It was just a normal Christmas party and then we had breakfast”

“Wait, so you spent the night over at Soojin’s place?” Monday asked. 


The two looked at Soeun again smirking. 

“Yah! What are you two thinking about!” Soeun yelled and threw some pillows at them. 

Monday and Jiyoon both started laughing. They gave Soeun some Christmas presents and Soeun gave them just some gift cards when they left. 

Soeun was left alone again and decided to open her gifts that she got from her friends. 

She started with Monday’s, she opened up the box and found some perfume in it along with a note that said: You should use this to try win over Soojin unnie. Soeun curiously sprayed the perfume to see what it smelled like and immediately regretted. *cough* *cough* ugh what the hell! This smells awful, I can’t breathe. She looked back at the note and turned it around and saw: Lol Just kidding. Soeun shook her head at her friend’s joke and waved the air till the smell was gone. Definitely not using that. 

The next gift she decided to open was Jiyoon’s who just gave her a nice new mug. A simple usual Christmas gift. 

Lastly she decided to open Soojin’s gift. It was just a small nicely wrapped envelope. She opened it and saw a Christmas card and also a homemade bead bracelet. Soeun smiled seeing the bracelet and opened the card it read: Merry Christmas Soeun! I really loved that bracelet you made me for my birthday so I tried to make you one. I’m sorry if it doesn’t look that nice, but I tried my best. I based it off of the one you gave to me, I hope you like it. 

Along with the card and bracelet, Soeun also found a Polaroid picture of the two of them at Soojin’s party. Soeun went and put the Polaroid on her desk and also put the bracelet on her wrist. Soeun then left to take a shower and head to bed, ending her Christmas Day. 



I didn't really like the way this chapter came out but oh well, I still posted it, since it was Weeekly's anniversary! Thank you for reading! Stan Weeekly! :)

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Chapter 20: Uwaa, it feels so nice reading this again. I missed waiting for updates and gaying over how cute sooso's interactions were in this fic. I miss this fic so much
Chapter 20: It's finally over T-T this is really a good story author and the ending is really really cute, I'm happy they were able to get together at the end. This melted my SooSo heart :')) Thank you for writing this! I'll always come back to this from time to time.
Chapter 18: I love the little details where Soojin notices that Soeun wasn't there with Monday and Jiyoon at the rooftop and how Soojin saw the two bracelets together while Soeun wore a watch instead. The bracelet part broke my heart knowing Soojin pushed her feelings aside to please her father while Soeun had to swallow her own feelings and lie to herself just so she can respect Soojin and Hyojin, I cry everytime. I laughed so much at the part where Soeun and Jiyoon went as friends to prom, I love 02 line's friendship so much T~T ALSO, HYOJIN MY MAN. I HAVE RESPECT FOR THIS DUDE. BUT HE WILL NEVER REPLACE JIYOON AS JIYOON IS THE BEST WINGMAN. Jiyoon best girl!! Thank you for the update author! As always, will patiently wait for the next update! <3
Chapter 18: Been waiting for this one<3 Thanks for the update author and as always JIYOON BEST GIRL!!
Chapter 17: NOOOOOO. ANOTHER HEARTBREAK FELT T-T but really, I feel bad for Hyojin and Soojin as well, they had no say in their fathers' decision at all and were just forced to do what they are told to. All of them are just being forced to act at this point which makes me more sad. I really liked the last part where Soeun ate the chocolate and said it was bitter, THAT LINE LITERALLY HIT ME HARD. MY POOR SOEUNIE </3 also Jiyoon best girl!!!